Goodbye First Love

My Special Holiday


Chapter 15


Naara’s POV


“Fine. Just one more!” Jinyoung sigh deeply.

“Aigo, you’re so kind Jinyoungie~”

“I thought I don’t deserve your kindness because you hate me” he grumbles.

“Ahjusshi, one more chocolate pudding please!” I order to the ahjusshi. Suddenly from my corner eye, I see Gongchan with a girl.

No, he’s not with that early girl at the cafe. It’s Raena!!! They look so close.

What- I thought he had a girlfriend already! He really is a player!

Aish, seriously it’s so annoying.

He’s so kind to me at first, then he suddenly acts cold to me and is kind to her ‘girlfriend’ and now he’s dating with Raena?

Geez, I won’t go out with him again! Never!!

Then Gongchan realizes that I was looking at him sarcastically. He smiles to me like nothing happened this morning. Ha, so innocent!

“Naara-chan, what are you doing here…with Jinyoung hyung?” he looks at Jinyoung behind my back. What am I doing here? I am the one who should ask him. What is he doing here with Raena! Not with her girlfriend.

I glance to Jinyoung and he glances back at me. Then he suddenly ruffles my hair and smiles.

“With this girl? I am dating with her. You don’t mind, right Chan?”

I freeze for a moment. Trying to understand his words.

Oh-kay, probably he knows that I’m annoyed with Gongchan. Hmm, nice excuses but cheesy. Cheesy excuses is too cheesy, Jinyoung.


“Really? You guys are dating?” Gongchan looks at me to ensure and I nod to him as an answer. An awkward nod.

“Jinjja? Jinjja? Jinjja? So you’re in…a relationship?” he shakes my shoulders forward and backward. Geez, why is he touching me? Don’t he remember what happened this morning?

“No we aren’t, but soon will” I look at Jinyoung and he winks at me. Ukh- so cheesy, too cheesy, “So get off your hand from her before I bite you”

“Hyung, you won’t bite me” he pouts and I see disappointment in his eyes.

“Jinyoung, isn’t that too much? I am not going to be in a relationship with you” I lower my voice after Gongchan went away.

“Yah. I’m helping you. You should thank me” he lowers his head to me and chew something in his mouth. I look at his hand and see him holding a pudding.

“Yah! That’s my pudding! Why did you eat that?” I grab the pudding from his hand and hit his forehead.


Gongchan’s POV


It’s been a week Naara ignored me. She’s acting cold to me. When we meet at the elevator or at the café, she pretends that she doesn’t look at me. It’s like she doesn’t know me at all. What’s wrong with her?

Plus, she’s so close with Jinyoung all the time.

I completely can’t focus on my work.

It’s also been a week I am close to Raena. But I don’t get the feeling like I have on those days. I keep asking myself what’s wrong with me. I got what I want and now I’m wasting it?

“Gongchan-ah, you don’t need to take me home anymore” Raena’s voice surprises me. I turn around and see her smiling.

“I’m back with my boyfriend. He apologizes to me” she giggles then looks at me, “Thank you for this week Gongchan”

“Sure, no problem” I don’t feel any heartache or anything else. Now it’s obvious that I have move on after that girl came to my life. There’s only one thing I would really like to do now.

“Noona, where is Naara?”


Watermelon Kiss~

Can't wait for their comeback!! 8D

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Update man~! 8D love this
SluvJBiases #2
why betray Jinyoung.. lol.. JK :P
wah! Update please! I'm a new reader here also!
Update! Update!
keep on updating whenever you can! :DD
Just like in real life, I am devastatingly torn between Jinyoung and Gongchan in this fic!<br />
;~; FML.
OH lol <br />
The date was ruined awfully <br />
Lmao and Naara was extremely innocent<br />
jinyounglipseu #8
Ah OMG~~ their date is ruined. OTL I ship her and Jinyo. whaaaa! Channie orz idk
jinyounglipseu #9
JINYOUNG is mad. tsk tsk tsk. and isn't she aware that the guys like him?:)<br />
anyway nice story. update soon ^___^
LOLOL. Love this chapter~<br />
Kind of surprised by Gongchan acting like that... xD<br />
update soooon!