The Right Thing To Do..


              “…A-Annie…” I practically whispered, shocked and not sure what to do.

How is she here right now…?

I thought she never showed up at the training?

And why is she with Baekhyun?

                I was still confused and frozen on the spot, not knowing what to do or say. She froze too, not moving an inch after meeting my eyes. She looked like she was going to break down right there and I felt my chest tighten. We all stood there for a few moments in silence, even my members knew not to say anything. And just to add that cherry on top, another person showed up behind Annie, Chanyeol. When he saw me over Baekhyun’s and Annie’s heads, he also stopped in his tracks and stared at me, not saying a word.

He’s in Exo too?

Why does he have that look of pain on his face…?

He’s avoiding my eyes..

                Baekhyun moved aside slightly to let Annie through and I saw that she was lugging a heavy looking makeup case. When Baekhyun noticed it, he immediately took it from her hands and carried it one handedly inside the room, grabbing Annie’s wrist with his other hand and walked right past me without looking at me once. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and winced.

                “Yah, you okay?” Sara unni whispered to me, putting her hand on my back to comfort me.

                “Yea…I-I’m going to go back to the waiting room.. Can you both give our sunbae-nims a warm greeting for me too please? Komawo…” I said before leaving the room in a daze. When I walked out of the door, my arm brushed against Chanyeol’s, but I kept walking, never stopping once until I got back to our room which was pretty much empty except for one of our sleeping managers.

                I sat down in a makeup chair and stared at the palms of my hands. They were trembling. I don’t know whether it was fear or guilt, or maybe even both. I clasped my hands together tightly, hoping to stop shaking eventually. Then I looked into the mirror in front of me. I was still wearing my stage outfit and had my makeup and hair still done for the ending scene of today’s music show. My hair is now an orange honey brown and is curled into loose curls that came down to my stomach. I had a thin layer of bbcream on and eyeliner that was only on my top eyelid and had a curve at the ends to give it a cutesy look. There was white eyeliner on the inside corners of my eyes and tiny jewels that were glued at the outer ends of my eyes. Tears welled up and I gritted my teeth, hoping they wouldn’t fall.

Why is she a coordi…?

She did so well at the auditions!

Was it because of..


It’s all my fault…

She didn’t come because of what happened…

I ruined her dreams…

                I tightened my fist, my nails digging into my palms.

I don’t deserve to be here…

I don’t deserve to be here if she’s not here because of me..

Because of me…

It’s all because of me…

Why did I say those things then?!

I knew she liked him!

I knew he liked her..

But why was I so selfish?

Why did I only follow my feelings, ignoring theirs?!

How could I ruin our friendship just like that?!

You’re so selfish Alice..

You never thought about their feelings

Not once..

                Tears started to stream down my cheeks and I tried to hold it in and not mess up my makeup for the finale. I grabbed my skirt, tightening my fists as I clenched my teeth, trying not to cry.

I’m so sorry Annie..

I’m so sorry Baekhyun…

I’m so sorry…


                “Annie-ah.. You okay?” Baekhyun asked as he sat down next to me on the couch in the waiting room. I gave him a small smile and nodded my head.

                “I…just…This is the first time I’ve seen her since then…” He nodded his head in consideration and then was in deep thought.


“Oh my godddd!!! Theses makeup boxes are sooooo heavyyy!!!” One of the other coordi trainees complained as we were taking them from the van to the waiting room.

“Ah! I forgot something! Nana! Come with me back to the van?” Minah said, dragging Nana with her. I shook my head and let out a small laugh.

These two..

When are they going to stop forgetting things in the van?

               I headed back to the waiting room by myself and as I came to the door, a familiar back was standing in the doorway.

               “Oppa, can you please move? I need to put this inside-“ I said to Baekhyun, stopping mid-sentence as I looked over his shoulder and saw someone I would never expect to see. My eyes widened and I stood there, frozen like an ice sculpture.


       She muttered something under her breath as we stared at each other, awkwardness and pain filling the air.

What is she doing here?

Oh. That’s right..

Lovely Ladies’ debut stage was today…

Is she one of them?

She looks so different with makeup..

And she dyed her hair..

I know most people would have hated her by now

If they were in my shoes…

But is it wrong for me to say I miss her?

Is it wrong for me to say that I want to just ignore what

Happened that day and just hug her and congratulate her?

Is it wrong to still call her one of my best friends?

What about Baekhyun?

Is it wrong of me to want to be with both of them the way it used to be? it wrong of me to still have feelings for him?

                My chest started to ache again and I stood there, speechless and defenseless. I didn’t realize Baekhyun moved until he took the heavy makeup box from my hands in one of his, and grabbed my hand in the other, dragging me away from Alice.

*end of flashback*

               I’m very thankful to Baekhyun right now. He knew when to pull me out of that situation and kept me from breaking down right then and there, embarrassing myself to the ends of the earth.


Was that the right thing to do…?

What if that was the only chance I’d have to talk to her?

I want to fix things between us..

I know it will never be the same as before..

As before all of this love and rivalry started…

I have to go talk to her..


a/n: Heyyy:3

so this is technically a double update?!^^

hehe for once! lol

i hope you all like this chapter and stay tune for the next chapter!

thank you so much fot all of your love an support! <3




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Chapter 22: Please update soon the isn't a really good story I wonder what's going to happen next in the next chapter.
Chapter 22: Can't wait for your next chapter! ;)
Chapter 21: Ohh I can't wait to see the other members of timeless! & so it's gonna be a co-ed group since you said it has 3 boys and now including her 2 girls?
Chapter 20: Yes! I have been waiting for the day when she would be in a group! :D By the way good luck in college! ^^
Chapter 18: omfg.
shes awake!!!
; A ;
such a long chapter!!!! c:
yay thank you so much for the update!
though im still wondering about that "boyfriend" ohohohoh.
and poor suho :(
that shirt doe.
Chapter 17: She has a BOYFRIEND?!!! or maybe a boy friend or a girl friend that calls her Girlfriend? O_O
Chapter 15: I hope she's okay, but I'm really worried about Alice's condition right now! D:
Chapter 15: omg!So much distress. Everyone is hurt both mentally and physically. ;A; I hope they are both alright! :{ amazing chapter, it was worth the wait (: Please update sooooooon~ <3
Chapter 13: oh meh god Annie!!! I hope she's gonna be okay and maybe become an idol someday maybe in the same group as Alice or even a different group ^^
Chapter 10: What happens if they notice Annie and Alice together o.o