Chapter Thirty

EXOtic Circus

I'm sorry I left it so long ~~ Enjoy, keke. I'll be writing a new fic soon, it'll be an EXO one and I'm basing it on Peter Pan so make sure to subscribe and look out for that once I've finished with this fic! ^^ Thank you for all of your lovely comments and I'm sorry that this isn't edited, huhuhu~ ;^^


As soon as you got back, you had a shower and changed in to your pyjamas, waiting for Chanyeol to get home. You sat on the sofa, pulling out a class book and you began working through some of the homework questions while you listened to the music channel playing quietly in the background.  You were working away contently, sipping on some tea that Kai had made you when your phone buzzed next to you. You automatically smiled as you reached over to get your phone on the table, expecting to see Chanyeol’s number. However, you frowned to yourself when you saw it was Su Ah.

[Su Ah]: Where did you go after school?

You stared at the text, not quite sure of the intentions behind it. Why did she even care where you were? She’d never cared before, why all of a sudden was she asking of your whereabouts?

[You]: Why do you care?

You tapped back cautiously.   You put your phone back down on the table as you got back to doing your work. She didn’t text back. You were glad, but at the same time, you were also quite concerned as to why the question arose in the first place. You tried to forget about the whole thing and pretty soon, everyone started coming home.

Chen, Lay and Xiumin all sat down on the sofa next to you, resting their heads while they hijacked the TV and put on their favourite show. After another hour, Kris was the only one left to come home.

When Chanyeol arrived, he ran over to you and jumped on your lap, squishing the homework you had just finished.

“Yah! Chanyeol!” you laughed, “You’re wrecking my homework, pabo!”

He stuck his tongue out and shuffled slightly to remove the homework from underneath him. He placed it on the floor next to the sofa and then wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his feet on Chen’s lap.

“Yah, get your stinky feet off me!” Chen cried in horror, pushing Chanyeol’s feet away.

“They don’t smell” Chanyeol said innocently. The innocence was soon replaced with mischief as he raised his foot and stuck it in Chen’s face.

Chen screamed, pushed his foot away and leaped up from the sofa pulling the funniest face. You couldn’t help but erupt in to a fit of giggles at his distress.

“My feet don’t smell, do they jagiya?”  Chanyeol asked, looking up at you with huge, adorable eyes.

“No, of course they don’t Yeollie” you giggled, running your fingers through his hair.

“See, Chen, you’re just exaggerating” he smiled smugly to himself.

Chen made a vomiting gesture and was about to bite back when Kris barged through the door.

“Everyone in the living room, now!” he boomed. Everyone immediately obeyed and assembled in the living room. Chanyeol remained on your lap, but sat up a bit straighter to make room for the others. Once everyone was seated, Kris stood in front of everyone and cleared his throat.

“Dae Jung just called me” he began. Everyone immediately perked up.

“What did he say?” D.O asked with wide eyes.

Kris suddenly broke out in to a smile. Something you seldom saw.

“He’s found us all places at another circus.”

“Really!?” Everyone chorused together, Chanyeol immediately got up off your lap and stood up.

“Where?” he asked the question that was on everybody’s mind.

“It’s in Japan. He said that they’d be happy to take us on. Dae Jung wants to be our manager and look after us there.”

Your mind wandered to the circus you saw when you were in Japan. Could it be the same one? It looked magical and you wished you were able to get a closer look. Maybe you would finally get to see inside.

“Is this for real?” Lay asked, hope painted on his face.

“Yeah,” Kris beamed, “Kai and I will be leaving to catch the plane in two days. To save on flight prices, Kai will teleport back and get the rest of you once he knows where he’s going.”

“You mean we really get to go back to the circus again?” Sehun had excitement written all over his face. Kris nodded and he immediately got up and ran to his room to pack.

You couldn’t quite believe it. You had thought that you’d be stuck here for the rest of your life and that you’d never feel the magic of the circus again. A wave of excitement washed over you and you looked over to Chanyeol who was already beaming at you. Everyone began to cheer and Suho pulled out some beers from the fridge, handing them to the boys that were legal. Chanyeol came over to you and locked you in a tight hug, swaying you gently back and forth.

“We get to go back, Yoon Ji” he smiled, planting a soft kiss on your head.

“Finally,” you breathed hugging him back.

The rest of the night was filled with celebrations. Everyone was so happy to be returning home to the circus. They weren’t at all bothered that it was in Japan, it was just such a relief to go back to how it used to be. Tao, Sehun and Kai were shredding all of their school books, ripping them to pieces, happy that they didn’t have to go there anymore.  It was almost 2am when everyone decided to go off to bed. Chanyeol ended up sleeping in with you and you cuddled him to sleep with your arms wrapped around each other.



Your phone buzzed you awake and you sat up making Chanyeol groan and hug you tighter. You extended your arm and found your phone, reading the screen, narrowing your eyes against the bright glare. It was 11am and your mother was texting you. You had thought it was going to be Su Ah, but ever since the message you had sent her, she hadn’t replied.

[Mother]: Jae Hwa and I need to talk to you and Su Ah today. It’s urgent.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. Why couldn’t she just leave you alone for a couple of days? What could she possibly want now? However, you thought about it and decided this would be the perfect opportunity to tell your mother that you would be moving to Japan. You didn’t think she would just appreciate you running away again.

“Yeollie~” you whispered in song, shaking him lightly, “Yeollie, wake up~”

He groaned again and his eyes fluttered open, when he caught your eyes he instantly smiled, “Morning, jagiya” he whispered in his husky morning voice. Your heart fluttered and you smiled back before he straightened up and leaned in, placing a sweet kiss on your lips.

You kissed Chanyeol all the time, but for some reason this time, you blushed and smiled like an idiot. You pulled away and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, quickly tapping an answer back to your mother, asking for a time. Chanyeol rested his head on your arm and closed his eyes again.

“Don’t fall asleep again, pabo, it’s 11 o’clock.”

“Ahh, fine~” he sighed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Your phone buzzed again and you tapped the screen.

[Mother]: Be at the house at 12 o’clock

You sighed and swung your legs over the side of the bed.

“Where are you going?” Chanyeol asked sweetly, grabbing your hand.

“My mother wants to talk to Su Ah and I, she says its urgent” you shrugged, “I thought it would be a good time to tell her that I’m leaving for Japan too.”

“Good idea, do you want me to come with you?”

“No, it’s OK, I wouldn’t want to bore you with my stupid family” you laughed.

“Are you sure?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine” you smiled sweetly. He let go of your hand and you went to go and wash up and dress before making yourself some breakfast. Chanyeol soon joined you in the kitchen and you made him some tea as you waited for the clock to tick by. You wondered what your mother could possibly want with you now. You sighed when the time came for you to leave and you gave Chanyeol a peck on the lips before closing the door behind you and making your way to the bus stop.


“Yoon Ji,” your mother smiled when she opened the door, “Come on in, Su Ah’s already here.”

Of course she is, you thought. You took your shoes off and trudged in to the living room where you sat as far away from everyone as possible. Su Ah was seated next to her father and your mother took her seat next to him. It looked like they were the family and you were just an acquaintance, visiting. You laughed inwardly at the thought and bit your lip as your mother smiled at Jae Hwa.

“Girls,” she began, you rolled your eyes. You looked over at Su Ah and found that she had been staring at you. She quickly turned her head when you caught her and your mother continued, “Jae Hwa and I have some great news. I’m pregnant” she beamed.

Your eyes widened in shock and you stood up abruptly.


“Jae Hwa and I are having a baby” she smiled again, squeezing Jae Hwa’s hand. You weren’t quite processing everything. How could they be having a child? This just wasn’t right. You looked over to Su Ah who was shocked too, her eyes were wide and she had gone pale. You assumed that she didn’t like the idea of having the attention being taken away from her. You chuckled to yourself.

“Well, uh, congratulations” you managed to say. You knew they were happy and you just wanted to give them the words they wanted to hear before you could get out of here for good.

“Thank you, Yoon Ji” she smiled sweetly, getting up and giving you a hug. You didn’t return it; you stood there awkwardly as she patted your back.  

Su Ah did the same and got up to hug her father and then your mother. You nodded to Jae Hwa. You still weren’t very fond of him, you didn’t really know him at all. He nodded back, understanding and you turned back to your mother.

“I actually have some news too, mother” you spoke up.

“Yes, Yoon Ji, dear, tell us.”

“I’m moving to Japan.”

“You’re what?” your mother’s face went from happy to completely shocked and she held her hand to her heart.

“I’ve –uh, been offered a higher job in Japan and I’ll be moving out there in three days.”

“Really? You’re moving to Japan? What about school? What about us?” your mother was beginning to get stressed and upset and you started to regret saying anything.

“It’s a really good job, mother, I’ll come back and visit.”

You knew that it would be easy to come back and forth since you could get Kai to teleport you whenever you needed without the need of the long flights and wasted money.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving…” she went quiet and you narrowed your eyes. A couple of weeks ago, she would have been ecstatic to hear that you were moving away.

“I’ve left before” you mumbled.

“But it’s different this time, you’ll be in a completely different country.”

“I’ve already accepted the job, nothing you can say will make me change my mind” you nodded stubbornly.

“Well I think it’s fantastic that Yoon Ji is doing something great with her life,” Jae Hwa spoke up, “Congratulations” he smiled. You looked at him confused, why was he suddenly backing you up? You shrugged, “Thank you Jae Hwa.”

He nodded and you turned to your mother, “I’ll text you whenever I can. Good luck with the pregnancy, I’ll come back to see the baby” you smiled. You didn’t want to leave your mother on bitter terms. You pressed your lips in to a firm line and gave her one final hug before turning to leave. You pulled your shoes back on and nodded to the three of them once more before closing the door behind you and walking back down the path.

As you neared the bus stop, you heard someone calling your name.

“Yoon Ji!” you turned around and found Su Ah walking towards you.

“I need to talk to you” she said as she came closer.


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This story is one of my all time favorites I'll never get tired of readjng this story
omg I found it... This was my first exo fanfic and I used it to recognize the boys as I couldn't tell chanyeol and baekhyun apart weirdly... I thought he was really short! Anyways, I'm definitely going to read it again to see how my views on exo have changed, I'm sure it'll be just as good!
Chapter 33: I read this in one sitting jfc the fluff i think i died so many times lol this was an interesting and unique story!!! I like how you write the story btw :-) I'm going to read second star to the right tomorrow ^^v
Chapter 33: totally in love with this fic. nuff said.
Chapter 33: You did a really good job :3
I really loved your story. ~
StarKPOPreader #6
Chapter 33: LOVE THIS FIC!!! BRAVO!! :D
new reader.. i havent read this one yet.. cause its midnight here.. i'll save it for 2morrow.. i get the interest when reading all the comment.. :>
Chapter 33: COOOOOOL!!! it's a good story and ending author-nim! you're awesome!
Chapter 33: Really good ending... I love this story so much!