Chapter Two

EXOtic Circus

I hope you're enjoying this so far^^ Enjoy (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

You stared at your blank phone screen whilst the bus rumbled down the quiet streets. You were alone on the bus, you weren’t surprised, it was 4am after all. You didn’t think buses ran this late, but apparently, they did. You plugged in your earphones and turned your attention to looking out the window as you listened to your music. Music had helped you a lot these past few months. When the world had turned its back on you, music was there with open arms and a warm embrace. It comforted you and gave you the motivation to hang on and stay strong. The bus rolled to a stop and you thanked the driver as you hopped off. The streets were completely deserted and the only light you had was the shine of your phone and the weak rays of the street lights. You had a vague idea of where you were going but the address on the flyer wasn’t very clear so you just had to hope you were going the right way. You grip on your bag tightened and you nodded to yourself in encouragement before setting off in the direction of the circus.

Your eyes were getting heavier with every step you took and you wished that you could be lying in bed, tucked under the covers, hugging your pillow. Then you remembered everything that came with that. You shook your head and rubbed your eyes, carrying on. The cold night air made it even more difficult for you to carry on walking and every time you exhaled your vision was blurred slightly by your dragon’s breath. You were sure that your lungs were turning to ice and you knew that your internal organs were going to start shutting down if you didn’t get inside soon. You were just about to give up all hope when you spotted some bright lights down one of the small hills that led off the street you were currently on. You narrowed your eyes to try and zoom in on them but you couldn’t get any clearer of a picture so you jogged down the hill to try and warm yourself up. As you neared the bottom, you realised that you were standing a couple of feet away from the circus. You’d made it.

It was more than you dared to even imagine. It surpassed all visions of the circus you had in your head. There were multiple tents of all different colours dotted around the huge field that the circus owned. Tall masts stood around the corners and connecting each of them was a wire that held hundreds of circular bulbs shining brightly like stars against the dark sky. In the distance you could hear the vibrant sound of someone playing the accordion and you could see a stage with a group of acrobats dancing gracefully with ribbons and huge smiles on their faces. With every step you took further in to the circus’ premises your heart beat got faster and faster. You walked slowly, taking in every detail of the beautiful scenery around you with your mouth hung open in awe.

“Are you lost?” a voice came from behind you. You jumped slightly and snapped around to find a gorgeous boy with plump lips stretched in to an arrogant smirk behind you. He wore a velvet, black top hat and had a matching velvet tailcoat with glowing gold buttons stitched on the front.

“Uh, I…” you were so dazed by his good looks you couldn’t find any words to say. He chuckled and you shook your head in an attempt to clear your head.

“Uh, could you take me to the owner of the circus please?” you managed to get out. You avoided making direct eye contact with him because you were afraid that if you looked in to them you’d never be able to look away.

“Of course” he smiled, bowing dramatically. He took you to the other side of the field to a bright, royal, blue tent that had a sign pinned on it that read “Manager Dae Jung.” The boy held open the tent flap for you and you bowed in thanks before stepping inside.

“Uhm, Hello?” you stuttered. You couldn’t see anyone inside so you hesitantly walked around in search for someone. “Is anyone in here?”

“Yes, Yes, what do you want?” an, old, balding man said as he appeared out of nowhere. You jumped out of your skin for the second time tonight and bowed.

“Do you have any, uh, job openings?” you asked. You weren’t sure what you were supposed to say when asking to join the circus.

“Well that depends,” he began, sitting behind a make-shift desk “on whether or not you have any talents.”

You thought hard, you couldn’t do much. You’d never really tried, you’d always been too lazy.


“Well, if you don’t have any talents, then I’m afraid you have no place here” he said, getting up from his seat, motioning for you to leave.

“Wait,” the boy from earlier said as he slipped inside the tent.

“What is it, Kai?” Dae Jung asked, he sounded bored.

“We need an assistant for our act.”

“But you’ve been fine doing it on your own for-”

“It would be better if we had an assistant though” Kai insisted.

“Very well” Dae Jung sighed, “show her to the spare tent.”

“Yes, sir” Kai smiled. You looked from him to Dae Jung and then quietly bowed before following Kai out of the tent.

“Thanks” you mumbled once you were both out of the tent.

“That’s no problem, we really do need an assistant for our act, I wasn’t making that up” he laughed. “Let me take you to meet the guys first.”

You nodded and followed him to one of the largest tents that you could see in the whole circus. The material was a sparkling grey colour and some specks in the material reflected the shine from the bulbs above. He pushed back the flaps of the tent like he did earlier and he motioned for you to go inside. There was a great deal of noise coming from inside and you were reluctant to go in. He gave you a gently pushed you inside.

“Hey guys!” he called, “GUYS” he shouted louder when nobody responded.

“What now?” a tall boy said, rubbing his eyes, emerging from the flaps of one of the side rooms within the tent.  “Oh, who’s this?” he said, stopping in his tracks. Like Kai, he was very handsome and had golden, blonde hair, he was wearing a plain white t-shirt and grey tracksuit bottoms and towered over you both.

“Oh, hello,” you said bowing “My name is Su Yoon Ji” you just about managed to articulate.

“She’s the new assistant for me and Chanyeol’s act” he explained.

“Ah, welcome, I’m Kris” he said, holding out his hand for you to shake. You shook it and almost fell, his hands were twice your size and he was so strong he almost dragged you to the floor.

“Everyone get up and get in here!” Kris demanded, his voice boomed throughout the tent, you could tell he was their leader. Shortly after, ten, yawning boys emerged from their rooms. Each of them soon woke up instantly when they clapped eyes on you. You stood there awkwardly as Kris and Kai introduced you to the boys.

“Yoon Ji, this is EXO. EXO, this is Yoon Ji” Kris said, motioning to you and then to EXO. So these were the boys on the flyer. They all looked even more handsome in real life, if that was possible.

“You already know me,” Kai began, “and Kris. So this is Luhan” he said pointing to the baby-faced one with the huge, sparkling eyes. He smiled and waved at you and you smiled back, bowing a greeting. “That’s Xiumin, Tao, Sehun, Baekhyun, D.O, Lay, Chen, Suho and that’s Chanyeol”

“Nice to meet you, Yoon Ji” Chanyeol said. His voice was so deep your legs almost buckled underneath you. He was extremely handsome and you had to pretend to yawn to make it look like your mouth wasn’t hanging open in awe. He had dark, curly, scruffy hair and was much taller than the other members, he smiled shyly and you thought you were going to collapse.

“Nice to meet you all too” you bowed again.

“You can stop bowing, you know” Kai laughed.

“So…what’s she doing here?” Sehun blabbed.

“She’ll be helping me and Chanyeol with our act from now on” Kai said, grinning.

You noticed Chanyeol’s eyes widen and he coughed. You stood there awkwardly and the members nodded in understanding.
“Ok, well I guess I’ll show you to your tent then” Kai said sensing the awkward atmosphere that was arising. You weren’t very good at making conversations or any form of social interaction so things got awkward pretty fast.

“See you tomorrow, Yoon Ji” Luhan winked. You laughed and gave a small wave as you followed Kai to your tent.
“We’ll start practise tomorrow, it’s easy enough, you just have to hand us things and do what we say, and the rest is all us” he said proudly. You nodded silently.  

You finally reached your tent which was considerably smaller than the rest of the other tents. You thanked Kai for escorting you and then you were left all alone. Inside your tent was a single mattress, with two blankets and two pillows placed on top, a pop-up wardrobe and a small portable toilet in the corner. You smiled to yourself, you’d only spent twenty minutes here and you already loved it. EXO didn’t treat you like a freak, in fact they were really welcoming. You placed your bag to one side and went straight over to your mattress and unravelled the blankets. You climbed underneath them and fell asleep again. Only this time, you were smiling.

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This story is one of my all time favorites I'll never get tired of readjng this story
omg I found it... This was my first exo fanfic and I used it to recognize the boys as I couldn't tell chanyeol and baekhyun apart weirdly... I thought he was really short! Anyways, I'm definitely going to read it again to see how my views on exo have changed, I'm sure it'll be just as good!
Chapter 33: I read this in one sitting jfc the fluff i think i died so many times lol this was an interesting and unique story!!! I like how you write the story btw :-) I'm going to read second star to the right tomorrow ^^v
Chapter 33: totally in love with this fic. nuff said.
Chapter 33: You did a really good job :3
I really loved your story. ~
StarKPOPreader #6
Chapter 33: LOVE THIS FIC!!! BRAVO!! :D
new reader.. i havent read this one yet.. cause its midnight here.. i'll save it for 2morrow.. i get the interest when reading all the comment.. :>
Chapter 33: COOOOOOL!!! it's a good story and ending author-nim! you're awesome!
Chapter 33: Really good ending... I love this story so much!