Chapter 9: Kwons Talk to Dara

(ON HOLD) PLAYFUL LOVE : Teach, Touch , and Torn Me Not!


We just stared at each other.








And unexpectedly I noticed that his nut-brown eyes sparkled.


OMONA! What’s happening?!


To escape in this awkward moment I thought of something to do and I saw the notebook still lying on the floor. I pick the notebook and give it to him. In my surprised he pulled me towards him, my face now was really near to his face and my eyes met his eyes. He was staring at me intensely i swallowed hard. He smirked and stole a peck on my lips.

I dropped my jaw as now my lips and teeth are parted, with no tension around the mouth, my face became a white as chalk, and my throat was so dry as if I had climbed the tallest mountain in Korea in one breath.


"Thank you." Kwon Jiyong said "I don't owe you anything now" He turned his back at me and sat on the chair.


"W-What?!" I asked. "You owe me something?"


He nodded and said "Yes. You wrote it here" He showed me the 'post it' note I gave to him this morning.



I made your homework.


You owe me this one.





"And thank you for the poem. I don’t really read poems but because you wrote it for me. That's an exemption."


I didn’t response.


“Are you going to stand there until we finished our session?"




"You can’t hear me?"


Omo what's going on to me? I can’t talk and even do things properly.


I saw him stood up from the chair and walk around the table towards me. I don’t know but suddenly my heart started to pound. Like dug dug dug dug dug dug. And when he stopped in front of me my heart pounded even hard.


"Are you sick?" He touched my forehead checking if i have flu. As the time his hand touches my forehead the sound of my heart is getting louder. I can feel that even the person who was 5 meters away from me can hear it too. I pushed his hand from my forehead. And i saw him got surprised.


"Don’t touch me ever again!"


"Dara what's wrong?"


"You're stupid. Stay away from me." I harshly uttered, took my bag and leave. I run until I reached outside their mansion's gate but a jaw dropping black, shinning mercedez venz stopped in front of me, the window slowly went down and I saw Jiyong's father.


"Are you Ms. Sandara Park?" A very strict and intimidating voice asked.


"Yes sir." I replied politely.


He looked at me from head to toe then glanced at my face again for a moment.


"So you're my son's tutor........but why are you still here outside?"




"Come inside" he offered


"But sir...."


"I wanna talk to u too" he smiled at me. And since a business tycoon asked me I can’t do anything but to comply right? helloooo he's Mr. Kwon the president of different enterprises and merchandising company in the country. Who am I to reject him? So I went back inside the mansion.


Butler Lee opens the door for us.


"Follow me" he said so I just followed him. We entered a very big room that looks like his office. I can see many law and business books on the shelves and has a very aristocratic aura inside. He sat at his chair and loosens his necktie.


"Ms. Sandara Park" he looked at me and smiled. "Nice name"


"Thank you sir" I bowed.


"So how many months you've been tutoring my son?" He asked.


"Hmm almost 4 months now sir" i replied.




"Yes sir" I nodded.


"Who asked you to tutor him?"


"Ahhh sir..."


"Who asked you?"


I swallowed nervously and I don’t know why even though his questions are too easy to answer.


"Mr. Kwon Jiyong sir"


"How much?"




"How much his paying you?"


"Ahhh..He....he gave me 1,000,000 won last week sir” i shyly answered while my head bowed down.


A sly smile formed on his lips.


"Do you know why he's doing this?"


I glanced at him "I don’t know sir" i shook my head.


"Hmmmm you two not close?"


I smiled. "Not really sir our relationship is just a tutor and a student. We're not even friends"


"Oh I see." He stood up on his seat and walked towards me. "Thank you. You can go now" he opened the door and went outside first and before the door closed I followed him. At the moment I exited Mr. Kwon’s room Kwon Jiyong saw us. I’m now standing right behind his father.


"Dara?" Kwon Jiyong looked at me and then to his father then to me again.


"Why are you still here? I thought you already went home?"




"I talked to her for a minute." His father said.


"And why?"


"Is it forbidden to talk to your lovely tutor my son?" his father glanced at me and smiled.


"Dara lets go. You should go home now" Kwon Jiyong held my hand and dragged me outside their mansion without saying goodbye to his father.


"Yaaaah Kwon Jiyong loosens your grip. It hurts. And I havent said goodbyes to your father yet" i demand but as if he did not hear anything he still dragging me towards his car. "Go inside the car." He commands. "I'll take you home"








"You don’t hear me?"


He looked at me so pissed. I pouted and just rode Kwon Jiyong’s car. In my surprise on our way he talked to me which is very new since we only talked at their mansion or in the schools rooftop.


“What’s your address?” He asked right after his car left their mansion’s area.

So I told him where I live.


“It’s far from here actually it is almost 2 hours if I’ll commute a bus …….but 1 hour and a half if I ride taxi.” I explained.


“I didn’t know your house is far from ours”


I smiled. “Truthfully, I’m very exhausted whenever I arrived home” I complained but he didn’t response.


After a minute


"What did you two talked about?" He asked again.


"Hmm nothing much. He just asked if i know your reason behind me tutoring you, how much you're paying me, and if we're close."




“And?" I wrinkled my forehead.


He sighed. "And you answered what?"


“I said I don’t know your reason, you already gave me 1 million won, and we are not close.”


He looked at me as if I said something wrong.


“Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?” I wonder.


He didn’t say anything.


“Yah! Looked at the road!” I shouted when I saw that we almost bump the car in front of us because the traffic light already turned red.


“Concentrate on your driving! I don’t wanna die now.” I exclaimed.


But he didn’t say anything. I looked at him and he seems thinking really deep. I want to ask him about his reason for hiring a tutor but I’m afraid he’ll just ignore me or say something to me that will make me pissed. After 10 minutes of silence I cleared my throat.


“Kwo-Kwon Jiyong?” I thought he didn’t hear me since I said it almost whispering.


“Hmmmm?” He glanced at me in a second and looked back at the road again.


I bowed my head looking at my fiddling fingers on my lap “Is it okay to ask you something?”


He glanced at me again for a second and he nodded. “Sure”


“Hmmmm….I….I….I know ahmmm…I...”


“I love you?” He said. My eyes grew wide I think I stop breathing for a while.


I immediately shook my head. “Aniyo!—nooo…..Ani…ani!” I’m waving my hand. “T---that’s n-n-not what I meant. I…..I…” I startled.


He smirked and said. “Relax”


I gulp. My breathing became so fast and pebbles of sweat are now visible on my forehead.


“That’s not what I meant.”


“I know” He smiled “So what it is?”


“I just…I just….wanna know your reason why your doing this?” I shyly said.


“Doing what?”


“Is he playing with me…it’s obvious that I’m asking about the tutoring thing” I thought.

“Ahmmm…about tutoring you know” I said.


He smiled still eyes on the road. He sighed. “It’s none of your business”


See. I’m right an annoying answer will come out to his mouth. So I just rolled my eyes on him and diverted my attention at the view outside the car.


After another 10 minutes


“You’re not angry anymore?” I turned my head to Kwon Jiyong.


“What do you mean?” I asked.


“You’re such an old lady. Why you easily forget what happened recently?”


My right eyebrow raised “What?”


He clicked his tongue. “Don’t touch me ever again! You're stupid. Stay away from me!" He imitates me not only the moves but also the voice. My checks are now color red. “Now Remember?” He said.


“Yaah!!” I exclaimed and he giggled.


“You’re angry again?” He pouted.


“Ampft just concentrate on driving! It’s none of your business!!” I declared.


“Is it your first?” He asked again. Aigooo How come this man became talkative right now?


“First?” I asked.


“Do I need to mention it?”


“What do you mean?”


He didn’t talk for a while again and I just looking at him waiting for his answer then he sighed. “Is it your first kiss?”


I didn’t move but I’m still looking at him. He glanced at me for a second then he smirked.

"So I’m your first kiss."


I blink twice. "Excuse me. That's not true!"


"Don’t deny it. I can identify lips."


My mouth hanged up. "Y-Yah!"


He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. I turned my head to the car's window blushing.


"No boyfriend since birth?"


Arghhh this guy is really annoying. Can I sew his mouth right now?! I choose to ignore him and showed him that he’s annoying me. I folded my arms to my chest and pouted.


"Are you angry again?" He asked but i didn’t answer.


Silence enveloped us again.


"You can stop here" I finally said. He parked the car to the side.

"Where's your house?" He asked. What happened to the quiet and lonely Kwon Jiyong I know? He's been very interrogative now.


"Just a few blocks away." I pointed while removing my seat belt but he started the engine again.


"What are you doing? Drop me here"


"You said your house it still a few blocks away"




"Is that your house?" He was looking outside the window. I nodded in response.


"It's too small. How many are you living there?"


"Four. Mom, dad, my little brother and me."




"Thank you for giving me a ride." I bowed at him.


"No worries. It's my pleasure to be your first kiss though" he glanced at me.


I smiled at him "You're not my first kiss Kwon Jiyong so don’t be delusional. It’s your pleasure to be my first kiss??” I showed him my teasing smile. “You think that my lips are still ? Well…. I’m sorry to say this but there's someone who already touch my lips first before you." I said with confidence and wink at him before I came out to his car. I leave him dumbfounded I noticed that he stayed there for almost 5 minutes before he leaves. I shook my head while smiling and went home.




“Aissssht” Kwon Jiyong hit the steering wheel with his hands gripping to it tightly because he was dynamically pissed to Sandara Park.


"You're not my first kiss Kwon Jiyong so don’t be delusional.”


“Don’t be delusional”


“Don’t be delusional”


“Don’t be delusional”


He pressed his lips when he remembered her last words before leaving him.


“You think that my lips are still ? Well…. I’m sorry to say this but there's someone who already touch my lips first before you."


“There’s someone who already touch my lips first before you."


“There’s someone who already touch my lips first before you."


“There’s someone who already touch my lips first before you."


“Arghhhhh! That girl! She knows how to piss me big!” he shook his head. “Do you think I will let what you did pass?.......SAN-DA-RA PARK you miss with the wrong person” He said arrogantly while smirking then he drove his car in a speed.









Woooooooooooops Since I've gone quite long I updated two chapters today kkkkkkk

(Chapter 9 to 10)

Happy Holy Week! God Bless us all!

Yeorobun Kamsahamnida *bows* 

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charleneivy #1
Chapter 24: Hi! I hope u update soon! I miss your story!. Thanks
bigbanggd_vip #2
Chapter 24: rereading again.. missing your updates..T_T
Chapter 24: This is a cute story author-nim. Thank you for the update!
daramaegon #5
Chapter 23: i wondered why all of a sudden cl was interferring daragon's relationship? so annoying..thanks for the update:)
Chapter 21: Wadafaahk is happening...
Kyakk soo confusing..
Chapter 22: So cliché. Thought its gonna be fresh but... Pffft.
Chapter 22: Aaaahhhhh
my guess will be.....
Ji will let Dara meet his mother that's why they are in a hotel....
Loyal Ji, right.....
Chapter 21: oh no why it turn out like this?
Chapter 20: yup arrange marriage..not again