In The Rain

My Special Holiday


[Naara’s POV]


“BARO, LOOK AT THEM” Sandeul whispers quite loud, of course I can hear it. How pabo he is! I turn my head around to see them. I see Gongchan, Baro, Sandeul and Shinwoo.

“Yah, hyung. Wake up, hyung” Gongchan shakes Jinyoung’s arm, “Yah Jinyoung hyung!” he shakes harder.

“Aish, he won’t wake up unless Naara bites him again. Bite him, Naara” Baro gives me an advice. Bad advice.

“No” I quickly deny it.

“Waeyo?” everyone look at me.


“You love being hugged by him?” Shinwoo asks me.

“Of course no!”

“Then why??????” he asks me again.

“His hand taste bitter”

“Then Baro should bite him for you”

“No, I won’t!”


“I’ll punch him if you want to”


“Channie- You’re creepy” I blink my eyes.


[Jinyoung’s POV]


I heard unclearly noisy voices. Someone talking?

No. Not someone. I focus on those voices again.

…punch him if you want

“…you’re creepy

Their voice becomes clearer. I heavily open my eyes. I see Gongchan, Sandeul, Baro, Shinwoo and Naara talking. What are they talking about? They seem so serious. I realize I was hugging Naara’s waist. Oh, my bad sleeping habit. I loosen my arm and yawn.

“Oh! Jinyoung woke up already!” Shinwoo said.

“What happen? You guys look so serious” I rub my eyes and move my head off from Naara’s shoulder. She looks at me and I look back at her. Then she pretends she didn’t look at me.

“Gongchan was going to punch you if you’re not awake” Sandeul said. I turn around my head to Gongchan and narrow my eyes.

“No, hyung. I was just kidding” he chuckles innocently.

“Has the rain stopped?” I look out at the window. Dark. “Whoa, what time is it?”

“6.30PM, it hasn’t stop yet” Baro looks at his watch.

“Whoa, my bike is wet! Did you use mine, Naara?” Sandeul screams while seeing his bike on the corner. He wipes his bike with a handkerchief.

“Whoa, there’s a bunny sticker! Who stick this?”

Naara gasps quite loud.

“I- uh- I did. Don’t you like it?” she stuttered and said it with a weird voice. She doesn’t seem can lie easily.

“Of course I like it! This is so cute!”

Naara sighed of relief.

“But why did you stick it? There’s no something behind this sticker right?” Sandeul’s word made her hold her breath. She looks panic. Hahaha her face!

“She likes that bike so she stick that sticker to claim it as hers” I said calmly. Naara looked at me and did the oh-thankyou-I-love-you-so-much-my-lovely-hero look. Okay, just oh-thankyou look, not the i-love-you part.

“Yeah, I like your bike, oppa! You don’t mind to share with me right?”

“Sure, but don’t scratch it”

“Hehe…alright, oppa” she grins awkwardly.

“Naara, why do you look so-“ Baro suddenly pinches her cheeks but then she cuts off.

“Let’s eat! I’m hungry! I didn’t eat for lunch!” Naara holds her stomach. Trying to change the subject, eh?


[Naara’s POV]


Because there were only 3 umbrellas, I have to share one umbrella with Gongchan. Baro is with Sandeul and Shinwoo is with Jinyoung. The rain isn’t as heavy as just now but this cold go through my coat. It made me shiver so I tighten my coat.

“Are you cold?” Gongchan looks worried.

“It’s so cold, Channie” I rub my hands and blow it.

“Don’t you have any pocket in your coat?”

“No” I pouted. Plus, I’m not wearing any gloves.

“Aish, what kind of coat are you buying, eh? Hold this umbrella” he handed me the umbrella. I was so confuse so I reflect to hold the umbrella. He lowers his head because the umbrella I was holding was too low for him. Huargh, don’t compare my height with Gongchan T__T

“Channie, what are you doing?” I ask him. He rubs his hands and then cups my ears with them. I closed my eyes. Oh, okay, it’s warm.

I open my eyes again. His eyes were looking directly at me. It made me blushed. Now this is warmer than I expected.

“Uh- Channie, I think it’s warm already” I look away.

“It works, does it?” he chuckles. Then he opens the right glove and gives it to me. Only one glove? -_-

“Wear that on your right hand” he asks me to wear it. I wear them on my right hand. Still confuse. Suddenly he grabs my left hand, squeeze it for a while and put it into his pocket. I look at him and he chuckles.

“What? It’s not cold anymore, right?” he grins widely.

“I- uh- yes” I realize I was too amazed by him. Then I quickly look down at my feet, “Could you make me some hot chocolate later?”

“Sure. Kajja! Let’s catch up. They’re already at the bus stop” he tighten his hand and we quicken our pace. His hand is so big and warm. It feels comfortable. This is the first time a guy holding my hand! I close my eyes as my cheeks starts blushing again. Keep calm, Naara. B| 

“THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS! OH MY GOD, SHE WAS HUGGED BY JINYOUNG AND NOW SHE’S HOLDING HANDS WITH GONGCHAN” Sandeul and Baro whispers to each other quite loud. These two creatures -______-




Tada~~ How is it?

I'm so lame of writing fanfics like this OTL

Pls leave some comments, I won't bite'ya but Gongchan will :B

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Update man~! 8D love this
SluvJBiases #2
why betray Jinyoung.. lol.. JK :P
wah! Update please! I'm a new reader here also!
Update! Update!
keep on updating whenever you can! :DD
Just like in real life, I am devastatingly torn between Jinyoung and Gongchan in this fic!<br />
;~; FML.
OH lol <br />
The date was ruined awfully <br />
Lmao and Naara was extremely innocent<br />
jinyounglipseu #8
Ah OMG~~ their date is ruined. OTL I ship her and Jinyo. whaaaa! Channie orz idk
jinyounglipseu #9
JINYOUNG is mad. tsk tsk tsk. and isn't she aware that the guys like him?:)<br />
anyway nice story. update soon ^___^
LOLOL. Love this chapter~<br />
Kind of surprised by Gongchan acting like that... xD<br />
update soooon!