Chapter 30

Step Siblings

 Hey if you can. Please play this as you read the chapter. ^^ thx 

You were in your room, studying and doing homework, while Yongguk was in his room practicing some raps, caring less about work right at this moment. But suddenly you two  stopped what you were doing because you heard the door knob downstairs making noise. "Daddy!" You squealed. "Mom!" Yongguk squealed in unison as you.  You both jumped out of your beds, busted out your door, then had a moment of glaring contest at each other then ran downstairs pushing one another.


As you and Yongguk made your way downstairs, you saw the lovely couple in the living room with a lot of bags and random souvenirs. "We're Back!" They squealed happily as you ran to hug your dad, and Yongguk went to hug his mom. 


"How are you guys?" Yongguk mother asked as you and Yongguk answered in unison. "I'm great! How about you guys?"  After hearing you two say the exact same words, you guys quickly looked at each other and looked away mumbling to yourselves.


"I hope there were no problems, were there?" Your father asked.


"Nope, not at all." Once again you both said in unison. "Aish stop copying me!" And again you guys said at the same time.


You and Yongguk parents were chuckling at the both of you. They started to crack jokes about how you and Yongguk were destined for one another. You would stutter and Yongguk would blush. "So not true!" You squealed. "R-Right, I rather die!" Yongguk replied. "You rather die! Than go out with me?! I'll have you know that there's nothing wrong with me." You argued. "There's a lot of things wrong with you! I even have a list." Yongguk argued back. "haha. You guys will never grow up huh?" Yongguk's mother chuckled.


"You have a list?! I have a list too! Like your head is too big, your voice is too deep!" You debated. "Oh really now! You can't be talking Mi Rae, I mean look at your head, it's massive. And you don't even do your hair right!" Yongguk debated back.


"OKAAAYYY! Lets just go back to focusing on me and your dad. How about you guys start with saying was you guys honey-" The mother was cut off by you and Yongguk.


"PLEASE. My hair is always fine. And my head is not even close to being big!" 


"What ever you say Mi Rae...because that's what I see! You look like you just got out of bed!" Yongguk argued.


You and Yongguk argued and argued and argued for the longest time until the mother took charged and screamed. "YOU TWO! SHUT UP AND LISTEN." 


"Yes ma'am..." You and Yongguk said being so frightened.


"OK. So because you guys don't want to get along, I will not give you guys the gift I and your father got you. And I will just take Jee Sun's advice." The mother gently explained.


"Eh?! WHEN DID YOU TALK TO JEE SUN?" You questioned being so fustrated.


"She called me today when we were driving home." Yongguk's mother answered. *Damn you Jee Sun...Damn you..* You mentally thought to yourself. 


"Oh the plan..Yes we'll do that plan. See we wasn't going to do what Jee Sun told us because we thought you both became closer by now, but I guess we were wrong. So therefore, you two will start doing things together, starting with shopping for grocery for the house." Your dad explained, causing your jaws and Yongguk's jaws to drop.


"Please! Don't make us!" You and Yongguk cried in unison. You guys were like begging for your lives but no amount of begging would change your parents mind.


"Nope, we came prepared too! Here's the long list we made for you guys. We made it while he we were driving home." Yongguk's mother shoved the list in you and Yongguk's hand. "You guys get going now. Shoo..." The mother pushed you and Yongguk out the house. "And if you two don't get all that is on that list, then you guys get prepared to sleep outside." The mother warned with a smile on her face.


You and Yongguk sighed. You two really weren't in the mood to do this together, after all you guys just argued. 


"Let's hurry up and do this." Yongguk angrily said as he tightly grabbed your hand. He started to speed walk, trying to get to the store quickly, which forced you to catch up with him.


The touch of Yongguk's hand was enough to make your heart skip a beat. You gazed at his face and at the hands that were holding each other. "Y-Yongguk...please stop walking so fast, I don't think I can ketch up." You complained. Yongguk stopped and stared at you, "Oh well" he said. As he continued to walk with speed, he then looked back at you, seeing how you are trying so hard to catch with him. He started to slow down and actually walk. "Is that better now?" He asked. You nodded your head yes and thanked him.


Still Yongguk has a strong grip on your hand. It's like he didn't even notice which was great for you because if he did, you would feel weird. 


"We're here!" You squealed happily. The fact that you could finally stop walking and catch your breathe, formed a wide smile on your face. 


Yongguk looked over to you and saw how you were smiling happily. "What's that creepy smile for?" Yongguk asked, giving you an awkward look on his face.


You touched your lips and your smile slowly faded. "Whatever, lets just start so we'll get this over with." You replied as you freed your hand from Yongguk's and walked in the store. Yongguk looked at his hand that was holding yours before you walked into the store and smirked at it. 


You popped out of no where and yelled at Yongguk. "Are you coming or what!?" 


Yongguk came back to his senses and replied. "I'm coming" He said with a chuckle as he rushed in the store.


"What's first on the list?" You asked as Yongguk pulled out the list from his back pocket. While he pulled out the list, his wallet fell out and landed on the floor opened. 


"Your wallet." You said as you bend down to get it for him, but quickly Yongguk snatched it before you could. "Don't worry about it!" He roared as he closed his wallet quickly and put it back in his back pocket.


"What the heck..?" You said being so confused. "Nothing, j-just look at the list." Yongguk stuttered as he opened the paper where the grocery was listed. Because Yongguk was much taller than you were, you stood on your tippy toes and leaned over to Yongguk to look at the list. Your shoulder touched Yongguk's which made him feel somehow.


"Okay..first is eggs, but we have eggs already.." You talked and talked but Yongguk wasn't listening. He was stuck in lala land, paying attention to nothing but the shoulders that were touching each other. First it was the wallet incident where your picture was placed in, and now its you guys shoulders touching. To Yongguk, it was the most frustrated day. But, he'll get through it. He's just happy that you didn't find the picture of yourself and himself in his own wallet.


"Are you ok Yongguk?" You asked, waking up Yongguk from his day dream. "Y-yeah. Of course." He answered.


"Then..lets start. I know you're upset about us doing something together, but we'll go through it if you just don't push me away. Lets not argue today ok?" You said, forcing a bright smile on your face. 


"Okay." He agreed.


"Now first thing first..eggs! I'll search for it, and you go get the cart." You ordered as Yongguk did as you wished. You found the eggs and he got the pushing cart. You would look for the items and he would just push the cart. Everything was going well and smooth, until you both of course started to argue again.


"That's the wrong type of spice." Yongguk spoke. 


" No it's not." You replied. "Yes it is idiot. She wants black pepper spice, not ginger." He argued. "I'm not the idiot! You are. She wants ginger, she usually uses ginger!" You debated back.


"Look here pabo. I know my mom better than you do. She likes black pepper spice. Not that ginger crap you chose." Yongguk argued.


"Would you shut up you deep voiced jerk! I think I know cooking and spices better than you do! We're getting the ginger." You yelled.


" pepper."




"Black pepper!"


"It's GINGER!"




"You know what! Lets just look at the list already!!" You and Yongguk roared in unison. You two gazed at the list and felt pretty stupid as you saw the clear answer. "N-nut..meg" You both said at the same time. You two felt like big fools. You and Yongguk argued for no reason.


"'s nutmeg." Yongguk said calming down his nerves.


"I guess so.." You laughed awkwardly as you grabbed the nutmeg and placed it in the cart.


"Let's forget that this argument ever happened and lets continue to shop.." You said as Yongguk agreed by nodding his head yes.




"What was it that you needed again mom?" Zelo questioned his mom over the phone as he walked into the same grocery store that you and Yongguk were in. 


" it." Zelo spoke over the phone again, then ended the call with his mom, placing his cell in his pocket.


"Okay, milk..egg, flour, salt and sugar. Where could those items possibly be.." Zelo said to himself as he began to look around.


" Next thing is milk. Go get it, while I use the bathroom real quick. Here's the cart. Take it." Yongguk spoke as he gave you the cart and rushed to the near by restroom.


You nodded your head yes and started to shop on your own.






"Milk...where are you." You spoke to yourself, searching for the milk. 


"Yes! There's the milk." You heard a familiar voice down the aisle. *Great! I need milk, I'll just follow that person's voice.* You mentally said as you walked down the aisle seeing Zelo.


Zelo sense a presence near him. He looked beside him, but saw you rushing somewhere to hide. He wasn't sure who you were but wanted to find out. So he pretended as if he saw no one there and slowly walked up the aisle and popped at your hiding place. "Ah Uh! So it's you, hiding from me." Zelo pointed his finger so close to your face, chuckling as well. 


"A-ani.." You stuttered as you shook your head no. "Oh Mi Rae...come on..don't lie. Admit it." Zelo giggled as he poked your red cheek. 


*Why is he acting as if he never remembered what happened the other day. He's such a bundle of joy, that's what I like about him...* You mentally said as you smiled as well. "Fine..I was." You laughed.


"Why know what...don't answer that question." He changed his mind. "So you're shopping too?" Zelo asked as you two walked down the aisle.


"Yeah. The next thing I need is milk." You answered Zelo's question as you grabbed two milk cartons and placed it in the cart. "That's great, we can catch up. Let's shop together Mi Rae!" Zelo happily said as he grabbed your hand. You used your free hand and slicked a piece of your hair behind your ear. You smiled and blushed a bit. "S-sure..but.." You said. "But what?" Zelo asked. 


"But...she's shopping with me." Yongguk answered Zelo. He came out of no where, and took Mi Rae's hand. "Come on..lets finish up and leave." Yongguk said as he forcefully took you away from Zelo, walking away.


*So it's like that?...* Zelo mentally asked himself. *I don't know why Yongguk is acting like this...but if he thinks he can have Mi Rae all to himself..he's crazy then. Mi Rae is mine for sure. She'll be my girl without a doubt!* Zelo mentally told himself. He left his cart in the middle of the aisle and rushed to you.


"Mi Rae!" Zelo yelped as you and Yongguk looked back. "Give me your phone.." Zelo ordered. "F-for what?" You asked. "You'll see. Just give it to me would ya?" Zelo answered as you gave him your cell. Zelo went to new contacts and added his number in. "What are you doing Zelo.." Yongguk questioned. "None of your business." Zelo answered as he gave Yongguk a wink, causing Yongguk to roll his eyes and sigh. 


Zelo took out his phone and added your number to his new contacts. "Here, Mi or text me. If not then I'll just torture you with my texts and calls." Zelo smirked and gave you back your cell, waving his phone up in the that currently has your number placed in it. He walked away giving you a wink before he left.


"You're not going to call him are you?" Yongguk asked. "I don't know.." You answered gazing at Zelo smoothly walking away. *oh Zelo..* You giggled mentally.




"We're done!" You squealed as you stretched. "Yeah we are." Yongguk smiled. "Alright, time to go pay for the items." You said as you two walked to the cashier. Your cart was filled with many many things. 


"Woah...Dude. These are a lot.." The clerk commented as he was checking and adding the prices of each item together. "Tell me about it." You and Yongguk sighed in unison.


"That would be 300 bucks guys." The clerk said as he starts to put the items in the cart back. 


"W-what." Yongguk's mouth dropped. "I-i don't have that type of money, and your mom forgot to give us grocery money." You yelped. "Wow...this is expensive but oh well. I have's alright." Yongguk replied as he brought out his wallet.


"You doooo." You squealed like a little kid. You looked at Yongguk bring out his money and shockingly your eyes saw something that was unbelievable. *Is that m-me? I-is that u-us in his wallet?* You mentally said in your head. You gazed at Yongguk's wallet and Yongguk looked over to you. "Yes..I know, I have a lo-" Yongguk unfinished his sentence when he saw what you were gazing at. He quickly closed his wallet and paid for the items. You both carried eight bags of groceries. 


You and Yongguk walked out the store saying no word to one another. You felt awkward, so you wanted to break the silence between you two. 


"How ironic that we bumped into Zelo today huh?" You laughed but got no response from Yongguk. You glared at him and began to talk again.


"These are a lot of stuff to carry huh!?" You forced yourself to laugh again, yet no response from Yongguk.


"Aren't these bags killing you? I know they're bothering me?" You spoke again, and once more Yongguk did not say a word. 


"YONGGUK! I saw nothing so stop ignoring me ok! I I I s-saw nothing!" You yelled and dropped all the bags you were holding on the ground. Still Yongguk kept walking. But you, you just stood there. *Is that all..that's all I get...* You cried. Before you knew it, tears began to fall down your cheeks. You sat on the ground with the bags and cried your heart out. Just because Yongguk was ignoring you, you cried. I guess that shows how much you liked and cared for him. *Why must he hurt me over and over again..does he not see that I just want to be his friend..* You screamed mentally. You didn't care about the fact that Yongguk had a picture of you in his wallet. You just wanted him to stop ignoring you, if that meant for him to go back bullying you, then you didn't mind at all.


Yongguk was a bit far away from you. He looked back seeing you no where near him. "Aish..this kid. Does she not see how dark it is outside..but how can I go back and face her when she saw the picture of herself in my own wallet..." Yongguk mumbled to himself as he turned back, walking back to look for you. 


Finally, he made it to you. He saw you crying on the ground. He carefully dropped the grocery on the floor and walked over to you. He went on his knees and began to speak. "Mi Rae..." "I hate you Yongguk.." You said out of the blue, covering your eyes so Yongguk wouldnt see the tears running down your face. I.Hate.You. Those three words stabbed Yongguk in the heart. He rubbed his heart and forgot about the pain, but those words were scarred in his mind forever. Yongguk pulled your hands away from your face and held them both. He saw the amount of tears you were releasing.


"You..crying..? How amusing Mi Rae. You never fail to surprise me." Yongguk said with his face so close to yours. You looked up to him and you saw how close his face was to yours. He looked into your eyes and you looked into his."What do you want..." You asked rudely.


*Every time I look into your eyes, I get these feelings all over again..* Yongguk mentally spoke. Every second...Yongguk brought his face closer..and closer to yours. 


*I can't* Yongguk thought to himself as he shut his eyes and you did as well. Shockingly, Yongguk's lips met yours.

*What the*




*Is he*


*Am I*


*DOING!* You and Yongguk mentally roared.



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Hey guys. I'm so happy that ppl are actually ready my fanfic!! Thanks love you all MWOHH


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It's been so long, update please :(
Chapter 42: It's so good
Chapter 42: yay~ update xD
OkSooyeon #4
Chapter 41: Daebak story! Update soon
Chapter 41: Woooaaahh daebak **
Update soon **
Chapter 41: Now what... are they going to be official couple or brother sister + kiss relationship, but I'm so curious right now what going to happen next ^_^
Thanks for the update and have a Happy new year authornim <3
Chapter 41: sh*t just got real.
baby_nany #8
Chapter 41: Hahahaha. So cute!!!! ^^ Poor Zelo!!
baby_nany #9
I really really really love this story!!! Hahaha Yongguk, if you like her that much, just aske her to be your girlfriend!!!!! Hahahaha :P