Chapter 2-My Savior

Deadly Assassins

Hyungsik tickled her with his hands as she squealed with laughter.

“Stop!” Nicole shouted as she tried to push him away.

“Never!” Hyungsik cried as he continued to tickle her non-stop.  “I’m not going to stop until you scream UNCLE!”

“UNCLE!  UNCLE!  UNCLE!” Nicole screamed at the top of her lungs.

Hyungsik stopped tickling her and smiled, “I win!”

“No fair!  You’re stronger than me!” Nicole pouted.

“That means you better start working out more often,” Hyungsik teased as he pinched her nose.

“Yah!” Nicole cried as she playfully slapped his left arm.

“You’re too cute,” Hyungsik said as he brushed her hair away from her face. 

Nicole’s face suddenly turned red as she mumbled, “Thanks.”

“Why are you blushing?” Hyungsik teased as he leaned his face closer to hers.

Nicole quickly pushed him out of the way and mutters, “I’m not blushing!”

“Sure you aren’t,” Hyungsik teased.

“Yah, I’m hungry,” Nicole said changing the subject.

“Okay.  Go wash up and I’ll make you some chocolate chip pancakes.”

“Yummy!  Thank you!” Nicole happily cried.  When it came to food, she was always happy.


Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

Lee Joon looked down at his cell phone and smiled, “Hello?”

“Yo!  Where are you right now?” Yongguk grunted.

“I just got out of the shower.  What’s up?”

“I’m ticked off right now.  You wanna go shooting?”

Lee Joon chuckled, “Who piss you off this time?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, you wanna go shooting with me or not?”

“Nah, go ahead without me.  I’m heading back to the office in a half hour.”

“Seriously?  Boss gave us two weeks off and you’re heading back to the office?”

Lee Joon rolled his eyes, “Did you forget that boss put me in charge for the next couple of days?”

“I’m not trying to be nosy here, but is boss making you babysit the office or something?”

Lee Joon laughed out loud, “No, boss gave me some things to do.”

“Really?  Like what?”

“Checking emails, taking phone calls, etc…”

“Ah…I see.  Boss assigned you to do the work huh?” Yongguk said laughing.

“Whatever,” Lee Joon growled as he hung up on him.

“Hello?  Hello?  Yah!” Yongguk shouted.  “Bastard, how dare you hang up on me!”  It looks like he was going shooting by himself.

Falling in love with Nicole is a big no-no my dear friend Lee Joon said to himself as he put his boxers on.  He didn’t have anything against Nicole, but he feared that one of his team members were going to fall in love with her and all hell would break loose.  He treated her like she was his own sister and the last thing he wanted to see was their entire team fall apart.

Test message from boss:  “I’m leaving.  When you arrive at the building, go into my office and there will be a blue envelope on my desk with your name on it.  Read it and finish the mission before I come back.”

Lee Joon smiled as he rushed out of the bathroom.  Yes!  Another mission to do!


“What are your plans for today?” Nicole asked as she plopped down on the sofa next to Hyungsik.

Hyungsik scratched his head and replied, “I was going to take my bike out for a ride.  Why?”

“Oh, I was just wondering.”

“You wanna join me?”

Nicole’s eyes glowed with excitement, “Yes!  It’ll be like old times!”


“Can you take me home first?  I really want to change out of these clothes.”

“Sure, that’s fine with me.”

“Thank you Hyungsik.”

“No problem.”

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

Doojoon heard his phone ringing but ignored it as he continued to make out with his girlfriend.

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

His girlfriend stopped kissing him and whispered, “Baby, you better answer that.”

Doojoon groaned as he took his phone out.  As soon as he saw who was calling him, he growled, “What do you want?”

“Well, hello to you too!” Lee Joon laughed. 

“Did you forget that I’m on vacation?”

Lee Joon ignored him as he said, “Yah, I need you to do me a favor.”

“What is it?”

“Where are you right now?”

“I’m in Seoul at my girlfriend’s apartment.”

“Can you meet me here in the office at 5:00pm?”

“Yah!  What for?”

“Don’t ask any questions.  I’ll tell you when you get here okay?”

“Is this work related?”

“Yah, shut up.  Are you going to come or not?”

“If this isn’t work related, I’m not coming.”

“You moron!  Fine, it’s work related.  Meet me here at 5pm sharp,” Lee Joon cried as he hung up his phone. 

“Don’t tell me you’re leaving me already?” his girlfriend cried in disbelief.

Doojoon put his phone away and replied, “Uee, I’m sorry.  I have to go.”

Uee pushed him away and angrily shouted, “I hate it when you do this to me!  Why are we even together?”

Doojoon sigh as he put his shoes on, “I’m really sorry.”

“Whatever, just leave!” Uee shouted as she stormed into her bedroom.

Damn you Lee Joon! Doojoon thought as he walked out the door.


Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!

Yongguk smiled as all of the bottle glasses shattered into pieces.

“Nice shot,” said a voice behind him.  “Your aim is getting accurate.”

Yongguk turned his head around and smirked, “My aim has always been accurate.  How did you know I was here?”

TOP smiled as he pulled his gun out and replied, “Lee Joon told me you were here.”

“Ah…I see,” Yongguk said as he waited for one of the employees to put out more bottle glasses.

“What’s bothering you?” TOP asked.

Yongguk sighs as he ruffled his hair, “Nothing.”

“Don’t lie to me man.  I know something is bothering you,” TOP said as he stared at him.  “I’ve known you long enough to know that you’re hiding something from me.  Spill it out.”

Yongguk rolled his eyes and laughed, “Fine.  I’ll tell you.  But please keep this between you and I okay?”

“Yah, you know you can trust me.  I won’t say anything.  Now tell me what’s bothering you.”

Yongguk bit his lips before he said, “I think there’s something going on between Hyungsik and Nicole.”

TOP raised his left eye brow, “What makes you say that?”

“She slept over at Hyungsik place last night,” Yongguk replied as his right hand curled up into a tight fist.

TOP laughed out loud, “Yah, seriously?”

Yongguk gave him a weird look, “Stop laughing hyung!  I’m serious!  I think there is something going on between them!”

“If I told you that Nicole has slept over at my house a couple of times, would you be mad at me?”

“WHAT?!” Yongguk shouted.  “When was this?  Yah!  Did you sleep with her?!  I swear to god Choi Seung Hyun, if you touched her I’m going to kill you with my bare hands!”

TOP chuckled as he calmly said, “There’s no need to be jealous.  We didn’t do anything.  Nicole is like a little sister to me.  She would sleep over at my house because there are times when she doesn’t like being by herself.  Why are you so mad?”

“Because I LIKE HER!” Yongguk exploded.  There!  He said it!  He likes Jung Nicole!

TOP smirked, “I know you do.  In fact, EVERYONE knows you like her.”

Yongguk face turned red, “Was I that obvious?”

TOP nodded his head yes, “I wouldn’t worry about Hyungsik.  Nicole just likes to hang out with  him because they’re closer in age, that’s all.”

Yongguk seemed to calm down after hearing that and chuckled, “I guess.”

TOP aimed his gun towards a bottle glass and shot it with a loud bang.  The bottle glass shattered into pieces as he smirked, “Hyungsik is a mystery.  Even though we all grew up together, he doesn’t say much nor does he show any emotions.  He may be the manake of the team, but I honestly don’t think there is anything going on between them.  You do realize that you’ll never be able to confess your feelings to Nicole right?”


Yongguk sigh as he aimed his gun towards a bottle glass and shot it with a bang.  He missed his shot by an inch and angrily growled, “DAMN IT!”

Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!

TOP smirked as he watched Yongguk missed all of his shots.  The bottle glass stood still as Yongguk threw a tantrum.  He exploded, “What the hell is wrong with my aim?!" 

“You tend to miss your target when you’re affected by your emotions,” TOP explained as he aimed his gun towards his glass bottle shooting a bullet straight through it.  “That is your weakness my friend.”

Yongguk threw his gun down on the ground and stomped away.  He mumbled, “Whatever!  I’m out of here!”

TOP shook his head as he watched him leave.  What a bad temper he has.  It’s no wonder why Nicole doesn’t like him in that kind of way.


“I’m tired!” Nicole whined as she pedaled her bike.  “Let’s stop for a while.  We’ve been biking for almost 2 ½ hours.”

Hyungsik stop pedaling and turned his head around and laughed, “Yah, why are you getting lazy all of a sudden?  We used to bike for hours and you never once complained.”

“It’s that time of the month,” Nicole bluntly said.  As soon as she said that, she quickly covered with both of her hands.  You dummy!  This is so embarrassing!

Hyungsik started laughing as he cleared his throat, “Ah…okay.  Let’s go find some shade and rest.”

“Thank you!” Nicole happily cried as she got off her bike.  Her was sore from sitting too long and she really needed to stretch out her legs.

They set their bike on the ground as they sat underneath a huge pink blossom tree.  Nicole looked up at the blossom tree and smiled, “It’s so beautiful!”

Hyungsik smiled as he looked up at the blossom tree and nodded his head in agreement.  They sat in silence for a while as they watched random people walk by.

Nicole leaned her head on his right shoulder and smiled to herself.  Oh how she wished she could stop the time and stay like this forever.  What she didn’t know was that Hyungsik was enjoying this moment just as much as she was.

“Aw…look at that cute couple of there!” said a teenage girl.

“He’s cute!” said her other friend.

Nicole giggled as looked up at him, “Do we look that good together?”

Hyungsik smiled and replied, “Of course we do.”

Without realizing what she was doing, she wrapped her arms around his muscular waist and rested her head on his chest.  Even though he smelled like sweat, she didn’t mind because she wanted to hold him like this forever.

Hyungsik could feel his heart pounding like crazy as he wrapped his arms around her.  This was the first time she had ever hugged him and he was quite surprised by her actions.  He her hair back and forth and smiled, “Nicole?”


“…..are you happy right now?”

“I’m very happy Hyungsik.  I wish we could spend more time like this together without anyone knowing,” Nicole replied as she buried her face in his chest.  She could hear his heart thumping loudly through his chest as she hugs him tighter.  She couldn’t believe she said that to him!

“Nicole, I…” Hyungsik trailed off.

“Help me!” a woman screamed.

Nicole leaped up from Hyungsik chest and looked around where the screaming was coming from.  She saw an elderly woman running away from a group of thugs as they chased her down the park.  The elderly woman tripped over her own feet causing her to fall down on the hard cement.  The group of thugs caught up to her and shouted, “You’ve got nowhere to run now you old hag!”

Nicole got up on her feet and pulled her gun out.  She aimed her gun towards one of the thugs back and was about to pull the trigger off but Hyungsik held her left arm tightly and said, “We will attract the cops if you use your gun.  Let’s fight them instead.”

Nicole nodded her head as she put her gun away.  She smiled, “It’s been a while since I fought.  Let’s go!”  They both dashed off running towards the group of thugs.  She shouted, “Yah!”

The group of thugs turned around and saw Hyungsik and Nicole running towards them.  One of the thugs cried, “Let’s go!”

Their leader smirked, “If they the guts to stop us, let’s fight them.”

“I’m game,” said one of the other thugs.

“I get the girl.  She looks pretty weak to me,” said another thug.

“Yah, whoever knocks down the most guys, loser has to treat the winner for dinner tonight,” Nicole said as she breathed heavily.

“You’re on!” Hyungsik cried as he raced ahead of her.  He ran straight towards one of the thugs and threw his right fist in his face.

5 minutes later

“That was easy,” Nicole said as she knocked out the last thug. 

“A little too easy,” Hyungsik smirked as walked towards the elderly woman.

“Are you okay?” Nicole asked as she leaned down to help her up.  She picked up her purse and handed it back to her.

“Thank you so much for saving me,” the elderly woman said as she started crying.  “I thought for sure they were going to kill me.”

“Would you like us to walk you home?” Hyungsik kindly offered.

The elderly woman shook her head yes, “That would be wonderful.  Thank you so much young man.”

The thugs groan painfully as they tried to get up on their feet.

“Who the hell were they?” one of the thugs asked.

“I don’t know, but if we don’t kill that woman, boss is going to kill US!” their leader cried as he spit some blood out from his mouth.

“We should report back to the boss,” said another thug.

“I agree, let’s go,” said the other thug as he started limping away.

“Why were those thugs chasing you?” Nicole asked as she walked beside the elderly women.

The elderly women sighs, “Since you both saved my life, I shall tell you the truth.  My husband works for their boss in a night club call PIE.  He worked as a bartender and one night he witness his boss kill one of his partners.”

“Where is your husband now?” Hyungsik asked.

The elderly woman started tearing up as she choked, “Those damn thugs killed him.  I reported them to the police about it, but they said there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that they killed him.”

“Did your husband say anything to you about the murder?” Nicole asked.

“He told me that his boss partner loaned some money to the DA Organization to purchase some land in Incheon,” the elderly woman replied as she wiped her tears away.

Hyungsik and Nicole both looked at each other.  Neither one of them said anything as they continued to walk the elderly woman home.  As soon as they reached her house, she turned around and bowed her head at them, “Thank you once again for saving me.  I owe you both my life.”

Nicole smiled, “You’re welcome.  Next time, please don’t go anywhere by yourself.”

The elderly woman nodded her head, “Don’t worry.  I don’t plan on going anywhere by myself anymore.  I’m going to call up my grandson to come and live with me for the time being.”

“I hope your grandson will be able to take care of those thugs for you,” Hyungsik said.

“Don’t worry, my grandson is a cop.  So, he’ll be able to take good care of those low life thugs.”

Nicole’s eyes widen as she tugged on Hyungsik’s right arm.  She whispered, “Let’s get going.”

Hyungsik nodded his head and bowed his head down at the elderly woman, “We are taking our leave.  It was really nice meeting you.”

Nicole quickly bowed her head and said, “Good-bye.”

“May I know your names?” the elderly woman asked.

Hyungsik and Nicole nervously looked at each other.  Should they tell her their real names?

Nicole cleared , “The next time we see each other, we’ll tell you our names.  As for now, we need to go.”

The elderly woman nodded her head, “I understand.”  She looked at Hyungsik and smiled, “Please treat your girlfriend well young man.”

Hyungsik face turned red as he stutters, “W-we aren’t….um…”

Nicole giggled, “Don’t worry about it.  He treats me really good.”

“That’s good to know,” the elderly woman said.

“Good-bye,” Hyungsik said as he grabbed Nicole by her hand.  They walked away from the elderly woman’s house hand-in-hand as he pinched her left cheek, “Yah, do I really treat you that good?”

Nicole squeezed his hand and replied, “Of course you do!  Out of all of the guys in our organization, I like you the best!”  As soon as she said that she quickly covered .  !  She just confessed to him!

Hyungsik eyes widen, “What did you just say?”

“I said nothing,” Nicole quickly said as she raced ahead of him.  She could feel her face burning up as he caught up to her.

“Yah, why are you running away from me?”

“I’m not,” Nicole muttered as she avoided making eye contact with him.

Hyungsik secretly smiled to himself as he couldn’t control his excitement.  She liked him too!  He slid his arm around her shoulder as they walked back towards their bicycles. 



“I’m confused about something.”

“What are you confused about?”

Nicole scratched her head, “Why would the DA borrow money from PIE night club?”

Hyungsik thought for a while and replied, “I’m not too sure myself either.”

“It doesn’t make any sense.  Boss makes enough money to buy enough land in Incheon, so why borrow money from lower night club owners?  Not only that, but why would those thugs kill her husband?  Were they hired by someone?”

Hyungsik chuckled, “Why are you so curious?  I have never heard you ask so many questions before.”

“You’re right, why AM I asking so many questions all of a sudden?”

Hyungsik burst out laughing as he picked up her bicycle and handed it to her, “If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about it because it doesn’t pertain to us.”

“I know, but…” Nicole trails off.

“No more buts, let’s just enjoy the rest of our time together okay?”

“Fine,” Nicole said as she hopped on her bike.  “By the way, I beat up seven guys, you owe me dinner.”

Hyungsik scoffs, “You cheated.”

“No I didn’t!  It’s not my fault you fought against two fat guys.  They slowed you down,” Nicole cried as she started peddling her bike.

“Whatever…” Hyungsik mumbled as he biked along beside her.

(PIE night club 2:00pm)

“Did you kill the old hag?” their boss asked.

“No sir, we didn’t.  There were two young adults that came to rescue her,” the leader of the gang explained.

“Who?” shouted their boss.

“It was a young male and female.  We’ve never seen them before,” said the leader.  “They were very skilled in fighting.”

“What did they look like?” asked their boss.

“The male was really tall and the female was short,” the leader replied.

“Be more specific,” growled their boss.

“I don’t know how else to describe them besides being good-looking.”

“What were they wearing?”

“They were both wearing work-out clothes.”

Their boss shook his head and pulled out his gun at the gang leader, “I asked you guys to do a simple task for me, but you guys failed.”  He was about to pull the trigger off when someone stopped him.

“Give them another chance,” said the man.  “I’m quite curious who these two mystery people are.”

Their boss turned around and quickly bowed his head down, “Lee Joon.  When did you get here?”

“I just got here,” Lee Joon replied.  He looked at their gang leader and smirked, “I want you to find me these two people.  Bring them to me alive.”

“But…” their gang leader trailed.

Lee Joon raised his left eye brow up, “If you can’t bring me these two people to me by the end of the day, I’ll make sure your entire family dies in my hand.”  He looked at their boss and said, “Spare your gang leader.  Kill everyone else.”

Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!

(DA Building 5:00pm)

“Yah!  Lee Joon!  This better be important!” Doojoon cried as he sat down.  “My girlfriend is piss off at me!”

Lee Joon smirked, “What’s more important?  Your job or your girlfriend?”

Doojoon rolled his eyes and replied, “Both.  It’s hard to balance you know?”

“I’m really sorry.  I wouldn’t have called you if I didn’t have to.  Forgive me?”

Doojoon sighs, “You’re forgiven.”

“Thanks man.  I’ll get straight to the point.  I got a letter from boss and wants us to kill this elderly woman and her grandson,” Lee Joon said as he handed him a picture.

Doojoon smirked, “This should be easy.  You do realize that it only takes one person to kill these two right?”

“That’s why I called you.  I’m leaving this mission for you to complete,” Lee Joon said as he sat down in their boss chair.  He quickly typed something into the computer and smirked, “Do you think you can handle it?”

Doojoon scoffs, “Excuse me?  Do you know who you’re talking to?”

Lee Joon laughed, “I’m just messing with you.  I need you to get the job done before boss comes back.”

“I understand.”

“By the way, you want to hear something really funny?”

“What’s that?”

“Boss originally gave this mission to PIE’s owner number one gang to kill this elderly woman, but they failed.”

“Really?  What happened?”

“Their leader said that elderly woman was saved by a young man and women.  Apparently they’re good fighters.”

“Maybe they were undercover cops.”

“Maybe, but I told their leader to bring them both alive to me at the end of the day or else I was going to kill his entire family.”

Doojoon scoffs, “You’re ruthless dude.  Why not just kill him and not his family members?”

Lee Joon glared at him, “We were trained to become ruthless assassins.  You’ve done much worse killings than me, so I wouldn’t be talking.”

“Don’t remind me,” Doojoon said standing up.  “I’m to the point where I want to quit and live like a normal person.”

“You know what the consequences are if you ever leave the DA Organization right?” Lee Joon reminded him.

Doojoon glared at him without saying anything.  Death was the only answer if anyone was to quit the DA.  He knew he would never be able to live a normal life because he had already chosen this deadly path when he was younger.


Hi guys!  What did you think of this chapter so far?  PLEASE comment and let me know!  I really want your feedbacks!  Thank you!

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Christie887 #1
Chapter 6: Chapter 9: crying :,( it's really good and i think you should make a sequel something like myungsoo and kai are gonna meet her in the future
Chapter 9: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present even it's a bit late
I will give you 10/10 stars
This fanfic was really great
This was like a drama but in a short chapter
Love it so much even at the end there are only NIcole, Kai and Myungsoo that stay alive
Hope next time you can make more awesome fanfics
I will subscribe and upvote this fanfic too and have a nice Xmas
Chapter 9: Sequel please omgggg
SummerKpop #4
Chapter 9: This story is so touching :,( I feel like crying,especially the part when Lee Joon hold the gun at Nicole with cold eyes and his tears fell off. They are my bias :) Can you make a Part 2 ? If u do I can't wait but if you don't ,I cry my heart out ><"
ImYourLilSecret #5
Chapter 9: That was an epic chapter, so sad that most of them died. But good fanfic!! =)
Jigooo #6
Author-nim please make a part 2 please :((
asmira #7
Chapter 9: Oh... so sad.. can you do part2...
_sfilicity #8
Chapter 9: I THOUGHT THE STORY WAS ALREADY DONE!?!?! I'm guessing you're editing the story.
neshiiee #9
Chapter 9: An awesome story, as always.. so sad that it ends like this.. but i really hope if you do a part 2..
Kai Nicole and Myungsoo!!!! <33333