Summer Vacation: Part I

Love Between the Cards
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Normal POV

Jiyoon couldn't calculate the words she just heard. "Did Seunghyun just say what I thought he did?" she asked herself. She looked straight into his eyes, trying to decipher whether she had after-effects of the day before. Even secretly pinching her arm did no good, realizing he really said it in front of her.

"...oppa," she said.

Seunghyun looked nervous as he looked straight down at the floor. "Mianhe Jiyoon. I just had to let it out." He took a deep breath. "I'm glad to be your friend again, it's only that I don't think I'm satisfied being only your friend."

Jiyoon's eyes opened wide. "What?"

A million thoughts ran through her head, making her headache more painful than it was before. She took another sip of the hangover syrup medicine, making a sour face after finishing it. She looked up and saw her staring at her.

He stood up and walked past her towards the front door. Jiyoon followed after him, wondering what he was doing. "Where are you going, oppa?"

His hand stayed on the door knob. He looked back and smiled. "Don't worry too much, Jiyoon-ah. I'm going to try my best for you to fall in love with me little by little." He opened the door and dissapeared down the hallway.

Jiyoon looked at the closed door. "Fall in love with him?" she asked herself.

She couldn't figure out what she was feeling, whether it was being confused or surprisingly excited. Why was she excited? Her heart kept pounding after the last sentence he told her. It pounded even faster after she thought about his lips, did she really kiss him? Maybe that was why she fell for him, even the littlest bit?

"Ah!" she exclaimed. "Molla!" She walked towards the kitchen and took out a bottle of water to quench her thirst. Eun Ji walked in to check in on the soup she was making. 

"Unnie," she said, stirring the soup. "I made some soup for you."

"Gomawo Eunji," Jiyoon thanked as she sat down. "Where is Jungmin anyway?"

Eunji giggled. "She went out with Jiyong-ssi."

"They spent the whole day together yesterday and today too?"

"That's love unnie. Isn't it wonderful?" Eunji joined her and didn't hesitate to ask. "By the way, what did Seunghyun come by for?"

"He...he confessed to me."

"He did!?" Eunji exclaimed. "That's wonderful!"


Eunji nodded. "Now you two can also date!"

"Date!" Jiyoon stated. "Wait, also date? You and Youngbae are dating too?"

Eunji smiled. "Yes, he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday."

"Congrats Eunji," Jiyoon continued. "I don't know what to do."

"Well, it would be really cool if we all dated." Eunji went to go check on the soup. "All that's left would be finding someone for Daesung."

"I hope Daesungie quickly finds a girl," Jiyoon added.

"And Seungri!"

"No way," Jiyoon replied. "I don't think that player can settle down. Specially after after seeing him flirting with all those girls yesterday."

The last remaining hours of the weekend went by smoothly, with Jiyoon and Eunji watching TV and heading to rest for school the next day. Jiyoon's hangover finally dissapeared, but the thoughts in her head didn't. Seunghyun was going to do everything he could to become her boyfriend.

"Why do I feel uneasy?" Jiyoon asked herself. "Did I do something stupid yesterday I don't remember? Or is it that I feel happy?" It was the first time in a while Jiyoon had felt excited and happy to be with a guy who wasn't Woohyun. She did remember having fun with Seunghyun at the club before everything else was a blur. He was being nice to her and she appreciated it after how harsh she was treated by Woohyun. What she thought about the most was the kiss. She knew for sure she kissed him, and that kiss reminded her of how it felt like to be in love again.  Was Seunghyun the answer? 

A few days passed after the fashion show. Studying for final exams and finishing up major projects consumed everyone's time as the semester ended. The last two weeks of the semester were brutal as they all waited to see their final grades.  Luckily, everyone had passed their classes, except for Seungri, who had to take summer classes.

To celebrate her second to last semester of college, Jiyoon had planned to go to Club Chance with Daesung. The club was packed as usual with CL djing.

"So hyung really is serious," Daesung stated as he and Jiyoon walked down the stairs.

"Seunghyun-oppa has been really nice and brought me snacks and gifts these past few days," Jiyoon continued. "He hasn't pressured me actually,  he's working slowly."

"Why don't you just date hyung?" Daesung asked. "You can forget about that Woohyun jerk."

"I don't know I-" Jiyoon looked right in front of her and quickly hid behind Daesung.

"Noona, what's wrong?" Daesung asked, alarmed.

Jiyoon pointed to the person a few feet away from them. "Isn't-isn't that Seungri?"

Daesung looked around the crowd and saw him. "Yeah its Seungri!" He waved his hand and yelled, "Hey Seungri!"

"Yah!" Jiyoon yelled as she punched him. "Don't call him over!"


Jiyoon saw Seungri walking over. Afraid to be seen, she covered her face with her hair. "Don't tell Seungri I was here!" She ran up the stairs, leaving Daesung clueless.

"Hyung!" Seungri greeted as he waved.

"Ah, Seungri-ah," Daesung said, his eyes not leaving the stairs.

"What are you looking for?" Seungri tried to see which direction Daesung was looking.

"Aniya," Daesung said, looking back at him. "How come you're here?"

"Hyung!" Seungri exclaimed with a big smile in his face. "I've fallen in love!"

"What!?" Daesung's phone vibrated. He saw he had a text message from Jiyoon:
Daesung, I'll just head home...can't risk having Seungri seeing me there :(

Daesung quickly replied:
Mianhe noona! I totally forgot D:

Seungri tried to take peek at who Daesung was texting. Luckily, Daesung shut off his screen and shoved his phone inside his pocket. Daesung smiled. He pu

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Popkorn17 #1
Chapter 13: I only came across this recently but I am enjoying it very much! Please could you update and not abandon the story because I know that many fans including me are wanting to find out what happens next!
Please and thank you ^^
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 10: Whoa she's fallig in love, that's why she can't act like normal haha. And can't wait for SeungJi moment^^
Chapter 10: "(something something) SATISFIED WITH BEING ONLY YOUR FRIEND"
OMFG WHAAAAAAAA *Patrick face x10* LOL Jiyoon and Seunghyun bungee jumping? Can't wait for that xD oh and thanks for the mention~^^
SoongYeong-a #5
Chapter 9: LOL the space cookies!! Oh you leave us with a cliffhanger author-nim~~
Chapter 9: LOL THE SPACE COOKIES XD OMG YUSSSSS I SAW MBLAQ'S COMEBACK C: I hope they win an award too :D
SoongYeong-a #7
Chapter 8: Now you know Ri haha. I bet he's going to chase her haha. Thanks for the update author-nim^^
Chapter 8: OOH SEUNGRI KNOWS JIYOON IS JY c: and they all knew each other! *sings its a small world* LOL XD and good luck on your exams, author-nim~ Hwaiting! ^_^
Chapter 7: Seungri made an appearance! :D and OMG...
update soon, author-nim^^ C:
ChoomTop87 #10
Chapter 6: This is sooo exciting~
Especially since Park Jiyoon is my name too c: