12 - Out Benefits

Blood Over Flesh

Chapter 12 – Our Benefits

Enjoy ladies! I apologize if the chapters are chopped too much!!


It was already 5 PM, and things were pretty much the same. Donghae’s still a fish and the members are treating him like a pet. Each of them took turns feeding him and by 5 PM, he was really bloated that he couldn’t even speak. Sometimes, Ryeowook would start tapping on the bowl whenever Donghae stops swimming. It was really disturbing to him and he would just yell back, “Stop doing that! I’ll bite your fingers off!!”

A few minutes later, a red convertible parked somewhere in the manors and in it were Rihyo and Yeun-ja. Rihyo was the one driving and Yeun-ja was sitting in the front seat with her. She turned off the engine and the two got out of the car. They both walked to the main building and as they walked, Rihyo couldn’t help but check on the boys because something didn’t seem right.

Rihyo went to the beach and she saw them goofing around with a goldfish. She was about to leave when she sensed the fish talking. Quickly, she ran to them to ask if something was wrong.

“Oh, hello.” greeted Siwon when he saw Rihyo.

“Hi! Sorry if I’m being annoying, but is something wrong? I thought that fish started talking.” said Rihyo and pointed to the goldfish.

“Yeah…One of us turned into a goldfish for some reason. We weren’t sure what happened.” said Zhou Mi.

“Can you do something?” asked Ryeowook.

“Not really, I can’t shape-shift. But maybe Chrome can help you guys. She’s the shape-shifter among us.” said Rihyo and checked her phone. It was 5:30 PM.

“Wait, so you have abilities too?” asked Sungmin.

“All of us do. We’re not just vampires and werewolves. We have special abilities just like mom.” said Rihyo.

“So what can you do?” asked Henry.

“I can sense weak beings and naïve minds miles away.” said Rihyo and Kyuyhun was struck. He had the same ability too!

“Funny, I have the same ability too.” said Kyuyhun and Rihyo looked at him.

“Prove it.” said Rihyo and Kyuyhun pointed to the ocean.

“There’s a dying whale in the ocean.” said Kyuyhun and Rihyo checked. He was right, there is a dying humpback whale.

“OK, you got me. But I was wondering, you guys don’t really know anything about this place?” asked Rihyo and they shook their heads “no”.

“Well, I’ll be going now. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” said Rihyo and Kyuyhun called her.

“Actually, I was wondering if you can help me with my ability.” he said and she froze.

“Sure thing! You’re Kyuyhun, right?” she asked.

“Yup, and you’re Aura. Am I right?” he asked and Rihyo nodded. She left the beach and headed back to the main building.


Later that day, at around 8 PM, Haru and the rest arrived home and the first place she went to was the beach. She loved how the ocean looked at night. It always calmed her down.

She sat down and put on her earphones. Haru let out a heavy sigh and looked up in the sky. Nights like these often reminded her of her father. She cursed those werewolves who killed him and her family. Her necklace started glowing and her name “Chrome” reflected on the water’s surface.

Haru suddenly heard footsteps and she stood up, only to find Henry holding a goldfish bowl. She let out a sigh and sat down again.

“Umm…Chrome, I kinda need your help with something.” said Henry.

“Leave me alone.” she said and Donghae started talking.

“Can you help me change back?” he said and Haru was surprised. She stood up once again and looked at Donghae.

“So you’re a shape-shifter too?” she asked.

“I guess so. So what do I do?” asked Donghae and Haru snatched the bowl from Henry’s hands.

She placed Donghae in the water and took a deep breath. Haru knelt down and waved her hand over Donghae. A bright flash of silver lights appeared and when it was gone, Donghae was back to normal again. He was a little wet but at least he was human again.

“Thank you, Chrome!” said Donghae and Haru just shrugged.

“Whatever.” she replied and before she can walk away, Donghae called her.



“Is it OK…if you know, you gave me lessons with my ability?”

“Sure, whatever.” said Haru and walked away.

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Jewel15 #1
Please don't push yourself too hard, you'll be better in no time~!

I hope you'll be fine, take care
Emerald #2
**** OMG R U OKAY?!?!?! <br />
please don't push urself, and take ur time, get alot of rest, don't worry about us readers we can wait
Samona #3
OMG I'm glad you're okay.<br />
Make sure to get a lot of rest and don't push your self too much.
Samona #4
Chapter 16 - XD Kyuhyun fainted.<br />
Aw, a week of hell. At least they're learning control.
Samona #5
Chapter 15 - Silence broke for a few minutes. XD<br />
They were all a little disappointed and terrified to battle 8 girls. They’re girls for crying out loud!<br />
-They should judge the girls so quickly. <br />
<br />
Chapter 16 - XD at Mimi chewing on the pillow and Kyuhyun fainting. XD<br />
<br />
**Hope you feel better soon.**
Samona #6
Chapter 14 - “Focus, and try to hurt that dummy over there.” she said and pointed to something.<br />
“But I can’t hurt Donghae! He’s my friend.” said Siwon and Hye Young giggled.<br />
XD<br />
Aww, Sungmin worrying about the bunny.<br />
<br />
@anothergirl98 I hope you feel better soon. ^_^
Haha Sungmin is so cute when worry about the bunny! :3 Ooh and an idea for future refrence remember when I said i know karate/martial arts, sungmin does too! how cool would it be if to future see-ers faught, we would always know what each other was going to do! haha just an idea <3
Samona #8
Chapter 11 - XD at Fish!Donghae<br />
Chapter 12 - XD Ryeowook keeps tapping on the glass. XD<br />
XD Why do everyone keep snatching things away from Henry? XD
I've read the two new chapters on Winglin! When are you going to post them on here?
Chapter 9 OMG Dinghae is stuck as a fish!! o.o Oh noooo! I love all of our jobs though hehe and you have a amazing scenery and furniture pictures btw :3