Chapter 13

The Idol Prince's Sweetheart

No One's P.O.V

Krystal sat next to Jiyeon,silently.Hesistating whether to ask her what had just happened and she was highly curious to what they were arguing about.But it was hard for her to talk to Jiyeon as they weren't class and only had one class together.

"Hey,Jiyeon,what just happened?" Krystal blurted.She couldn't be curious anymore.She wanted information.

Jiyeon looked afar and not looking at Krystal she said,"You should ask Eunji." She stood up and walked to the door and before she entered the building she had last words for Krystal,"I don't know if she'll tell you the truth but you should really ask her."

Then off she went.Leaving Krystal confused.She scratched her head and went back in.She dialed Eunji's number but she wasn't picking up so she used her GPS to find her.In the library was what GPS told her to go.So she went but somehow feeling nervous.The higher years occupied most of the studying tables,preparing for their important mock exams and it took a while for Krystal to spot Eunji.

She spotted her by a studying desk hidden away by a corner but people were lining up in front of her.They wanted her autograph.She smiled as she signed the other student's notepads,phone case and even bags.

Krystal's P.O.V

I left,as I knew she would take forever signing.I'd get my answer tomorrow.

Later that day,I met with Shin Hye unni in her condo.Where she pampered me with facial masks and even did my nails and decided to tell her about my situation.She's close to me so why should I hide it? I trust her.So much.

"Unni,did you know that I'm marrying the prince because he wanted his dad off his back."

She dropped the nail clippers."What?"

So I told her the story from the very beginning to when we confessed.That I actually fell in love.

"Unni,you can't tell anyone.Please."

She lightly hit my head."Why would I? That's such crap,Krystal.Don't worry all your secrets are safe with me. 

She smiled and asked nothing more.I liked this side of her.She wouldn't ask any more of anything because she knew how I felt and preferred to console me by forgetting it but this time I clearly know she didn't ask me any more because she could see how much I didn't want to talk about it. 


Krystal's P.O.V

I didn't get my answer.Actually,I couldn't.She was absent most of the week or only came in for two or three of her classes.I called so many times but she wouldn't reply.

I couldn't even visit her house as wedding preparations started kicking in.The palace was hectic and the Queen stayed up most of the time organizing decorations,guest lists,table cloths,plates, glasses,cutlery etc. for the wedding reception.

The King and Queen organized a press conference who invited a handful of local and elite journalists and reporters at the event and immediately our wedding was announced and topped the search engines.We were present at the event but King and Queen did all the talking.


"Out Hot Topic today is the wedding of our future King and Queen.Prince L and Miss Krystal Jung have announced their marriage next week." the reporter excitedly smiled,"Everyone has marked their calendars on the day and to make sure not to miss the exciting day.We wish them happiness and good luck in their marriage." 

A famous wedding dress designer was invited to design my dress.She measured whatever she needed and wrote everything on her cerulean blue notebook.L was also being measured for the traditional military-like suit he has to wear.

During all these I missed my brothers.I wanted to see them.Soo bad I cried one night and muffled my cries with a pillow.I felt we were even more apart than ever.I monitored their schedule and watched whatever variety show they were in and their comeback stages.The variety shows they were in always asked about me.But they always reply with ,"My sister doesn't have the privacy she use to have so I'm sorry but I won't talk about her." followed with a laugh or a smiled. So everyone just stopped asking because they knew they weren't going to get an answer.

School became chaotic.As soon as I got out people would come flooding in and my bodyguards increased.Most changed the way they looked at me and actually befriended me but the Gossiping Queens,Lin and Hana,still gave me glares and ignored me but I was used to it due to many years being treated like that.I could finally eat in the cafeteria with others when Shin Hye unni was busy but I still missed Eunji.I wanted her to join me.

Now,here I am.In bed on a beautiful Sunday morning.Tired from all the preparations and squeezing in homework and projects in my schedule.I jumped out of bed and headed straight to my desk and continued my projects.Then I heard a soft knock on the door.

I went opened it.Misoo umma who beckoned me for breakfast but I refused.I didn't want to eat and the projects I was working on was nearing the deadline.I worked through lunchtime and already finished two but I had one more so I skipped lunch and dinner.The Queen came up a couple of times to offer me food and I accepted it but left it on my glass coffee table and promised myself to eat after I did half of my last project.

When I stood up to go to the toilet.My head started to hurt and my vision became blurry.My legs felt like jelly and I lost balance.

No One's P.O.V 

A maid was ordered to check on Krystal.She went straight to her room after she had served Her Majesty her green tea.She knocked on the door.But Krystal didn't answer.She knocked about 5 times and she didn't have an answer.

"Your Highness,I'm sorry to barge in but-." she said as she opened the door.

But as soon as it opened,she was shocked and her heart beat rose,she sprinted to Krystal.

She lied on the floor.Very Pale."Your Highness!"

Once she saw Krystal's body she spoke to her mic hidden in her sleeve,"Call Dr.Seo! The princess is on the floor!" she repeated what she had said and The Queen,King,Jim and other maids rushed to Krystal's room.

All their eyes widened and the Queen approached the maid and Krystal.

"Misoo umma!" the Queen shouted. Misoo came in a flash.She knew how to deal with this kind of situations as she was a qualified first-aider and nurse.She did what she had to do before the Royal family's doctor arrived.

Once he did arrive,he ordered Jim to carry her on her bed which he nervously did.

Krystal's P.O.V

My eyes felt heavy and my head was excruciatingly painful.As I tried to open my eyes,slowly I heard voices.

"Krystal?!" someone said but I could recognize this.I knew exactly who it was.

Yonghwa oppa.I fully opened my eyes and tears escaped.It was really him with Daehyun oppa.I hugged them but my when I saw my hand I let go of my brothers and examine it.When I looked to my side I saw an IV fluid stand and I was connected to it.

"Oppa?" I said,concerned."What is this?"

Daehyun oppa who comfortably lied next to me said,"You fainted."

"From fatigue." Yonghwa oppa added. "The doctor said you were stressed and your body functioned with nothing but air."

"You didn't at all today did you?" Daehyun oppa suspected.

I was guilty as I couldn't say anything.

"Jung Krystal.Eat.Now." he pointed at the table where I'd left the food I was given by the Queen.

Yonghwa oppa got up and grabbed the banana."Have this first."

"How did you get here?" I asked as I peeled the banana.

"Someone called Jim contacted us.How does he know our number?" 

"Yah Daehyun,he used Krystal's phone." Yonghwa oppa laughed."Babo."

"I missed both of you soo much! I want to come back to the house,just for a week or two."

"After this happened,you are." Daehyun oppa mumbled.Too broken for Krystal to understand.

Suddenly,the doors opened with a bang.L.He shut the door,hard.

"Krystal?!" he mumbled.

Daehyun oppa jumped out from my bed,"Stop there." he said,his voice sharp and firm."What is this?Why did she faint because of stress and fatigue?Where have you been?"

"I-I had a s-schedule in Incheon." L trembled.I looked into his eyes.

"She fainted." Daehyun oppa yelled."All because you put her into this mess.She has to go to school whilst being pestered with wedding plans,everyday now.She's anemic for god sake!" 

"Oppa-" I started only to be cut off.

Yonghwa held my hand,"You know how he is.Just let his steam out because he's been so angry all this time." 

I looked away from the scene and faced Yonghwa oppa who couldn't do anything but watch whilst he sat on my white armchair which was moved beside my bed.

"I-I was at a scheduled show in Incheon,I'm sorry this happened." L said.

I turned back to the scene.Just when Daehyun oppa walked to L and grabbed him by his collar.

"Sorry?!Why did you even include her in the first place of you can't properly know how her health is?"he yelled.

"Oppa! I haven't told him." I shouted.He let go of L who stumbled on the wall.

"Daehyun,that's enough." Yonghwa oppa stood up. "Get your together.This isn't your house."

Daehyun walked away from L and sat on my bed.But then he got pulled by Yonghwa who both went out.


"They need to talk."

The door clicked and straight away L ran to me.

He cupped my face."I'm so sorry." then hugged me,his eyes teary.

"It's ok.I'm fine now." I said. "Are you ok?Does your neck hurt?"

He shook his head."They have a right to be angry.They're your blood."

"But you knew nothing.I didn't even tell you about being anemic.It's not your fault,okay?"

"Can I talk to them?"

I nodded."But I have to be there.I don't want any fights."

L nodded with a smile.

No One's P.O.V

Outside Krystal's room the calm Yonghwa and angry Daehyun stood patiently waiting for the other two inside the room to be done talking.

"You lost your cool in there,Daehyun.Are you okay?" 

Daehyun nodded."But hyung,why did he include her into this? He has a lot of girls and he had to choose her?! Randomly?! From her work?! Why aren't you mad?"

"Answer me this Daehyun.Why do you think Krystal is with him?"

"Because he forced her.At that restaurant she works at.Hyung,come on!"

"True but do you think Krystal gave in?"

"No!She's not like that if it's something like this."Daehyun hissed trying to keep calm.

"Then the only thing she did was to accept it."

Daehyun thought for a moment."No hyung.Krystal wouldn't do that." 

Yonghwa had a clear theory but doesn't know if it's true or not.But he was sure of it. Why else would Krystal be still with him if she didn't agree?,he thought.




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eatTHEsushi01 - "heyyyyyyy i like thisssss its ganna be really interesting, just wondering is tiffny ganna come back? ...hope not."

^^^^ Spoiler Alert. [the 'tiffny' bit is Tiffany right?] 

She is >.< 

Next chapter :D





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fafajung #1
Chapter 15: Thank you so much
Chapter 15: I could hear the wedding's bell already kekeke nice chap author nim
rodzilawati #3
Chapter 14: keep it a secret...
Arcadian-Warrior #4
Chapter 14: Keep it a secret , what the rest don't know won't hurt them
Chapter 14: Just keep it a secret for the rest of their life... that's the best for them... auwww this chap is so fluffy live it
eatTHEsushi01 #6
Chapter 14: HORAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAyYayayYYYyYYayyYaya myungstal moments ^^ i have a feeling tht Tiffanys ganna be lets say ganna try and separate myungstal well noooo tht wont happen muhahahahahahah dont let it happen author nimmmmmmmm ><
ukhti_k3cil #7
Chapter 14: Really love it sooooooo love it
Kyaaaaaaa my myungstal feel ....
Keep it secretly .it will be fun
Please update soon i really love ur fluffy story bout myungstal (∩∩♥)
helloimyna #8
Chapter 14: many myungstal moments yaaay! :D i luv it.. hmm maybe you should make L reveal it :/ okay keep update!
fxkrystal_kpop123 #9
Chapter 14: myungstal so sweet I´m glad that myungsoo care for krystal