A way too hot stepbrother...


Leila is a British girl, but lives in France. She's been abandoned by her father and lives there alone until she gets a request of the new wife of her father to come to Korea and live with them. Ofcours Leila knows about kpop, but she's very surprised when she sees that her new stepbrother is actually Taemin of SHINee. They don't come along that well in the beginning but after a few days....  


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Chapter 20: Cute story!! LOVEE it~
Chapter 20: I just saw the text [Complete].... Can you just write an epilogue plzzz!?
Chapter 20: My first reaction was: Aww! :3 How cute!
But then I realized: Even though people will love this situation of Lee Taemin marrying a cute girl, won't they find out sooner rather than later that they are step-siblings?
I don't know what to think of this situation~
All things set aside though, I am addicted to it so keep writing~
Chapter 19: I love their ignorance towards their clothes! ^^ keep it up <3 !!
Chapter 18: It is, in fact, sad that Leila and Taemin were abandoned, Leila for the second and Taemin for the first. But this is a really cute chapter! ^^
Chapter 17: ooOOOOoooOOoH! SusPEnsE!
Chapter 16: I hope you continue the scene PLZZZZZZ
Chapter 5: Awwww~ So cute~
Chapter 2: Wow, I love her terrible personality! What a twist seeing as the main character is usually the nice one! She is probably just a Tsundere (a girl who is really mean but later shows her soft and vulnerable side, usually just to her friends though!)