A Day With Jinyoung

My Special Holiday


[Naara’s POV]


It’s already 9 AM. I stretch my body as I woke up. Today Raena is working and I think Gongchan is also in the same shift with her. I’ll just go around the park near here by myself or maybe I’ll go to the lake.

I walk to the dining room to have a breakfast after I’ve brushed my teeth.

“Good morn-“ my eyes widen seeing a guy sitting at the dining table, “JINYOUNG? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?”

“Waeyo? I want to see you. I miss you already” he stopped for a while and looked at me from head to toe. Then he chuckles, “You look different in those pajamas” he teases me. I run to my room immediately and had a quick shower.

After I’ve changed my clothes, I run back to the dining room, “Yah! What are you doing here?”

“Why did you change your pajamas? It was cute”

“I was asking you first” I crossed my arms in front of my chest, “How did you know my house?”

“I know Gongchan’s house and he said that your house is in front of his house so I came here”

“How did you get in here? Where’s my aunt? Did she let you in?”

“Raena opened the door for me and I said that I have a plan to meet you and she said that she has to go to work so she let me in”

“Mwoh? I didn’t make a plan with you! Liar-“ My stomach suddenly growled and I stopped. Jinyoung blinks for a while and there he goes. Laughing at me. Again.

“Kajja, let’s go for a breakfast” he grabs my wrist softly but I take his hand off.

“I promised not to go anywhere unless it’s with unnie or Channie”

“I’ll pay you”

“Mwoh? I don’t need your money!”

“Then pay me for what you did last night”


“You woke me up”

“So? You’re the one who hugged me that’s why I bite you”

“Oh. So you’re going to starve until death here?” he walks to the door and turns back at me, “Are you sure? Your aunt isn’t home, even Raena”

“Tsk, I won’t die” I roll my eyes. If they left me, they will leave me some food to eat. No way I can starve until death at home.

“Okay, see you later” he walks out and closes the door. BLAM!! I immediately go to the dining table to see what’s for my breakfast. Unfortunately, I didn’t see any food. Poor me. I see a sticky yellow note on the table so I read it.

Sorry dear, there’s no breakfast for today.

I’m really on a rush.

I’ll be back at night.

ANDWAE!!!!! No breakfast?! How can I survive? I’m really starving. I’m always starving. I have to eat or I’ll die T^T

Gah, no choice. Should I go with Jinyoung? Or wait for aunt? But she’s coming back at night! There’s no way I could wait her until night. Oh, I’ll go to aunt’s café and meet up with Channie and Raena-unnie. I can have breakfast there! And for lunch too! I AM SO BRILLIANT! B)

Wa-wait. I can’t get there on my own. I’m not familiar with the road. I’ll probably get lost again! I sigh deeply. What should I do?

My stomach is growling again. Gosh, thinking makes me more starving! I have no idea. I sigh deeply again. Alright, I’ll go with Jinyoung. Maybe he’s still around here. I’ll try to catch him up. I have to! Or I’ll die here.

I immediately take my coat and rush to the door. I didn’t forget to lock the door and run to the elevator as fast as I can. I was nearly going to turn right to the hall but then I bump something that came out suddenly- I mean someone and I fall to him. My head hits something very hard, it made me wince.

“Why are you always falling on me?” I open my eyes and see that annoying face over me. He pushes my head lightly, “Does this hurts? You just bump my chin”

“A LOT” I rub my head, “Why are you still here, Jinyoung?”
“No, I’m the one should ask you. Why are you rushing to go out?”

“Uh- I- I’m starving” I answer with a small voice that made him laughs.

“So there’s no food at home?” he raises his eyebrow and I nod rapidly, “You want to eat with me because you’re afraid you’ll get lost if you go on your own?”

I blink at him twice. Whoa, he can read my mind? He can read minds like Raena does!

“No, I don’t read minds. Your face can tell me” Hey! That’s reading my mind too.

“So where are we going?”

“Can you get off from me first? Your neighbor is watching us” he moves his head to the left to give me a code.

I looked around and saw a grandma with her grandson watching us in front of the elevator. I think they’re waiting for the elevator. I stand up and bow to them with my red face, “Mianhae”

“This days kids” The grandma just shook her head seeing us like this and her grandson grin widely at me. What is that for?


They enter the elevator. I just grin there like a donkey. She’ll think that I’m a bad girl. Andwaeee!! It’s your fault Jung Jinyoung! B|

“Kajja” he grabs my wrist and walks into the elevator. No no no, I’m not going into the elevator with them. I’m really embarrassed. Because I’m refusing to get inside, he drags me until we’re inside. Now my position is between Jinyoung and that kid. That kid lifts his head up to see me and he’s still grinning at me. I did the stop-looking-at-me-or-I’ll-bite-ya glance to that kid. He just replies me with crossing his eyes and did a mehrong to me. Aish, I really want to bite this kid.


And here we are at the lake. I’m not sure this is for breakfast because I’ve eaten 2 plates of grilled squid. Nah, who cares. Jinyoung will pay for me. I look at him and he’s staring at me while I ate the second plate of grilled squid, “Wae ar you htering at he haik hat?”

“Swallow your food first will you” I swallow my food and drink my water.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Are you eating for lunch?”

“Uhm…no, it’s breakfast. Don’t you have a watch? It’s still 10AM”

“Wow, two plates of grilled squid for breakfast? I guess that’s why you’re so chubby” He glances at me in disbelief. He only ate 1 plate. Wow, no wonder he’s so skinny. Me eating 1 plate? I’ll starve again for the 30 minutes later. So eat a lot while I can.

“Is that a compliment or what?”

“What do you think?”

“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment. You’re the 2534 person who’ve said that” I shrug to him.

“I’ll get bankrupt if I always pay for you”

“You said you’d pay for me. Don’t blame me for that”

After we had a breakfast, we decided to go to…uhm-

“Jinyoung, what’s this place called?”

“B1A4’s Secret Place”

“That sounds…ridiculous” I laughed. Why did they name B1A4? Isn’t it too complicate to pronounce-_-

“Yah! Don’t laugh! It’s named according to our blood type”

“Whoa, jinjja? So who has B type?”

“Everyone is A, except Baro”

“I’m also A! We should name it B1A5 now!”

“Doesn’t it sounds more ridiculous?”

“Oh, shut up, Jinyoung” I slap his arms.

“Ow- So which bike do you want to use?” he asks me. Yeah that’s right, we’re going to ride bike around the lake! Now let me see, which color suits me? There are white, black, red and SHOCKING PINK?

“Pft, who’s pink bike is that?”

“It’s Sandeul’s. Why are you laughing? He likes pink”

“Oh, I thought it’s yours. I want the pink one!”

“So you like pink, huh?” he hands me the bike and he takes the red one.

“No, because this one has a basket in front. Kyeopta~” I brought an orange juice in my bag, I knew we’re going to ride a bike. So I put my bag inside the basket. I really want to have a bike like this :3

“Kajja” He starts to ride his bike around the lake. I start riding it but it doesn’t go straight. Uh-oh it’s not balance.


[Jinyoung’s POV]


A crash sound surprised me. I immediately turn my head back and saw Naara on the ground, pushing off the bike from her.

“Ukh, don’t laugh Jinyoung!” she pouts.

“Why didn’t you tell you couldn’t ride a bike?” I help her to stand up and she glances at me.

“You look old when you laugh” she denies admitting that she can’t even ride a bike.

“Yah! Don’t change the topic” I pinch her nose and she cringes.

“I am not” she put my hands away from her.

“You’re scared that I will tease you?”


“Okay, not this time. I’ll teach you” she looks at my face, determining whether I am lying or not, “No, I’m not lying”

“Keep your promises” she glances at me.

“First, hold the bike like this” I teach her how to hold it. I put my arms between her and hold the bike. She was in the middle between my arms. I was just going to continue explaining but then she cuts off.

“Yah, I know how to hold, I just can’t balance!” she glance back at me and push me away, “Stay away from me. Don’t hug me”

“Pft, who wants to hug you?”

“You hugged my last night!” she snapped and started to ride it.

“I’m half asleep, it’s not my fault-“ I saw her riding zig-zagly and she was about to fall again but then I hold her, “Whoa easy girl, don’t rush” I can see her face a bit blushing. Is she embarrassed?

After teaching her for hours, finally she can ride it on her own. She passes my bike and put her two hands in the air, “I WIN”

“Yah! Hold your bike, you’ll fall!” I shouted from behind. Then she looked back at me and stuck her tongue out. Aish, that girl. I’ve teached her and now she’s behaving like that.

The wind blows hardly. I look up in the sky and it’s getting dark. The gray clouds are above the sky. Uh-oh it’s going to rain.

“Yah! Let’s get back. It’s going to rain” I quicken my bike. A water dropped on my hand. I look up. Oh, it’s already raining and it’s going to be heavier. The place is already near, I quicken again. Naara was in front of me but suddenly she got off from the bike and runs to our secret place. Leaving the bike fell on the ground. What the-  And she’s leaving me on the rain. I got off from my bike and drag the two bikes in the rain. Aish, it’s so cold. I quicken my pace. Naara is already inside the place and looking at me from there.

“Faster, Jinyoung!” she shouts and after I got in, she help me with those bikes, “Hey Jinyoung, change your clothes, you’re soaked”

“It’s because of you” I flick my hair to her and she squeals.
“Yah! Don’t make me wet too! I was just panic so I run quickly”

“Why didn’t you take the bike also?”

“I didn’t want to get wet” she grins innocently.

“And you’re leaving me soaked like this?”

“At least I didn’t get wet” I glance to her for a while before finding a shirt inside the cupboard. Luckily, there’s a shirt.

“Yah! Don’t change here!” I heard Naara’s voice while I was undressing my top. She was covering her eyes.


[Naara’s POV]


"Naara, Sandeul is going to be mad at you" I saw Jinyoung touching the pink bike. I got closer to him.

"Waeyo?" I furrowed my eyes and I see him touching a scratch on the pinky bike, "Omo! What did I do?"

"I think it's scratched because you fell for the first time riding this bike and you let it fall while it's raining" he glance at me. Uh-oh Sandeul is going to be mad at me. I touch the scratch, it's quite big. Ottokhae. OTL

Ah! I immediately open my handbag and search for something useful. Well, I found a cute sticker. A white bunny sticker. My favourite sticker! It's quite big for blocking this scratch.

"What are you doing?" Jinyoung looks at me weirdly while I peel off the sticker and start sticking it on the bike. 

"See? There's no more scratch. Now this bike is getting cuter" 

"Alright, Sandeul will love you so much since you stick that bunny thing"

"He likes bunny?"


"Actually I really love this sticker, but it's okay. At least he won't be mad at me" 

"Why are you bringing stickers?" he points to the stickers inside my bag.

"Hehe it's cute" I grin widely.


“Don’t you have an umbrella here? We could go home now!” I ask to Jinyoung who is sitting beside me on the sofa. He has changed his clothes.

“No” he answers shortly. I was just going to open my mouth but then I close it again because something leant on my shoulder. It was Jinyoung’s head, “Yah! What are you doing?” I move away from him.

“Don’t move. I’m freezing” I guess he’s not lying because he’s shivering now. His jacket is wet and now he’s only wearing a shirt. I felt guilty again. B|

“Are you cold?” I tried to see his face. He just nodded as an answer. I furrowed my eyebrows. What should I do now?

I opened my coat and used it to cover his body. I’m kind because he’s freezing, okay. It’s not that I care so much. I heard he says thanks with a small voice. I played with my fingers awkwardly.




I smelled something nice. Strawberry? I narrowed my eyes and saw something on the table. Oh, cheese cake with strawberries on top! I tried to reach it. Oh, it’s coming to me! It’s coming near. Nearer and nearer and….BUKKKK!

I felt my cheeks hitting something. I opened my eyes. Am I dreaming? I guess I hit Jinyoung’s head. Mwoh? I’m asleep!! Omo, what time is it? 6PM! I quickly looked at Jinyoung. He’s sleeping tightly. His head was on my shoulder and his arm is circling around my waist.


“Jinyoung, wake up” I shook his arm. And of course he didn’t move an inch! Should I bite him again?!

My phone rang. It was in the bag at the end of the sofa. I tried to reach it but Jinyoung’s arms are tightening. Ukh, I move a bit and try to reach my bag. He mumbles something and tightens his hugs again. Gah, this kid! I took a drumstick near the sofa and took my bag with it.

Finally, I’ve reached it. I breathed heavily and picked up my phone without looking who called me.

“NAARA-CHAN, WHERE ARE YOU?” I put off away my phone from my ear. Gongchan’s voice scares me out.

“I’m at your secret place”



“So, what are you doing there? Who are you going with? Don’t you remember I’ve told you not to go anywhere unless it’s with me-“

“Channie, you’re not my mom” I cut him off before my ear becomes deaf because of his nags.

“Answer my question!”
“Having a breakfast and ride a bike with Jinyoung and it rains and we’re trap now because there’s no umbrella”

“Breakfast? What time is it now?!”

“I know, I know it’s already late. Now I’m trap with Jinyoung. I was asleep and Jinyoung’s too on the sofa. He’s still sleeping now  and…hugging me again” I said the last word with a low voice. It sounds like I’m sleeping together with him.

“MWOH?! YOU SLEEP TOGETHER?!” See? Even Gongchan is thinking that way. Geez, I’m not an easy girl! B|


“Then what?”
“Aish, just come now. I’ll explain it later”

“You better explain it, girl”

“Okay, Channie-umma” I rolled my eyes and ended the phone. I looked at Jinyoung for a while who’s still hugging me. I tried to push him away but of course he doesn’t move an inch! I groan stressly and pull his hair.




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Update man~! 8D love this
SluvJBiases #2
why betray Jinyoung.. lol.. JK :P
wah! Update please! I'm a new reader here also!
Update! Update!
keep on updating whenever you can! :DD
Just like in real life, I am devastatingly torn between Jinyoung and Gongchan in this fic!<br />
;~; FML.
OH lol <br />
The date was ruined awfully <br />
Lmao and Naara was extremely innocent<br />
jinyounglipseu #8
Ah OMG~~ their date is ruined. OTL I ship her and Jinyo. whaaaa! Channie orz idk
jinyounglipseu #9
JINYOUNG is mad. tsk tsk tsk. and isn't she aware that the guys like him?:)<br />
anyway nice story. update soon ^___^
LOLOL. Love this chapter~<br />
Kind of surprised by Gongchan acting like that... xD<br />
update soooon!