Im Yoona,you'll die!!

My Destiny,Your Destiny,Our Destiny...

Eunhyuk POV:

Looking at the happy Yoong and Hae,I feel happy too.

Eventhought i'm still hurt but i will try to accept them.

People always say:'You love someone doesn't mean that you must be with the person.'

I feel kinda agree with that.Maybe some people would not agree,but for me,i agree..I can't be with Yoong but i'm happy that i have know her.

End POV.


At the night,when Yoona was about to sleep,someone call her.She didn't saw this number before.

"Hello...?" She answer the call.

"Hey Im Yoona,it's tomorrow is the deadline.Our engaged party is coming very very soon,hope you don't show up!" The voice was Jiyeon's voice.

"No..I will attend.." Before Yoona answer,Jiyeon already end the call.

Yoona just sighed and looking out of the window.

The next day......


Jiyeon POV:

FInally! Today is the important day! I really hope that Im Yoona was not coming.I was about to called Donghae.

"Hello,my future husband,what are you doing?"

"Stop it! I'm not your future husband or whatever.I'm bring my future wife,Yoona to go out to have breakfast! Bye!" He just end my call like that?!

F**K! How dare he says Yoona was his future wife?! And they still have time to enjoy to have breakfast together?!

An evil idea start to pop out my mind,i smirk...

End POV.


Eunhyuk was waiting for Yoona and Donghae at a restaurant to have breakfast.He just receive a message from Donghae.

To: Dancing Hyuk

Bro,we're on our way now! Wait for 5 more minutes! :)

From: Jealous Fishy

He smiled while reading the message and continued to wait patiently.


The couple are holding hands when they are heading to the restaurant.

"Oppa~you look handsome today,hehe.." Yoona said while giggle.

"Of course,i'm Im Yoona's boyfriend,right?" Donghae said jokingly while Yoona just laughs.

Jiyeon was driving a car and watch them from far apart.

"No one can stole my things away! I can get what i want! If Yoona is dead! Then Donghae will be mine!" She said while smirk and she drove the car faster to the direction.


When the couple almost reach,they cross the road and Eunhyuk saw them.He waves to them as they smile.

When Donghae look at the right,he saw Jiyeon was driving very fast and heading towards their direction.

"Yoong! Watch out!" Donghae quickly push Yoona to aside and the next thing is...Donghae got hit by Jiyeon's car.

Jiyeon didn't stop the car,since her mind gone blank and she was shock.Her tears start to run down her cheeks....








Omg!!! what will happen to Donghae next?

He's trying to safe Yoona! T.T

2 more chapters to go!

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Rainbow_star #1
Chapter 6: Yoonhae moments please~
Lisa_lp10 #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^