Ask Me...

What do I do? I think I'm falling in love you.


THE RIDE down the elevator was quiet with her holding Taec’s hand.  There’s a feeling of being nervous and safe at the same time.  A nostalgic feeling of being together and having to enjoy each other’s presence even without an exchange of words or glance.  Just the feeling of being there, together – satisfies.


The elevator door opens and Taec leads her out still with hands cupped gently yet firmly together.  He takes her to her car, opens the passenger side door, sits her down and buckles her seatbelt without even looking at her face.  She on the other hand could not seem to take her eyes off of his face, following his every move till he sits right beside her behind the wheels.


Taec takes off his jacket to cover her with it and drove off to her place.  The whole drive was silent and tension filled the cramped space.  No voices shared.  And from time to time she would take note of his hand, holding the steering wheel and shifting gears and she gets an overwhelming feeling of wanting to hold it again and feel its warmth.  As he shifts to third gear, she suddenly held his hand.  Surprised he hits the break hard and turns to her.


“What’s wrong?” Taec asked with a trembling voice.


“Nothing.” she answered.  “Just a bit cold, I thought I’d hold your hand to warm up.”


And with those words Taec held her hand throughout the whole drive back to her place.  His warmth was comforting, soothing.  A mere touch that seems to console her heart and mind.  A mere touch that sends her heart fluttering and thudding loud.


They’re finally home and the car halts to a stop.  He turns off the engine and withdraws the key from the ignition and hands it to her.  They step down and he walks with her taking her hand in his.


“Thanks.” she said to him.


“You’re welcome.  You better change into your PJs.”  Taec said going straight to the kitchen.  “And climb into bed already.”


She goes into her room, washes up and changes into her oversized shirt and complies with the idea of staying in bed with her head all light and fuzzy.


“Have you had anything to eat?” Taec shouts.  “I’m making you soup and whatever else I could find.”


Taec was busy in the kitchen making this and that with this and that.  She on the other hand has drifted into sleep with her heavy eyes and a throbbing head with her last thoughts being, “I hope he doesn’t make too much mess in my kitchen.”


She wakes up feeling a little better, still feverish, but not in any more pain.  She felt a cold compress on her forehead and a warm hand on her own hand.  She looks around in her half lidded eyes and sees Taec by her side.


“Your awake.  You should eat and push fluids.” Taec tells her and she nods in response.


He goes out to the kitchen to get her a tray of food as she decides to sit up and clear her head.


“Here.  Eat lots.  Drink lots.  Then take your meds.”  Taec said handing her the food he prepared.  She eats while he looks on.  Like a mother looking out for her sick child.


After eating he took the dishes out and cleaned her kitchen.  “She hates a dirty kitchen after all.” he thought to himself wiping the counters dry.


“Are you feeling any better?”  Taec asked sitting on her bedside with him touching her forehead.


“A little.” she replied.


“Then get more rest.” Taec said tucking her in.  “I’ll be going ahead.“ he said as he stands to leave, but having to stop as he felt her cling unto his hand.


“Stay…at least until I’ve fallen asleep.” she said to him with pleading eyes.


He sits back down beside her as he looked at her.  “Fine.  I’ll stay.”


There was an awkward silence as they sit in bed side by side with only a blanket separating them.  Legs stretched out with their backs leaning on the pillows as they held hands.  It’s not the first time they have been in bed together as he would often stay to sleep over.  They would be at an even closer proximity to each other before.  But in those times his heart would be the only one beating hard.  This time both of them are feeling like their hearts are about to beat out of their chests, both of them having the insatiable hunger of wanting to touch the other.


“Are you mad at me?” Taec asked out of the blue.


“A little.” she answered, as she thought about how coldly he dismissed her that morning.


“Because I took you away from Jun at the elevator?” he asked again.


“No!” she said almost shouting.


“Then because of what happened earlier this morning?” Taec confirmed.


“Ummm.” she nodded in agreement.


“I’m sorry.” Taec said looking at her as she smiles at him.


“Are you and Jun starting to date now?  I heard from Pam that he has been coming to the office a lot lately.  And earlier you seemed really friendly towards each other.” Taec said almost gruntingly.


“Not even.  I was just being polite since he was making an effort.” she explained.


“Then…” Taec said wanting to say something, but obviously can’t.


“No Taec.  I’m not in love with him anymore and I don’t think I’ll be dating Jun any time soon.” she said to him straight-faced.  “Ask me who I love…ask me and I’ll tell you…just ask me and I’ll tell you it’s you Taec.” she thought to herself as if wanting to transfer her thoughts to him.


“I decided I wanted to forget all about you thinking you’re in love with Jun.  I’m glad I couldn’t and I don’t think I can ever.” Taec said to her with a smile.


“Let me love you.” Taec said putting one arm under her and pulling her closer to his chest with a hug.


She rested her head on his muscular chest as she moves in closer feeling his warmth.  “I’m sorry for hurting you.  I feel like I’ve been a terrible to you.” she said almost choking in her own words as she was close to tears.


“Shh..don’t say that.” he hushed her as he rests his head on top of hers.  “Don’t cry or your fever will go up.” Taec said as he kissed the top of her head.


“I’m sorry Taec.  Please don’t be mad at me anymore and don’t leave me like that.  It hurts not being around you.” she said as she cried and put her arms on his waist to hug him closer.


“Shhh… stop crying.  I’m here now, aren’t I?  I could never be mad at you for long.  I could never not forgive you.  I could never forget you nor can ever I stop loving you…even if you don’t love me back.” Taec whispered as he rocked her in his arms trying to stop her from sobbing.


She moved her head a little higher to meet his gaze.  “I’d kiss you if not for my fever.” she said.


Taec moves in to peck at her lips.  “I don’t care if I get sick.” he said with a smile.  “But right now you have to sleep to feel better.”


“Will you be here when I wake up?” she asked.


“I’ll be here.” he whispers.


She closes her eyes as she remains in his arms, close enough to hear his throbbing heart beat loudly in his chest and feel his warmth breath on her skin.


“I’ll wait for the day that you fall in love with me.” Taec whispers as he gently kissed her forehead.


A true heart waits because a love that is real lingers...

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11 streak #1
Chapter 6: I can't imagine Taecyeon crying so much...
Chapter 17: phuahhahahahahah, he's alergic!!!!... ROTFF!!!!...
awwwww, the wows are beautiful *wanna cry

sweet story :)... i don't get 2 read that very often about Ty... thx :D
Chapter 15: ahem......

*me wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 12: i told him i loved, him , tooooo :)

*wants 2 do it again... and again
Chapter 9: "i'll wait for the day that you fall in love with me"

Chapter 6: that image of him crying, i hate it!!!... i don't ever wanna see him cry again... if he does cry, it has 2 b for happyness
Chapter 4: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3
Chapter 3: i'll be the jerk u'll fall in love with... i like that, very arogant, it suits him :D
Chapter 1: what???!!!!! phuahhahahahha
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 17: Awww...sweeeet story though hehe done reading this one looove it :)