Waking Up


Tori could feel the sleep begin to wear off as the morning tolled her body, and she didn't want that to happen, especially considering the fact that last nights' sleep was some of the best sleep she had ever had. And it was all thanks to Taekwoon. Tori never would have thought hanging out with Taekwoon would be so fun, so memorable, so comfortable. Just thinking about her day with Taekwoon, made Tori instantly think about the time when he stayed over her place, when she woke up and all she could feel was Taekwoon's strong, warm arms wrapped around her. Tori smiled, she could still feel Taekwoon's arms around her as she slept. Tori didn't want to wake up, knowing the moment she did, the feeling of being cradled into Taekwoon's body would disappear. Tori sighed softly, snuggling closer to that unknown source of heat beside her that reminded her of Taekwoon. 

Taekwoon! Tori's voice exclaimed in her head as she realized that she did not go home last night, that after she hurt her hand and attempted to finish cooking, Taekwoon sent her into his room to rest.

I'm still at Taekwoon's place! I'm in his bed! Tori thought as she forced her eyes to open. But instead of the dark surroundings that Tori was expecting to see when she opened her eyes, she was met with a pale bare chest, a very toned and muscular chest that kind of radiated in the shadowy room. Tori looked up to see that the chest belonged to Taekwoon, who was sound asleep, his fair face as peaceful as the pacific ocean waves. Normally, if Tori woke up in a dark room to a nearly Taekwoon, she'd jump out of the bed, breathing hard as she tried to catch her breath, and after she caught her breath, she'd probably collapse on the ground. But something was different about this moment, because instead of feeling shocked or embarrassed, Tori felt warm and tingly, Tori felt breathless, and the longer she looked at Taekwoon's nicely sculpted and muscular chest, the hotter it became. Tori breathed softly,

Oh my god...this can't be real. This isn't happening. I must be dreaming. There is no way I am in bed with a Taekwoon. There is no way!

Tori thought as she shut her eyes trying to draw her attention away from Taekwoon, trying to grasp onto the last bits of sanity that she harbored. Tori shuddered as she opened her eyes again, her eyes once again settling on Taekwoon's firm chest. Tori glanced up at Taekwoon's beautiful face before allowing her eyes to roam the rest of his exposed upper body. Tori's eyes widened when her eyes fell upon his abs, her breath catching in ,

"Oh my god..." Tori whispered, biting down hard on her bottom lip.

This man, is only wearing his boxers...and they're boxer briefs at that. Tori looked over at her sides to see that Taekwoon had her encircled by his arms, which held her close to his near body.

Ugh! Why are you so freaking y, Taekwoon!? Tori thought as she gently placed her hands on his chest and snuggled closer to him, for that's all Tori thought to do in the moment, not wanting to wake him, and wanting to stay as close to him as possible. Tori shut her eyes, not wanting to leave Taekwoon's bed, not wanting to leave Taekwoon's arms, wanting the moment to last forever.

Taekwoon stirred at the feeling of small, and rather cold fingers tickling his chest.

Tori. Taekwoon thought as he recalled last nights time with her. Taekwoon smirked, it was one of those rare nights that he would never forget, and he hoped that there would be more like it, more of those nights spent with Tori. Taekwoon looked down at Tori's calm face, she looked even more beautiful when she was asleep, her face peaceful and calm. Everything about Tori was just so beautiful, from the way her hair fell around her face, or the way her lips parted, to the way she muttered and moaned at the slightest movements. Taekwoon looked down at himself, noticing that he had on no clothes, then glancing up at the slumbering Tori who was snuggled oh so close to his warm body and smiled,

This is...nice... Taekwoon thought, closing his eyes and sighing softly. But Taekwoon had to find a way to get himself dressed before Tori woke up, all the while not waking her up from her sleep. It was going to be hard considering the fact that he had her wrapped in his arms and pressed against his chest, but he would have to figure out a way, some how. Taekwoon inhaled through his nose and exhaled gently through his mouth. It wasn't going to be long before Tori woke up, so Taekwoon had to act quickly.

Tori, unknowingly, drifted back to sleep against Taekwoon's bare chest, never wanting the moment she was sharing with Taekwoon to end. However, that warm feeling of being encircled in Taekwoon's arms was gradually dissipating. Tori could feel as Taekwoon stirred, as he unwrapped his arms from around her body and scooted away from her,

"...uuuggghh~" Tori moaned softly as Taekwoon's warmth disappeared from around her, his hands the only thing still lingering, his larger ones wrapped around her smaller ones.

"Mianhae...mianhae..." Taekwoon whispered quietly, leaning forward so that his lips were inches from Tori's ear. Taekwoon let go of Tori's hands and hurried over to his dresser drawer, pulled out a pair of sweats and pulled them on. Tori stretched her legs and arms, slightly as the sensation of her muscles tensing rained over her body. Tori felt the empty space beside her, her hands searching for the source of heat that was missing from beside her, but she found nothing, for Taekwoon was no longer there. Tori groaned sleepily, not wanting to wake up just yet. Taekwoon turned around and looked at Tori, who was fighting not to wake up, smiling as he watched her curl up into her fetal like ball and wrap her arms around herself. Taekwoon walked over to Tori, tugging the blanket over her body,

"...Ta-Taekwoon~?" Tori called out , her voice heavily laced with sleep. Taekwoon dropped the blanket from his hands and kneeled down beside his bed and looked into Tori's face, brushing some of her hair out of her eyes,

"Good morning...how's you're hand...?" Taekwoon asked still looing up in Tori's face all the while taking Tori's injured hand in his and giving a gentle squeeze. Tori inhaled through her nose, not wanting to display pain in front of Taekwoon.

"...it's...okay...I guess..." Tori forced the words out of and rubbed her eyes. Taekwoon flashed Tori a quick smile before examining her bandaged hand, which was soaked through with blood. Tori watched as the bright smile on Taekwoon's face fell as he looked down at her hand,

"...um, it's fine." Tori said, drawing her hand into her chest, but Taekwoon didn't buy it. Instead of just leave Tori alone and believe what she said about being fine, Taekwoon disappeared into his bathroom to retrieve the bandages.

Tori groaned as she watched Taekwoon disappear behind his bathroom door. Tori was totally capable of taking care of herself, at least that's what she believed, and it bugged her to know that Taekwoon treated her like feeble child. However, that didn't stop the wide smile from forming on her lips,

...he's so cute when he's concerned.Tori thought, wincing slightly at the dull throb in her hand. Tori looked down at her blood covered hand and sighed.

You ruin everything, Tori. Tori thought, placing her head in her hands, embarrassed at how much trouble she had caused in one day. Things were actually going good between her and Taekwoon last night, and she just had to go and practically cut her hand open. Tori didn't know what kind of impression Taekwoon had of her now, especially since he's been the one nursing her back to health since the beginning of the week, t he last thing Tori wanted was for Taekwoon to think she was incapable of taking care of herself. Tori was so caught up in her somber thoughts, that she didn't even notice Taekwoon reenter his room.

Taekwoon stood next to his bed and just looked down at Tori, her head in her hands. Taekwoon smirked before reaching over and taking Tori's injured hand in his and peeling away the bloody bandages. Tori jumped at the feeling of Taekwoon's hand on hers and squealed,

"...am I that scary?" Taekwoon asked Tori, his face void of any expression. Tori shook her head as if Taekwoon could hear her shaking her head.

"...ani...you just s-surprised m-me." Tori stuttered, her hand aching as Taekwoon cleaned the wound and rewrapped it in fresh bandages.

"Mianhae..." Taekwoon said quietly, looking up into Tori's face. Tori looked at Taekwoon and then suddenly looked down at his chest. Tori's eyes widened as she realized he did not have a shirt on, and if she was any fairer skinned, the red on her cheeks would surely be obvious. Immediately, the room began to heat up as Tori pondered about the Taekwoon she woke up to earlier, Tori averted her eyes and smiled,

This has got to be the best day of my life. Tori thought as she dared turn back to look at Taekwoon, whose eyes were trained on her, a questionable expression on his face. Taekwoon followed Tori's gaze, his cheeks instantly coloring a deep shade of red as he realized that he had forgotten to put on a shirt. Taekwoon placed Tori's hand in her lap and stood up, scratching the back of his head awkwardly,

"...uummm~" Taekwoon mumbled before turning around to go to his dresser and get a shirt.

"I'll leave first...I'll see you...um...I'll see you in class...bye, Taekwoon." Tori muttered, climbing out of Taekwoon's bed and pulling the blankets back so that his bed was neat again. Taekwoon hurried over to his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt, tossing it over his head, but before he could get his head and arms through the holes, Tori was long gone, along with the soiled bandages. Taekwoon walked out into the front of his apartment, to see the door clicking shut behind Tori. Taekwoon sighed heavily,

That was so awkward. Taekwoon thought as he paced around his living room and kitchen, his hands placed on top of his head. Taekwoon jumped in his skin at the sound of a phone vibrating from his kitchen, but Taekwoon had his phone with him.

If it's not my phone, then it must be...Tori's phone. Taekwoon thought as he followed the buzzing sound into his kitchen. Taekwoon looked down at the bright screen of Tori's phone.

Morning Run. The screen read when Taekwoon looked down at Tori's phone screen. Taekwoon found himself smiling as he noticed the background of Tori's phone, it was light pink with a cute animated picture of a blushing baozi bun. Taekwoon placed Tori's phone in his pocket and headed back to his room to prepare for his day at the university.

Tori didn't even have to look at her phone to know that she needed to go out for her morning run, she needed every distraction possible to get her mind off of her awkwardly wonderful morning with Taekwoon. However, halfway through her four mile run, Tori realized that she did not have her phone,

"What the heck Tori, you idiot!" Tori slapped a hand over her head,

"Owwww!" Tori hissed, her injured hand smarting from hitting herself over the head with it.

I left it at Taekwoon's!!

Tori made a run back toward her apartment building, hoping she could catch Taekwoon before he left to go meet Mr. Park.

"Taekwoon! Taekwoon!" Tori shouted as she banged on his door in hopes that he was still at home. But after the seventh wave of knocks and shouts, Tori gave up, Taekwoon was already gone.

"Ugh! This is...not good..." Tori exclaimed as she sulked over to her door and unlocked it, practically falling through her doorway. Tori mumbled to herself the entire time she prepared to get in the shower,

"No worries Tori, you'll just get it back today in class. Unless he doesn't find it." Tori thought out loud as she washed the many suds off of her body, making sure not to get any water on her hand. In order to keep her mind off of Taekwoon and her phone, Tori decided to straighten her hair after she got out of the shower, which was going to take her anywhere between one hour to an hour and a half, maybe even two hours considering the condition of her hand.

"You can do this Tori, one hand and all." Tori told her self as she parted through her thick curls and brushed through it, getting out all of the tangles before straightening the piece.


Tori walked into Mr. Park's classroom a few minutes later than normal. Now, she wasn't late, she just wasn't as early as she normally was. Tori skimmed the room, searching for Taekwoon, her heart beating terribly fast when she did not see him,

"Annyeonghaseyo gyosunim...ummm..." Mr. Park looked up at Tori and smiled,

"Annyeonghaseyo, Tori. Saram-eul chaja-yo? (Looking for someone?)" Tori blinked a couple of times, caught off guard by Mr. Park's question.

"Ummm...Ne....Taekwoon-ssi-neun eodi-ye-yo? (Where is Taekwoon?)" Mr. Park smiled,

"Ah, Jung Taekwoon! Jeogi-yo!(over there)" Mr. Park said, pointing over at the door. And surely, that's where Taekwoon was, standing in the doorway with a small stack of papers and a cup holder containing two cups of coffee in it. Taekwoon looked over at Tori and smiled before walking toward her and Mr. Park. Taekwoon sat the stack of papers on Mr. Park's desk and him handed one of the coffee drinks.

"Thank you Taekwoon, well class begins in a few minutes. I can not wait to see what all of you prepared for your projects. This should be fun." Mr. Park proclaimed before taking a sip of his coffee. Taekwoon glanced over at Tori,

"Annyeong, Tori." Tori was so caught up in Taekwoon's small pleasant smile that she totally forgot she left her phone at his place.


"Annyeong." Tori whispered, looking down at her feet and then up a Taekwoon with a small smile of her own.


"Yah! Go sit down." Mr. Park exclaimed, waving Taekwoon and Tori away from his desk. Tori and Taekwoon scrambled over to their table and took their seats.


"So..." Tori said, trying to find the right words to say to Taekwoon. After what happened earlier in the day, it was a little awkward talking to Taekwoon, facing him,


"...um, how was the sujebi, did you like it? I never got a chance to ask you after...you know, after I feel asleep. I thought it was really good." Tori said finally, shrugging her shoulders and grinning shyly. Taekwoon felt warm and fuzzy suddenly, just looking at Tori's smile made all of the awkwardness that was surfacing between them disappear.


"Ye, it was really good actually. I guess we make a good team after all." Taekwoon said, looking down at Tori, a slight, almost indistinguishable smirk on his lips.


"To be honest, I find it incredible that you even remember what the sujebi taste like, you were asleep when you tasted it." Tori could feel her cheeks heat up,


"Oh, well...it was really good...how could I not remember what it taste like. Not to mention the only reason I got a chance to taste it is because you were making me." Tori said, looking over at Taekwoon, a bright smile spreading across her lips. Taekwoon smiled back at Tori, but only for a brief second, because not too long after Taekwoon flashed his glorious smile Tori's way, did Mr. Park begin to greet the class, his voice booming through the room. Tori tore her eyes away from Taekwoon's face, totally forgetting about what it was she needed to ask, what it was that had her so wire up when she entered the room looking for Taekwoon. That was until Mr. Park mentioned the cooking project they were to present to the class today,


"Oh dear!!" Tori exclaimed, slapping a hand over the moment people turned to look at her for her outburst. Mr. Park ceased his explanation the days instructions for a quick moment before finally continuing on. Tori murmured a soft apology and looked down at her hands, embarrassed,


"What is it? What's the matter, Tori?" Taekwoon whispered, leaning awfully close to Tori's ear, his breath tickling her neck causing slithers of ice coursing through her entire body. Tori let a small gasp slip past her lips before peeking over at Taekwoon,


"Um...I left my phone over at your place...somewhere...and we recorded our project on it...Taekwoon we're going to fail... and it is all my fault." Tori put her face in her hands, taking care not to harm her injured hand. Taekwoon looked up at Mr. Park before returning his attention to Tori, who was groaning to herself and shaking her head.


"...we're not going to fail Tori...I promise..." Taekwoon whispered, sending even more chills down Tori's spine. Tori smiled slightly before looking up at Taekwoon,


"What? How are we not going to fail? We don't have a video to show the class." Taekwoon smirked.

"Yes we do." and without another word, Taekwoon pulled Tori's phone out of his pocket and held it in front of her face. Tori's eyes flashed with amazement at the sight of her phone,


"Taekwoon! I can't...you had it this...thank you!" Tori whispered rather loudly, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. Taekwoon tensed at the gesture, but after a few seconds of just feeling Tori's body against his, he relaxed and melted into the hug. Taekwoon let his arms fall around Tori's waist and hugged her closer,


"Taekwoon and Tori, you two have not stopped talking since you two sat down. So, if you do not mind, you two will be the first to present." Taekwoon and Tori pulled away from one another, both their faces burning with embarrassment. Taekwoon flashed Tori a soft smirk before getting up and walking to the front of the class room. Tori pushed away from her and Taekwoon's shared desk and walked over to Mr. Park's computer and connected her phone so that the video could be displayed on the big screen for all the class to see. Taekwoon walked over to where Tori stood next to Mr. Park's computer and peeked over her shoulder, his hair brushing against her cheek, sending chills bolting through her cheek.


"You got it?" Taekwoon asked, his voice soft and almost inaudible. Tori looked up at Taekwoon and smiled. Taekwoon unconsciously ran his fingers through Tori's hair as she searched for the video they filmed of them cooking.


"Your hair is really pretty straight..." Taekwoon murmured to Tori as she clicked the video file. Tori looked up at Taekwoon, the grin on her face growing wider.


"But I like it curly...you're beautiful no matter what your hair looks like, though." Tori couldn't keep the bundle of warmth from spreading through out her body, and for a second, she didn't know if she'd be able to speak.


"Th-thank you, Taekwoon." For a moment, Taekwoon and Tori were the only ones in the room, the class was no longer there, Mr. Park was no longer there, it was just Taekwoon and Tori. Mr.Park walked over to Taekwoon and Tori,


"Okay, please, start by telling the class what it is you two decided to prepare." Mr. Park said motioning to the class, snapping Tori and Taekwoon out of their dream world and back to reality. Tori looked down at her feet and then glanced over at Taekwoon before finally facing the class. Taekwoon walked up behind Tori and stood there as she introduced to the class what it was they prepared. Tori started listing off all of the ingredients needed to make the sujebi and then told the class the first few steps of preparation, and Tori looked up at Taekwoon when it was his turn to finish the explanation. When Taekwoon was finished telling the class the last few steps Tori walked over to the computer and her phone and pressed the play button, Taekwoon following close behind her. Tori and Taekwoon took a few steps back so they too could see themselves on the screen. A wide smile crept up on Tori's lips as she watched Taekwoon on the screen as he made the dough for noodles, Tori looked away from the screen and into Taekwoon's face. Tori giggled at the sight of him, his cheeks were a deep shade of red.


"Don't worry Taekwoon, you look great. No need to be embarrassed." Tori whispered, nudging Taekwoon on the arm, her eyes staying trained on Taekwoon's. Taekwoon gazed at Tori,


"Thank you, Tori." Taekwoon whispered back leaning down so that she was the only one to hear him. Tori shivered at the feeling of Taekwoon's breath so warm on her neck. Tori turned her attention to the screen, only  to herself. Tori began to get embarrassed the moment she saw herself on the screen and she covered her face with her hands.


"Wow, you may look great but I look awful..." Tori mumbled as she peeked between her fingers, watching herself as she began cutting the vegetables. Taekwoon chuckled softly, leaning down, his lips mere inches away from Tori's,


"No, you don't. You look gorgeous..." Taekwoon could feel the temperature of the room begin to rise, and his palms began to moisten. Tori's breath caught in at Taekwoon's comment and heart skipped a beat, and once again, it was just the two of them in the room. The sound of metal clattering against to the ground brought Taekwoon and Tori back to down to earth. Tori and Taekwoon peered up at the screen to see herself holding her bloody hand to her chest and Taekwoon's voice filled the room. Suddenly the screen went black and the sound of hushed and urgent voices filled the room,


"Did you two run into any problems while making the sujebi?" Mr. Park asked curious as to why the screen went black.


"Umm...yes...I hurt my hand." Tori admitted, waving her injured hand in the air. Mr. Park's eye brightened with alarm,


"Are you alright, Tori? What happened?" Tori looked over at the other students who just watched and listened as Mr. Park asked them questions.


"Well, I was cutting the vegetables and I guess I just got careless...wound up cutting my hand. But I'm fine..it doesn't hurt...that much." Tori flashed Mr. Park and the rest of the class a weak smile before looking over at Taekwoon who had been watching her the entire time. Taekwoon went over and fast forwarded toward the end, Tori couldn't watch the rest, for she was too embarrassed to do so. Taekwoon walked over to Tori and slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side,


"Are you really okay?" Taekwoon asked,


"Yeah, I'm fine...my hand just hearts a little bit. But it's nothing to worry about, I've just been doing a lot with it I guess." Tori said, gently the inside of her tender hand. Taekwoon looked up at the screen and then down at Tori, taking her hand in his and bringing up to his lips,


"I'm sorry..." Taekwoon breathed before placing an airy kiss on Tori's bandaged hand. The room filled with the sound of applause and awes as the class watched Taekwoon and Tori's intimate moment. Tori and Taekwoon looked up at the classroom and then over at the screen to find that their video was over.


"Did the sujebi turn out as good as it looked, Taekwoon and Tori?" The two were so embarrassed that they didn't know if they'd be able to answer any more questions. Taekwoon lowered Tori's hand from his mouth and looked at Mr. Park,


"it was really good. It actually turned out better than we were expecting." Tori nodded her head in agreement with Taekwoon's statement.


"Thank you, Taekwoon and Tori, you may take your seats." The class applauded once more as Taekwoon and Tori headed over to their seats.


The couple kept their eyes trained on the floor, too abashed to look at the class. Tori and Taekwoon slipped into their seats as the next group came up to the front of the room for their presentation. Mr. Park peered over at them, a subtle smile appearing on his lips. Taekwoon looked over at Tori and smirked shyly, he had never felt so appeased in his entire life and Tori was to blame. Taekwoon reached over and took her injured hand in his and just held it. Neither one of them said a word to the other, they just gazed into each others eyes. Taekwoon and Tori didn't need to exchange words because their eyes held the only message they needed to hear, the only message they needed to see. The pair paid absolutely no attention to the groups as they stood up and presented details about the dishes they prepared, they didn't care, all they cared about at the moment was each other.

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Hi guys~^^ I am back w/ an update. I hope you all enjoy. Sorry for keeping y'all waiting so long. I'll try to be more consistent with updates. I promise.


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lexiki #1
Chapter 13: Omg I'm so in love with this story
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 13: This is like my favorite favorite favorite story and I am going crazy because I get so involved reading it.... I cant wait for an update... im already about to fall off my bed with feels! !!!
SF5_ParkHyuRa #3
Chapter 13: the amount of feels i felt man author-nim i flipped at every chapter haha

update soon :)
Chapter 13: welcome back >3<
Jungkoyoung #5
Mianeyo #6
Chapter 12: Oh that was so beautiful a bit sad but beautiful
Mianeyo #7
Chapter 11: Here comes the hurt...
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 10: What we have here mina is a classic case of a misunderstanding
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 9: Every chapter they inch a bit closer