Chapter three

Get hitched in a month

No one's POV: 

The next day all of the EXO members were at the SM building nursing hangovers or about something else whilst they said goodbye to Sehun who was on his way to his honeymoon 
"Have fun you two" said D.O as he started to wave 
"And use protection... or maybe not... whatever floats your boat" shouted Kai as Sehun blushed and D.O nudged him as he began to laugh. Meanwhile Kris walked back into the practice room and began to stretch for todays praticing as Baekhyun came running in 
"We need to take Chanyeol to the hospital" he said 
"Why?" asked Kris 
"Because he cut his lip open" replied Baekhyun as Chanyeol wondered in with bloody tissue shoved into his mouth 
"How did he do that?" asked Kris as he went to get his car keys and Baekhyun began to usher Chanyeol out 
"There's no time for that we have to go" he said as Kris rolled his eyes and followed the other two out. 

Two hours later and the three of them were still in the waiting room, well... waiting to be seen as Kris came back with new tissues for Chanyeol to shove into his mouth. The bleeding had stopped but the gash that was there... wasn't pretty... 
"How much longer is this going to take?" asked Baekhyun as Kris sighed 
"I don't even know myself" he replied as Chanyeol nodded in agreement
"Park Chanyeol" called the nurse as the three of them looked up and when Kris saw who it was his eyes widened 'It's her!" he thought to himself as they all followed Heechan into a room so Chanyeol could be examined. 

"So how did you cut your lip open?" asked Heechan as she put on a pair of gloves ready to check the cut 
"Well... I kind of said that no punch could ever hurt me... and Baekhyun here punched me in the lip... and my teeth kind of went into it" replied Chanyeol as he and Baekhyun both blushed 
"Wow guys... seriously?" asked Kris as they blushed even more and Heechan grinned as she went to examine his mouth. When she pulled back his lip, there was a medium sized gash across it which made Baekhyun look away and made Kris cringe a little 
"Well I must say Baekhyun that's a strong punch you got there" she said as she went to get a needle and stuff to stitch up the cut with. 
"Woah, woah WOAH, what is that for?" asked Chanyeol when he saw the needle 
"So I can numb your lip to clean out the cut and stitch it up" replied Heechan as Baekhyun got up and walked out before he could see anything else and Chanyeol had to beg Kris to stay with him as he sighed and sat back down. 

"Ok, three, two, one" said Heechan as she stuck the needle in and Chanyeol squeezed the life out of Kris' arm as Heechan bought the needle back out
"We'll leaveit for five minutes to become numb, then I'll clean it out and stitch it up" said Heechan as Kris got up 
"I'll go check on Baekhyun" he said as he walked outside and took a few deep breaths... this was NOT how he wanted to spend his morning 
"Is it over now?" asked Baekhyun as Kris shook his head 
"She just stuck the needle in" he replied as Baekhyun's eyes widened 
"Kris... Baekhyun...." called Chanyeol from inside the room as both of them sighed and went back in to see Heechan clear the cut out and stitch it up. 

"Right, you'll have to come back in a few days to see how the stitches are healing" she began as she got out a box of tablets 
"These are for the pain and I suggest ice packs as well. No singing for a few days and no kissing girlfriends either" she added as the three of them bowed before they turned around to leave. 
"Our manager is going to kill us... mainly me and Chanyeol... mainly me for punching him" said Baekhyun as Kris stopped and sighed 
"What's wrong with you?" asked Baekhyun as Kris tossed him the car keys 
"Go wait for me in the car I forgot my jacket" he said as he walked back and Baekhyun dragged a Chanyeol back to the car...


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frostysnowprincess #1
Quackerz #2
Chapter 22: O.O Kris...WILL YOU FRIKKIN WAKE UP!? =PP

Update soon!
compopanda #3
Chapter 1: I'm really curious about what will happen next :) ... that imagination of Sehun getting married :D :D :D