Was That All A Dream?


Baekhyun POV:

Why is she hiding?

When is she going to talk to me again?

If it’s because of that,

Then I understand..

But can’t we just be like how it used to be?

I should have never confessed..

I should have never told her…

I should have never-

                I stopped in mid thought, suddenly entranced by the person that was a few feet away from me. She had long flowing brown hair that was in loose curls and came down to the middle of her back. She wore a blue turquoise sweater that looked soft and comfortable. Her pants were a dark denim that was decorated with stars that were barely a shade lighter than its main color. For some reason I couldn’t stop staring at her.. She just caught my eye and I couldn’t stop looking at her. Her back was facing me as she was talking to one of our other coordi noonas. Then she turned around. At first she didn’t see me but after a few minutes she looked up and our eyes met. Her bright brown eyes widened in shock and she turned away quickly, avoiding me. I immediately rushed over to her before she could escape and grabbed her by her wrist, not about to ever let go.

                “Annie..” Her name escaped my lips in an almost inaudible whisper but I knew she heard me. She jumped a little at hearing my voice but didn’t turn around.

                “…I need to talk to you..” I told her in a soft voice. All she did was nod her head, looking down at the floor. “Follow me..” I said before taking her by her hand and dragging her out of the practice room. Her hands were soft and perfect fit in mine. My heart quickened its pace and I felt like I was floating on cloud nine.



She’s here…

She’s finally here with me..

She’s here….

And I’m..

I’m holding her hand..

                I hurriedly lead her to an empty practice room across the hall and locked the door to give us more privacy. She pulled her hand away and I felt empty once again when her fingers left mine. Keeping her head down, she didn’t look at me once.

“Annie..would you at least look at me?” I asked her softly. She didn’t budge and just stared at our feet.

“Annie…” I said, begging her to look up at me.

Just once…

Just once would be enough..

Slowly lifting her head, she finally looked at me in the eyes. She looked dejected and as if she was deep in thought…but it didn’t matter. She was here. She was here, standing right in front of me. That’s all that matters.

Her eyes still have that same kind and gentle gleam in it..

And her hair has grown out so much longer..

and she looks somewhat different..

but somewhat the same..

She must have dyed her hair a lighter shade since I last saw her..

her glasses looked exactly the same as the ones she had in high school..





I smiled at that thought, loving the idea of her being here with me once again. We may be more distanced than before because of what happened, but she’s here. She’s here with me and is looking at me with those familiar brown eyes that I’ve been dying to see so much. Her eyes seemed to well up a little after a few minutes and I started to feel light headed.

“Annie-ah…” I kept a content smile on my face just before-



I still feel so light headed…

What’s wrong with me?


Is that Annie sitting next to me?

She’s crying…


I reached over to her to wipe the tears off of her cheek and then my eyes opened. My arm was outstretched into the air above me as if I was reaching to grab the ceiling.

Was that…

Was that all just a dream?

Dejected, I pulled my arm back down to my side and sat up to find myself in my own bed, covered in light sheets.

How did I get back to the dorm?

Turning to look around the room briefly, I saw a basin of ice water with a towel draped over the side.

Who was taking care of me…?


Annie POV:


“Annie..would you at least look at me?” he asked. His voice was so gentle and inviting.. I felt as if my heart would break into a million pieces if it hadn’t already been torn apart.

“Annie…” I finally looked up at him, slowly lifting my head and taking in his features. He has become more handsome than before..but looked so disheveled. His hair was a mess and there were bags growing under his eyes, clearly showing that he hasn’t been sleeping well. He looked pale and exhausted.. Then, he smiled. That smile that I’ve missed so much.. My heart wrenched in pain as he watched me with his caring and warm eyes.


Why haven’t you been taking care of yourself?

“Annie-ah…” He smiled again, breathing heavily as if he had just ran a marathon.. And just then, he collapsed. I quickly pulled him into a hug before he could fall to the floor.

He’s gotten so thin…

“Baekhyun..” I said softly, as I held him in my arms.

“I’m glad you’re back…” he said weakly before losing consciousness.

*end of flashback*

                “Hey, you alright?”  A deep voice asked me from behind. Slightly startled, I turned to face Chanyeol who was leaning against the door frame with a caring smile on his face.

                “O-oh? Yea..” I responded, looking down. “How is he?”

                “He’s fine. Still sleeping though.. Are you not going to see him?”

                “A-ani…I think we need more time-“

                “Annie. I think it’s time already. You can’t keep avoiding this forever. He seems to be getting sicker and sicker as time goes by. He hasn’t been eating. He hasn’t been sleeping. And he’s like a dancing zombie during practice.” I stayed quiet, not knowing how to answer.

                “Mian…was that too harsh?” he asked, giving me an apologetic look.

                “Ani….Y-you’re right..it’s time I talk to him…” I responded, I started to feel more and more nervous as the seconds ticked away.

“Did you need help with that?” He asked, pointing at the thing in front of me.

“OH!” I said, turning to the porridge in the pot that was bubbling, getting ready to be burnt.

“Haa..It’s saved..” He sighed in relief as if he was the one cooking it. I poured it into a bowl and placed it on a tray with a spoon and napkin, picking it up and headed towards his room.

You can do this Annie.

It’s been so long already.

It’s time..

And this can’t be put off any longer.

Chanyeol went in front of me to help me open the door and gave me a supportive smile, and I nodded at him, smiling back.

I can do this.

He opened the door and my eyes widened, I lost my grip on the tray and it fell to the floor, the hot porridge splattered everywhere but I didn’t move my glance for a second.. I just couldn’t believe what was right in front of me..

a/n: Hey guys~

so i owe you all an apologyD;

i promised to update on sunday/monday but...


sorry=  = it got kinda hectic with youtube orders and stuffs...

and then i started to forget what i was supposed to write...

so i worked my off on this update!

i hope you all like it!!!!D:

and please SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT!

thank you all for your love and support!;)


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Chapter 22: Please update soon the isn't a really good story I wonder what's going to happen next in the next chapter.
Chapter 22: Can't wait for your next chapter! ;)
Chapter 21: Ohh I can't wait to see the other members of timeless! & so it's gonna be a co-ed group since you said it has 3 boys and now including her 2 girls?
Chapter 20: Yes! I have been waiting for the day when she would be in a group! :D By the way good luck in college! ^^
Chapter 18: omfg.
shes awake!!!
; A ;
such a long chapter!!!! c:
yay thank you so much for the update!
though im still wondering about that "boyfriend" ohohohoh.
and poor suho :(
that shirt doe.
Chapter 17: She has a BOYFRIEND?!!! or maybe a boy friend or a girl friend that calls her Girlfriend? O_O
Chapter 15: I hope she's okay, but I'm really worried about Alice's condition right now! D:
Chapter 15: omg!So much distress. Everyone is hurt both mentally and physically. ;A; I hope they are both alright! :{ amazing chapter, it was worth the wait (: Please update sooooooon~ <3
Chapter 13: oh meh god Annie!!! I hope she's gonna be okay and maybe become an idol someday maybe in the same group as Alice or even a different group ^^
Chapter 10: What happens if they notice Annie and Alice together o.o