Her Memories

Love Between the Cards
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Normal Pov

Jiyoon was confused at the words she just heard. "Come back for you? Why would he come back for me?" Jiyoon thought to herself.

"Wait, why would you come back for me?" Jiyoon asked.

Seunghyun smiled. "Because. I promised I would, didn't I? Don't you remember?"

"You promised? How come I don't remember?"

"You don't remember? Didn't you-"

Daesung and the nurse walked in. "Noona! You haven't been taking your medicine!"

"Mianhe Daesungie."

The nurse checked the new cast on Jiyoon's arm. "Jiyoon-ssi, this time, please take your medicine."

"Yes I will. Comsamida," Jiyoon replied and bowed.

After checking Jiyoon was good to go, Daesung helped Jiyoon put on her shoes and walked her out of the nurses office with Seunghyun following behind. 

"Do we go straight to the dorm, noona?" Daesung asked, holding Jiyoon's hand as they walked down the flight of stairs.

"Yeah, Daesung." Jiyoon responded. "I feel sleepy and I want to rest."

"I'll take you two to the dorms!" Seunghyun exclaimed, taking out his cellphone as he called his assistant.

"We could just walk. It's like, ten minutes away from here," Jiyoon stated.

"Noona, let's just let him give us a ride. It's already dark too," Daesung insisted, worrying Jiyoon might open up another stitch again.

Jiyoon knew Daesung cared about her current state, plus she was too sleepy to walk home. She wasn't in the mood to argue Seunghyun giving them a ride. A few seconds later, a black BMW pulled up in front of them. Seunghyun's assistant opened the door and let Daesung and Jiyoon in while Seunghyun sat in the front. On the way to the dorms, it was silent, and Daesung decided to break the silence. "Hyung! When did you get back?"

Seunghyun was busy tapping on his phone for the work he missed. "A few days ago, but you didn't answer my calls." Seunghyun looked back and smiled. "Daesung-ah! You really looked like a doctor when you were taking care of Jiyoon-ah."

"Jiyoon-ah?" Jiyoon asked herself. "Why is he informal with me? It feels weird."

"That's from all my studying to be a doctor, hyung."

"And how did you and Jiyoon-ah meet?" Seunghyun asked.

Daesung and Jiyoon looked at each other. Jiyoon specifically told Daesung to not talk about her going to Club Chance where she got to know Daesung and see him as a good friend. 

"We had a few classes together," Daesung answered, assuring Jiyoon he wasn't going to spill any secrets.

"But you two seem so close," Seunghyun asked.

Daesung flashed his smile. "That's because we're the best of buddies!" 

"Mr. Choi, we're here," Assistant Yang said as he pulled up in front of the dorms. Seunghyun quickly got out and opened the door for Jiyoon. Daesung got out and ran over to Jiyoon to help her go up the entrance stairs. He looked over at Seunghyun as he closed the door. "Hyung! Can you grab noona's bag she left inside the car?"

Seunghyun tried to hide being annoyed and told what to do by Daesung. "Sure Daesung-ah!" He reached inside the backseat and grabbed her bag. "Assistant Yang, I'll be back in a few minutes." His assistant nodded put the car in park.

Seunghyun ran over to catch up Daesung and Jiyoon going inside the elevator. After going up eight floors, they arrived at Jiyoon's floor and followed her towards her apartment.

"Daesung-ah, you should go up to your apartment. You must have homework to do," Jiyoon said as she grabbed her bag from Seunghyun.

Seunghyun opened his eyes. "Daesung lives in the same building!?"

Daesung and Jiyoon looked at Seunghyun weird. "Of course hyung! Most of the people who live here are students at SNU."

"But...but they should seperate the girls from the boys," Seunghyun stuttered.

"It's not like we're in high school," Jiyoon said, about to punch in the code to open her door.

The door opened, revealing a worried Jungmin happy to see Jiyoon. "Unnie! Where have you been?" She noticed Daesung waving hello at her and a familiar face bowing and greeting politely. "Omo! Is that you, Choi Seunghyun?" She looked back at Jiyoon and whispered, "Yah, so you do like him after all!"

Jiyoon shook her head and tried to make an X with her arms. "Ani!"

"What brings you here today, Seunghyun-ssi?" Jungmin asked.

"I had a meeting here and met Jiyoon by chance."

"Ah, I see," Jungmin replied. She looked around the hall. "Jiyong-oppa didn't come with you?"

Seunghyun shook his head. "No, he's busy in his father's company, but he hasn't stopped talking about you."

Jungmin squealed. "Chincha?"

"Wait, Jiyong-hyung and noona met?" Daesung asked, trying not to sound jealous. "And he can't stop talking about noona?"

Jungmin didn't want to let Daesung ruin the good news she received. "Daesung! Just let Seunghyun-ssi talk!"

Jiyoon noticed Jungmin was going to keep talking about her "oppa" and decided to cut the conversation short. "Alright! It's time for you guys to go." She turned towards Daesung and gave him a hug. "Bye Daesung-ah, thank you for today, Doctor Kang."

"No problem noona!" Daesugn cheerfully replied.

Jiyoon turned and saw Seunghyun. "Um...thank you for the ride, Seunghyun-ssi."

"You can talk banmal with me too."

Jiyoon stepped inside the apartment and waved bye to the two. Jungmin, mad she barely had time to say goodbye, said, "Unnie! Seunghyun was so nice and you coldly turned away!"

"Not now Jungmin," Jiyoon replied, walking towards her room. "I just need to rest." Carefully changing into her pj's and taking her medicine, worried that Daesung might complain to her once again for not taking it, Jiyoon laid down in her bed. A few minutes passed and she couldn't find the sleep she had half an hour ago in Seunghyun's car. "Why can't I sleep?" Jiyoon asked herself.

She rememberd what Seunghyun told her earlier. "I came back for you."

"How can my friend from elementary school turn into HIM!?" Jiyoon asked herself, staring up at the white wall. "Why does everyone think he is so hot and cute, except for me!?" Jiyoon sat up and realized, "Is it because he's a guy and I can't trust him?" Jiyoon had trouble trusting guys after high school. Daesung was one of the few lucky guys that Jiyoon could trust and talk to. But other than that, she couldn't easily rely on others, and the main cause of this was Woohyun.


"Oppa, I can't believe we are actually doing this," Jiyoon said with a smile as they were on their way to Gimpo Airport. The two successfully met and were headed towards the airport to escape to America.

With his free hand, Woohyun held Jiyoon's hand as he looked straight at the road. "If no one agrees with what we want to do, then we can just go ahead and leave them behind."

Dark, gray clouds started covering the bright, blue sky, causin

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Popkorn17 #1
Chapter 13: I only came across this recently but I am enjoying it very much! Please could you update and not abandon the story because I know that many fans including me are wanting to find out what happens next!
Please and thank you ^^
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 10: Whoa she's fallig in love, that's why she can't act like normal haha. And can't wait for SeungJi moment^^
Chapter 10: "(something something) SATISFIED WITH BEING ONLY YOUR FRIEND"
OMFG WHAAAAAAAA *Patrick face x10* LOL Jiyoon and Seunghyun bungee jumping? Can't wait for that xD oh and thanks for the mention~^^
SoongYeong-a #5
Chapter 9: LOL the space cookies!! Oh you leave us with a cliffhanger author-nim~~
Chapter 9: LOL THE SPACE COOKIES XD OMG YUSSSSS I SAW MBLAQ'S COMEBACK C: I hope they win an award too :D
SoongYeong-a #7
Chapter 8: Now you know Ri haha. I bet he's going to chase her haha. Thanks for the update author-nim^^
Chapter 8: OOH SEUNGRI KNOWS JIYOON IS JY c: and they all knew each other! *sings its a small world* LOL XD and good luck on your exams, author-nim~ Hwaiting! ^_^
Chapter 7: Seungri made an appearance! :D and OMG...
update soon, author-nim^^ C:
ChoomTop87 #10
Chapter 6: This is sooo exciting~
Especially since Park Jiyoon is my name too c: