I can handle this

We started as friends

Soojung and the boys walked to school together, it was a habit of them, it was still early but noisy as usual.

As they arrived at school, the older fellows bid goodbye and directly went to their floor so that they could get their things from their lockers.

Soojung walked the hallways along with Kai and Sehun, it was crowded but people made way for them, and they looked at them and smiled. They never really didn't want to get this attention that they're receiving now, they wanted to keep life simple, free from dramas, but they really didn't know why people valued them special.

They reached their lockers and got their things and started walking towards the classroom.

They sat at their assigned seats, when Kai was out to go to the restroom, your classmate had called your attention, and you gladly gave your attention to him.

"Yes Byunghun-sshi?"

"I'd like to ask if you know the answer to number 28, it got me confused, you're smart and I just need a little help, I've tried solving it but I can't figure it out"

You chuckled "I'm not smart, really, you should ask Kai oppa for that"

"But he seems hard to approach"

Kai came back and noticed L.Joe talking to you, he stared at him and L.Joe retreated back and sat straight in his seat.

"What were you two talking about?" Kai asked.

"Oppa, he's confused with question number 28 and he asked me to help him but you know I'm not that smart, I even got tutoring from you, so I told him to ask you for help"


"Oppa please? Just help him, you're a great tutor oppa! And I've proven that, you can teach really well"

So Soojung thinks I'm a great tutor? Kai smiled, I should help him, at least, for Soojung.

Kai turned to L.Joe "Soojung told me you need help? What can I do?"

L.Joe was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Kai would actually help him "I...uh...I" he stuttered "I...need help...with... problem 28"

"Here, let me explain" Kai said and explained everything to L.Joe as L.Joe seem to understand every bit of what Kai said.

"Get that?" Kai asked.

"Yea, thanks Kai-sshi" L.Joe thanked.

Kai turned back to Soojung and Soojung smiled happily at him "Kyaaa~ Thank you so much Kai oppa"

Anything for that smile Soojungie~

Lunch break came and as usual, they went to their lockers first to get their packed lunch and went to the rooftop, Suho, D.O, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were already there waiting for them since they were just a floor below, they waited for the others so that they could eat together.

Soon enough, Sehun Kai and Soojung appeared and became comfortable.

As usual, Baekhyun and Soojung kept on bickering, it was always about food.

"Baekhyun oppa!" Soojung roared.

"Ah wae?!" Baekhyun shot back

"Don't get food from me!" Soojung swat Baekhyun's chopsticks.

"Yah, you two stop fighting!" Chanyeol said while his mouth was full, causing food to fly everywhere and his voice was muffled.

Everyone bursted out laughing and it was a truly fun and enjoyable time.

As they finished their lunch, the juniors went back to their floor and went to their lockers to put their lunch boxes back, Kai and Sehun desperately needed to go to the restroom and Soojung just laughed at them.

"Araso araso oppa! Come back quickly" Soojung said and motioned them to go to the restroom and they ran as hard as they can.

She laughed to herself until she heard a bang on the locker beside her, she knew it was Kai's "Oppa? You're back already? The restroom's quite far you know?"

There was no reply. "Oppa" she called again.

Still there was no reply. The moment she closed her locker and turned to face who that person was, she got shocked.


"Yeah, Soojung-ah" Sohyun smirked.

"Wha...What do you want?"

Sohyun's tone was different, and it wasn't friendly, she started to come closer to Soojung, pinning her on her locker, touching her cheek.

Soojung didn't want to be a , she didn't know Sohyun's true intentions anyway, so she kept her cool and stayed calm, but she was mentally cursing inside her head. What the hell is wrong with this girl?! Why is her tone freakin' wrong? I didn't do something wrong to her anyway, ugh.

"Well well well, I saw you talking to L.Joe during class." Sohyun said "and I didn't like it one bit"

"L.Joe?" Soojung said, confused. Now what? Am I involved in a love triangle I didn't even know? Is this girl delusional? I don't even know who L.Joe is! What is wrong with her!?

"Oh c'mon, don't pretend to be all innocent Yoon Soojung, you were flirting with L.Joe"

Flirting? What is this girl talking about? This time, Soojung wasn't able to keep calm "Who the heck is L.Joe? I don't even know him!"

"Tch" Sohyun spat "still acting innocent? Okay let me tell you this, it was during our 4th period Yoon Soojung"

"What? I was talking to Lee Byunghun, Kwon Sohyun!"

"Exactly! L.Joe!"

Soojung facepalmed, so the L.Joe you were talking about was Lee Byunghun "I wasn't flirting with him! He asked for my help!"

This time people gathered around the hallways, Kai and Sehun was returning back from the restroom and they found alot of people gathering at the lockers, they excused themselves as they passed through to get a clearer view.

"For all we know Yoon Soojung, you were just acting all innocent, maybe you're even seducing Kai and Sehun, or maybe Suho and D.O and Chanyeol and Baekhyun."

Yoon Soojung, wait? what? Kai and Sehun looked at each other in shock, Kai was the first one to get a hold of the situation.

"What's happening here? Yoon Soojung? Are you hurt?"

"See that Soojung?" Sohyun smirked again and it annoyed Soojung more.

Ah that girl, she's really gonna get it if she doesn't stop.

"Yoon Soojung!" Kai called.

"Oppa! I can handle this!" Soojung said, smiling.

"Oh really Yoon Soojung?" Sohyun stated "try me"

This time, it was Soojung's turn to smirk, you think I'm going down that easy Kwon Sohyun? You're definitely wrong "Firstly, Byunghun or L.Joe or whatever you call him, called me, understand? He approached me 'cause he asked for help, so you jealous now why he had to approach me and not you? I guess you should study harder then? Maybe he'll approach you then." Almost all of the spectators cheered, she can handle this, I know her, Yoon Soojung is tough Kai thought and smiled "Second, I wasn't confident enough to teach him, so I asked Kai oppa, get that?! Kai oppa taught him and not me, so technically, I didn't even do anything or touch him." she said.

Sohyun tried to speak but Soojung cut her off "and for the record, he's not even my style, gosh, and I thought you'd be nice Sohyun, with a pretty face like yours? Your personality totally ruined it" she finished it off and walked to the classroom with Kai and Sehun.

Sohyun was left there, dumbfounded.

Kai and Sehun walked side by side you, amazed at how you handled the situation.

"I really kept my cool at first oppa, but she really pissed me off! She went over the line, I tried to be nice to her since I really didn't know her intentions but she accused me. tch" Soojung pouted as she explained everything to the others who weren't there when they were walking home.

"I'm glad you weren't hurt Soojungie" D.O said.

"Wah! You really owned that Soojungie!" Baekhyun stated and you hi-fived each other.

"You're amazing!" Chanyeol added and you jumped at his back, he knew what to do and gave you a piggyback ride.

"Keke~ I just told her the truth anyway, but with a bit of sass~" Soojung said playfully and everyone laughed.

Chanyeol started running and you enjoyed the piggyback ride home.

Soojungie~ I can give you lots of piggyback rides if you want, I'll never complain. Chanyeol thought and smiled.


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deniece1718 #1
Chapter 20: This story make me cry. Poor Kai and Chanyeol :^(
caterinaa_925 #3
Chapter 20: Yesss! I'm glad its Baek:-*)
Chapter 20: seriously, you're not bad at all .__. you managed to made me cried lol .___. write more ._. Fighting!
Mindstring #6
Chapter 7: nice chapter!
thebedoflove #7
Chapter 7: amazing!!!
I'm looking forward to this story author-nim. Please update soon :D