
Blood Over Flesh

(Rose’s POV)

Hi there! I’m Hana or just refer to me as Rose. I’d be really happy to tell more about myself.

I’m a vampire and sometimes I’m called the Chameleon because I blend into any situation and be what I need to be to survive. If I have to be serious or the leader I’ll do so but if I don’t have interest in something I’ll just watch from the background, which is not often because I’m as curious as a cat. :3 I prefer to be childish and I act like the baby of the group, even though I’m not, I’m actually pretty naive about some things. Sometimes I forget I’m supposed to be a fearsome creature of the night. I’m also blunt I’m not afraid to say how I feel or what I think, but I’m nice about it. I can keep a secret and can be a very good listener but once you get me started on something I love, I talk and talk and talk. I also LOVE all art forms (dancing, drawing, acting, piano, cooking (yes it can be art), and sometimes singing) and FOOD, I’m always hungry but I’m still so small! I may appear innocent but if you get me angry, you won’t know what hit you, I actually have a pretty evil mind that I manage to keep under control. Other then when I have an evil plan up my sleeve I’m an open book you always know how I’m feeling. I’m also a hopeless romantic so I’m a er for a guy who knows all the right things to say, but I would never let a guy push me around, I’d kick his if tried anything I didn’t want (I know karate).

I prefer drinking animal blood because I don’t like hurting people. But I love animals too, so I’ll only taken enough to survive.

I have a really pale but white complexion. My hair is pitch black with red highlights, and I often wear it in different styles. My eyes changes color; black when I’m sad, amber brown when I’m happy and red when I’m thirsty. I’m short like 5 feet, but I’m fit, with all the dancing I do, and some how still manages to have curves. I have a birthmark which is a trail of stars that come from the back of my left ear to the back of my neck. The sun-and-moon birthmark is on my lower back.

I have the ability to sense and see what the future holds anyone, even me.

Also, I had a death threatening past that lead to today. It’s the reason why I became a vampire and why I don’t trust men.


I used to race motorcycles for a living and I was one of the best there is. I lived a simple and cozy life all alone.

One day, while I was having a break with my friends and the owners of the track, a rich man with tons of body guards came in. Mr. Lee, the owner, stood up and walked over to the man. My friends and I just kept quiet and decided to listen to their conversation.

“Ah, my friend. I want to talk to you about some serious business.” he told Mr. Lee.

“I’d like to buy this track off your hands.” he said and I spit out my coffee. I caught everyone’s attention and my friends tried to suppress their laughter.

“Is there a problem, miss?” he said and looked at me with his cold gaze.

“Stop, Soo-Man. I’ll give you the track.” he said.

“No! I’m not going down without a fight.” I said and placed down my coffee mug.

“Well, well. What do we have here? I feisty one, I see.” he said and I was disgusted. I just kept staring at him with an angry look until he fixed his attention back to Mr. Lee.

“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll bet one of my racers to have a race with this little brat of yours.” he said, offending me that I badly want to kill him. But my friend held me back and stopped me from making another move.

“Deal!” said Mr. Lee and shook hands with this guy Soo-Man.

“I’ll return in one week. Be sure to bring your face, miss.” he said before leaving with his men.

“Hana, have you gone mad!?” exclaimed GD.

“I most certainly not! I don’t like his tone, OK?” I told him.

“Well, there’s nothing for you to do but practice all week.” said TOP.

“You’re right. I guess I’ll see ya later.” said Mr. Lee and left with my friends.

During the entire week, I trained extra hard everyday. I always came to the track early. Then, it was the day of the race. I saw that guy Soo-Man with one of his racers. I didn’t bother shaking hands with that moron because I know I’ll win this race.

I got on my motorcycle and sighed. I thought, “Hey, you’re doing this for the greater good, right?”

The race started, and I gotta say, his driver is not as good as I thought. In the end, I won the easiest race I’ve ran. Soo-Man threw a fit and left without another word. Mr. Lee happily squeezed me and my friends all hugged me too.

Later that day, I decided to spoil myself by going to the club. I sat on one of the chairs and ordered for a Shirley Temple. As he made my drink, this hot guy sat next to me.

“Hey babe. Do you come here often?” he said.

“I’m not hoping to.” I replied.

“Here you go, miss.” said the bartender and before I can give my payment, the guy beat me and paid the drink for me.

“Thanks. I’m Hana, by the way.” I said.

“Call me Jonghyun.” he replied.

(End of POV)

Hana and Jonghyun continued having their conversation and she was charmed by him. While talking, Hana dropped her bag and she bent down to reach it. She didn’t realize that he put a concoction in her drink, and this caused her to be really drowsy.

“I think I need to go home.” said Hana and stood up. She got out of balance and Jonghyun caught her.

“Come with me first.” said Jonghyun.

He took her to a dark alley and next thing she knew, he was her. When he was done and got his pleasure, he took out his gun and shot her dead on the spot. Little did Hana know that Jonghyun was actually hired by Soo-Man.

Before he can make his escape, a girl with bloody red eyes and an evil smirk stopped him. He was about to shoot her, when the girl took him down and the life out of him. She looked at Hana, and took pity on her so she bit her, turning her into a vampire.


1.) Name*: Hana/Crystal or Rose
2.) Partner/Bias: Sungmin if you are doing the current Super Junior M but if you’re only doing the older ones, Ryeowook

3.) Your personality**: Sometimes I’m called the Chameleon because I blend into any situation and be what I need to be to survive. If I have to be serious or the leader I’ll do so but if I don’t have interest in something I’ll just watch from the background. Which is not often because I’m as curious as a cat. :3 I prefer to be childish and I act like the baby of the group, even though I’m not, I’m actually pretty naive about somethings. Sometimes I forget I’m suppose to be a fearsome creature of the night. I’m also blunt I’m not afraid to say how I feel or what I think, but I’m nice about it. I can keep a secret and can be a very good listener but once you get me started on something I love, I talk and talk and talk. I also LOVE all art forms (dancing, drawing, acting, piano, cooking(yes it can be art), and sometimes singing) and FOOD, I’m always hungry but I’m still so small! :P I may appear innocent but if you get me angry, you won’t know what hit you, I actually have a pretty evil mind that I manage to keep under control. Other then when I have an evil plan up my sleeve I’m an open book you always know how I’m feeling. I’m also a hopeless romantic so I’m a er for a guy who knows all the right things to say, but I would never let a guy push me around, I’d kick his if tried anything I didn’t want (I know karate).
4.) Vampire or Werewolf? Vampire

5.) If you’re a vampire, are you always tempted to drink human blood or do you prefer drinking animal blood? Animal blood, I don’t like hurting people. But I love animals too, so I’ll only taken enough to survive.
6.) If you’re a werewolf, do you always hunt at night for human prey or do you prefer eating animals? If you need me to be a werewolf then I would prefer animals, but only enough to survive.

7.) Appearance***: Really REALLY pale but pure white. Pitch black with red highlights, I’m always wearing my hair in different styles, prefers really long hair though. My eyes seem to change color, black=sad, amber brown= happy, Red=Angry. I’m short like 5 feet, but I’m fit, with all the dancing I do, and some how still manages to have curves. I love jeans,leather jackets, and jewelary, I will only wear a dress if I have to. Birthmark: I trail of stars from the back of her left ear to the back of her neck. sun-and-moon birthmark on the lower back.

Hair: http://www.discounthalloweencostumes.com/ladies-y-vampire-wig.html

Face: http://psd.tu-torial.com/photoshop-tutorials/changing-hair-color-in-pictures/

What I would wear:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://redwoodlings.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/portman_elle.jpg&imgrefurl=http://redwoodlings.com/posts/leather-jackets-for-tall-women/&usg=__8ArbtZW8IkpXkBcXW-pAaS8q6Os=&h=1890&w=1400&sz=364&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Db8pW1EK322rgM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=94&ei=xWWnTa7WBcqJ0QHQ5735CA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dleather%2Bjackets%2Bfor%2Bwomen%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Den%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D715%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=119&vpy=91&dur=3251&hovh=261&hovw=193&tx=147&ty=152&oei=dmWnTbSJKsTY0QHp6IT5CA&page=1&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0

8.) Death threatening past: Raced motorcycles for a living and was one of the best. But when a arrogant rich man bet that one of his hired drivers could beat her. She took the bet and won, which angered the man. That night she went to celebrate at the club. A guy came up to her and charmed her. He slipped something into her drink and got her into an alleyway, where he her and then shot her. She didn’t know it but the man was hired by the rich man. Since then she doesn’t really trust men, she’s flirt but she guards her heart.

9.)**** For special abilities, pick any of these :

* The ability to overshadow someone or assume another form
- The ability to sense what the future awaits a certain being
- The ability to open portals to different dimensions

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Jewel15 #1
Please don't push yourself too hard, you'll be better in no time~!

I hope you'll be fine, take care
Emerald #2
**** OMG R U OKAY?!?!?! <br />
please don't push urself, and take ur time, get alot of rest, don't worry about us readers we can wait
Samona #3
OMG I'm glad you're okay.<br />
Make sure to get a lot of rest and don't push your self too much.
Samona #4
Chapter 16 - XD Kyuhyun fainted.<br />
Aw, a week of hell. At least they're learning control.
Samona #5
Chapter 15 - Silence broke for a few minutes. XD<br />
They were all a little disappointed and terrified to battle 8 girls. They’re girls for crying out loud!<br />
-They should judge the girls so quickly. <br />
<br />
Chapter 16 - XD at Mimi chewing on the pillow and Kyuhyun fainting. XD<br />
<br />
**Hope you feel better soon.**
Samona #6
Chapter 14 - “Focus, and try to hurt that dummy over there.” she said and pointed to something.<br />
“But I can’t hurt Donghae! He’s my friend.” said Siwon and Hye Young giggled.<br />
XD<br />
Aww, Sungmin worrying about the bunny.<br />
<br />
@anothergirl98 I hope you feel better soon. ^_^
Haha Sungmin is so cute when worry about the bunny! :3 Ooh and an idea for future refrence remember when I said i know karate/martial arts, sungmin does too! how cool would it be if to future see-ers faught, we would always know what each other was going to do! haha just an idea <3
Samona #8
Chapter 11 - XD at Fish!Donghae<br />
Chapter 12 - XD Ryeowook keeps tapping on the glass. XD<br />
XD Why do everyone keep snatching things away from Henry? XD
I've read the two new chapters on Winglin! When are you going to post them on here?
Chapter 9 OMG Dinghae is stuck as a fish!! o.o Oh noooo! I love all of our jobs though hehe and you have a amazing scenery and furniture pictures btw :3