Cafe menu

Rose Bushes


The soothing sound of clinging coffee cups echoed through the small cafe, the bell-like sound from a lonely guitar  filled your ears and you felt  a calm that you haven’t felt for a long time. Opposite you sat your beautiful boyfriend and oh how beautiful he was. The view was almost like a painting. The sunlight seeping through the space between the white flowers in the window and shining on him made him look lika an angel. His curly brown hair against his sun kissed skin made he seem even more like a fairytale prince, that kind that accidently, handsomly stepped into the luminous Seoul. The warm coffee scent brought you back to reality when you noticed your boyfriend staring at you, clearly noticing you admiring him. But before you could give him a shy smile he looked down at the menu again.


Kai had originally wanted to just make your own coffee and dessert at home, but you had insisted on going to that cozy cafe you’ve had your eyes on for months. With your persuasive personality and twinkling eyes, you had managed to make Kai mutter a yes at last. He did look a little bit unhappy but you thought that was just another childish act that would be over after a while.


But when you two finally arrived, you couldn’t help but notice the abscent look in Kais eyes. Something didn’t seem right, the normally playful and happy Kai looked as if he would rather be in a prison cell than here with you. You tried to make eye contact with him but he kept avoiding it and directed his eyes towards the menu instead.

After a few more agonizing minutes in silence, you just couldn’t stand it anymore.


”Is is that torturing for you to be here with me?”

Kai looked up from the cream coloured menu. You didn’t miss the annoyance and slight tint of confusion written on his face, his hazel brown eyes gazed at you for a moment before giving you a short ’no’.


His answer lingered in your mind for a short minute before you quickly replied an ”Okay” with a  forced smile and looked down. The stitches on your yellow dress had unravleled a bit and you started to fumble nervously with it.


To be honest, Kai were always the dominant one in the relationship and you seemed to be the only one that was afraid of losing one another, because no matter how unfair he was towards you, you always managed to find an excusion for his behaviour. Which led to numerous ’It’s okay’, and everytime you said it, you would have this forced smile plastered all over your insecure face. 


But this didn’t mean Kai didn’t love you. He loved you so much, your smile that turns your eyes into lovely crescent moons, your rosy cheeks when he kisses you and your voice telling him how much you love him. You were however oblivious to how great his love towards you were since he never openly expressed it, so you didn’t want to risk your relationship with a fight. Afraid that he would break up and leave you, because god how much you loved this boy, he was your first love and you had given him your everything knowing that he was the one. But everytime you said ’I love you’, you couldn’t help but notice he stiffen and only pull you in for a kiss that eventually resulted in mornings at your tiny apartment. This made you question your relationship at certain times. Am I just another foolish girl that he can play with?


Kai saw from the corner of his eyes how your lips started to tremble and felt how his heart ached. He wanted to wrap his arms around you and tell you how sorry he was for being such a jerk, but at the same time he didn’t want to be the one apologizing, not today at least. He knew he was selfish but his day was horrible.


He had woken up with a big head ache that didn’t seem to dissapear until after work. And that annoyed the hell out of Kai, Everytime he sang a highnote, his head would throb like being hit by a hammer. The rest of the exo members noticed his discomfort and told him to go home and rest. But when he finally got home, he was greeted by your beaming face, telling him how much you wanted to go to some new cafe. Honestly, Kai felt like dying at that moment but agreed when he saw your cute pout and awkward aegyo.

While Kai was deep immersed in his thoughts, you had done some thinking as well. Weighing all the bad and the good you two had gone through, you looked at him biting his pink lips while looking through the menu, still avoiding eye contact with you.

Finally, you couldn’t stand the cold shoulder Kai was giving you anymore.

”Let’s break up.” 

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Chapter 2: So sweet :)
Chapter 2: Love this! I wish it was longer though. But it's really good! I don't normally read ones that aren't rated m, because imo the rated m section tend to have more interesting and meaningful stuff that are worth to read, (not to say that the unrated section doesn't, but it's kind of difficult to browse the good ones between all the lame annoying ones with the boring mary sue character that screams "oppa" all the time-__-) but that's just my opinion. Anyway excuse my babbling >_____< i'm glad i found this story. Great job author - nim!♥
Chapter 2: I like this one~^_^
Short but sweet and meaningful~~
110 streak #4
Chapter 2: This is so good! I like it :)
KpopLoverSelina #5
Chapter 2: Loving this! Good job!
Chapter 2: i love this story so much :3
kekekekekekeke ^^
enjoyed reading this fanfic c;
Wua~ I love it~ Its a beautiful Twoshot~ ^_^ It made me almost start crying~ <3
BlackjackPride #8
Chapter 2: It's very nice, thanks for the story, I enjoyed the reading ^-^