At least get the right size


Pale hands shot out from the dark covers, groping the air yet attaining nothing. Sweat rolled off of ivory skin and pants sounded throughout the empty room. Pillows were skewed in the frantic motions of his arms and the blanket was kicked to the farther end of the bed.

Soon, he shot up, his dark hair plastered to his face. 

"Not again," the figure said, his hands running through his drenched hair. Sighing, he got off the bed and plopped down on his computer chair. Eyes shone as the light from the computer screen reflected off the dark orbs, making him feel safe again. 


Kyuhyun rolled off of his large bed, feeling quite sluggish. Being up the entire night, minus the two hours before the time to get ready for school, was taking its toll. Pushing his bangs back, he yawned. 

"School is way too early," he groaned, going downstairs to get some breakfast. 

Kyuhyun's mother greeted him downstairs, sitting on the kitchen island.

"Mother, I'm quite fond of this table, and I don't want to say goodbye to it." Kyuhyun said, watching how the piece of furniture was "swaying".

The older woman scoffed and replied, "I hope that you choke on your orange juice."

The brunet sighed, sitting down on the chair. "I'm not even drinking it."

"But you will."

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. Sometimes his mother acted more immature than he did. 

Said mother looked at her son and said, "I have something important to tell you."

He relaxed, whenever his mother said that 40% of the time it was important while the other times were just her pulling his tail. His instincts were leaning towards the 60%, and Cho Kyuhyun is ALWAYS right. 

So there he sat, with the sunlight hitting his panda like eyes, waiting for the bomb.

"We are getting you a live in bodyguard."

Kyuhyun waited for the laughter, but when said laughter didn't come, his jaw dropped. 

"What, I'm not a little kid. I don't need some buff guy to protect me."

"Oh, but being the son of a multimillionaire comes with kidnappers, ransom, and a whole load of hostage that are always in those cheap action movies."

"I've been alive for 17 years, and I haven't been kidnapped once."

"I'm your mother, I only care about your welfare."

"Said mother cursed me to choke on my oj."


Kyuhyun smirked.

"I did it out of love. End of discussion."

Kyuhyun got off the chair and gulped down a cup of orange juice.

"Aren't you glad that I didn't choke?"


Donghae was tired. As he glanced towards Eunhyuk, he felt his heart drop. The blonde refused to make eye contact with him, and it was obvious that he was set on ignoring the poor fishie. He went so far as to change to the seat farthest away from him. It was sad, because their seats by the window allowed the wind to carry the scent of Eunhyuk's strawberry shampoo.Now he would have to live without the sweet scent of fruit to distract him from the boring lessons of school.

He might as well prepare a grave. 

Kyuhyun said that he was just obsessed with the scent of the red colored fruit, so he brought the same shampoo and used it. But it just wasn't the same. It didn't provide the comfort that he seeked. Even when Kyhyun used it, just because he pitied the fishy, it didn't provide the same effect. 

That was when Donghae realized how important Eunhyuk is to him. Call him crazy, but he was intoxicated by the monkey. Too bad Eunhyuk didn't feel the same. 

However, out of the blue, Eunhyuk started to ignore him. Was it because he stinked? Or was it something deeper like a hatred that was built up over the course of senior year. Donghae was sure he didn't piss off Eunhyuk, at least not recently. 

Then he remembered that after news of him and Kyuhyun dating spread, Eunhyuk decided to pretend that a certain person named Lee Donghae, didn't exist.

The invisible person, by Eunhyuk's standards, came to a conclusion. 

Eunhyuk hated Kyuhyun. 

"You idiot. Why are you spacing out? You look a lot like a fish with your mouth hanging open."

And Donghae could see why. 

"You jerk, I'm thinking about very serious things," Donghae stated, crossing his arms and glaring at Kyuhyun. 

"Don't strain yourself," the brunet said, taking the seat next to Donghae. "Come to think of it, where's the monkey? Usually he would be going googley eyes on you."

Donghae blushed, and was about to retort until he saw how tired Kyhyun looked. 

He opened his mouth to qeustion Kyuhyun about his condition, but the bell rang, silencing him. He hoped that it wasn't too serious.


Kyuhyun liked to think of himself as someone who is smart, handsome, and talented. He skipped freshmen year, making him the youngest in the whole senior class. Also he was quite popular with the girls, but ended up being friend-zoned a lot. His friend, on the other hand, had girls chasing him left and right but was interested only in Eunhyuk. It was funny really, liking someone because of a strawberry . He was highly sure that the monkey had an interest in his friend as well, seeing as the blond could not take his eyes off of him for more than 5 minutes. 

And said stalker was now ignoring Donghae.

Because of him.

Kyuhyun prided himself in being able to read situations, and was pretty sure that Eunhyuk felt betrayed/jealous.He felt bad for intruding on the love life of his friend, but he needed someone, or else he would get married to someone he didn't know. 

But the gamer had a plan for his friend. 

If things played out his way, Eunhyuk would confess to his friend because the jealousy in him would burst. Then an Eunhae couple would be formed. Hell, Kyuhyun would even be the president of the fanclub.

Yes, Kyuhyun prided himself with being smart, and adaptable to certain situations.

And Kyuhyun is always right.


Unfortunatly, the incident this morning proved otherwise. 

Kyuhyun slammed his head against the table, earning weird looks from his deskmates. He wanted to bury himself under the pile of textbooks and pretend that he didn't exist. He wanted to hide from the world. 

Because Kyuhyun made a fool out of himself, and Kyuhyun NEVER did that.


Upon exiting the house, Kyuhyun realized that he didn't bring his lunch. He sighed and decided to pick up some rice balls from the  convenience store a couple blocks away from school. Their rice balls were the best, although a bit pricy.

And as he entered the store, the familar owner greeted him with a smile. 

He bowed in return, and went to the very back of the store. Feeling a bit adventurous, he decided to try something other than the terriyaki ball that he usually got. 

And there, a pang of excitement made Kyuhhyun stop in his tracks. 

Although he only saw a glimpse, he felt as though his heart was like a drum. Pounding blood throughout his body.

A petite male was crouched down in front of a crane machine, while the stuffed bunnies stared back at him. Kyuhyun swallowed and tried to get closer to the male.

Feigning interest in the items near the beautiful man, he grabbed a box of god knows what, and proceeded closer to him. 

Finally, when the male got up and was about to leave, Kyuhyun's arm shot out. With his arm hooked onto the stranger's shoulder, he spun him around and soon felt his heart skip a beat. 

The man was beautiful. Dark raven locks framed his apple shaped face, his mouth curved upwards in a natural pout, and his eyes glimmered almost emitting feelings like love. Kyuhyun would have to say that this was the first time that he fell in love at first sight.

His right hand was getting sweaty so he wiped it on the back on his pants. And he blurted out something that he would come to regret.

"Can I have your number?"

The man looked uncomfortable, trying to pry away from Kyuhyun's strong grip. Soon enough, he was able to run away, leaving a gaping Kyuhyun behind.

Then Kyuhyun looked at his left hand and nearly did a facepalm.

A box of condoms was staring back at him. 

He groaned and looked at the size. 


"Kill me now," Kyuhyun whispered and ended up getting a terriyaki rice ball.


"Class, we have a new student," the teacher announced, gaining everyone's interest. New students were rare at this time, so everyone's curiousity was peaked. 

Inside stepped Sungmin. And before he could introduce himself, he found that he locked eyes with a very shocked male.

His fingers shot out, pointing at the brunet and he yelled, "AH YOU ARE THE CREEPY GUY!"

Kyuhyun slammed his forehead against the desk.

"Kill me now."

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meacuiza #1
Chapter 5: I just foundthis story today..and I really hope you can continue this story. have a really interesting plot here author nim
Chapter 5: OMG! Kyuhyun's mother is really something. And Wookie is toping Yesung? I kinda like it.
aureola #3
Chapter 5: I love this chapter, this story is interesting. Just try open your heart Min, don't even think about " accident". Hehehe. Well author fighting!
evil-bunny #4
Chapter 5: Lol, Kyuhyun unconsciously confesses to Sungmin~ you should consider it, Sungmin~ hahaha~
Oh well, I got surprised when I read... Wookkie... topping... =))=)) I mean--okay, forget it =))
nigerna #5
Chapter 5: dear writer...aha,whatever you say...keke,update soon
kyuririn #6
Chapter 5: Oh my... Wookkie topping? Well that's interesting kekekkeke....
Chapter 5: what wookie's TOPing yesung????????!!!!
Chapter 5: hilarious update! been waiting and will be waiting for the next update!
Chapter 5: Oh shisus wookie 0-0