

Standing perfectly still, Do Kyungsoo slowly closed his eyes. Then he started to play his guitar. Soon he parted his lips, and slowly sang along.

When finally after ten good minutes the ancient-sounding wordless music ended with a single high-pitched note that sounded like distant birds flying overhead, the musician opened his eyes and bowed slightly. His cheeks burned red, his hands were trembling. After a short moment of silence, the crowd surrounding him in front of the fountain of the park applauded and cheered loudly. Most threw coins and cash into his guitar case.

Bowing repeatedly, Kyungsoo couldn't contain his happiness. A huge grin crept over his face, his eyes big as doe's. The crowed left one by one, and when the last piece of coin was thrown, he hurriedly collected the income. Placing his guitar carefully inside the case, he slowly zipped it shut.

Kyungsoo slung the case over his shoulder, while counting the money in his hand.

"Wow, that's a lot," He mumbled to himself. "Oh well, beginner's luck." He skipped happily along the track leading out of the park.


Since it was Saturday, you decided to have a morning walk around your apartment. Navy tracksuit pants, white Polo shirt was what you could wear from your wardrobe. After yesterday's strange occurrence, you decided to brush it off and continue with life, sadly.

You were your double-scooped-ice cream with chocochips on it, walking slowly while marvelling your surroundings. You then sat on a bench across from a fountain. The sun was blocked by clouds, yet it was warm. Your ears perked up when a loud melodious voice of a male echoed through the busy park, accompanied by his skillfully played guitar. You could see the image of the musician was standing on the other side of the fountain, but it was blurred by the water flowing down.

You didn't recorgize the language he was singing to, it was familiar though. And somehow it was captivating you. Still with a slowly-melting ice cream in hand, you slowly stood up, and walked around the fountain to get a better view of the amazing musician.

His voice got louder along with your steps getting faster, but to your dismay, you were blocked by a thick crowd surrounding the musician. You tried to push in, but the crowd was definitely stronger. You gave up, and walked your way back to the bench, humming the tone along with the song played.

You just sat there, mesmerised, with a small smile tugging on your lips. Your eyes stared in the distance, drowned in the singer's heavenly voice.

When the song ended, you almost cried out disappointedly. But your attention was caught by another sensation, it was the feeling of cold liquid flowing down your hand.

"Dammit!" You shrieked, your ice cream had completely melted. It travelled down your hand, and dripping down to your pants.

You quickly dispose the cone. "And why didn't I bring any tissue?" You said. You took out the handkerchief from your pocket, and wiped the stain off furiously.

After you were done, you were again disappointed to find out that the musician was gone.


"Father, I told you already, I do not want to go meet Park Kyunji," Kris pleaded.

"Do not speak her name that way. And as my son, you must obey me. You embarrassed me infront of the Kwons last fullmoon, and I will not receive any of those anymore, so go, before the Time comes, you must find an appropriate female to be your future wife," His father said, while sending him a penetrating soul look.

"But fa-"

"No buts, you may now take your leave."


"I can't believe that old man set me up with another of this nonsense." The male squinted his eyes, aiming the little deer down the distance. He nocked the arrow, raised and drawed it, then released it. It successfully shot the deer on its neck.

The other male scoffed. "That's not the way you talk about your amazing, talented father, you know," He said, while playing with the grass on his foot.

"No, that's not the way you define my father. He's arrogant, old, and cranky. Oh, and Lu Han, didn't your father set you up on these things, too?" He questioned the bored-looking face of the male.

"Yes, but the females were rather cute, so I was fine with it."

Kris rolled his eyes. "C'mon, let's get the dear."

They expanded their wings. Their 10 meters wingspan proudly spread out from their backs. Kris then placed down his bow. Then by a gush of wind, they jumped down the cliff, towards the grassy ground below. By barely meter from crashing down, their wings flapped hard, making them standing again, smooth on the ground. They folded their wings once again, and walked towards the deer that was then scarcely breathing, fighting for its life.

"Poor deer." Lu Han pouted, while giving it a look filled with concern and sympathy.

"That's funny, coming from a guy who'll probably finish all the meat on the table at today's dinner," Kris retorted.

"Try to loose up, dude. I have feelings too, okay." The male furrowed his eyebrows, trying to look mad, but failed eventually.

"Don't 'dude' me, you're not human, you shouldn't pick up their nasty words," Kris said, while pulling out the arrow forcefully, making the deer yelp in pain with its remaining energy.

"Whatever." Lu Han rolled his eyes.


"Wow, that was good," Xiumin said, while patting his stomach.

"Nothing is no good to you," Tao snorted, while taking his last sip of drink.

"It's been a really long time since Junkyung last gave us a day-out," Kris said. He wiped his lips with a white handkerchief, although no stain was there to wipe.

"The deer was really tasty, thanks to Kris!" Chen exclaimed happily, they didn't get to eat much meat for the past 25 years, since their first day of training. It was depressing, but they succeed, with Xiumin barely did.

"Alright, kids. Now since all of your stomachs were now full, let's get down to the matter," Junkyung suddenly said in a low, stern voice. He was more than two hundred years old, despite his young physical look.

He looked at each of the boy's faces, diverted from one to another, then continued, "Orn Yeon sent Orn Jang a message this morning. He had finally found The Pion."

The boys' faces suddenly turned shocked, maybe confused, too. "W-what? The Pion?!" Kris eyes widened, mouth agape.

"She showed up in their meeting, yesterday. Orn Yeon almost recognized her as soon as he saw her," Junkyung explained.

"It's a girl?!" Junkyung saw Lu Han eyes widened even more through his peripheral vision. He stared straight to the leader's eyes. Trying to focus on him.

Kris looked as if he was pondering something in his head. Junkyung waited and he finally said, "Junkyung, so that means soon we need to sacrifice our lives, for her?" His low, ugly voice echoed through the whole room.



There was a long, stiff silence.







That turned out a little short and crappy, forgive me lol. The next chapter will be less boring though, I think.

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ok i'm changing the characters. sorry LOL.


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KPOPLover_kja #1
Chapter 2: you're story is really really awesome...can't wait for the next update!!!! ^^
Chapter 1: I'm perfectly sure that I'm gonna scream my heart out when you update, author-nim. This fic is awesomely amazing!
KPOPLover_kja #3
Chapter 1: it's a really nice start...update soon!^^