The shock that came on a Monday morning.

What do I do? I think I'm falling in love you.


MONDAY.  She taps her finger on her kitchen counter waiting for her drip coffee.  “Ah, done!” she said with a clap. 

It’s another work weekday and she hurries out to work after enjoying her cup.  Same people, same routine…another work day…it’s going to be long.  “Thank God for the invention of caffeine.” She thought to herself while pushing the up button in the elevator.  “F***!!!” she yelps from a poke at her side.  She looked around signaling an apology to everyone who heard.  She saw her best friend, Taec, laughing his head off like a child.  Seeing this, her frown easily turned to a smile thinking, “Thank God for the creation of a best friend.” 

She looks at him and thinks, “He’s kind of cute today, more so than usual.  A blue shirt really suits him.  I mean he’s good-looking.  He’s tall, got broad shoulders, well defined facial features, fantastic body.  He’s smart and funny.  A little quirky.  But overall, he’s a good catch.  Too bad he’s gay."

Her thoughts interrupted as Taec asks, “So what’s up with you today?  You look a little more horrid than you usually do.” 

She smirks, “You too!  I couldn’t sleep.  I couldn’t even enjoy my Sunday.” 

The elevator opens and they both get in with about several other people with her being pushed to the corner of the elevator.  “So this is what sardines feel like.” she says with a laugh. 

“So what happened to you?”  He asks with him facing towards her holding her close to get her from being squished in the corner even more.  “You’re so tiny.  You should drink more milk.”  He said with an air to it as he towers over her. 

“You’re too tall.  You should get your legs chopped or your head since it’s of no use to you or to anyone.”  She said rolling her eyes at him. 

With his eyebrow raised he replied “Well, you…”

“14th floor, our stop!” she says, breaking the conversation before he could even make a sarcastic retort, to which he seems to be an expert at. 

“Hold the door please, I have a little kid with me.”  Taec said leading her by the arm with a silly smile.  As soon as they stepped out he asks again like an inquisituve child would, only his child was huge and kept on poking her on her side, “So what happened?  What happened?” 

“Got a text and it kept me wondering all day.”  She says as she shows him the phone to stop him from poking his nose on the subject and to stop him literally from poking at her side.

Text message reads:  "I miss the way you twist your hair up in a bun with a pencil. ^^…Do you still do that these days? – sender unknown."

“Hmmm…you’ve got a stalker?  Who would have thought that anyone else would take interest in you…or this could be a prank.”  Taec says still looking at her phone. 

“HAHA…funny.  Anyway, I thought it was you.”  She said looking at his reaction as if trying to confirm the statement. 

“Nope, not me.”  Taec said handing the phone back walking ahead of her.  They walked straight towards the office greeting people on the way.  Then he turns back and with a cheesy smile, bent towards her and said, “It might be your ex.”  Then with that remark he walked straight to his office and shut the door behind him.  

“Which ex?” she exclaims at the door.  And just as she was about to walk by she hears the door opening again.  She turns.  

He opens the door to answer, “Jun!” then shuts the door again. 

She reached her office with her head afloat, sat on her chair, leaned towards her table with her face in her palms.  “Could it be?  It couldn’t right?  I mean there’s just absolutely no way it could be.  The last time we talked was about…yes, 4 years ago.” 

Knock…knock…knock.  Her assistant knocks repeatedly on her door, but she was too preoccupied with her thoughts that she can’t seem to hear. Her assistant, Pam walks in.  “Ma’am!”  She almost jumps from her seat,“Oh my gosh!  Pam you startled me!  Are you trying to kill me or are you just trying to give me a heart attack?  Jeez.” 

Pam smiles, “Sorry ma’am.  It’s just that I knocked, but there was no answer.  Are you alright? 

She nods, “I’m fine.  I was just thinking…and don’t call me ma’am!  How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ma’am?  Am I your mother's friend? We’re friends you know.”  She says with a smile. 

“Well, we’re in the office, so in here I call you what I should call you.  Anyway, since were friends…tell me what’s wrong." Pam says with a laugh taking a seat opposite her. 

“Well, I got this text…” she began to recant.  “And Taec said it might be Jun.  I mean it can’t be right?” 

“Well, it can.”  Pam said with an i-know-what-I’m-talking-about-look.  “So what did Taec say, we both know how he feels about Jun?  I mean he hates him so freaking much he could kill him.” 

“I know right, I mean it’s not like he broke up with him...or did they?”  She says with a laugh. 

“Well, he cares about you.”  Pam says with a reassuring tone. 

“But still.”  She insists. 

“You know what, you guys should just date.  I mean why haven’t you guys hooked up?  Stuck in the friend zone?”  Pam queries even more. 

“Are you insane?"  Her eyes began to widen.  "Well, he’s like the mayor of the friend zone and I’m the governor.”  She said laughingly. 

“But why?”  

“Because he’s gay.”  she said with an i-can't-believe-you-don't-know tone.

“Says who?” 

“I don’t know, he just is.” 

“Are you ing stupid?  Taec’s not gay!  Who told you that?  Why would you even think that?” 

“WHAT?!!!” she exclaims, shocked and wide eyed.


Oh what a hectic Monday morning it turned out to be...


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11 streak #1
Chapter 6: I can't imagine Taecyeon crying so much...
Chapter 17: phuahhahahahahah, he's alergic!!!!... ROTFF!!!!...
awwwww, the wows are beautiful *wanna cry

sweet story :)... i don't get 2 read that very often about Ty... thx :D
Chapter 15: ahem......

*me wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 12: i told him i loved, him , tooooo :)

*wants 2 do it again... and again
Chapter 9: "i'll wait for the day that you fall in love with me"

Chapter 6: that image of him crying, i hate it!!!... i don't ever wanna see him cry again... if he does cry, it has 2 b for happyness
Chapter 4: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3
Chapter 3: i'll be the jerk u'll fall in love with... i like that, very arogant, it suits him :D
Chapter 1: what???!!!!! phuahhahahahha
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 17: Awww...sweeeet story though hehe done reading this one looove it :)