In which the basket is given

Channie and the carrot basket


It wasn't a particularly interesting day when Himchan decided that he has had enough of the snowland encasing him and burying him into minimalistic excuse of bad mood. Nope, Himchan felt like a pms stricken female who needed to punch someone in the guts just to feel lively again. He was that lonely and suffocated by the fact that he couldn't spaz around like a diva with his unfortunate hand injury.
Getting dressed in the first clothes he had found, he packed a few of his things and left his parents a note, thinking that he'll give them a call later on.
Good thing about smaller places is that less people recognize you, or so thought the black-haired man until he was gifted with a neat basket filled with healthy looking carrots, the said middle-aged female's reasoning being, "Because you're such a cute little bunny, we need to make sure you can see well so that you don't get caught."
It was around then that Himchan was a bit creeped out, but nevertheless, he accepted the present with a huge smile, politely thanking the middle-aged woman and going on his merry way.
Reaching the railway station, he sat down on the bench, setting his mind in observation mode since the next train was supposed to be there in ten minutes. Sadly, the grimly lit tunnel offered no eye candy for the ulzzang, so he turned his attention to carrots in the basket. Noticing their nearly perfect shape and how brightly orange-coloured they were made Himchan's tummy churn in protest. Deciding to respect his carnal needs, he bit into slim carrot lovingly, making small cracking sounds and truly enjoying himself.
Five minutes and another carrot later, he was on the train, feeling unusually giddy about the whole trip. Pushing it away as mere excitement over exiting the solitude of his home, he smiled to himself and turned his gaze to the pitch darkness that was laid before him.


"Would you ing look where you're going, idiot?" The man snarled, gritting his teeth at Himchan, before angrily walking away.
Okay, I was definitely too much of a caveman for the past month, Himchan thought, avoiding yet another wave of people coming his way and ducking fast into the smaller street. Clutching his chest with his healthy hand, he opened his mouth to gain some much needed air, dropping the basket down.
He felt tired and skittish, and he wasn't even out for that long. Furrowing his eyebrows, he inhaled the lovely aromas of the trash dumpster next to him, noticing how strikingly sharper his sense of smell was. Something was wrong with him, and it didn't even take the roasting pit in his stomach to nudge his thoughts that way.
Feeling slightly urgent, ulzzang wrapped his fingers around the basket and started walking again, knowing it won't take him too long to reach his destination.
He spotted the desired building after a few more blocks; mentally giving a sigh at the gigantic effort it took him just to traverse the streets. He blinked when he felt the first black spot patch accross his eyesight. Raising his hand, he pinched the bridge of his nose, working his feet into faster pace, all the while making sure that he doesn't drop the annoying basket.
In three long strides that it took him to reach the door, Himchan lost the last bit of edge he had on his consciousness. He slumped down on the doorstep, his last thoughts of overrated MLP battles soon out of his mind.
The show was long, tiresome and blinding. Yongguk caught himself glaring at the glittery stage props far too many times to scold himself against it. He was extremely tired and he couldn't wait to jump onto his bed and sleep the night away. 
He smacked away Youngjae's palm, which was ill-mindedly meant to connect with the back of his head. Chuckling at the younger boy, he got out of their van, thinking over Himchan's old suggestion of repainting the vehicle and plastering a big red 'Candy' sign over it. He missed the bothersome guy that crept his way into his thoughts late at night, but he was glad that the darned ulzzang could catch some rest.
Still caught up in his thoughts over certain black-haired Hime, his eyes widened when he heard a crunch under his foot. Hastily moving his leg out of the way, he felt his eyes grow wide at the sight on the doorstep. There was a simple brown basket with carrots. Oh, it would've been fine if it was just carrots. Next to the snapped end of the orange vegetable that he stepped on, a small black bunny was curled up, flashy pink ribbon delicately wrapped around its neck.
It was then when Yongguk decided that this day seemed far from over.






A/N: Don't make me start on the punny titles that my friend suggested. Enjoy.

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I'll try updating next week. Sozboz.


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Chapter 3: i miss this fic a lot TT-TT please update soon
Chapter 3: Ahahaha cute <3
Chapter 3: Nu~, stay a bunny! Stay a bunny~! >_<
Chapter 3: Nawwies! Channie with bunny ears and a fluffy bunny tail
So cuute!~~
Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 3: lol soo Himchan re human form ?? lol the processus did pass a bit too fast to understand
Chapter 3: omg! channie! with rabbit ears! I'm dead *-*
Chapter 3: Hehe i really love chanie here ^^
update soon ^^
Chapter 3: Ohhhh ♡ loved Jae jealous over the rabbit haha xD so cute ♡
And now a 'playboy' (the trend) style Channie ♡
I can feel the xD
Chapter 2: lol I love your story ^^
so funny
but~~~update soon~~ please~~~lol
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 1: poor channie lol he became a Bunny <w<