All of them Gukkie feels

Channie and the carrot basket


He felt as if he had slept for days. He squinted his eyes, noticing how his insides felt a bit toppled over, making him sense morning sickness creeping up his throat. Blinking a few times, he brought his sight in focus.


Gums. Teeth. Lots of teeth.


Strikingly white, very big and sharp. This was the image that welcomed him the next morning when he woke up to the grinning face of his band mate.


„Hyung, I think he's coming to!“ The maknae exclaimed, getting his t-shirt on.


„Shhh, he's frightened. “ Yongguk returned his attention to the bunny. Ahem, Himbunnie.


„I would be too, if I saw such creepy smile this early in the morning. “ Zelo smirked, ducking a slipper half-heartedly thrown his way.


„Zelo-yah, don't tempt me. “ Yongguk chuckled, patting the bunny's head.


Oh oh snap oh , OH WHAT THE IS GOING ON, thought Himchan, frantically pushing his small paws against Yongguk's arms.


Paws? PAWS?! He was startled at the sight of two black-furred round things that served him as arms now. Or legs. Could they be counted as hands? Just as he was about to inspect the things further, he was pulled back and met yet again with the blinding sight of his leader's grin.


„You okay, little one? “ Yongguk raised his eyebrows at him, watching as the bunny squirmed against his hold.


The bunny just kept staring, his tiny red heart pumping blood so much that he could swear Yongguk heard it too. It seems that he did, for as soon as Yongguk smiled again, Himchan was gently set down on the covers.


Feeling a small trickle of relief curse through his system, bunny jumped and darted under the bed, squeezing as far into the corner as he could go.


„Awww, see, you scared him! “ Zelo walked over to the bed, bending down to see the animal.

„Hey there, carrot, how about coming out? “ He waved at the bunny, all the while creeping closer under the bed.


Did he just call me a carrot? Himchan twitched, sending his maknae a glimpse of the killer face from their Warrior dance-off.


All of a sudden, Zelo was up and ready on his feet, turning around with a mortified look on his face.


„Hyung, that, that thing, i-it glared at me. “ He stared, pushing his palms against his cheeks, as if to rid himself of some alien feeling.


„Yeah, sure. How about you move and give him some space? “ Yongguk proposed, opting to sit at the window sill, his gaze resting on the light track near the bed corner where the bunny hid himself.


I need to get out of here, but how?  Himchan thought, scanning the surrounding area and spotting a freeway through the open door, now that his huge younger band member has removed himself from his line of sight.


Now! He darted from under the bed, skipping his way through the door and down the very familiar stairs, surprising Daehyun who was just coming out of the shower, shrieking at the bunny and clumsily dropping the miniscule towel from his waist.


Almost conveniently, Youngjae passed by, gaping at the vocalist and attempting to stop his growing nosebleed.


Gee, it's like he never saw a glimpse of male anatomy before, thought Himchan, but wiped away any further highways of the thought, glancing around to find the exit. Confirming the target, he leaped towards the window.


Too easy, far too easy, Himchan sighed, feeling the big hands catch him and wrap themselves around his stomach.


„Gotcha! “ Yongguk smirked, cradling the bunny in front of himself to see if the little punk was hurt.


„Now where did ya think you were going, huh? “ He asked, carrying Himchan around like some plush toy.


Damn arms. Damn biceps. ing gym obsessed hippie. Himchan felt like deer caught in headlights. No, no, a bunny caught at doorstep. He dreaded the moment he ate those cursed carrots, mentally kicking himself for his growing stupidity. He sighed softly to himself, deciding he had no other choice but to nuzzle into the warmth of the muscular body before him.


But all too soon he was plopped down on the big wooden table, the protective feeling deserting his mind and leaving him bare, alone and exposed.

He watched as Yongguk opened the cupboards, fetching a bowl and placing it on the table. Noticing how bigger Yongguk seemed to him (for Channie was small and tiny and vulnerable and all cuddly), Himchan felt himself observe the leader through different eyes.


Yongguk was a rather tall man, slim with a nice tonnage of muscle where it was needed. He carried himself with ease, his cheerful personality giving another dimension to his outward appearance. Staring at Bang's broad back made Himchan a bit nervous, and he wondered just when he started feeling so weird around his best friend. Yongguk was a goofy idiot, he reminded himself, oddly knowing that somewhere, deep inside of his head, a tiny voice spoke a whole different story.


He was drawn out of his imaginary bubble when a bowl was placed in front of him. He looked at the contents, noticing the evil carrots nicely sliced into small pieces, and though he may have tried convincing himself that he loathed them, he shifted and claimed the first bite.


Heaven. Orange mash of bliss was in his mouth, soon making him close his dark eyes in content and let out appreciative noises.


Yongguk smiled as he watched the small animal eat, gazing at its pink ribbon and letting his heart tug at the sight of pink contrasting the black.


„He likes carrots as well, you know. Maybe that's the reason his eyes are so sharp in noticing every little thing. “ Yongguk muttered, staring at some point behind bunny's head.


The hell are you yapping on about this early, Himchan thought, relishing his pursuits into orange dreamland. But the man continued, and if it wasn't for the sharper senses that he inherited from transformation, Himchan would have dropped the piece he was eating when he heard Guk’s next words.



„I wish he would watch me more closely, too. “




A/N: What will Himbunnie do? Will Daehyun's towel stay on the floor? Stay tuned to read more ;)

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I'll try updating next week. Sozboz.


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Chapter 3: i miss this fic a lot TT-TT please update soon
Chapter 3: Ahahaha cute <3
Chapter 3: Nu~, stay a bunny! Stay a bunny~! >_<
Chapter 3: Nawwies! Channie with bunny ears and a fluffy bunny tail
So cuute!~~
Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 3: lol soo Himchan re human form ?? lol the processus did pass a bit too fast to understand
Chapter 3: omg! channie! with rabbit ears! I'm dead *-*
Chapter 3: Hehe i really love chanie here ^^
update soon ^^
Chapter 3: Ohhhh ♡ loved Jae jealous over the rabbit haha xD so cute ♡
And now a 'playboy' (the trend) style Channie ♡
I can feel the xD
Chapter 2: lol I love your story ^^
so funny
but~~~update soon~~ please~~~lol
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 1: poor channie lol he became a Bunny <w<