Chapter 5-The Harsh Punishment

Deadly Assassins

Sunday (10:00am Nicole’s house)

Nicole took a big yawn as she flipped through the channel.  She reached over for her cup of tea and took a sip out of it.  She decided to watch the news to see if there was anything interesting going on.  She took another sip out of her cup but suddenly spit it out as soon as she saw what was shown on TV.

“Yesterday morning at 10:00am, 19 year old FBI agent Kim Jong In and his grandma were found dead outside of their home.  A witness said they heard gun shootings outside of their homes but did not know where the shootings were coming from,” the news lady said.  “We interviewed with Chief Lee and this is what he told us.”

“Yesterday was a very tragic day for us.  We lost a young and talented FBI agent.  We are determined to find whoever killed him and bring him justice.  We will not stop until they are caught,” Chief Lee said.

“The funeral for FBI agent Kim Jong In and his grandma will be held tomorrow at Luthern’s Church at 2:00pm.  There will be a memorial service held for him,” the news lady explained.

Nicole clicked the TV off as she sighs to herself.  She couldn’t believe the handsome guy she saw last night at Oval Office Club was the elderly woman’s grandson!  She felt guilt washing over her entire body as she lay her head down on the sofa.

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

Nicole pulled her cell phone out and saw that Lee Joon was calling her.  She clicked the answer button, “Hi Lee Joon oppa.  What’s up?”

“Hi Nicole.  The cook out is at noon at my house.  Are you still coming?” Lee Joon asked.

“No, I’m not coming.  I don’t feel good, plus my ankle still hurts.  Thanks to you!” Nicole joked.

“Yah!  I said I was sorry!” Lee Joon cried.

Nicole laughs, “I know, I was just messing with you.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?  I made your favorite dish.”

“Thanks, but no thanks oppa.  I’m in a lot of pain.  I just want to relax before boss comes back.  Tell everyone I said hello.”

“I can have Yongguk or Hyungsik come and pick you up if you’re that much in pain to drive,” Lee Joon said trying to change her mind.

“No, don’t do that oppa.  Seriously, I just want to relax.”

“Fine, be that way.  I’ll have one of the guys bring you over some food later on.”

“Thank you oppa.  You’re the best.  You’re always thinking of me!”

Lee Joon teased, “If it wasn’t for your oppa, you would be starving!”

Nicole giggled, “Have fun at your cook out and I’ll see you this week Friday.”

“Bye Nicole,” Lee Joon said as he clicked his phone off.

30 minutes later

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

Nicole looks at her cell phone and smiled, “Hello?”

“Yah!  Why aren’t you coming to the cook out?” Yongguk cried.

“Oppa, I just want to relax.  Besides, did you forget that I’m hurt?”

“Do you want me to come over and take care of you?” Yongguk offered.

“No need oppa.  I’ll be just fine,” Nicole quickly replied. 

“Are you sure?”

“Yes oppa.  Listen, quit worrying about me and have a good time at the cook out okay?”

“Fine, I’ll check up on you later.”

“Thanks oppa,” Nicole said as she clicked her phone off.  She was about to put her phone away when her phone started ringing again.  She looks at it and started blushing, “Hello?”

“Hi Nicole,” Hyungsik sweetly said.

“Hi Hyungsik.  What’s up?”

“How are you feeling today?”

“My ankle is sore as hell, but I’ll managed to live.”

“Would you like me to buy you anything?”

Nicole smiled as she replies, “No thank you Hyungsik.”

“Are you sure? “

“Yes I’m positively sure Hyungsik.”

“May I come over later in the evening and keep you company?” Hyungsik asked.

Nicole could feel her face burning as she replied, “Sure!”

“Great!  What time do you want me to come over?”

Nicole looked at her watch and replied, “How about 7:00pm?”

“Alright.  I’ll be there at 7:00pm.  If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me okay?”

“Okay Hyungsik.  Have fun at the cook out and eat lots for me.”

Hyungsik laughs, “Thanks Nicole.  I’ll see you later.”

“Bye,” Nicole said as she clicked her phone off.  It felt so nice to have people around her that cared about her.  She didn’t mind the attention she was getting from her oppas and it made her super happy that they were taking extra care of her.  Damn, what was she going to do today?

1 hour later

After lying around on the sofa doing nothing, she decided to get up and go for a walk around the block.  She slid her purple hoodie on and slowly bent down to put her white Nike tennis shoes on.  She closed the door behind her and started limping her way out towards the sidewalk.  The weather was very nice and she saw many of the neighbor kids playing with each other in their front yard. 

“Hi pretty lady!” some of the boys shouted as they waved their hands at her.  She waved her hand back at them and smiled. 

“Where are you going noona?” one of the neighbor boy asked as he ran up to her.

“Noona is going for a walk around the block,” Nicole replied.

“Can I come with you?”

Nicole shook her head no, “Maybe next time okay?”

“Aw….fine,” the boy said as he walked away from her.

Nicole was about to say something to him but she saw a familiar person walking towards Jon’s Park.  Boss?  No way?  What was boss doing here?  I thought boss was out of town?  When did boss get back?  She decided to follow boss to Jon’s Park and see what was going on.  She didn’t want to get caught, so she hid behind a fat tree where no one could see her.  She stuck her head out behind the fat tree and saw boss talking to a man who looked like he was in his early 40’s dressed in a black suit.  Although she couldn’t hear what they were saying, she understood what their conversation was about from the way they were moving their mouths.  This was one of the rare and special things about her that made her so important to the DA Organization.

“Do you have the money for me?” boss asked the man in the black suit.

The man in the black suit handed him a yellow package and replied, “All of the money is in there.”

Boss put the yellow package inside his suit as he said, “Come and get your supplies tonight at the DA building at 10:00pm.”  He handed him a white card and said, “Give this to the security guard when you check in at the gate.  He’ll know what it is and he’ll direct you where to go with your truck.”

The man smiled, “Thank you.  It’s a pleasure to be working with the DA Organization.”

“Whoever doesn’t work with the DA is stupid,” boss said with an evil smile.  “Our organization is all about making money and killing people.”

“Speaking of killing people, why did you have one of your assassins kill that FBI agent and his grandma?”

Boss scoffs, “They were in my way.  Not only that, but her husband witnessed his boss kill his partner that night.  He knew what the DA Organization was planning to do with the money, so it was better to get rid of him as soon as possible.  I figured he was going to tell to his wife about it, so I hired PIE’s thugs to kill his wife.  They couldn’t get the job done, so I assigned two of my assassins to kill her AND her grandson.”

The man smirks, “Killing an FBI agent is going to lead the cops closer to your organization.  You do know that right?”

Boss grins, “My dear friend, have faith in me.  Think of this as a cat and mouse game.  Did you forget that I’m an ex-CIA agent?  I have access to everything.  I was the BEST when I worked for the government.  They should have never screwed me over.  Payback is going to be a .”

The man let out an evil laugh, “Although I don’t know what you have in store for the next couple of weeks, you have my full trust and support.”

Boss smiled and shook hands with him, “You’re making the right decision by working with me.”

Nicole watched as they walked towards their vehicles.  There were so many questions running through her mind that she didn’t know what to think.  She pulled her cell phone out and immediately dialed Hyungsik number.

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

Hyungsik pulled his phone out and smiled, “Hello?”

“Hyungsik, are you by yourself right now?”

“Yeah, I’m using the bathroom right now.  What’s up?”

“I need to talk to you alone.  Meet me at my house in a half hour.  Please come alone and don’t tell anyone else about this,” Nicole said as she clicked her phone off.

“Nicole?  Hello?  Hello?”  Strange, what was that all about?  He quickly washed his hands and ran out of the bathroom.  , what was he going to tell the guys?  Think Hyungsik, think!

“What’s wrong Hyungsik?” Top asked as he appeared out of nowhere.

“Hyung!  You scared me!”

Top laughs, “Sorry man.  That wasn’t my intention.  What are you doing in here?  The party is out there in the backyard.”

Hyungsik smiles, “I know.  I had to use the bathroom remember?”

“I know, I’m just messing with you.”

Hyungsik looked at his watch and cried, “!”

“What?” Top asked.

“I forgot I had to meet up with my trainer!  I gotta go!” Hyungsik replied as he quickly ran out the front doors. 

Top chased after him and cried, “Yah!  Just call and cancel your training session.”

“I can’t hyung.  This training session is important.  Can you please tell Lee Joon that I’m leaving?”

Top nodded his head yes, “Drive safely.”

“Thanks and see you this Friday hyung!” Hyungsik shouted as he waved his hand good-bye to him.  , that was close he thought as he zoomed out of the drive way.  He raced all the way over to Nicole’s house.  I hope she’s okay.

30 minutes later (Nicole’s house)

Knock!  Knock!  Knock!

Nicole opened up the door and tilt her head behind him, “Did you come here by yourself?”

Hyungsik nodded his head as he breathed heavily, “What’s wrong?  Are you okay?  Are you hurt?  Is your ankle bothering you?”

Nicole started laughing as she quickly pulled him inside, “I’m fine Hyungsik.  I just needed someone to talk to.”  She closed the door behind her and gesture him to sit on the sofa.

Hyungsik sat down as he stares at her, “What’s going on?”

Nicole took a deep breath before she replied, “Hyungsik...”

Hyungsik could sense that something was bothering her, so he bravely grabbed both of her hands and gave it a small squeeze, “Nicole, you can talk to me.  What’s wrong?”

Nicole bit her lower lip and replied, “I saw boss at Jon’s Park about an hour ago.”

Hyungsik raised his left eye brow up, “Are you sure?  I thought boss was out of town?”

“Hyungsik, I know what I saw.”

“Well, what was boss doing?”

“I saw boss talking to a man wearing a black suit.  The man gave boss a yellow package and in return, boss gave him a white card.  As I observed their conversation just by watching their mouths move, boss told him to give the white card to the security guard at the gate and they’ll direct him where he needs to go with his truck,” Nicole replied.  “What is boss giving him?”

Hyungsik sighs, “Why are you so curious Nicole?”

“I’m curious because I want to know what kind of business boss is doing with all of the night club owners,” Nicole truthfully replied.  “Oh, there is something else that I forgot to tell you.”

Hyungsik raised his right eye brow up, “What’s that?”

“Boss told the man that he was an ex-CIA agent.”

“Seriously?  No way!  I never knew that!” Hyungsik said as his eyes widen.  “Boss must have been an intelligent person!”

Nicole shook her head in agreement, “Boss also said that payback was going to be a .” 

Hyungsik whistled, “Well, whatever boss has in store for the government must be pretty big.  What do you think our next mission is going to be?”

“My guess is that boss is going to have us kill as many cops as we can…especially FBI agents,” Nicole replied.

“Really?  What makes you say that?”

“Did you watch the news earlier today?”

Hyungsik shook his head no, “I slept in.”

“Do you remember that elderly woman that we saved a couple of days ago?”

“Yeah, I remember.  Why?”

“Well, she was killed along with her grandson.”


“Yeah, and guess who killed her?”



“No way!  Why?”

“Oppa, please keep this a secret between you and me okay?”

Hyungsik nodded his head, “Nicole, you can ALWAYS trust me when it comes to keeping secrets.”

Nicole smiled, “I know, but it doesn’t hurt to ALWAYS ask.”

Hyungsik laughs, “Whatever…now tell me why Doojoon shot her and her grandson.”

“Apparently before boss “supposedly” went out of town, boss assigned Lee Joon and Doojoon a mission.  Their mission was to assassinate the elderly woman and her grandson but Doojoon told Lee Joon that it only took one person to kill them.  So, Lee Joon decided to give the mission to Doojoon and have him kill them.”

“That’s crazy!” Hyungsik said shaking his head in disbelief.

“Tell me about it.  Do you remember that cop that tackled me down when we were trying to escape?”

“I remember, why?”

“He was the grandson of that elderly woman.”

Hyungsik eyes widen, “Really?  Wow, that’s crazy!”

Nicole nodded her head in agreement, “She was an innocent woman too.  I feel guilty about her death.”

Hyungsik squeezed her hand and said, “You shouldn’t feel guilty Nicole.  You and I both know that if boss wants someone dead, they’re going to die no matter what.”


When she didn’t answer him back, he pulled her into his strong arms and hugged her tight.  He didn’t know what was running through her mind, but he wanted to let her know that he was going to be there for her no matter what.

Things are going to change from now on Nicole thought as she wrapped are arms around his waist.  Despite her injury, she planned on investigating tonight to see what boss was going to give the man.

10:00pm (DA Building)

The man drove his white semi-truck towards the security gate and handed the security guard a white card.  The security guard took the white card from the man and looked at it.  He nodded his head and said, “Follow this road until you reach a stop sign and make a right turn.  Park your truck there and you will receive your supplies.”

The man smiled and said, “Thank you.”  He drove his semi-truck in and when he came to the stop sign he made a right turn and saw a few of the DA employees standing outside with his supplies. 

Nicole watched from a far distance using her binoculars and saw a few of the DA employees carrying some boxes and loading it up on the man’s semi-truck.  There must have been at least 150 boxes that were loaded up in the semi-truck.  What’s in the box?  She took her binoculars off and was about to put them away in her bag when she suddenly heard a bunch of girls screaming for help.  She quickly put her binoculars back on and zoomed in on where the screaming voices were coming from.  She saw some of the DA employees carrying some girls over their shoulders and the next thing she knew, they tossed all of the girls into the semi-truck.  There were at least 20 girls that she had counted and all of them were blind folded.  What the hell is going on?

“Please let me go!  I’m only 16!  My parents are expecting me to be home soon!” one of the girls begged.

“Shut up!” one of the DA employee shouted as he slapped her across the face.  He shut the back of the truck and smirked to the man, “You’re going to like that one.  She’s a bit feisty, but I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to handle her.”

The man evilly laughs, “I’m looking forward to her then!  Thank you loading up my supplies.  Make sure to tell your boss that I look forward to our next meeting next month.”

“Will do,” the DA employee said.  “Have a good night.”

“Thank you.  You all have a good night,” the man said as he waved his hand good-bye to them.  He hopped into his truck and happily drove away.  What he didn’t know was that there was a yellow taxi cab that was following him closely behind.

30 minutes later

“Miss, how long do you want me to follow this semi-truck?  We’ve been following them for a half hour now,” the taxi cab driver whined as he parked his car behind the semi-truck.  They were the only ones parked at the wayside rest area.

Instead of answering him back, Nicole took her paralyzed injection needle out and stabbed him on the neck with it.  She pulled a black mask out from her bag and slid it over her face.  Then she grabbed her gun and kicked the door opened.  She walked out of the taxi cab and started shooting at the semi-truck back tires. 

Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!

Nicole smirked as she watches all the tires flattened.

“What the…” the man cried as he poked his head out the window.

Nicole quickly aimed her gun at his head and pulled the trigger.

Bam!  Bam!  Bam!

Blood splattered everywhere as she watched his head jerk down from the window.  She walked up to the man and yanked his door opened as his body fell to the ground.  She grabbed the keys out from the engine and made her way back towards the back truck.  She opened the back truck and she could hear all 20 girls crying and whimpering.

“Please don’t kill us!” a young girl begged.

“I don’t want to die yet!” another young girl hysterically cried.

“Let me go!” a short girl shouted.

Instead of answering them, she climbed inside the truck and opened up one of the boxes.  As soon as she opened the box, she found lots of plastic bags filled with illegal drugs.  So boss was selling drugs and teenage girls!  She looked at all of the girls and they all looked around 16-17 years old.  Feeling angry, she carefully got out of the truck and walked back towards the dead man and searched for his cell phone.  As soon as she found it she dialed 911.

“911, state your emergency.”


“Hello?  Are you there?”

Nicole placed the cell phone on the dead man’s body and took off running.

Monday (6:00am DA Building)

“Last night around 11:00pm, police have found the 20 teenage missing girls blind folded and tied up in a white semi-truck along with 150 boxes full of illegal drugs at a wayside rest area.  There is one person dead and one person hospitalized.  Right now, the victims’ names are not being released and…”

Boss clicked the TV off and slammed both of his hands on the table, “What the hell happened?!”

“We don’t know.  We delivered his supplies as we were told and when he left last night, he…” one of the employees trailed off.

Boss glared at all of them and snarled, “Get the hell out of my office!  All of you!”

Everyone rushed out of boss office without saying anything.  They knew boss was ticked off and the last thing they wanted was a harsh punishment.

Boss walked towards the window and dialed Lee Joon’s number.

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

Lee Joon rubbed his eyes as he searched for his phone on his bed.  When he found it, he mumbled, “Hello?”

“I’m back in town.  I want you to call everyone and have them all report to my office in 2 hours.  I expect you to be there as well,” boss demanded as he hung up on him.

Lee Joon leaped out of bed and started calling everyone.  Boss is back already?

8:00am (DA Building)

“I’m pretty sure you’re all wondering why I’m back?” Boss asked.

Everyone nodded their head yes as they stared at boss. 

“There have been some changes in my schedule so I’m going to cut all of your vacation short.  I have a mission for all of you.”

“What’s the mission?” Yongguk asked.

“I’m going to need all of you to kill 20 girls for me,” boss replied handing everyone some pictures of the girls.

Nicole curled both of her hands into a small fist as she glared at boss with her shiny eyes, “Why do you want us to kill these girls?”

All of the boys turned to look at Nicole with their eyes wide open because they were surprised to hear her question boss about the mission. 

“Excuse me?  What did you just ask me?” boss growled.

Nicole smirked, “You heard me.  Why should I repeat myself?  Just by looking at these pictures, these girls are only teenagers.”

Boss scoffs, “What’s your point?”

“My point is that if these girls are innocent, I don’t want to kill them.  From now on, I only want to kill bad guys,” Nicole replied keeping her eyes on boss.

Hyungsik elbowed her right arm and hissed, “Knock it off Nicole.”

Boss stared hard at her for a moment and smiled, “Did you forget rule number two in our organization?”

“No I didn’t.”

“Then tell me what rule number two is.”

“When a mission is assigned, ask no questions, and get the job done.”

“I’m glad to know that you haven’t forgotten it.  Tell me, why are you suddenly asking me questions now?”

Nicole bit her lower lip before she answered, “If one of those teenage girls was your daughter, wouldn’t you be upset if someone killed her?”

“I don’t have a daughter and even IF I had one and IF she was killed, I wouldn’t care,” boss replied.  “Enough with all this nonsense talk.  We’re wasting precious time here.”

“What happens if I refuse to do the mission?” Nicole suddenly asked.

“Nicole, be quiet!” Doojoon cried as he gave her a dirty look.  Was she asking for trouble?  Why was she challenging boss with so many questions?

“Ignore her boss,” Yongguk quickly said as he could see that boss was ready to blow up at Nicole.  What the hell is wrong with her?  Is she insane?

Boss glared at her for a long time and finally replied, “I’ll give you two options.  One, you do the mission or two, I’ll whip your back ten times and you’ll get no missions for 2 months.  Choose wisely Nicole.”

Nicole turned her head and looked at all of the boys as they were all giving her “the look” meaning to choose option number one.  She had to follow her heart so she turned her head back at boss and smiled, “I refuse to kill those girls.  If you’re going to punish me, then so be it.”

Everyone including boss was shocked to hear her answer as Yongguk cried, “Jung Nicole!  Are you crazy?!”

Hyungsik grabbed her right arm and shook it, “Yah!  What’s wrong with you today?”

“Nicole, you…” Doojoon started to say but was cut off by boss.

“Alright Nicole.  Since you chose option number two, take your shirt off right now and turned your back towards the wall.  I want all of you to witness this and maybe you’ll learn to never joke around with me whenever I assign a mission for you guys,” boss angrily said.  “Lee Joon, get my whip out from my desk.  I want all of you to stand behind me and watch this.”

Hyungsik quickly kneeled down on his knees and begged, “Boss, please don’t do this.  If you’re going to punish her, punish me instead.”

Yongguk kneeled down on his knees next to Hyungsik and said, “She’s just upset that you cut her vacation short, please forgive her for being stupid and arrogant.”

Nicole let out a high pitch laugh, “Get up you two.  I don’t need you guys to defend me.  This is my decision and I don’t want to be killing innocent people anymore.”

“If you two don’t want to get whipped by me, get out of my way!” boss roared at Hyungsik and Yongguk.

Nicole took her shirt off exposing her white bra and turned her back towards the wall.  This is going to be very painful she thought as she closed her eyes.

Lee Joon sighs as he handed boss the thick whip.  He looked over at Hyungsik and Yongguk and said, “Get out of the way you guys or else you’ll end up being punished.”

Hyungsik and Yongguk slowly got up on their feet and walked over to them.  All of the boys stood behind boss with fear, sadness, and disappointment in their eyes.

“Take your bra off too,” boss ordered.

Nicole did as she was told and unhooked her bra.  She threw her bra on the ground and kept her eyes towards the wall.

Boss turned around and smirked at the boys, “No one is allowed to help her when I’m done.  Let her get up on her own.  Does everyone understand?”

Everyone nodded their head yes as boss raised the whip into the air and slashed Nicole on her back.

Yongguk closed his eyes as he heard Nicole scream in pain.

“Nine more whips to go,” boss evilly said and continued to whip her.

Hyungsik curled both of his hands into a tight fist as he watched boss continue to whip Nicole non-stop.  Her screams gave him chills down his back and all he wanted to do right now was to jump in front of her and take the punishment for her.

Doojoon looked away as he couldn’t bear to watch anymore.  Every time boss whipped her, he felt his heart ache with pain. 

Top watched in horror as Nicole’s back bled like crazy.  He covered both of his ears with his hands as her screams grew louder.

Lee Joon had his head down the entire time.  He pretended that Nicole was someone else being punished by boss. 

Boss whipped her one last time and breathed heavily, “I hope you learn your lesson Nicole.  You’re like family to me, but when you’re stepping over the line, I have no choice but to discipline you.”

Nicole collapse to the floor as tears started dripping down her cheeks.  I hate you boss.

Boss threw the whip down and looked at Hyungsik, “Go and retrieve her gun.”

Hyungsik nodded his head as he walked towards her.  He picked up her t-shirt from the ground and covered her upper body from behind.  Tears started forming in his eyes as he whispered, “Are you okay?”

Instead of answering, she took her gun out and handed it over to him.  She was in too much pain and all she wanted to do was get out of there as soon as possible.

Hyungsik sighs as he took the gun from her and walked back towards boss.  He handed boss her gun and turned his head back to look at her bloody body.

“I want all of you to get out and start your mission right now.  If you fail to kill these girls, you’re going to end up like Nicole,” boss threatened.

All of the boys walked out of boss office one by one without saying anything.  Before Hyungsik left, he took one last look at Nicole and walked out.

Boss walked towards Nicole and looked down at her, “This was for your own good Nicole.  I will call you once your two months is over.”


Nicole limped her way home as she tried to balance herself from falling.  She could feel blood dripping from her back leaving lots of blood stains on the sidewalk.  When she reached Jon’s Park, she could no longer tolerate the pain anymore and fell to the ground.  The last thing she saw was a handsome man looking down at her before she out.

1:00pm (St. Kim’s Hospital)

Nicole opened up her eyes as she looked around the room.  Where am I? 

Knock!  Knock!  Knock!

The nurse walked in carrying a lunch tray in her hands and smiled, “You’re finally awake Jung Yong Joo.”

“What did you just call me?”

“Jung Yong Joo.  That is your name right?”

“My name is Nicole.  Nicole Jung.”

The nurse gave her a confused look and set the lunch tray down on the table.  She walked over to the desk and picked up some paper work and said, “Well, it says here that your name is Jung Yong Joo.  Nicole must be your nickname huh?  In the hospital here, we go by your real name.  My name is nurse Choi and I’ll be your nurse for the rest of the day.”

“Nurse Choi, how did I get here?”

“A young man carried you here.  You were bleeding to death and thank heavens he brought you here just in time.  You were very low on blood,” nurse Choi replied.

“A young man?  Where is he right now?”

“He is getting something to eat from our cafeteria right now.  He’ll be back up here in a couple of minutes,” nurse Choi replied as she changed her IV bag.  “He is one handsome man if you ask me.”

Nicole didn’t say anything as she closed her eyes.  Her back wasn’t as painful as it was earlier, but she was going to be scar for life and no one was going to want to date someone like her anymore.

Knock!  Knock!  Knock!

“Come in!” nurse Choi shouted. 

A handsome man walked in and smiled at her, "Hello.  My name is Kim Myungsoo.  I'm glad that you're finally awake."

Nicole eyes widen.  Omo!  He IS handsome!  She bowed her head at him and smiled, “Hello.”

“I shall take my leave,” nurse Choi said as she walked away.  Before she walked out the door, she turned her head around and smiled at Nicole, “If you need anything, just press that red button that is clipped on your blanket and I will come and help you.”

“Thank you nurse Choi,” Nicole said.

“You’re welcome.”

Myungsoo pulled up a chair and sat next to her bed, “So, how are you feeling right now?”

“I’m feeling much better,” Nicole replied as she tried not to stare at his handsome features.  She could feel her cheeks burning up as she started twirling her fingers together.  She mumbled, “Thank you for saving me.”

Myungsoo laughs, “Am I that handsome that you can’t look me in the eye?”

Nicole frowned and scoffs, “Excuse me?”

“You’re cute when you’re frowning like that.”

Nicole blushed as she cleared and said, “I’m hungry.”

Myungsoo smirked as he got up from his chair and grabbed her lunch tray from the table.  Instead of setting it in front of her so she could feed herself, he placed it on his lap and started stirring the chicken soup with a spoon.  He smiled at her, “Let me feed you since you’re injured.”

“Thanks quite alright.  I can feed myself,” Nicole said as she tried to grab the lunch tray away from him.

Myungsoo quickly backed away and scoffs, “I don’t think so.  Please let me feed you.”

Nicole tilted her head to the side and asked, “Why?”

Myungsoo face started to turn a little pink as he stuttered, “L-like I said before, you’re injured.”

Nicole shrugged her shoulders and smiled, “Okay, suit yourself.”  She opened wide open as he fed her with some chicken soup.  Yummy!

15 minutes later

“Where are you from?” Myungsoo asked.

“I’m from around here,” Nicole replied as she took a sip of her water.

“I see.  How did you get injured?”

“I don’t remember,” Nicole lied.

“Did you get kidnap?”

“What makes you say that?”

“A couple of days ago, there were 20 teenage girls that went missing.  Luckily, they were found alive in the back of a white semi-truck yesterday at a wayside area.”

“Wow,” Nicole said as her eyes widen.

“You really don’t remember anything?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, why do you keep asking me?”

Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders and smiled, “What do you do for a living?”

“Why do you want to know?”

This is going to be harder than I thought.  He walked over to the desk and grabbed some paper work.  He walked back towards her bed and stared into her shimmering eyes, “It says here your name is Jung Yong Joo, age 21, adopted at the age 6 from Kim’s Orphanage Home.  Since then, there was no news of you.  No educational background, no criminal records, and no work history.  It’s like you disappeared for 15 years, and out of the blue you show up at a park all wounded.”

Nicole smirks, “Who are you exactly?”

Myungsoo crossed his arms and replied, “I’m an FBI agent.”

“Is that so?”

Myungsoo nodded his head, “I find you quite interesting.”

“Why is that?”

“Not only are you beautiful, but I find you very mysterious.”

Nicole blushed, “You find me beautiful?  Whatever…”

“You are.  You don’t think you’re beautiful?”

“I consider myself cute, but not beautiful.”

“In my eyes, I find you very beautiful.”

“Are you hitting on me?”

This time it was Myungsoo turn to blush as he stutters, “W-what do you think?”

Nicole giggled, “I think you are.  If you want to know more about me, why not ask me out on a date?”

Myungsoo eyes widen as he smiles at her, “Wow, you’re a really blunt person aren’t you?”

Nicole gave him one of her cute smiles as she replies, “Of course.  I’m afraid that once you get to know me, you won’t like me.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I’m a very bad girl.”

Myungsoo smiled, “I like bad girls.”

“What is it that you want from me?”

“I just want to know how you got injured.  And from the looks of it, it seems like you sprang your ankle too.”

“I really don’t remember how I got injured.”

Myungsoo nodded his head, “In that case, do you mind if I come back tomorrow and visit you?”

“Sure, why not?  I could use a little company.”

“Awesome.  I have to get back to work,” Myungsoo said as he started walking towards the door.  Before he walked out of the door, he turned his head around and asked, “By the way, may I have your phone number?”

Nicole tilts her head to the side and replied, “Only if you bring me some chocolate ice cream tomorrow.”

Myungsoo laughs, “Chocolate ice cream?  Seriously?”

Nicole nodded her head, “If you don’t bring me any, then I won’t give you my number.”

“Okay, I will buy you a gallon of chocolate ice cream then.”

“Thank you!” Nicole happily cried.

Myungsoo shook his head as he walked out of the room.  What a cutie pie!

4:00pm (Yongguk’s house)

“Hello!  I can’t come to the phone right now, so please leave me a message!  Beep!”

“Yah!  Jung Nicole!  Where are you?  Why aren’t you answering your phone?  If you don’t call me back in 2 minutes, you’re dead meat!” Yongguk shouted as he clicked his phone off.  Where the hell is she?  I might as well go over to her house he thought as he grabbed his keys.

Hyungsik knocked on Nicole’s front door and waited for her to open up.  He waited for a couple of minutes before he rang the doorbell.  Something’s wrong.  Usually by now, she would have open up the door.  He took his cell phone out and dialed her number.

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

“Hello!  I can’t come to the phone right now, so please leave me a message!  Beep!”

“Nicole?  Where are you right now?  I’m at your house, but it seems like you’re not home.  Call me and tell me where you are so I can cure your wounds.  I’m very worried about you,” Hyungsik said as he clicked his phone off.  Where did she go?

6:00pm (Myungsoo’s house)

“Yah, you’re finally home!” said a voice from the living room.

Myungsoo smiled, “Yup, did you eat yet?”

“I did.  Jaejoong called and said you were at the hospital.  Did something happen?”

“I rescued a girl from Jon’s Park.  Her back was bleeding like crazy.”

“Really?  I thought you at the office working?”

“I had to run an errand for Captain Kim.  I was driving by Jon’s Park and I saw her collapse to the ground.  She out by the time I took her to the emergency room.”

“I see.  You said her back was bleeding like crazy, how was she injured?”

“She wouldn’t tell me.  She claims she doesn’t remember how she got injured.  Here is her file,” Myungsoo said handing the file over.

“Jung Yong Joo.  Hm…her file is very interesting.  How come her file has a picture of her as a little girl?  Where is her recent picture?”

“The medical department doesn’t have a recent picture of her.  When I brought her in, I couldn’t find any ID on her, so the nurse decided to do a hand print on her to track her identity.  I showed them my FBI badge and I demanded them to hand her file over to me.”

“Do you think she works for the DA Organization?”

“I’m not sure.  I’m going to see her again tomorrow and I’m going to try to get some more answers from her.”

“I’ll come with you.  I want to see what this girl looks like.”

“She’s very pretty.”

“Really?  How pretty?”

“She’s got big pearly eyes, light skin, and a charming smile that melts your heart.”

“It seems like you have fallen head over heels for this girl.”

“Dude, I’m serious.  She is drop dead gorgeous!  When you see her, you’re going to agree with me too.”

“We shall see.  By the way, how is everything going with the case?”

“Jaejoong has been following Park Myungsoo day and night while the other guys are keeping a close eye on the DA building.”

“Did anyone view the security tapes at Oval Office Club yet?”

“Captain Kim is currently reviewing the tapes with Lieutenant Lee right now.  I’m not sure when they’re going to get back to us about it.”

“I see.”

8:00pm (DA Building)

“You wanted to see me boss?” Lee Joon asked.

“I want you to keep a close eye on Nicole,” boss replied.


“Yes.  If you see anything suspicious, take some pictures for evidence and bring them to me,” boss instructed.  “You’re dismissed.”

Lee Joon nodded his head yes as he walked out of the room. 

8:30pm (TOP’s house)

“Yah, are you getting her voicemail too?” Top asked as he looks at Doojoon.

Doojoon nodded his head yes, “I went over to her house, but she’s not home either.  Do you think something happened to her?”

Top shook his head, “I’m not sure, but I couldn’t tolerate the way how boss whipped her earlier.  I can still hear her painful screams running through my ears.”

“That was horrible.  I really wanted to stop boss, but…”

Top scoffs, “Yeah right!  If you would have stop boss, you would have gotten whipped too!”

“I know,” Doojoon said as he sighs.  “I honestly don’t know what was going through Nicole’s mind at that time.”

“Tell me about it,” Top said.  “She’s got some nerve talking to boss like that.  Do you think she’s on her period?”

“Beats me, all I know is that I hope she learned her lesson.”

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

Top looked down at his phone and smiled, “Hello?”

“Hey!  Is Nicole with you?” Lee Joon asked.

“No, why?  Are you looking for her too?”

“I am.  I’m at her house right now, but it looks like she’s not home.  I’d figured she was over at your place.”

“Nope, she’s not over here.  Doojoon and I tried calling her, but we keep getting her voicemail.”

“That’s strange.  She’s not with Yongguk or Hyungsik either.  Do you have any ideas where she could have gone?”

Top thought for a minute before he replied, “Do you think she went to the hospital?”

“The hospital?  I don’t think she’s dumb enough to go there.  Her identity would be exposed!” Lee Joon yelled.  “The hospital would be the last place where she would go!”

“Damn, you don’t have to shout dude.  I’m sure she’s in town somewhere.”

“Well, if you see her, tell her that I’m looking for her okay?”

“I will.”

“Bye,” Lee Joon said hanging up his phone.  Where are you hiding Nicole?

Tuesday 9:00am (St. Kim’s Hospital)

Knock!  Knock!  Knock!

“Come in!” Nicole shouted as she flipped the TV off.

Myungsoo poked his head in and smiled, “Good morning!”

Nicole smiled back, “Good morning to you too!  Where’s my chocolate ice cream?”

Myungsoo laughs as he walked in carrying a gallon of chocolate ice cream with a couple of bowls and spoons.  He set them down on the table and turns to look at her, “I brought a friend along with me too if you don’t mind.”

Nicole looked behind him and raised her left eye brow up, “Where is he?  I don’t see him.”

“You can come in!” Myungsoo cried as he started scooping some ice cream into a bowl. 

As soon as Myungsoo's friend walked in, Nicole’s eyes widen, “It’s YOU!”

“We meet again.”


Hello my dear readers!  What did you think of this chapter?  If you want a little preview of the next chapter, comment and I will email you a little preview of the next chapter! :D

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Christie887 #1
Chapter 6: Chapter 9: crying :,( it's really good and i think you should make a sequel something like myungsoo and kai are gonna meet her in the future
Chapter 9: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present even it's a bit late
I will give you 10/10 stars
This fanfic was really great
This was like a drama but in a short chapter
Love it so much even at the end there are only NIcole, Kai and Myungsoo that stay alive
Hope next time you can make more awesome fanfics
I will subscribe and upvote this fanfic too and have a nice Xmas
Chapter 9: Sequel please omgggg
SummerKpop #4
Chapter 9: This story is so touching :,( I feel like crying,especially the part when Lee Joon hold the gun at Nicole with cold eyes and his tears fell off. They are my bias :) Can you make a Part 2 ? If u do I can't wait but if you don't ,I cry my heart out ><"
ImYourLilSecret #5
Chapter 9: That was an epic chapter, so sad that most of them died. But good fanfic!! =)
Jigooo #6
Author-nim please make a part 2 please :((
asmira #7
Chapter 9: Oh... so sad.. can you do part2...
_sfilicity #8
Chapter 9: I THOUGHT THE STORY WAS ALREADY DONE!?!?! I'm guessing you're editing the story.
neshiiee #9
Chapter 9: An awesome story, as always.. so sad that it ends like this.. but i really hope if you do a part 2..
Kai Nicole and Myungsoo!!!! <33333