Chapter 19: Love and Hate

(ON HOLD) PLAYFUL LOVE : Teach, Touch , and Torn Me Not!











































What the……






He was smiling at me teasingly. He was stealing kisses since I arrived at their house. Can I call him maniac guy now? Coz I’m getting really irritated on what’s his acting. I am doing some paper exercises for him because our finals is about to come already but he keeps disturbing me with his stolen kisses wherever his lips will reach. I really not into skin ship so this kind of things is so foreign for me.




“Yah! Kwon Jiyong! Stop it!”
























Yeah Right he was doing that not in a romantic way but he’s doing that to annoy me. Geeez. I punch his shoulder and kick his right leg. How can my boyfriend be this annoying! Gaaaaaahd!




“If you’re not going to stop laughing I’m going home already!” I warned him. He stopped and looked at me while blinking his eyes slowly. Then he hugs me.




“Yah! Kwon Jiyong! What are you doing?” I struggled from his hug but he tightened even more. He pressed his body into mine that made me panic. Gosh what is he doing?




I was trying to push him away but my strength is not enough to do so. He smells the crook of my neck and kissed it. OMG!








“Dara” He said using his so deep and lovingly voice. Omo I can’t with that voice. I feel like fainting whenever I’m hearing that.




“I hate you” he whispered to my ears while hugging me.


















“I hate you too.” I replied and stop struggling.




“Can I kiss you?” He asked.




“Tsk. You’ve been stealing kisses on me a while ago. It’s too much already”




He leaned back slightly to look at me still wrapping his arms around my waist. He shook his head while looking at me. I wrinkled my forehead.












“Hmmmmmmm what?”




“Kiss me”








“Kiss me”




“I don’t want.”




He pouted his lips. What’s wrong with him? And since when he became mushy mushy lovey dovey guy?




I rolled my eyes on him.




“Let’s stop this. You still need to study.” I said while returning on what I’m doing a while ago. “Here answer this.” I showed him the papers.




“What?! Three pages?? Its too many.” Jiyong complained.




“Stop complaining and just answer it.”




“I don’t want.”




I glared at him.




“You don’t want to kiss me so I don’t want to answer that too.” He reasoned out.




Urgh. What a childish brat.




“Okay fine. Then I’m going home now.” I said.








“I said I’m going home”




“I didn’t tell you to go home” He sternly uttered.




I stood up and picked up my bag “I’m going home” I stubbornly said while my back facing him but I didn’t hear anything from him so I glanced back to check what is he doing. I stopped when I saw his serious face. Omo! Is he angry?




“B-B-bye” I hesitantly said.




“Dara” He said unsmilingly. I gulped. “If you step out of this room we are over!”




I was shocked. He looked at me with contorted fury eyes. Gaaaahd is he really serious right now? Why this non-sense conversation went through breaking up matter already? Is it me the one who should do that because I’m the girl here? And by the way I don’t understand why he’s saying that now! Is he seriously breaking up with me if I will step out of this room??




I just looked at him waiting for him to take back what he just said because I was really expecting that he’s fairly joking but the brat choose to give his attention to the books on his table than me. Completely ignoring me. My mouth is hanged open while watching him reading something on the book. Seriously, I can clearly see that he was just pretending that his reading something on that damn stupid book! But the PRIDE he has vs the PRIDE I have! I am the girl here! I need to protect my pride! I am NOT the one who’s going to talk first. No!




Because he was still not looking at me I choose to get out from the library room without saying goodbye at him. Okay we are now over! I can’t believe this! I went home thinking how we broke up. And I was in the verge of insanity realizing that our break up is the stupidest thing ever! I called Bom and told her about what had happened and my so good best friend scolded me like a volcano. Well I can’t blame her I also wanted to squeeze out my brains from my head now for having this kind of stupidest and lamest break up ever! T^T Can I turn back time?




How could this happen?




Why is this happening?




Anyways what is the issue again?




We broke up because..... First, he's being maniac, second, I don’t want to kiss him and I’m being stubborn but he’s being stubborn too for not answering the exercises I gave to him. But telling him that I’m going home is a FREAKING JOKE I’m just waiting for him to stop me, allure me, to treat me like a baby like other bf's do to their gf's when the gf is having a fake tantrums!! but the hell!!!! The pride of that guy is cannot be reach. Does he don’t know what girls want from their boyfriends? Gaaaahd he seriously needs a seminar for My girlfriend's want thingy topics.


“You and Jiyong’s pride will ruin everything Dara! I tell you! Stop being childish!” Bom exclaimed over the phone. “You both need to wake up! It seems that both of you are not taking your relationship seriously! Tabi told me that the other day you both fight because of Donghae!! Is that even true?!”


Okay Bom just called Top ‘Tabi”. For those who haven’t known yet they are together now. As in BfGf relationship. They’ve been together before the NHSAA week but they’re not just telling me because I still have the love-triangle-issues that time. So yes people TOPBOM just sailed earlier than Daragon.


“Uhm y-yes Bom” I shyly replied. “We have fight about Donghae.”


“And what about that Donghae?”


“I was inviting Jiyong to have a date with me but he doesn’t want!..... So I threat him that I’ll invite Donghae instead….. If he won’t do a date on me.”


“And then?”


“And then he burst out like a lion! He even snatched my phone and checked my messages and he found out that Donghae and I are still texting.”


“Hul. And what the crazy thing he did to you.”


“He keeps cursing of course. I thought that was the end of my life already. I’m so glad that he just broke my phone.”


“Oh so he just broke your phone. Congratulations”


“Bom! I hate him for doing that!! That phone has a sentimental value on me!”


“I know! But the hell Dara how many times do you want to witness a flaring and bursting jealous dragon? Do you want to die?”


“But I’m just joking!”


“That joke is not a joke on him! He’s G-Dragon! Remember?”


I rolled my eyes.


“I don’t know what the future of you two already. You’re like kids!” Bom uttered.


“We also have fight about sushi yesterday” I shyly confessed.


“What the hell is wrong with damn Sushi and you fight about it?” I can now imagine the visible nerves on Bom’s forehead because of annoyance.


“He requested me to cook for him a sushi with ssamjang but I refused first……but truthfully I’m just joking that time.....of course I’m going to cook that for him but it surprised me that he was angry already and don’t want to talk to me.”


“Shocks!! What’s happening on both of you? You’re not three year old sweethearts fighting for sushi!”


“But he’s the problem! His anger elevate fast!”


“But you’re the problem too Dara………because every time he’s being sweet to you, you will throw him your what so called ‘jokes’.”


I was taken back on what Bom said.


“Dara the problem is the two of you. You need to talk. Stop being childish already!” She lastly exclaimed over the phone.


“Araso Araso…….But Bom I’m still the girl here…… it he’s the one who should lower his pride first?”


“I know what your point Dara. I just only wish Jiyong will realize it with the brain he has. I just want to remind you that Kwon Jiyong is living in different world or should I say he slightly lives in the dark side of this world. As far as I know He doesn’t know how to swallow his pride. He's a bad boy. But don’t forget that you are his other words you can teach him the bright world then.”


Bom is correct. I know Kwon Jiyong brain and heart functioned differently than the other boyfriends out there. I should make a move before it’s too late.




At School


I’m inside the classroom already waiting for him to come but the bell already rings and he’s still not around. The first and second period of the class ended. It’s been three days already and I see no Kwon Jiyong at school.


I deeply sighed.


Is he not going to attend school now?


I came to their house these passed three days for our tutoring sessions but Buttler Lee said he’s not yet home. Same when I’m asking Bigbang guys. They will answer me that they don’t also know where he is.


Where the hell is that guy anyway?


“Dara let’s go and eat lunch” Bom invited me.


“I don’t feel like eating.”




I just weakly smiled at Bom.


“Come on Noona! Stop thinking about Hyung already.” Daesung intervene.


“He’s not a worthy guy for you to starve yourself.” Top said.


“If he’s not coming back to you, don’t worry coz Donghae is still there to catch you remember?”


I chuckled on what Seungri just said. Taeyang elbowed him.


“Stop being an emo already”


“Stand up now Dara and let’s eat.” Top cheered up.


“Don’t worry Dara everything will be okay.” Taeyang said and winked at me.


“Well, you’re right” I smiled at Bom and Bigbang guys. “Thanks guys”


“No Problem” they said on unison.


“I will treat you lunch Noona” Seungri offered.


“Really?” I beamed.


“Yes. What do you want?”


“I will order everything i want” I replied with a slightly fake smile.




I’m very thankful that Bom and Bigbang guys are here by my side right now. If not, I think I’m already drowning myself from too much thinking about that guy. We went to the cafeteria together and we sat at our usual place and eat there. Seungri did treat me a lunch today. He actually almost wants to buy all the food here for me but gladly I stop him by doing so.


We are in the middle of eating our lunch when a familiar song just played in the school's speakers. I stiffened as I recognized what the song is, my heart was pounding so hard.


I can feel the pain when I remember that we already broke up. That song was the song that he sang for me when he asked me to be his girlfriend three weeks ago, I feel so great that time but now hearing this song has a different feeling and it hurts so much.


"Sandara Park" a voice just entered my ears. The annoying voice that I already miss to hear. I slowly exhaled then smiled while my head is bowed down staring at my food playing it with my fork.


"You stupid girl."


That's what he's always calling me which is I’m so definitely not! Hello I’m a smart lady it is a shame to be called stupid but that guy never misses a day calling me that unbearable nickname. Grrrrrr


"I'm sorry"


Sorry? I chuckled while still playing my food with my fork. It's impossible that Kwon Jiyong will say sorry at me. I know he's waiting for me to talk to him first. That brat is over flowing with pride I tell you. Tsk.


"Yah! Are you going ignore me or what?!"


The hell that yelling voice again.


"Sandara Park!"


Oh wait. I thought I’m just imagining his voice but when I looked up to where the yelling voice came from I saw a guy wearing a hooded black dragon printed jacket. The hood was almost covering his face.


He smirked. He was standing in the cafeteria's entrance door with his hands in his jacket's pocket. He slowly walked towards me.




Am I dreaming? Is he Kwon Jiyong?


My boyfriend?


No. -I shook my head-


My ex-boyfriend?


My heart is pounding so hard. I don’t even know how many times I swallowed my saliva at this moment. I pretty sure he is Kwon Jiyong because of the way he talks, walks, and smirks.


Then I heard some whispers of the students around the cafeteria. I looked around and notice that all of them are staring at the hooded guy.


"Who's that guy?"


"What is he doing?


"….I don’t think so."


"I can’t clearly see his face"


"Who is he?"


"Is he crazy?"


"He’s walking towards Dara?"


“I think he’s cool”


That was the whispers from the students inside the cafeteria.


"Sandara Park” I startled when I found out that he’s already in front of me. He was looking down at me with affection.


-gulped- those eyes.


“You know why I hate you?" he asked but I just slightly furrowed my eyebrows at him. The nerve of this guy asking me why he hates me. Tsk!


The hooded guy sighed. He stared at me in all seriousness.


"I hate you that I can’t get you out of my mind." He asserted while looking at me, making my eyes in prison to his.














"I hate you because you can make me do what I hated to do"


“I hate you so much because of how vulnerable I am to you. How I can let you control my feelings, And, I hate myself for putting myself in this vulnerable position. I feel like I've lost control.” He sighed. “I hate you…………………………………………….I hate you but I love you"


We just look at each other for I don’t know how many seconds or minutes. He’s being sincere right? Well I don’t know what to response at him right now. He said he hates me but he loves me either. This might be funny but it strikes my heart.


While I’m in the middle of thinking everything that was happening at this moment, he suddenly held my wrist and pulled me up to make me stand in front of him. I heard breaths that draw sharply somewhere. I was surprised on his sudden action. He looked at me intensely. He’s brown eyes is like digging my soul that made me quiver.


Then he showed his trademark smirk and the hooded guy revealed himself. Everyone gasped. Our eyes grew wide and our jaws are all dropped on the floor.


The hooded guy is Kwon Jiyong. But Hey! I already know he is Kwon Jiyong from the very start because I know his voice and all but what I’m seeing right now is kind of shocking……..surprising……..unexpected.


Is he really Kwon Jiyong?


The Kwon Jiyong I know is with long black hair up to his shoulders........



........but the Kwon Jiyong in front of me right now is with a clean cut freaking golden blonde hair.






































Everyone mouth watered.




Everyone was staring.




Everyone is stunned.




Kwon Jiyong is freaking blonde now!!




"Y-you're n-not long hair anymore??" I startled while in shock.


"Don’t you like it?"


I can’t hear him for real.








“You really don’t like it?” He showed me his cute sad face. Oh my gaaaaahd I can’t count anymore how many times I died today. Kwon Jiyong is killing me!


“I hate it" I chirped.


He slightly pouted his luscious reddish lips "Why?" He asked. Oh my gaaaahd my ovaries just exploded a million times.


I swallowed hard. "Because girls now are drooling over you." I fretted.


He smirked.


"Don’t worry I'm all yours."


BOOOOOOM! Please give me oxygen tank now! I seriously needed them! Gosh!


"Dara…………….I’m sorry for leaving without telling you. I decided to have my self-meditation."


I chuckled. "What are things you meditate for?"






"It’s so my first time to feel like this to a girl so I still don’t know what to do. I seriously can’t take it anymore that the things I’m doing before to my past girlfriends is what my body automatically wants to do to you and I hate it. You’re no any other girl Dara So I step out because I think I need to change if I still want you to be mine."


"You just realize it yourself?"


"Hmmmm Of course not. The monkeys help me though. They even scolded me for the first time for being so G-Dragon to you.” He sighed “Those monkeys are actually protecting you and they even choose you over me. Tsk. True friends indeed.” He said sarcastically.


I turned my head to Bigbang guys and Bom and thankfully smiled at them for helping to make Jiyong back now.



"So it’s Kwon Jiyong and Sandara Park?"




“I can’t believe this!”


"I don’t think they look good together."


“This means G-Dragon is already taken?”


“Oh no!”


“What should we do now?”


"He's blonde now w/ a clean haircut.”


“I’m drolling over him"



“He is so hot with that hairstyle”


“I can’t with this”


“This is so wrong why Dara?”


"Unnie is a lucky girl"


"I envy her."


“No she is not. The guy is G-Dragon! Remember?”


“Pity her instead”


I heard some good and bitter fangirl whispers from the students in the cafeteria. HUL. We will be the talk of the campus now I’m pretty sure.


“There's no time like right now so this must be the time" Jiyong said while stil staring at me deeply.


"What do you mean?"


"I love you" He almost whispered.


It's like I just stopped breathing but my heart is still beating. Am I still alive? I don’t think so. I can feel that there are a million of drums being played inside me right now making my whole inner body trembled, butterflies started flying on my stomach. This guy in front of me can really make me go crazy. He’s very unpredictable. Even though he has more negative traits than his positive traits which is not really my ideal type he still captured me wholly.



Meanwhile the Bigbang guys and Bom are eating at the table while completely enjoying the romance happening in front of them.


"Love is cute when it's new, but love is most beautiful when it lasts." For the first time in the history of mankind Choi Seung hyun a.k.a Top said something meaningful line in his entire life. His girlfriend Bom is so proud on what her Tabi just stated.


“I’m so not into this kind of romance for my Hyung right now. It feels weird.” Daesung said while hugging himself like he was cold.


“Yeah right. But let’s prepare ourselves for more chessy moments from the two.” Seungri marvelled while shoving food inside his mouth.


“I know GD has this romantic and sweet side of him ever since he just showed it now.” Taeyang smilingly affirmed.








Jiyong and I were now in the rooftop. Bigbang guys and Bom told us that it’s better to talk now privately about us. We cut classes *cough cough* he is so my bad influence! This is my first time to do this in my whole outright life. Of course he just dragged me here without saying anything. So here we are having a BF GF conversation. We sat at the floor, he was sitting in my right and our back is lying at the wall. The wind moderately blows that touches our already impulsive whirling body skins. Our eyes are unfocusly looking everywhere in the front view area of our sight.


"I'll give you something." He broke the silence. I looked at him in wonder.


"Here" He get a box from his behind and give it to me.


"What's that?" I asked.


"Just open it."


"Okay" Then I started unboxing.




























"A Phone?"


"Yes. That's your new phone."


I looked at him unbelievably.


"My number is already save in there as well as Bom and Bigbang"


"Ah-aaah T-Thank you."


"I'm your # 1 speed dial in there. So just press # 1 to call me."


"Dont forget to charge it always."


"and bring it always araso?"


I nodded.


"I also have the same phone" He showed his phone and it's color blue with a uniquely designed letter D in the case while my phone is pink with the same uniquely design letter J on it.


"Our couple case is one of a kind. You can't find it anywhere. Only the two of us have this." He proudly said.


I can't believe what I'm witnessing. Kwon Jiyong is the first one who implement couple couple thingy between us. As far as I remember a bad boy hates this kind of things. But Wow. This bad guy in front of me shield is breaking.


"And there's one thing I want to tell you."


"What's that?"


"Boys phone numbers are prohibited on your phone."


"huh? but you and Bigbang are boys."


"Of course we are exempted to that."




He looked down and sighed. "Especially that Donghae." He said while looking at the floor.


I stared at him and as far as I want to laughed right now because he is obviously having his jealousy syndrome attack again I stop myself. I actually feel overwhelmed whenever his acting like this.


"Araso!!? Never save that stupid guy's number on you precious phone! Araso?!"




"Don't even dare Dara."


"Okay Okay. I wont."


"Chuky Wiky Promise?" He showed his pinky to me.




"Promise me." He extend his arm so his pinky now is near in my face.


I was dumbfounded like a statue. Kwon Jiyong is doing the Chuky Wiky Promise in front of me right now without me forcing him. Gaaaahd even Top said he would rather die than doing that cheap Chuky Wiky Promise again but the crap!!! this freaking blonde hot bad boy right beside me is offering his pinky to me.


"Yah! Sandara Park! Promise me!"


"O-okay" I slowly complied to his Chuky Wiky Promise. I entertwined my right pinky to him and after that I started bursting in laughter. Errrr my gaaaaahd I'm sorry but I can't restrain myself anymore. I know I'm doing that also but I didn't know this is how stupid it looks like. But the hell I'm a girl so I have a cuter way when doing that....but a bad boy doing that? Geeeeez I can't cause he looks absurd.


"Stop laughing" He said in his authoritative voice.


"Jiyong I can't believe you're doing the things I'm doing before. As far as I know you hated it. You even glaring at me and Top the whole time after we did that Chuky Wiky promise before." I was still giggling. Kwon Jiyong change haha. His cute though.


"Tsk. I was jealous that time. That's why." he immediately replied.




"Let's stop this now! and stop laughing or else...."


"Or else what?"


"Or else I'll kiss you."


"Ampft" I turned my head at my side to avoid his serious eyes.


We stayed at the rooftop until the end of the class. We talk the whole afternoon and of course the talk is with bickering as always. This is the first time we talk a lot. I told him about my family and he also told me about his mother and brother accident five years ago but he never mention his father. Whenever I was asking him about it he'll just ignore me and go on to the next topic. I know he don't want to tell some stories related to his father. I can even feel the hate he has for him and I feel scared about this and I don't know why. He also told me how him and Bigbang guys met here at the campus. I enjoy this moment with him at least now I know something about my boyfriend already though not really all but I guess there's time for that. I'm happy. I'm happy with Jiyong. Really.


And because I want to torture myself even more I asked him before we leave the rooftop. "Can you say that again?" I softly asked.


"The what?"


"The words you said at the cafetria a while ago." I responded.


"The I love you?"


Tsk. I pouted because the common sense of this guy is buried in the deepest ocean in the world.


He chuckled and then looked me with his most thick, plush, long black eyelashes and deep, warm, sparkling soft gaze. "I love you......I love you Dara."


I widely smile with my now blushing cheeks. I want to scream, jump, turn around, dance, sing, sway in happiness right now but I just bit my lower lips to restrain myself. I need to control my inner system and my outer body because I might faint of extreme giddiness I’m feeling inside of me at this moment. To add heat on my already romantically boiling blood he holds my right hand with his left hand. I stiffened. He intertwined his fingers on mine like what he did during the Dance Competition last time.


"I love you" He said again while looking at the blue calm sky.


"I hate you.” I blurted out.


He smirked. “You’re copying me.”


“I hate you, then I love you...Then I hate you, then I love you more. Sometimes I love you, sometimes I hate you. But when I hate you, it's because I love you" I finally blurted out.


He smiled and pinched my nose. "We love and hate each other at the same time."


“Please let’s don’t fight anymore” I requested.


“hmmmm I can’t promise that” He chuckled.


“Yah! And why?”


“I don’t want to stop our cute and simple fights. I still want it to be there but this time we should limit it. Like the mature and serious topics are prohibited to make a joke out of it. I warn you Dara I don’t really like it! Especially when it’s about Donghae!”


“And now you’re being bossy…this might start our fight again”


“I don’t want to erase that on our relationship because that’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with you. And I want to feel that again and again. Having a little fight with you or should I say annoying you is my already habit.” He winked at me.


“Tsk. You’re enjoying it alone!”


“Then enjoy it too. Just don’t dragged the name of that stupid guy in front of me”


“I thought the two of you are friends already.”


“That’s what I thought too, but he still texting you behind my back.”


“What a jealous freak” I mumbled.


“Yeah I am. But only to you.”


Oh em gee. He’s being cheesy again! I can’t handle this hohohoho I need to breathe! Air! Air! I need Air!











I know the problem is me being so bossy, bad tempered guy, and a jealous freak. It’s okay if it’s me that will make fun of her but every time she’ll do that to me too I’m getting annoyed like hell. And that’s the problem. Well I’m not really into people making fun of me because that's my deed.............and I'm getting angry everytime she’ll make fun of me. I want to punch my own face for acting like that in front of her, especially how touchy I am to her. I can’t control myself from being G-Dragon.



I want to tell you something that Dara doesn’t know yet. Well, all of you know that I’m a playboy but please excuse me I’m not into Seungri’s level now but not when I'm me ........four years ago.



It started four years ago when I'm only 11, right after a year my mom and my brother tragic accident and when my father leave me alone bringing mom with him. He’s the one who supposed to be in my side that time but he chose to leave and bring mom somewhere. I actually lost my mind and all I know is to do bad things in life because I feel alone. I even begged my father to not leave and just stay here with mom but I can clearly remember that face that rejected and ignore my sick mom that night of accident is also the face he showed me when I’m begging him to stay. At first I was just drowning myself in alcohol, and then smoking is my next habit. I started to go clubbing and I made myself go worst. I play hard and pay for girls, I can get what I want and I’m only 13 at that time. I already lost my ity and my whole normal life. I used to join illegal stuffs like drag racing and drug usage. I was completely in the dark side of the world where I know no one cares cause I'm free.....I’m alone.


Even though my father has been ordering and keeps sending watchdogs for me here in korea while he was in his business trip  outside the country I was always being stubborn and beat them. My father came back after 2 years. He look at me like I’m the worst, most idiot, useless and disgusted human being in the world, he almost disown me as his son. But he can’t surely do that. My father is the kind of person who likes to use people for his own good. Like what he did to my mother and sister. I know he marry my mom because of her family’s wealth. He just used mom to have the things he wanted to have. But he's not yet contented to that, my poor beloved sister is also a victim of his selfishness. He did an arranged marriage for my sister because of money again. He is greedy. He is evil. He doesn’t care to anybody except for himself and I know he can’t disown me because he still needs me for his future plans and that’s what the card I’m using from him that’s why I can do anything I want...................…..for now.


After two years I continued from being a useless guy. I’m not listening to anyone even to my father. Until Bigbang guys helped me. I never expect that I can still find friends like them I'm actually the last person to make true friends in school. But these guys dragged me with them around. We’ve met in the campus and found out that we all do crazy things but they are the one who actually change me from being an evil to bad. Yes I’m still in the bad side when I met them but at least I change from being an illegal teenager drug addict to a mean-bully-teenager-junkie. Although I still drink and smoke but I already know my limit. I don’t know but those guys has the traits I see in my big brother before that’s why they made my eyes open from the little lighter side of the world. We became friends until now. I treat them as my real brothers though I don’t usually show it through my actions but I consider it in my heart.


Then now I met Sandara Park, the girl that made my head spin to the world I never expect I will be. She made me complete. She’s the girl that always creeping in my dreams since I felt my heart doesn’t beat normally already. The girl that keeps shouting at me but what in the heck am I supposed to say……she’s the girl I love. She quickly weaselled her way to the center of my heart and I never wanna let her go.














“Mr. Kwon it’s me Mr. Hwan”


“Yeah Mr. Hwan any news?”


“Your son and Ms. Park are together again.”


“Oh.” He chuckled. “That boy is so stubborn. He never really listens to me. I already warned him. Let see until where he will use his stone heart at me.” He smirks evilly. “Anyways Mr. Hwan just keep doing what I told you before.”


“Yes Mr. Kwon.”


Mr. Kwon hanged up. “Sandara Park” He uttered the name very sharply “My son is truly in love with you huh.” He chuckled. “Well, let see how much he loves you”














Oh Oh





KwonEvil is coming!!! Bwuahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha



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charleneivy #1
Chapter 24: Hi! I hope u update soon! I miss your story!. Thanks
bigbanggd_vip #2
Chapter 24: rereading again.. missing your updates..T_T
Chapter 24: This is a cute story author-nim. Thank you for the update!
daramaegon #5
Chapter 23: i wondered why all of a sudden cl was interferring daragon's relationship? so annoying..thanks for the update:)
Chapter 21: Wadafaahk is happening...
Kyakk soo confusing..
Chapter 22: So cliché. Thought its gonna be fresh but... Pffft.
Chapter 22: Aaaahhhhh
my guess will be.....
Ji will let Dara meet his mother that's why they are in a hotel....
Loyal Ji, right.....
Chapter 21: oh no why it turn out like this?
Chapter 20: yup arrange marriage..not again