Ch.1- First Day

Is It Her??

"Umm... I said I'm Jihye, the new transfer student." His reaction surprised you so you introduced yourself again. 

"Bang Yongguk," he said as he looked down again and resumed writing lyrics. 
You were confused at the boy. Why did he look at me like that so surprised? 
"So.. How old are you?" you asked trying to make conversation. However, Yongguk ignored you. You began talking about yourself.. "I'm Lee Jihye-" 
"You've said that four times now." he said harshly. 
"Sorry, I just..." 
"Don't mind him," a tall, tan, and handsome boy whispered behind you. "He's just cold to strangers and most people...I'm Jisung by the way..." he said and held his hand out to you to shake. 
"Nice to meet you, Jisung-ssi!" you smiled brightly and shook his hand.
"If you need anything or need help getting around, just ask me! I'll be there to help," he winked. 
"Thanks," you giggled back at the handsome guy. 
A group of girls saw you talking to Jisung, one of the most popular guys in school, and gossiped jealously. They saw you smile, giggle and shake his hand. 
"Ugh, Jisung just winked at her. I bet she's fallen for him already. Too bad he's mine..... Hahahaha." 
"Unni, they're just talking. Calm down. Don't worry, you're prettier anyway." 
"I know. She better not interfere with my man though..." 
You went home to your apartment, about a 15 minute walk from school, where you lived with your brother. Your father was in LA but you two had  decided to move back to Seoul. 
"Oppa! I'm home!" you shouted. 
"Oh! My dongsaeng! How was your first day at your new school? Make lots of friends?" he asked as he unpacked boxes.
"Well, I met a guy named Bang Yongguk, who didn't really talk, and another guy named Jisung, who did. But I wouldn't say I've made any friends......" 
"Did you only talk to guys? Remember if they hurt you they're dead," your oppa said. 
"Yah!" you laughed at his words...
"You should probably make some girl friends too." your brother replied. 
"You're right! Tomorrow I'll try, but you know how hard it is for me to approach people.... especially because- " 
"It's okay, dongsaeng. Forget about everything in the past. We're here to stay now so you should try to make friends," your brother said and pat you on the back. 
First chapter of my first fanfic! Please leave feedback and subscribe^^ 
I'm new to all this so encouragement and feedback is much appreciated:) 
keep reading because I promise, it'll get better! Beginnings are hard... ><
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hippo_guk #1
Chapter 7: please update soon I love your story!
jayparkaom #2
Love it, please update (:
Chapter 6: Love it so far, love how Himchan's so cocky, but in a friendly way. ^__^ And I like that you didn't make Yongguk too much of a massive jerkface, it's more believable that way. Subbing~
Chapter 3: Loving it so far! Cant wait to see how the story progresses :]
Yonggukswipeu #5
Chapter 1: This is really good!!!! Update soon!!!^^