He's Back

Diary of Aron Kwak

Dear Diary,

It’s been two weeks. It gets easier for Minhyun every passing day. He tells me that he still has the cravings, but they’re not overbearing anymore.

Minhyun had only been smoking for nearly a month. As opposed to those who have been smoking for years, the quitting period for Minhyun would not last so long.

Minhyun stopped acting up and his mood swings subsided. He returned to the way he was before. Bright. Cheerful. Innocent. Compassionate. Sharp. Honest.

I’m glad he’s back.

You know what else is back and stronger than it ever was before? My love for him. Here I am, sitting here writing this entry, thinking about Minhyun and feeling my heart skip a beat at the thought of him.I have to suffer with this unrequited love again now.

Funny. Just when Minhyun’s suffering ended, mine began.

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Chapter 44: Aww this is too cute...
i really love your chara improvement..
the plot and everything about this story
sandy0214 #2
This is my first time reading fic written on english! I had needed some helps to understand this...whatever.. I luv this fic! I wanna write some cool comment for you.. but my english is too poor lol.. I hope to read your other story too on someday!
Chapter 8: Ok, troll time. It's actually not a sin in Catholicism to be gay. It's not looked down on. Just felt I should say that as a catholic.
Chapter 44: I really liked this story ^.^ it's actually seem really realistic >.< which males it even more awesome ^.^
Chapter 44: That was beautiful <3 i loved it...u did an awesome job ^^
Chapter 44: So, I do really ship MinRon, and Minhyun is my bias. I came here jus searching for some MinRon lovely stories and I saw this. I was intrigued by the "letter-style" e I decided to read this.
Now: I just don't regret it.
It was beautiful, seriously, and I completely agree with Aorn and Minhyun's thoughts about the homoual love (at the end of the story, I obviously mean), you know, I'm a gay guy, how can't I love this?
Keep writing MinRons one, I'd love to see both of them loving for real! Awww~ Good luck!
Swoxonfire #8
Chapter 44: Awhh... I loved it <3
Chapter 44: D'aaawww <3 A would love to read a sequel :)
Chapter 44: Awh i loved this storyy :'D great job on the story unnie :3 daebak (y) looking forward to the new MinRon x3 hwaiting ^^