Chapter 14

The Idol Prince's Sweetheart

No One's P.O.V

L had Krystal's head on his lap and he caressed her long shiny black hair.He was deeply sorry for what happened that he thought he'd be on hiatus from Infinite and focus on Krystal.Help her with the wedding plans and even her projects.He didn't want Daehyun and Yonghwa to be disappointed in him when he's the one that brought Krystal into his mess.

As Krystal enjoyed the gentle touch of L,she remembered about the website,"Hey,can you tell me who really made the website?"

L was surprised.He didn't want to tell but he wanted too and he didn't want Krystal's relationship with the 'website creator' to fall apart."Why?"

"I'm just curious.I didn't think someone in the world would do that to me.It's surprising."

L couldn't hide it.'I'll just tell her,she has the right to know right?',he thought."Are you sure?"

Krystal nodded.

"Well,it's a girl." L started,"And we got her address tracked down."

"Which is?"

"You know anyone living in SunHana apartments?"

"Yeah.I've also been there a couple of times before,it's so grand.Does she live there?"

L nodded."Fifth floor.Apartment 92."

Krystal's eyes widened and she bolted up from L's lap."Eunji?" 

"Correct." L said,in a rather nervous tone.

"No! That's not right! She would never do that!" Krystal was shocked.'It can't be! She'd never do that.',she thought.

"Krystal,I conducted the investigation and the information brought s to her." L pulled her in a hug and he could feel Krystal tremble.

Later that night,the Jung brothers were granted permission by the King and Queen to sleep in the palace as it helped Krystal.The siblings slept on Krystal's spacious bed with her in the middle and L? 

He was completely jealous,even thought hey were siblings.He wanted to sleep in the same room,even if he had to sleep on the floor but Krystal made him go sleep in his room.Sulking.

"Hey Krys,did you fall for him?" Daehyun bluntly said facing away from Krystal.

Krystal hesitated,"W-hy do you say that?"

"Because if you don't love him then you wouldn't be here.Are you seriously acting as a couple or is this all real?"

"Oppa-" she got cut off by Yonghwa.

"Enough Daehyun.Talk tomorrow."

Krystal couldn't sleep.She didn't know what or how to tell her brothers.That she agreed to play along but eventually fell in love with him?She was scared.

When morning came, Yonghwa and Daehyun were already awake and just sat on the bed until a knock came at the door.Yonghwa went and answered it and immediately let the person in.As it was L,still in his pajamas.

"Hyung I want to talk.To both of you." he said.

They went in Krystal's walk-in closet and closed the door,she was sleeping soundly.

"Make it quick." Daehyun said.

"I love Krystal." L got to the point and made the Jung brothers surprise and their mouth formed an 'o'.

"And does she?" Yonghwa added.

L nodded.

"How can we trust you? You're known as a playboy. You better not be toying with her L or I'll seriously make your life miserable." Daehyun hissed.

"I'm serious.I want to be with her.When I forced her into this I seriously didn't care how she felt but as time went on I grew to love her.I wanted to protect her when it's just her against a country.Bad remarks were said about her because of me and I want to protect her.Please trust me?"

"And if the country finds out that you forced her into this? That you lied to your whole nation about your relationship together? Krystal will be bombarded with comments and do you really think she can handle it?" Daehyun said with a firm voice.

"I'll stay with her.I'll give up my succession to the throne if I have to.I started it so it's my responsibility right?" L said.

Daehyun was taken back at his words.He didn't know the Prince could say things like this."You're really serious?"

"Very." L nodded.

"If I wake up Krystal now would she say that she loves you aswell?" 

L nodded.He was confident.

They didn't wake up Krystal though,they just waited for her to wake up and when she did,Daehyun was already by her side.And he asked her.Krystal rubbed her eyes and looked at L who stood in front of the bed facing her.

"Do you love him? He's saying you do." Daehyun said.

Krystal froze.She was embarrassed  as she doesn't normally talk about boys with her brothers.But gaining a lot of confidence she slowly nods.And avoided eye-contact.

"Don't tell me you fell for him after your time together?" Daehyun sighed.He gave up.If his sister found someone she truly loves he promised himself to support his sister.

Krystal nods again,"Why?"

"Exactly what he said." Daehyun pointed at L who smiled in happiness.

"Oppa,I didn't know how to tell both of you.Since I don't normally talk about boys with you I found it so awkward...Sorry." she said.

"It's okay.We haven't really talked to you about girls have we? So we're equal and your prince already explained." Yonghwa hugs her.

"Wait.You've dated before?" L asks,his jealousy started to creep in.Why is he jealous? He's dated more than she has.

"Well that's normal isn't it?" Daehyun answered for her."I don't have a clue who she dated but you went out with a lot girls.Hard enough to count with my two hands."

"Oppa." Krystal said.

"Daehyun." Yonghwa lightly kicked him.

At about 12pm,Yonghwa and Daehyun went back to their schedules and left Krystal and L.He helped Krystal finish her projects and they both went for a swim.Krystal couldn't swim.It's not that she'd scared but she'd just never learned before.

L changed in his trunks and dived straight in.Krystal who still covered herself with a bathrobe,hiding her swimsuit provided by the maids,sat on the lounge chairs and stared at L who swam lengths in the pool.The sun was still shining and it was rather hot.

L then emerged from the glistening water."It's hot Krystal.Are seriously planning on wearing that robe and just watch me."

Krystal looked down and her cheeks became red,"I can't swim!" she calls.

L chuckles and comes up from the pool and approached Krystal.He pulls her up on her feet.

"You should've said so.And do you think I'm gonna let you drown?" he hugs her."Now take your robe off."

Krystal didn't budge.She was insecure about her body.Especially in a cut-out black once piece.

"You want me to do it?" L offered who childishly smirked.

That's when Krystal took of the robe,"Don't laugh."

"Why would I?" 

His eyes widen when he sees her fragile body wrapped in a once piece.He smiled and looked at Krystal.She was looking afar but L notices her blush then holds her hand to the pool.They enter from the stone steps and Krystal refused to go any further,she sat there.

"I'll hold you,Krystal.I won't let go." L offers his hand.


He nods.

Krystal took his hand but L makes her wrap her hands around his neck.And he slowly swims in the middle of the pool.His toes just touch the depth of the pool but since Krystal was a lot shorter he made her wrap her hands around his neck.

Krystal tightened her grip around L's neck.They were so close together and L could smell Krystal's scent.She rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Oppa,you said you'd hold on to me." Krystal pouts and pulls back,still holding onto his neck,to see his face.

"I am." he says.

She looks at the distorted image of his hand below and they were by his side,"Look." 

He slowly raises his hands and wraps it around Krystal's tiny waist,"Happy?"

"Happy."she smiles.

They stayed like that for a moment before Krystal wanted to swim,"Teach me how to swim." she softly says.

He nods."Unwrap your hands around my neck and hold my hands." L says which Krystal obeyed."Stretch your body and start kicking.Use your stomach muscles to hold you up." 

Krystal nervously followed his instruction and started kicking,"Oppa, walk so it feels like I'm swimming."

He smiles and starts walking backwards.Krystal smiled as she enjoyed it.She wishes she could swim so she'll have water fights with L with no worries.

After that L encourages her to use the side of the pool."Hold on to it like you did with my hands,stretch your body and kick."

She obeys and keeps kicking.L rests his head on his arms which he sprawled on the side of the pool and Krystal took this chance to flick water at his face which he quickly reacts to by pulling Krystal close to him and kisses her.She didn't push him away.

They both pulled away for oxygen and L smiles at the flushed Krystal.

"Shouldn't have done that to your boyfriend,Krystal." he teases which makes Krystal embarrassed and hides her face on his firm chest.

"Good Day!" someone calls making both L and Krystal startled.

Tiffany.In her pink bikini and pink wedges but wore a sarong.Her eyes were covered with over-sized glasses and her long brown locks were topped with a wide brim sun hat.

L already knew who it was by that squeaky and happy greeting.But when Krystal sees who it is,she pulls away from L.But he didn't let her.

He kept a tight grip around her waist and softly whispers,"It's okay.I'm here."

Tiffany crouches by their side and greeted the couple.

"Afternoon Noona." L greets.

"Good Afternoon." Krystal bows.

Tiffany stood up and untied her sarong which she throws on one of the lounge chairs and elegantly dives in.She comes to surface and fixes her hair.

"Why are you two still holding onto each other?" she says,annoyed at the scene she sees.She turns to L,"Moo,you can swim.Why are you holding onto her?"

"I'm not." he answers."I'm holding her."

"Why?" Tiffany says as she approaches them.Then starts separating the two from each other.

"Noona! She can't swim." L yells as he holds tight around Krystal's waist.Krystal kept on her eyes down on L's chest as she didn't really want to look Tiffany.

Tiffany smirks,"Whatever!" she swims away."I bet she's just saying that.How did she make you fall in love with her? You could do way better than that fake innocent ."

"Oppa,I want to get out." Krystal whispers.She was hurt hearing Tiffany's words.How was she a when she's only dated one guy named Hanwoo back when she was 14?

"I know.." L whispers back and holds her head on his shoulder."After this,we will."

"Noona! What happened to you? Why are you so mean these days? What has Krystal done to you?" L yells.

Tiffany stops swimming and yells back,"You! She seduced you away from me! When you've promised me that I was your princess since young!"

"We were kids,Noona! As I've told you before we were too young to know what marriage really was and Krystal did not in any way seduce me! I fell head over heels for her!"

"How much did she really pay you,Moo? Did she use her brothers' money to pay you? She bought you for fame didn't she?!" Tiffany shouts back. She just couldn't' believe L would fall for someone else and now she regrets for not confessing.

Krystal was on the verge of tears when she heard Tiffany's remarks about her.L felt droplets of water slide from his shoulder.

"You know what I'm done,Noona.Sort out your attitude before you come here again but next time you DO visit I won't let you get in that easily.You have no right to insult Krystal ike that!" L was mad but he kept his cool as he and Krystal left the pool and entered the palace.

The King and Queen were watching by the kitchen.Both didn't think those words would come out from Tiffany's mouth and The King especially was impressed of how he took care of fragile and sad Krystal.He sees that his son has really grown.

Tiffany continues on swimming and fuming at Krystal.

When L and Krystal reaches the never ending stairs up to their room he carries her,bridal style and when they reach L's room he lays her down gently on his bed as he tightens the thick string of Krystal's robe.

"I'm sorry,Krystal." he says then lies down next to her and her face.

She rubs her eyes to get rid of visible tears and smiles at L,"It's okay.It's not your fault."

"You know we just made your bed soaking wet." she added with a laugh.

"It's fine,I can change it." he says.

"You change your own bed?" Krystal asked.

"If your wondering why the maids don't do it it's because I can do it.They have better things to do than change my bedsheets."

"Want to go in the jacuzzi?" he offered.

Krystal sits up,"Jacuzzi? You have one?"

He nods."You want to?"

Krystal nods and off they went to the jacuzzi L was talking about.It was in the basement but it was designed so grand and they had another swimming pool,indoor and there was a room with a glass door that revealed the jacuzzi.

Krystal steps in but L stops her,"Your robe?" 

She completely forgot and laughs,"Sorry." She takes it off and quickly sits in the jacuzzi.

"Do you want me to turn it on?" L asks as he slides next to her.She nods and straight away water bubbles started appearing and Krystal was fascinated.She smiled like a child would if she gets candy.

L rests his head on her shoulder,"I love you.."

Krystal responds back,"I love you more."

"Thank you for standing up for me." she added.

"It's normal for a boyfriend to do that.I can't stand anyone that hurts you." he says.

Krystal blushed.She was happy.

"But if I was you I wouldn't want to lose my relationship with your childhood friend.Just because of a girl..." she catiously says.

"Neither.But the way she's acting now...I hate it."




So many MyungStal moments HAHA

Anyone think I should make L reveal that he dated Krystal fake at first or just keep it secret for the rest of their lives??

I'm still debating haha









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fafajung #1
Chapter 15: Thank you so much
Chapter 15: I could hear the wedding's bell already kekeke nice chap author nim
rodzilawati #3
Chapter 14: keep it a secret...
Arcadian-Warrior #4
Chapter 14: Keep it a secret , what the rest don't know won't hurt them
Chapter 14: Just keep it a secret for the rest of their life... that's the best for them... auwww this chap is so fluffy live it
eatTHEsushi01 #6
Chapter 14: HORAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAyYayayYYYyYYayyYaya myungstal moments ^^ i have a feeling tht Tiffanys ganna be lets say ganna try and separate myungstal well noooo tht wont happen muhahahahahahah dont let it happen author nimmmmmmmm ><
ukhti_k3cil #7
Chapter 14: Really love it sooooooo love it
Kyaaaaaaa my myungstal feel ....
Keep it secretly .it will be fun
Please update soon i really love ur fluffy story bout myungstal (∩∩♥)
helloimyna #8
Chapter 14: many myungstal moments yaaay! :D i luv it.. hmm maybe you should make L reveal it :/ okay keep update!
fxkrystal_kpop123 #9
Chapter 14: myungstal so sweet I´m glad that myungsoo care for krystal