A Morning to Remember

What do I do? I think I'm falling in love you.

IT’S STILL DARK OUT as they lay in bed side by side in each other’s arms.  Taec remains wide awake as he watches over her sleeping soundly almost bare in nothing but her oversized shirt and knickers beneath the blanket with his arm tucked around her and his other arm used as her pillow.  He feels a twitch from his jeans seemingly responding to the current state he is in.  He tries hard to endure the torture of wanting to take her for himself at this very moment, to exercise his self-control until the day she herself accepts him fully.


She tossed in her sleep and scrunches up her nose.  He chuckles silently at the sight as he slowly sweeps the hair away from her face with his finger.  She moves again to bury her head in his firm chest even deeper as she drapes her leg and her arm around him.


At that moment, in that bed, it feels like she was his and only his.  “If only you were mine.” Taec whispers to her with a kiss that he plants on top of her head.  He hugs her a little more closely wanting time to stop and the darkness to never end. 


“I wish I could wake up next to you each day.”  Taec says as he fights off his sleepiness and battles to keep his drowsy eyes open.  But his somnolence wins rendering him unconscious by her side.


The light begins to spray through the window and she squirms as the light hits her face.  She has awakened to the sound of his beating heart as she can feel his chest heaving up and down.  She looks with heavy half lidded eyes at the owner of the chest that kept her warm through the night.  She finds him still asleep and snoring softly.


She looks at his face as if wanting to remember every detail until she can makes a mental portrait of him in her head.  She traces her finger on his face, on his brows, his lashes, his jaw, his nose to his lips.  Taec stirs a little and she stops frozen with her finger on his mouth.  He sleeps again and she giggles at how soundly he sleeps.  Every touch sends a shock to her spine.  He’s warm and yet cold to the touch.  And being this close sends her heart beating rapidly.  She senses a certain addiction of wanting to touch more and to explore every part of him.  She traces Taec’s lips with her finger amused that it was so soft yet could give such a passionate kiss.


“You better be prepared with what’s coming if you keep on doing that.” Taec mutters keeping one eye open looking at her.


Surprised that he’s awake, she moves quickly rolling the other way as Taec puts his arm around her waist turning her to face him again.


“Good morning.” Taec said with a smile trying to open his eyes.


“Good morning.” she said shyly remembering what she was doing to Taec just a moment ago.  “Did I wake you?”


“Umm.” Taec said with a nod.  “You woke me up in a good way.” he muttered smiling like a fool.


“I’ll go make breakfast.” she said sitting up to cut off the embarrassing conversation taking place in her bed.  “We’re running late as it is.”


“I AM running late as it is.  YOU will stay home and take some rest.” Taec said pushing her back down in bed.


“I can’t!  I have..” she said.


“Yes you can.” Taec cuts her off mid-sentence.  “I’ve called Pam last night to file a leave for you.”


“But…” she said.


“But nothing.  You still need to rest.” Taec said hovering over her pinching her nose.


“Fine.  Umm…Taec…” she said looking up at him as she plays with her fingers.


“What is it?” Taec asked.


“Do you want to stay here with me for today?” she asked.


Taec grins widely at the thought and offer of staying with her and then after a few moments of thought, he falls back down flat on the bed dejectedly.  “I can’t not go to the office this morning, I have a meeting.” he said.


“Okay.” she said sadly.


“What if I come back here after work?” Taec said looking at her.


“Mmm…nope, its fine.” she says not looking at him and looking at the ceiling instead.


“Are you mad?” Taec asked.


“No, not really.  I mean, its work after all and its important.” she said.  “So, don’t worry.  I’ll be okay and I’ll be a good girl at home.” she said with a smile.


“Are you sure?” Taec asked.


“Definitely.” she replied.  “Now, let’s go get breakfast.” she said leading him out of bed.


“I’ll make breakfast, you stay here.” Taec said holding her hand pulling her back down in bed.


“How about…you make breakfast and I’ll go with you and watch.” she said with a playful smile.


“I love that idea.” Taec said in agreement.


They walk out of the room to the kitchen with fingers laced together.  Both unsure as to why, how or when it started, but somehow there’s a feeling of wanting and needing to touch the other.  Somehow the physical intimacy between them has suddenly become natural.  Not comfortable like before, but the heart pounding kind.


Taec made Pancakes, bacon and eggs as she watched with her chin on her hand on the countertop.  “He’s kind of beautiful in the morning.  I wonder why I never really noticed.” she thought to herself as she watches his every move.


“Are you staring at me?” Taec asked with an arrogant look on his face as he places a plate of food in front of her.


“And what if I am?” she asked back.


“Are you thinking, what a handsome guy he is I can’t believe I never noticed before?” Taec said moving his face closer to hers.


Surprised by his accuracy she smiled to say, “Actually I am.”


Taec laughed at her remark and pointed to the plate.  “Eat.” he said as he sits down opposite her to eat his breakfast as well.


They eat their meals sharing small talk and laughter.  All the while both thinking and wishing that every morning be the same as this.


She picks up the plates to put it on the sink.  “You better leave now or you won’t make it to your meeting in time.  You still have to go home to change.  Just bring my car since you left yours in the office.” she said as she washes the plates.


Taec walks towards her and came even closer to her back.  He wraps his hands around her waist and then leaned to kiss her neck.  She jumps in surprise almost breaking the glass in her hands.


“It would be heaven if you would love me back.” Taec whispered in her ear.


“Then let it be heaven because I do.” she says turning herself around to face him and landing her hands on his neck, putting soap suds on him.


“What, as a best friend?” he asked with a pout tilting his head to the side.


“No Taec…as you.  As Ok Taecyeon.” she said with a smile.


He looked bewildered for a moment, doubtful if any of these were true.  “Say it.” he says.


“Say what?” she asked back.


“Say that you love me.” he said holding her face on his hands.


She smiled playfully at him, a smile he doesn’t wish to see right now.  “Maybe later.” she said.  “Later when you come back.  So hurry back and then I’ll confess everything to you.” she said giving him a smack and then pushing him away to turn around and finish the dishes.


“This is torture.  Haven’t you tortured me enough?” Taec whined as he holds her by the waist.


She laughs at him and faces him again.  “I …… will tell you all about it later.” she said teasingly.


“Promise?” he said with a kiss.


“Promise.” she said with a smile.  “Now go!”


Taec took her in his arms and leaned down to kiss her lips, slowly his tongue played with hers and in that moment they both felt like they’re in heaven, knowing that both their feelings have finally come across to reach each other.


She walks her to the door handing him her keys and a long hot kiss.  “Be back early?” she asked.


“Can’t wait.” he said with a grin as he reaches for another kiss.  “I love you.” he said as he hugs her tight.


He goes in her car and drives away with a smile honking his horn twice.  She waves at him and closes the door behind her.  She walks a bit dazed and plops on the couch with a smile thinking about what just happened.  She closes her eyes to remember every detail as she feels like this would be one of those precious moments she would hold on to forever.


Her doorbell rings and she opens her eyes.  She looked at her clock on the wall and shook her head smiling.  “It’s only been a few minutes and Taec is back already.  I guess I should have said I love him earlier.” she thought to herself as she walked towards the door with a hurried pace.


She opens the door with a big smile.  “Taec, its only been a few minutes and….” she said.  Only to choke on her words in shock as he sees the man at the other side of the doorway – Jun.


Some things just fall into place on its own…but sometimes it wouldn’t hurt to give a hand in pushing them there...

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11 streak #1
Chapter 6: I can't imagine Taecyeon crying so much...
Chapter 17: phuahhahahahahah, he's alergic!!!!... ROTFF!!!!...
awwwww, the wows are beautiful *wanna cry

sweet story :)... i don't get 2 read that very often about Ty... thx :D
Chapter 15: ahem......

*me wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 12: i told him i loved, him , tooooo :)

*wants 2 do it again... and again
Chapter 9: "i'll wait for the day that you fall in love with me"

Chapter 6: that image of him crying, i hate it!!!... i don't ever wanna see him cry again... if he does cry, it has 2 b for happyness
Chapter 4: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3
Chapter 3: i'll be the jerk u'll fall in love with... i like that, very arogant, it suits him :D
Chapter 1: what???!!!!! phuahhahahahha
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 17: Awww...sweeeet story though hehe done reading this one looove it :)