Getting Better

Diary of Aron Kwak

Dear Diary,

Thankfully, Minhyun told me today was a lot easier for him. He went to practice. He chewed on toothpick, drank sour lemonade. He took pills I had bought him, and drank a lot of water. After practice, he continued jogging around the neighborhood, telling me that it really helped him keep his mind off his cravings. I jogged with him. Partly because I wanted to give him company. Partly because I wanted to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.

He ate a lot as well, and that, along with the lemon juice, the excessive water and the fatigue that came with hours of exercise, led to a lot of vomiting that night.

Still, he was able to sleep a lot easier then last night. I’m glad.

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Chapter 44: Aww this is too cute...
i really love your chara improvement..
the plot and everything about this story
sandy0214 #2
This is my first time reading fic written on english! I had needed some helps to understand this...whatever.. I luv this fic! I wanna write some cool comment for you.. but my english is too poor lol.. I hope to read your other story too on someday!
Chapter 8: Ok, troll time. It's actually not a sin in Catholicism to be gay. It's not looked down on. Just felt I should say that as a catholic.
Chapter 44: I really liked this story ^.^ it's actually seem really realistic >.< which males it even more awesome ^.^
Chapter 44: That was beautiful <3 i loved it...u did an awesome job ^^
Chapter 44: So, I do really ship MinRon, and Minhyun is my bias. I came here jus searching for some MinRon lovely stories and I saw this. I was intrigued by the "letter-style" e I decided to read this.
Now: I just don't regret it.
It was beautiful, seriously, and I completely agree with Aorn and Minhyun's thoughts about the homoual love (at the end of the story, I obviously mean), you know, I'm a gay guy, how can't I love this?
Keep writing MinRons one, I'd love to see both of them loving for real! Awww~ Good luck!
Swoxonfire #8
Chapter 44: Awhh... I loved it <3
Chapter 44: D'aaawww <3 A would love to read a sequel :)
Chapter 44: Awh i loved this storyy :'D great job on the story unnie :3 daebak (y) looking forward to the new MinRon x3 hwaiting ^^