Chapter Twenty-Nine

EXOtic Circus


The flight home seemed longer than the flight there, you tried to sleep it off but the sun was glaring through the window and it shone on your eyelids making it impossible for you to get any sleep. You had nabbed the window seat this time so you didn’t have to get multiple bruises on your arms again, much to Su Ah’s dissatisfaction. When you finally touched back down in Korea, your neck was stiff and you were insanely tired. You decided that you didn’t like flying since it drained you of energy and made your ears pop and feel weird.

It was nearing 10pm when you finally knocked on Luhan’s apartment door. You had dragged your suitcase inside and you wanted nothing more than to lie down and cuddle Chanyeol until you fell asleep. The door swung open and Sehun stood rubbing his eyes.

“Yoon Ji!” he cried when he realised it was you, wrapping you in to a tight hug.

“Hey, Sehun!” you laughed, letting go of your suitcase and hugging him back.

“We missed you!” he beamed, pulling away, “Come inside.”

“I missed you too” you giggled, walking inside, dragging the suitcase behind you.

“Yoon Ji!” everyone chorused when you walked inside.

“Hey guys” you beamed, setting your suitcase to the side and flopping down on to the sofa next to Kris.

“Chanyeol!” Sehun screamed, cupping his hands around his mouth for extra volume, “Yoon Ji is back!”

“I’ll be right there, just showering!” he called back.

“That kid” Sehun sighed, shaking his head. You laughed at his actions and Chen flicked him on the forehead.

“He’s older than you, you brat.”

Sehun rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to you, “Was it fun?” he asked with wide eyes.

“No,” you laughed, “It was like slow torture.”

“Aw, it can’t have been that bad” Kris laughed.

“Well, Japan was nice” you reasoned, everything else was your worst nightmare. The overly dramatic relatives, the boring ceremony, the uncomfortable shoes, the loud music in the after party and the hangovers the next day. It was everything you despised, with people you didn’t particularly like.

“Did you get us any presents?” Sehun asked with a mischievous grin.

“I got some Japanese sweets” you beamed, “I’ll go unpack and get them.”

“Ooh! Yummy!” Sehun squealed,

You wheeled your case in to your room, you were so glad to be back in your sort of home. You heaved the case on to the bed and began unpacking, moving all of your clothes in to a pile on the side, ready to wash tomorrow. As you were unpacking, familiar arms wrapped around your waist and a familiar voice whispered in your ear.

“I missed you” Chanyeol whispered, kissing your neck. You giggled and turned around, smiling widely. As soon as he saw your face, he cupped it and immediately crashed his lips against yours.

“I missed you too” you smiled within the kiss, your fingers finding his damp hair, running through it. You pulled him closer to you, inhaling the smell of fruity soap he had used as you deepened the kiss. His hands wrapped around your waist and you never wanted him to let go, you never wanted to leave his arms, you wanted to stay with him like this forever, as one.

“Yoon Ji did you – Oh! Uh…sorry! I’ll just… uh-” Sehun stammered when he walked in on you two.

Chanyeol sighed and rolled his eyes as he pulled away reluctantly and turned around, glaring at Sehun. You hung your head as your cheeks flushed red and burnt with embarrassment. Sehun looked sheepishly away and closed the door muttering apologies. Chanyeol laughed and turned back to you, shaking his head.

“Stupid maknae” he laughed, “How was your trip?” he smiled his beautiful smile and you melted. His hand moved to your face and your cheek.

“It was OK, I guess” you mumbled, “I much prefer being here though” you said, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his chest. His smile stretched even bigger and he hugged you back tighter.

“I prefer this too” he said, pulling away slightly so he could find your lips again. You stood on your tiptoes to meet him and you s your arms around his neck to pull him closer. His mouth fit perfectly against yours as the kiss deepened once again without the interruption from the maknae. 

Eventually, you both pulled away breathless and you insisted that you needed some sleep. You rummaged around in your suitcase until you found the sweets that you had promised everyone and told Chanyeol you’d be right back.

“Sehuna” you called, looking around. You found him in the living room along with everyone else and as soon as you walked in everyone halted their conversation and went silent. Your cheeks went red once again and you glared at Sehun who had obviously told everyone what had happened.

“I got your sweets” you shrugged, trying to sound like you weren’t absolutely mortified. Smirks tugged at the corners of all of their mouths and you chucked the packets of sweets at them. You couldn’t help but laugh along when they all burst out laughing. Sehun still looked embarrassed but he opened up eventually and started throwing pillows at people.

“What’s going on?” Chanyeol asked when he heard all of the noise. He saw the small fight that had broken out.

“You’re going to wake up the neighbours” he insisted, “It’s almost 11pm.”

“Lighten up, Chanyeol” Kai laughed, chucking a pillow at his head, “Why don’t you go back to playing tonsil tennis with Yoon Ji?”

You threw a pillow that hit Kai directly in the face and Chanyeol smirked.

“Maybe I will” he grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist before picking you up and putting you over his shoulder. You squealed and giggled as he carried you back to your room.

“Ew!” you heard Kai yell after you, you just laughed harder as Chanyeol set you down on the bed. He hovered over you and placed a small kiss on your lips, smiling, before rolling over and climbing under the covers. You did the same and cuddled up close, burying your head in the crook of his neck.

“Good night, princess” he smiled, kissing the top of your head.

“Good night” you whispered, closing your eyes.

A couple of days later, you went back to school after recovering fully from the trip. Sehun, Kai and Tao walked to the bus stop with you and when you got back in to school, nothing had changed. Su Ah was still sitting in the same spot in form room with the same friends who still gave you horrible looks as you walked in. When they saw that you were with Kai, Sehun and Tao, however, they would straighten up and smile brightly at you. You rolled your eyes and resumed your ordinary place at the back of the classroom with the trio.

After a whole boring day of lessons that you didn’t really have an interest in anymore, the end of the day finally came and you began to walk to the bus stop with Kai. Sehun and Tao were staying behind to study for a test they had tomorrow so you left them to it.
You stood at the bus stop, waiting for the next bus to come. When it did arrive, it was already full and there were no seats left for either of you.

“Come on,” Kai said, grabbing your arm, “I’ll just teleport us.” He led you away from the bus and towards a secluded area where he was sure nobody could see. He knew he wasn’t allowed to teleport in public since it would be pretty weird if two people just vanished from thin air. At least in the circus, people could believe that it was just an illusion and not some weird power.

You walked around a corner and found an alley way where you stood, checked one last time to see if there was anyone looking and then Kai put his arm around you and the both of you vanished in to thin air.

Su Ah found your relationship with Sehun, Tao and Kai intriguing and wanted to know how you, the plain, boring girl could possibly be friends with such good looking guys. She found it unfair that when she was so pretty and popular, the best looking boys in the school always ended up going to you. Just like her ex-boyfriend.

She saw you and Kai leaving school and decided to follow you to see where you would go since you didn’t live with your mother anymore and she wanted to know what you actually did with your life. She followed you all the way up to the bus stop and was going to catch the same bus as you to find out more, but as soon as it arrived, Kai pulled you away. She tilted her head in confusion, but proceeded to follow you. Kai led you all the way to a deserted alley and Su Ah had to keep hiding behind things since Kai kept checking back to see if anyone was following them.

Is she cheating on Chanyeol with Kai? Su Ah thought, why are they going to such great lengths to hide? Su Ah pressed on, remaining unseen by the both of you and then she saw you stop in the middle of the alleyway. Kai put his arm around you and then Su Ah blinked and you were both gone. She rubbed her eyes to make sure that what she had just seen was actually correct. She swore that one moment you were both standing right there. She ran over to where you were and looked around, you were nowhere to be seen. She carried on walking, looking around the corner to see if you had run off but you were completely gone. It was like you had both vanished in to thin air, teleported away, like magic.



I'm going to be ending this fic soon, i'm running out of ideas and that's normally a sign to start wrapping things up ^^

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I'll probably write another EXO fic after this one, so make sure you subscribe! :]

I hope your exams are going well if your sitting any, good luck if you are! ^^

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This story is one of my all time favorites I'll never get tired of readjng this story
omg I found it... This was my first exo fanfic and I used it to recognize the boys as I couldn't tell chanyeol and baekhyun apart weirdly... I thought he was really short! Anyways, I'm definitely going to read it again to see how my views on exo have changed, I'm sure it'll be just as good!
Chapter 33: I read this in one sitting jfc the fluff i think i died so many times lol this was an interesting and unique story!!! I like how you write the story btw :-) I'm going to read second star to the right tomorrow ^^v
Chapter 33: totally in love with this fic. nuff said.
Chapter 33: You did a really good job :3
I really loved your story. ~
StarKPOPreader #6
Chapter 33: LOVE THIS FIC!!! BRAVO!! :D
new reader.. i havent read this one yet.. cause its midnight here.. i'll save it for 2morrow.. i get the interest when reading all the comment.. :>
Chapter 33: COOOOOOL!!! it's a good story and ending author-nim! you're awesome!
Chapter 33: Really good ending... I love this story so much!