

Archeulists. They weren't angels, although they were born with wings. Those wings were their main priority to protect, for they could be used for any form of magic. They weren't immortal, they aged up tp a certain year, and would remain physically in that age for hundreds of years, until the time came, they would claim death by their own. They were strong, no doubt. A dozen times stronger than any average human. They lived in peace, not once they ever claim war against another creature. But one terrifying night, Margalians, their only feared creature, decided to eradicate their kind for their feathers. For those white flat appandages the Archeulists most posessed. After the obliteration, few eventually survived, and were then called The Orns. They hid, inside the deep forests where no Margalians could find them. Then a hundred years passed, and the fortress that The Orns inauqurated to the world remained unknown to the Margalians. They remained silent, secretly scheming for an attack, to reclaim their land. For they believed in the prophecy, that stated that one day, The Pion would appear, and would help them regain their golden days. In the search of The Pion, their Head Priest decided to send a small fraction of the Archeulists to Earth, and to blend in to the human civilization.




"Can we at least take a short break, please?" Chanyeol begged. He was beyond tired. Three hours of accompanying Byun Baekhyun for shopping didn't spare his long legs a chance.

"Geez, no. You're lucky that you can actally accompany me, for girls will rather die to be in your spot, so be grateful." He shook his head, and sent him a piercing look. Before Chanyeol could even retort back, Baekhyun squealed. "Oh, look at that hat! Do you think that will look good on me, Yeol?" He eyed the hat with such intensity, making the other male feared the window glass would crack.

"You tell me." He scoffed.

"Come on, sto-"


Baekhyun didn't get to finish his sentence when a loud, jarring sound alerted the two males, and the other Archeulists in the area.






Hey, I couldn't get the idea off my head so I decided to make a fic out of it. I'm not abandoning Apotheosis, though. (--: I'm actually a huge fan of fanfasy fics, and I'm still trying to decide whether I should use Infinite or EXO as the main characters, so lets just see how this will go. And um, English isn't my first language. 


I do not own any of the characters. The story was purely from my imagination. Do not plagarize if you do not want me to eat you alive.



ok i'm changing the characters. sorry LOL.


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KPOPLover_kja #1
Chapter 2: you're story is really really awesome...can't wait for the next update!!!! ^^
Chapter 1: I'm perfectly sure that I'm gonna scream my heart out when you update, author-nim. This fic is awesomely amazing!
KPOPLover_kja #3
Chapter 1: it's a really nice start...update soon!^^