Chapter 39

Step Siblings



*Please just stop..* You mentally cried.

You wanted to stop mentally, but it seems like your body tends to think differently. You wanted to stop, you thought he was just messing with you once again. 

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't part your lips from his. 

*What is he doing to me?* 

Lost in the moment, you and Yongguk didn't notice that your step mother went downstairs to grab a drink of water. You started to hear noises in the kitchen, still that didn't stop you nor Yongguk. 

Mistakenly, your leg kicked a near by table, causing things to stumble and fall. 

"Huh?" Your mother lowly said.

"Mi Rae?" You heard your step mother's voice and her foot steps. You and Yongguk's eyes widely opened. Hearing her voice made you to rapidly pull your lips away from his finally.  

"Are you back? I hear noises" You heard her voice once again. 

"Oh my G-" Your mouth was covered by Yongguk. "Shh, don't make any sounds." He whispered. You and your step brother started to hear your mother's foot steps come closer, closer, and closer. 

You crawled off Yongguk. "We have to hurry up and make it upstairs." He whispered, as he took your hand. You both got up, then quietly tiptoed to the stairs. 

"See, you're always loud. You have to be quiet and slick like m-" Yongguk spoke too soon. Before he knew it, he banged his head on a near by wall. 

"!" He roared. Of course his mother heard. Hell, probably even your own father heard Yongguk in his deep sleep. 

You quickly ran up the stairs with Yongguk. You two were still holding hands so you had to drag him up the stairs with you. 

"Yongguk?" His mother mumbled before turning on the lights. She couldn't see anyone. "That's weird.." She mumbled before seeing one of the earrings you wore earlier today on the ground. She also saw things that fell off the table near  your left behind earring. Your step mother squinted her eyes. It's kind of like she's on to you and Yongguk. *Hmm, is something going on?* She asked mentally.


"You're so quiet, and slick Yongguk. Very slick..." You mocked him. You were upset. You thought you were caught for sure. 

"Shut up Mi Rae" 

"God, I bet our next door neighbors, no no, probably even your own friends who doesn't live around here even heard you." You started to get fired up. 

"Shut up Mi Rae." He said once again. 

"Please of all people I think it should be yo-" "Shut-" He stopped himself. You both began to hear someone walk up the stairs. 

".." Yongguk mumbled. Quickly, you two ran into your rooms, jumped into your beds, and pretended to be asleep. 

Your step mother checked on you and Yongguk. 

"Something has to be going on..." She mumbled before going into her room. 


You woke up, took your shower then head off downstairs. 

You sniff the air. *Hmm it smells so good. Who could be cooking?* You thought it was Yongguk, but then again you thought Yongguk couldn't be that great of a cook. 

Looking at the diner table caught you by surprise. Your dad, step mom and Yongguk were having breakfast, all together, as a family. 

"N-No work today?" You stuttered a bit. 

"No, come have breakfast with us honey. I'll drive you two to school." Your step mother spoke as you obeyed. 


"So why are you guys here this morning?" You questioned them. 

"Remember, we said we're going to do things together as a family for now on. That includes eating in the morning with you two sometimes" Your dad responded, you smiled and nodded your head. You thought it was nice for all of you guys to eat as one. It reminded you of the past when you and your mother would eat all the time together with your father. Of course it's not the same but the feeling was nice. You couldn't help but smile, until that smile faded away when your eyes landed on Yongguk. 

You started to think of the kiss yesterday. *What was that all about?* You mentally asked yourself as you brushed you lips with your finger tips. Yongguk caught a glance of you touching your  lips which caused him to clear his throat and look away. 

*Hopefully she forgets about yesterday..* He thought. 

"Anyway.." You all looked at your step mom as she began to spoke. She pulled out an earring out from her pocket. This was no ordinary earring, it was your earring. 

She showed it off to you and everybody. "Mi Rae, I'm guessing this is yours?" "Yeah! Where did you you find it?" You asked, sipping on your drink. 

"Yesterday, I heard things stumble. So I looked at the things that fell and I found this." She explained. After her explanation, you and Yongguk coughed. Seemed like you both got water stuck in your small throat. 

"Any chance you were downstairs late at night?" She asked. 

*Aish! What is she? An investigator!?* You mentally panicked. You stood up quickly. 

"C-Come on Yongguk, we're going to be late for school" You pulled him off his seat. "Y-yeah you're right." You two rushed out the door. 

"Hey! Wait up you two. I'm taking you guys to school remember!" Your step mother squealed. 

"Oh Jeez, this woman is unto us" You and Yongguk mumbled lowly as you both sulk your heads. 

*hmmm... I'm unto you guys* Your step mother mentally stated as she squinted her eyes at you two. 


During your ride to school, Yongguk's mother was asking you and Yongguk questions after questions. To both of you guys, it seemed like she knew something about you two. As if she knew you two were together downstairs. Hopefully, she didn't know about the kiss. 


"Well....This is our stop." You said, rushing out the car and into the school. 

"Yup...bye mom." Yongguk rapidly said as he too rushed out the car and into the school.

You and Yongguk's actions made your step mom even more suspicious than before. 

"Do you think she knows!?" You both said in unison 

"How the hell am I supposed to know!?" Once again, you both said in unison. 

"Alright, lets just claim down. She probably doesn't know a th-" 

"Why did you do it again?" You spoke, cutting off Yongguk. 

"Do what again?" He stupidly asked. "You know what I mean!" You roared. 

"Nahhh...don't know a thing.." Yongguk said, walking off as you chased after him. "Yah! Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!" You and Yongguk were at it till the bell rang to go to class. You were frustratingly trying to force him to remember while he just walked around laughing and acting dumbfounded. Honestly, you wanted to straggle him but you thought of your "bright" future. 

"No good for nothing brother." You growled before you sat down. The whole class looked at you, wondering what the hell was your problem. Took you a while to notice that you gathered everyone's attention. 

"Oh!" You squealed as you stood up quickly. "Sorry! Sorry!" You apologized as you bowed apologetically. 

Time flew by quickly. You had that dumb Reading class with dumb Yongguk. You didn't notice but all you did was glare at him. 

The lunch bell rang and once again, you two were at it. Arguing and arguing. 

"Yongguk I know you have my textbook! Give it back!" 

"I don't damn it!" 

Ae-cha and her "clique" were walking by. They were having another ordinary conversation till they saw you and Yongguk conversing. 

"Is it me...or do they look like a couple?" One of Ae-cha's friends honestly spoke, as you tried to grab your textbook from Yongguk, standing on your tippy toes. 

"Why would you say something like that? Yongguk is so out of her league. He sees her as nothing but an annoying little sister." Ae-cha being so offended by her friend's statement began to ramble on and on about how Yongguk and herself would be a better match. 

"Yeaahhh~" Her followers of course agreed with her. Like come on, they'd do or agree with anything she says. 

"And if you didn't know. Yongguk used to like me when we were younger. He would give me cute little letters all the time." Ae-cha bragged as she angrily stared down at the sight of you and Yongguk.

"It wouldn't be hard to get him to like me again." She grinned as she walked off to Yongguk. 

"Ae-cha what's up" Yongguk greeted her as he surprised her with a hug. Off to the side, you could hear Ae-cha's friends squealing for her. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. *What ever..* You bitterly thought. 

"Nothing much, just thought you could hang with us today since last time you didn't." Ae-cha was touching Yongguk the way you just didn't like at all. She was caressing his cheek, arm, hand, I mean any simple touch you hated it with passion.

You couldn't just stay there and watch them. 

"Did you miss-" 

"Hey can I just get my damn book back." You angrily roared, grabbing your book from his hand. You saw this evil grin on Ae-cha's face which made you even furious than before. You walked off, irritated as ever.

As you walked off, Yongguk couldn't help but watch you disappear. *What's her problem? We were just messing around earlier.* He mentally thought. 

"Bipolar..." He murmured to himself. 

"So let's get going Yongguk." Ae-cha spoke. But Yongguk didn't reply. She repeatedly called his name but it's like he was too busy watching you, and thinking about what could be the matter with you. 

"Yongguk!" She roared which caught his attention. 

"H-huh yes Mira- I mean Ae-cha?" 

*God.. did he almost call me Mirae?*

"Look, I didn't mean to-" "I don't care. let's just go to lunch okay?" Ae-cha interrupted. Still pissed about what Yongguk said. 


"Good for nothing !" You roared as you shut your locker. You tried to calm down. You really didn't understand why you were so pissed. Maybe because you couldn't stand the sight of Ae-cha, or maybe it was the stupid smirk she gave you, or maybe you were just jealous of the fact that Ae-cha was all over Yongguk. Either way, you just wanted to forget about the whole situation.
As you were just shutting your locker, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around with your face in disappointment all of a sudden. 

"Well you look upset to see me.." Jee Sun said as she crossed her arms across her chest. Is not that you were upset with her, you just thought it was Yongguk tapping you instead it was someone else. 

*.. Wow..was I really expecting her to be Yongguk?* You mentally asked yourself. 

"Are you mad at me or something?" "No! No.. it's nothing honestly..." You road defensively. 

Jee Sun sighed in relief. "That's good. You want to hang out today after school?" She questioned. You wanted to hang with her like the usual but you had other plans, plans that had to deal with Yongguk. 

You scratched the back of your head, showing signs that you were going to say no to her request. 

"I guess that's a no.." Jee Sun said disappointedly as she walked off. You ran after her, grabbing her by the arm. "Hey, you didn't have to walk off like that. I'm just really busy today that's all." 

Jee Sun looked at you then sighed. "Oh fine... We'll hang out next time?" "Totally! Now let's go eat lunch" You smiled, causing Jee Sun to smile with you. She eloped her arm with yours and you two skipped down the hall way and into your eating spot with your friends. 


The day was over. You and Yongguk were riding the bus home. Of course it was quiet between you two, and you guys stayed quiet till you got off the bus. 

 *It's too damn awkward...* Yongguk thought as he tried to catch up with you. You were all fired to get up, for some reason you were speed walking. To Yongguk, it was almost as if you were running.  

*She's walking way too fast for me. Does she feel so uncomfortable around me now?* He mentally sighed as he continued to walk behind you without making any sound. 

 *Jeez.. I can't run away. I have to talk to him in order for this birthday thing to be successful* You thought as you stopped walking which made Yongguk bump into you.  

"Ouch!" You two yelled in unison.  

 "What the hell were you doing!" Again you two roared in unison.  

"Pay more attention!" 

 "Damn it stop copying me!!" After that last unison, you and Yongguk gave each other a long glare then suddenly you two burst into laughter. 

 "You know you should really stop trying to be like me" Yongguk joked, causing you to smack your teeth. "As if" You crossed your arms, still giggling. 

You two started talking about lots of things, about school, b.a.p, his old house, and etc. You saw this as an open opportunity, an opportunity to talk to him about his father. 

"So um.." You nervously said. You were scared to start talking about his father but it was a risk you were willing to take. 

"So um what?" Yongguk repeated. You cleared your throat then finished your statement. 

"What was your father like?"
All of a sudden Yongguk stopped walking, slowly facing you. You shyly looked back at him as you gulped. 

"And why the hell do you want to know?" 

"I just want to know because-"

"Too bad." He said, walking ahead of you. 

"Y-Yah.. I just wanted to know..." You ran to catch up to him. He looked down at you with a slight smile that you didn't witness  at all. 

"He was the best father." 

"Ehh!!" You were shocked but excited at the same time. The fact that Yongguk is actually telling you about his father right now made your heart skip a beat. 

"He was funny, intelligent, and cool..." He continued. You two continued to talk and walk, forgetting about the fact that you two had to get back home. 

You laughed, smiled, and even shed a few tears when you were hearing Yongguk chatter about his father. You even spoke about your own mother which got Yongguk to laugh and smile as well. 

It was like you two were getting closer every second. This had to be the best day for you, and for Yongguk as well. 

"I just love remembering memories of my mother" You smiled, slipping a piece of hair behind your ear, causing Yongguk to gaze at you with a tender smile. Again you didn't catch that tender smile of his which Yongguk was of course grateful for. You looked at him, noticing that he fell quiet. He quickly looked up at the sky, hoping that you didn't see him gazing at you. 

"It's getting dark huh?" Yongguk spoke, breaking the silence between you two. 

"Don't you too?" You questioned. 

"Don't I too what?"

"Love remembering memories of your father." You answered.  Yongguk smiled then nodded. 

"Although it hurts..." 

"I know. I feel the same way.. But that doesn't mean you should force yourself from forgetting those sweet memories. We can't have our parents right now with us, but at least those memories will never die and go away unless you force them to, then you'll have nothing left and what's the good in that?" You wisely spoke, having Yongguk thinking. 

Yongguk could feel himself about to shed a tear. He tried his best to keep that tear from shedding but it couldn't help itself but to drop. You saw a tear drop running down his cheek. You kindly wiped his tear off his cheek with your hand, causing him to take your hand off his cheek and hold it.
*Damn it. She had to see me like this.* He said in his thoughts. 

"Every memory of our love ones are good memories, let's acknowledge them instead of forgetting them-" You said before Yongguk quickly pulled you into a tight hug. 


"Why are your words seeing right through me" He softly said as he hugged you even tighter than before. You were stunned. You have never been this embraced by Yongguk before. You still being hugged by Yongguk didn't know what to do. You just stood there, letting him hug the life out of you. 

Tears slowly starts to fall down your cheeks, and it goes the same way for Yongguk. He's been hugging you for God only  knows how long.

*Thank you Mi Rae.. Thank you so much..* Yongguk mentally appreciated you. 


"Hey Ae-cha, isn't that Yongguk and his sister?" Some girl said, pointing at the sight of you and Yongguk embracing. Ae-cha looked. The sight of you and Yongguk hugging ruined her day. It formed even more hatred into her heart against you. 

Not only Ae-cha and her friend saw the sight of you and Yongguk, Zelo himself saw it as well. Apparently he was heading to your house to come pick you up till he saw you and Yongguk. 

He bitterly laughed and ruffled his hair. "What the hell..." He murmured. Of all things, he didn't want to witness that sight at all. He kicked a near by wall, trying to get rid of all his anger. 

*What to do now..* He thought, pulling his phone out his pocket. 

"I'm on my way" He texted your phone. The minute he clicked send, your ringtone went off. 

The ringtone of your phone startled you and Yongguk. You both awkwardly laughed. He looked away, quickly wiping his tears and stuffing his hands in his pockets. "S-sorry that was me." You apologized, looking at your phone, seeing the text from Zelo. 

Zelo smirked at the fact that his text broke the hug between you and Yongguk. He watched from a far to see what will happen next. 

"Ohh, he should be here any minute" You panicked. 

"He?" Yongguk muttered. 

"Huh?" You said. You thought you heard Yongguk say something. 

"Who's he?" He questioned, already irritated by the word he. 

"O-Oh.." You laughed awkwardly. "Zelo." 

Yongguk laughed bitterly. "Of course.. him." He sourly spoke, walking off. 

"Y-Yongguk? What's the matter-"

"I'm going home." He continued to walk off, leaving you standing at the same spot alone. You didn't know what was his problem. You thought many things, and your first thought was "Did Zelo and Yongguk get into an argument?" 

You felt sad all of  sudden which kept you from walking home. 

"Is she just going to stand there?" Zelo sighed. *Aish, this girl.* 

He tapped your shoulder, and you looked back. "Z-Zelo" 

"Why are you standing here alone?" Zelo smiled which caused you to smile as well. You shook your head. "For no r-reason. I-I was just looking at these really pretty flowers" You lied, laughing so hard which was of course a fake laughter. 

*What a lie..* He thought, and grabbed your hand. "Well thank God I found you here. We can just turn around and head back to my house. Just thought we could talk more about Yongguk's birthday." Zelo said but you weren't focus in what he was saying at all. You stared at Yongguk's figure fade away.


"Knock Knock" Zelo kindly knocked your forehead. "Anybody home?" He whispered softly in your ear. "O-Oh" You chuckled "Sorry.. what did you say?" You asked. 

*What the hell* Zelo frustratingly said. "I said lets go straight to my house." He repeated himself. "Ah, okay. Let me inform my parents." You said as you tried to walk back home but Zelo pulled you back. "Can't you just text or call them?" Zelo said. You didn't want to text or call them. You wanted to go home to make sure Yongguk was okay first.
You looked up at Zelo then sighed quietly. "O-Oh okay. Makes more sense huh?" You put on a fake smile that even Zelo could see how fake it was.

*She has something for Yongguk huh...* He thought as he watched you call your parents. 

You hung up, getting permission from your parents to go with Zelo. "Let's go" You said, as you two walked off. 


It's been an hour and Yongguk noticed that you haven't been home yet. He tried to not let it bother him, so he finished his homework, listened to music, tried to write a song, and even tried to rap. But none of those things helped him from  thinking of you. He looked out his window about 50 times already. 

"Where the hell is she!?" He roared out of fear. "I shouldn't have left her out there alone." He added on, rushing to his closet to grab his jacket. He ran down the stairs as he put on his jacket, heading to the front door. 


"What's wrong Yongguk? Are you forgetting something somewhere?" His mother asked. She was worried because Yongguk looked freaked out of his mind. 

"No. It's just that Mi Rae hasn't made it home yet!" He said, opening the front door. 

"If you're going to go somewhere, you might as well wear your shoes before going out." His mother laughed. Yongguk quickly looked down at his feet. *..* 

"Someone cares about his sister." His mother chuckled.

"Pfft" He mumbled, looking away. "Anyway, you don't have to worry. She went straight to Zelo's house. Apparently she saw Zelo on the way home and decided to go with him to his house. " 

"I see.." He chuckled, walking out on his mom to go upstairs. *I'm such an idiot. What was I worrying about?* 

He slammed his door then punched the wall. "She got me ing worried for no damn reason!" He roared, having his mother worried. 

"Aish... he should try and calm down." Yongguk's mother sighed, shaking her head in pity. 



"So, did you get him to remember the memories of his late father in a good manner?"  Jongup questioned. You tried to answer but someone interrupted you with another question. 

"Does he feel more comfortable about thinking about his father, especially on his birthday?" Daehyun asked. 


"Yaaahh! Let me answer one question at a time!"  You roared, having everyone keep their mouths shut.
You slightly chuckled then smiled, putting a piece of your hair behind your ear. " I did. We talked a lot about each other's parents. And he also talked about the times he spent with his father on his birthday. He claims those had to be the best times of his life. We just practically spoke about everything" You blabbered on and on about Yongguk. 

"Great! So that means we can do something for his birthday?" Youngjae happily said. "Right, but let's not overdo it!" You squealed happily. 

"I'm so excited!" Himchan squealed. You chuckled and agreed with him. 

Zelo just stood off to the side, watching how your face brightened up the minute you spoke about Yongguk. 

"Isn't this amazing Zelo!" You smiled, causing Zelo to do no other but smile right back at you. "Of course" 

*Of course it's amazing...* He sadly thought, gazing at you. 

"Alright! Now this is how we're going to do this!" You squealed, grabbing everyone's attention. You all started to plan out for  tomorrow. The day of Yongguk's birthday, March 31st. 

Author's Note: 

Hey guys, long time no see huh? Sorry for the really extremely late update. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, until next time <3333
























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Hey guys. I'm so happy that ppl are actually ready my fanfic!! Thanks love you all MWOHH


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It's been so long, update please :(
Chapter 42: It's so good
Chapter 42: yay~ update xD
OkSooyeon #4
Chapter 41: Daebak story! Update soon
Chapter 41: Woooaaahh daebak **
Update soon **
Chapter 41: Now what... are they going to be official couple or brother sister + kiss relationship, but I'm so curious right now what going to happen next ^_^
Thanks for the update and have a Happy new year authornim <3
Chapter 41: sh*t just got real.
baby_nany #8
Chapter 41: Hahahaha. So cute!!!! ^^ Poor Zelo!!
baby_nany #9
I really really really love this story!!! Hahaha Yongguk, if you like her that much, just aske her to be your girlfriend!!!!! Hahahaha :P