Blame Me


Kyuhyun was a calculating person, never failing to analyze the situation and finding the right solution. That's right, was. 

Until he saw the perfection of mankind, Sungmin. All rationality escaped out the window, when Kyuhyun opened his mouth. Because damn, the aegyo prince sure did his job of taking Kyuhyun's breath away. 

Who on earth could concentrate with those eyes staring at you? STARING INTO YOUR SOUL.

Kyuhyun's mind split in half when he saw who had walked in the classroom. He would be around this innocent creature for more than half the day. School would finally be TOLERABLE. At first he wanted to jump up and down in pure bliss. Hell, he'd even fulfill Donghae's dare of running around the school , and still have a smile on his face. Then he remembered this morning, and he wanted to dig a hole and live there until the world ended. 

He prayed to whatever God was up there, asking for Sungmin to experience some kind of memory loss. Unfortunately, even the Gods were laughing at him when Sungmin pointed his finger at the praying man. 

"AH! You are the creepy guy!"

"Kill me now," Kyuhyun whispered, banging his head on the desk. 

All eyes were on the " guy" and Kyuhyun felt like dying. Why did he even ask Sungmin for his number? A normal person would have had a nice conversation before gently getting the information needed to continue their chemistry. When Kyuhyun looked up and looking at Sungmin's lips, he had his answer. 

Damn, he could hear BtoB's Irresistible Lips playing in his head.

Was it possible to fall for a stranger so hard?

Kyuhyun groaned. 


Eunhyuk started to try and hide a laugh, before he fell off the chair clutching his stomach. Soon the whole class joined in, even the teacher. Kyuhyun's face started to burn up and he decided to bury himself in his arms. 

Eunhyuk got off from the ground and ran to Sungmin.

"DUDE, I ING LOVE YOU!" the blond said before wrapping his long arms around the petite man. 

Sungmin caught the teacher glaring at Eunhyuk's use of profanity on school grounds so he gently detached himself from the taller male. 

"I love myself too."

Just then, out of the corner of his eyes, he could see a seething man gripping a poor pencil a little too tight. 

So that must be "fishy."

"I just need to introduce myself right?" Sungmin asked the teacher with a smirk that made Eunhyuk gulp a little too loud.

"Yes. Then you can take a seat next to your blond friend. I'm sure that you two are already acquainted."

Sungmin grinned and pulled Eunhyuk into a small kiss. It was nothing more than a small peck on the lips. This was way better than before because they once had to kiss for more than 5 minutes underwater during EHB. 

"Yes. Yes, we are. I'm Sungmin, and Eunhyuk's lover. Nice to meet you."

With this short introduction, Sungmin dragged a speechless Eunhyuk to their seats. However, as they were about to sit down, Sungmin felt a shiver going down his spine from the two pairs of eyes glaring in their direction. 

What on earth did I get myself into?


Donghae was going to strangle someone, his mind unable to forget the sight of Eunhyuk kissing someone else. Setting his broken Finding Nemo pencil on the desk, he grabbed Kyuhyun's hand and pulled them out of the classroom. 

His friend looked half dead, so Donghae's right hand made contact with the younger's cheek.

Kyuhyun gripped his cheek in shock.


"So I did. Bite me."

A few seconds of silence ensued before Donghae rubbed his red hand.

"You told me to bite you."

Donghae sighed. His friend was really out of it. 

It was lunchtime, and he couldn't stand seeing Eunhyuk's arms circling around the petite waist of the new student. 

"Kyu, I need you before I have a mental breakdown."

Kyuhyun looked at his friend, and saw how the brunet's frame was trembling. His heart ached as he saw his childhood friend close to tears. He put aside his own heartbreak and gathered the small male in his arms. 

"Why are you so short?"

Donghae kicked Kyuhyun in the shin before wrapping his arms around the latter's neck. 

"Because I had to watch over you. Don't you know that stress stunts growth. I blame you for my height."

"Blame me for your heartbreak too."


Eunhyuk looked across the room for Donghae, and disappointment soon filled him up. It was his fault for changing seats but he couldn't stand seeing the newly formed Kyuhae couple. He wanted to run up and punch Kyuhyun in the face and whisk his fishy princess away. Unfortunately,  he knew that Donghae would hate him forever and Eunhyuk would turn out like the witch who put Rapunzel in the castle. 

"I DON'T WANT TO BE A MAN WITCH," Eunhyuk yelled out causing some weird looks to be turned towards him. 

Sungmin sighed and patted his friend's back. 

"Everything is going to be ok."

Eunhyuk casted a look towards the bunny before burrowing his head into his hands. 

"Why did you have to kiss me?" 

Sungmin looked away, unable to face his friend.

"Isn't that what you wanted? Why did you have to pick me to be your boyfriend? Oh wait, isn't it because of you lack of appeal."

"Please, I know how to please ladies."

"Oh really, how? By leaving them alone?"

Eunhyuk pouted at his inconsiderate friend. "I'm having the heartbreak of my life. You owe me strawberry icecream."

The other male raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Che, you are so stingy. Of course you'd guilt me into buying you Grade A icecream."

"Of course, how did you think I survived with Leeteuk hyung? Me and Donghae were hungry so we dragged Leeteuk to buy us some food. Too bad he didn't even have money for drinks though."

The blond smiled at the memory, although it faltered after mentioning Donghae's name.

If you are so in love with him, why won't you chase after him.

Oh right, because you are an idiot. 

Sungmin massaged his temples and turned towards his dense friend. 

"Just tell him how you feel."

Eunhyuk shook his head. "I can't. He already has a boyfriend."

"Then move on."

"I can't. Too much of my heart is invested in the guy."


Kyuhyun crashed onto his bed, his head buried under the pillow. 

"Man, that was the quickest end to my first love." 

He rolled onto his side and was about to just sleep off the heart break when pangs of pain hit his heart. Tears welled up in his eyes. 

"Why am I so stupid. Falling for someone I don't even know."












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meacuiza #1
Chapter 5: I just foundthis story today..and I really hope you can continue this story. have a really interesting plot here author nim
Chapter 5: OMG! Kyuhyun's mother is really something. And Wookie is toping Yesung? I kinda like it.
aureola #3
Chapter 5: I love this chapter, this story is interesting. Just try open your heart Min, don't even think about " accident". Hehehe. Well author fighting!
evil-bunny #4
Chapter 5: Lol, Kyuhyun unconsciously confesses to Sungmin~ you should consider it, Sungmin~ hahaha~
Oh well, I got surprised when I read... Wookkie... topping... =))=)) I mean--okay, forget it =))
nigerna #5
Chapter 5: dear writer...aha,whatever you say...keke,update soon
kyuririn #6
Chapter 5: Oh my... Wookkie topping? Well that's interesting kekekkeke....
Chapter 5: what wookie's TOPing yesung????????!!!!
Chapter 5: hilarious update! been waiting and will be waiting for the next update!
Chapter 5: Oh shisus wookie 0-0