
Taekwoon didn't know what it was that clicked with in him, but suddenly, all he wanted to do was spend time with Tori. He wanted to know her every like and dislike, he wanted to know what made her cry and what made her happy, he wanted to know what made her feel better when she was feeling down or sick, Taekwoon just wanted to know Tori. Ever since that day in class, Tori and Taekwoon spent a bunch of time together, and not just because they had partner assignments to do, even when Mr. Park did not give them assignments Taekwoon and Tori hung out together. There was almost not one moment when Tori and Taekwoon were not together, the two always found a reason to be together, and even if they were only together as friends all that mattered was that they were together. Day after day, week after week passed and Taekwoon and Tori got to know each other better, much better, way beyond just knowing what pissed the other off or what they liked to eat. Taekwoon and Tori, with out even realizing it, had created a bond with one another, a bond that would never be broken, no matter what. 
Tori sat at the table in her kitchen, a hot cup of tea sitting in front of her untouched. For some strange reason Tori just could not fall to sleep, and it was bugging her, because she needed the sleep more than anything. It had been a few weeks since her hand was injured and it was healing up well, so that ruled out her hand being the reason she could not sleep. And it had been weeks since she hit her head, so it defiantly was not that.
Why can you not sleep, Tori?! Tori asked herself, her voice sounding weak and little inside her head. Tori was terribly sleepy and she knew it, she just could not bring herself to actually fall asleep. Tori sighed softly and traced her finger around the rim of her tea cup, shutting her eyes momentarily, racking he brain for a possible cause of her restlessness. But the moment she shut her eyes, all Tori could see was images of Taekwoon, all she could hear was Taekwoon's soft and sweet voice as it filled her ears. Tori jumped at the sound of a quiet knock at her door,
Who the hell could that be?!'s freaking...3:14 in the morning! Tori scooted away from her table, taking small and hesitant steps toward her door, not entirely sure if she should answer it or not. Tori stood a couple of inches in front of her door, placing her hands on the cool wood as she stepped up onto her tip toes and peeked out the peep hole. Taekwoon stood on the other side of the door, his eyes trained on the ground, his hands clasped in front of him, looking just precious and terribly sleepy. Tori stepped back from her door and placed a hand on her tummy, and breathed,
What the heck is Taekwoon doing up?! Why is he in front of my door? Tori already messed up hair and pulled at her night gown, wishing she would have ran back into her room to grab a pair of pajama pants instead of just stand at her door like an idiot. 
Wait. Why does it matter what I look like? It's just Taekwoon... Tori thought as she tipped toward her door and placed a hand on the knob, hesitating to turn it, that was until there was another knock at the door. Tori jumped at the sound and opened her door,
"Umm...Ta-Taekwoon...?" Taekwoon kept his eyes trained low, not looking up at Tori, a little surprised that she actually answered the door, that she was actually still awake.
"Ahh, annyeong Tori. I'm sorry for waking you." Taekwoon's voice was little and soft, Tori couldn't help but to grin at the sound of it. Tori stood there, half of her body hiding behind her door as she peered at Taekwoon. The grin was growing wider on Tori's lips as she looked at Taekwoon, as she noted how his muscles protruded from his bare arms, or how his shirt fit him just snug enough to show off his nicely sculpted abs. Tori's eyes traveled up Taekwoon's front until they settled on his shoulders. She could have stood there for hours gazing at the fine creature in front of her and would have just that, had it not been for Taekwoon suddenly sneezing,
"Oh...I'm sorry, Taekwoon, come in. You didn't wake me...I've been up...for a while actually. I can't sleep...Is everything alright?" Tori asked, looking away from Taekwoon as she tried to clear of the goofy looking grin that was surely playing on it. Tori could feel Taekwoon's icy gaze on her back and knew that he was waiting for her to turn around and face him before he answered her question,
"Taekwoon?" Tori asked as she turned around to face him, her hands moving up to fiddle with her ear,
"Ah...yes, everything is alright...I can't sleep either. I don't really know why I came over here...I'm sorry for disturbing you." Tori shook her head and smiled slowly, walking up to him as he turned for the door,
"No! It's fine Taekwoon, really, you didn't disturb anyone...I was just...trying to figure out why I can not sleep..." Taekwoon stopped in his tracks and looked over into Tori's face, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. Taekwoon thought it was strange that both he and Tori could not sleep, and that out of all the places he could have gone, he decided to pay a visit next door.
"Really? Did you figure out why you can not sleep?" Taekwoon asked, watching Tori as she fidgeted with her earring and nibbled on her bottom lip, the actions making him feel uncomfortable and hot. Taekwoon looked away, his eyes trained on a bunch of candles sitting in the center of her coffee table, but only long enough to get his mind off of Tori's arousing lip bite.
"Not really, I...I honestly have no idea what's going on with me. After everything we did this week you would think that we'd be ready to pass out." Tori joked, earning a low chuckle from Taekwoon, whose eyes were now trained on Tori's face.
"Yeah...neither do" Taekwoon did not know what to say to Tori now that they have established the fact that they both could not sleep.
" can sit down if you'd like Taekwoon. Do you want anything to drink?" Tori asked Taekwoon, walking over into her kitchen and opening up her cupboard, not realizing that Taekwoon was following in behind her.
"Yes please." Taekwoon said softly, his eyes trained on Tori as she reached up for a glass,
"Hm...what do to drink?" Tori asked Taekwoon as she struggled to reach her glasses, even on her tippy toes she was having a hard time reaching her cups. Normally Tori would just climb up on the counter and grab one, but considering the fact that her night gown gave her practically no coverage, that was not an option at the moment. Tori jumped at the sudden presence of Taekwoon behind her, his body pressed against her back as he reached over her head and grabbed two glasses from the cupboard and placing them down in front of her. Tori turned around ever so sowly, looking up to see Taekwoon peering down at her,
"Um...thank you, Taekwoon..." Tori whispered her thanks, her hands grabbing the edge of the counter as she felt the strength in her body dwindle from Taekwoon being so very close to her. 
" problem." Taekwoon breathed, hesitating to step away from Tori, at the moment all he wanted to do was grab her, hold her, kiss her. 
What are you talking about Taekwoon!? You two are just friends! She doesn't even view you that way. Taekwoon thought as he crushed the temptation of wanting to take Tori, kiss her, have his way with her. Taekwoon took a couple of steps back, his heart pounding hard against his chest because of his roaming thoughts. Tori turned around and looked up at Taekwoon, a shy smile gracing her lips,
" do you think we should do? You help us go to sleep?" Tori asked as she walked off toward her refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of fresh plum juice. Taekwoon watched Tori as she scampered around the kitchen, her milk chocolate legs mesmerizing him, and the longer he looked at them, the more he wanted to just go over and devour her. Tori grabbed her and Taekwoon's ice cold glasses of juice, and turned around to see Taekwoon staring at her. Immediately, Tori's heart began to thump against her chest, threatening to burst out at any second, as she noticed the direction in which Taekwoon was staring. At that moment all Tori wanted to do was run into her room and slide on a pair of sweat pants, 
" maybe we can...I don't know...turn out all the lights." Taekwoon suggested shrugging his shoulders, tearing his eyes off of her legs and looking over at the fair end of the kitchen. Tori let out a breath, that she did not even realize she was holding until Taekwoon looked away from her. Tori kept her eyes trained on the floor as she walked over to Taekwoon, both of her hands shaking with nerves. It's not that Tori was afraid of Taekwoon or anything like that, no, it was the complete opposite. Tori wasn't shaking because of fear, she was shaking because, at that moment, the moment when Taekwoon's eyes were glued to her body, for a second she knew exactly what it was running through his mind. Tori glanced up at Taekwoon, but only for a brief second before handing him his juice and looking down into her glass.
" we know...turn off all the lights and like...I don't know, have a camp out. We can light the candles, and that can be like the fire...and maybe we can build a fort out of sheets...which can be like the tent," Tori sipped at her drink and glanced up Taekwoon, slightly embarrassed at suggesting something so childish. Taekwoon took a drink from his cup and smiled down at Tori, not saying anything for a while,
"That sounds like a pretty good idea to me." Taekwoon said, taking another sip of his juice, his eyes still on Tori's face,
" really think so...?" Tori asked, her face burning up with embarrassment and from the fact that Taekwoon was staring at her, his eyes intense with emotions that she could not necessarily identify. 
" okay I'll be right back...okay?" Tori smiled brightly, set her cup on the counter, tiptoed out of the kitchen, disappearing somewhere into the back. Taekwoon sat his cup on the counter next to Tori's and followed after her, He listened as a series of doors were being opened and closed, followed buy a couple of groans and maybe an ouch or two.
"Tori?"  Before Taekwoon could figure out where Tori had gone, she came tipping from her dark hallway with a couple of bed sheets folded up in her arms.
"Here, take this." Tori said walking over to Taekwoon and placing the sheets into his arms. Tori was all over the place as she searched next for some matches. Taekwoon eyed Tori as she pranced around the house, his eyes settling on the candles that were on a table next to the sofa,
"Uh...I found them?" Taekwoon said, his eyes settling on small next to all the candles. Tori walked into the living room where Taekwoon was standing holding the sheets.
"Where!?" Tori exclaimed the question, her tone a little warning, the frustration of having looked all over the place getting to her. Taekwoon nodded his head toward the coffee table, a small smirk spreading across his lips as he watched the irritated girl's face shift, the expression on her face no longer one of frustration but soft anger.
"Thanks." Tori sighed, walking over to the table and grabbing up a match or two in her hands. Taekwoon looked at Tori, keeping an eye on her as she struck the first match along the box. Tori held the match by the tip, bending down to light as many candles as she could with that one match. When the fire from that match wore out, Tori lit another match and began lighting the left over candles.
"Ouch! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Tori exclaimed, dropping the match onto the table and stepping back as if the fire was going to jump out at her. Taekwoon remained calm and walked over to Tori, placing the sheets on couch, and taking her hand in his hand,
"Are you okay?" Taekwoon asked coolly, examining the burn on Tori's finger. Taekwoon looked at the pink scar down the middle of her hand, remembering when she cut her hand open, now there was a matching red scorch mark,
"You are prone to hurting yourself aren't you...first the knife incident and now the matches. I'm going to have to keep an eye on you so you won't kill yourself." Taekwoon said shaking his head, bringing Tori's hand up to his mouth and blowing on the area where she burned herself. Tori didn't really know how to respond to Taekwoon, she was just a little too flustered and hot to form any words. Taekwoon began to pull Tori towards him, but before he could pull her into his chest, into his body, he took a couple of steps back and pushed Tori on to the couch.
"Okay, stay here while I finish lighting the candles. Then, I'll make the sheet fort. Understood?" Taekwoon said, kneeling down, blowing cool air on her hand when he finished his declaration. Tori looked down at Taekwoon, who was still blowing on her hand and shook her head,
"No Taekwoon, I want to hand is alright. Please let me help you." Tori peered down at Taekwoon and began to pout, Taekwoon shook his head and smiled.
"But Tori... " Taekwoon glanced up at Tori to see her face twisted up into a pout, his heart lurching in his chest, she was just so cute. Taekwoon smiled even wider and groaned,
"Fine....just don't complain when your hand starts to hurt. Because I am not going to help you." Taekwoon placed a soft kiss on the inside of Tori's hand and stood up to his feet. Taekwoon grabbed up the sheets and tossed on over at Tori, who it hit dead in the face,
"Hey!" Tori exclaimed, snatching the sheet up and glared over at Taekwoon who had turned his back on Tori and began constructing the fort. Tori growled to herself before standing up and constructing her part of the fort. Soon there was a fort made out of sheets large enough to cover half of the living room. Tori took a couple of steps away from the fort,
"Hmm...looks goood don't you think?" Tori asked Taekwoon, placing her hands on her hips and tilting her head to the side. Taekwoon folded his arms across his chest and scrunched up his nose,
"It looks all we have to do is turn off the lights and crawl inside." Tori wasn't looking at Taekwoon, but she could her the grin in his voice as he walked away toward the light switch. Before Tori could catch up to Taekwoon, ,who was already on the other side of the room, the room fell completely black. Tori stopped dead in her tracks, looking at the dimly lit room, her shadow cast about the room, the figure wavering as the candle light flickered back and forth, side to side. Tori could hear Taekwoon's quiet movements as her made his way back over to where she was. Taekwoon grabbed Tori around the waist and pulled her down to the floor with him, letting her go so he could crawl into the fort, Tori following in behind him. The light was even brighter when they got inside the sheet fort because that's where all the candles were located. Tori laid on her stomach and rested her head on her arms, which were folded underneath her face, her eyes trained on Taekwoon how was lying on his back. Taekwoon peered at Tori, her face upside down as he gazed her backwards. Tori sat up on her elbows smiled at Taekwoon, moving a hand over to his face and poking his nose, giggling shortly after as she watched his twist up. Taekwoon could swear that the moment her heard the girl's laugh he was going to melt. Taekwoon turned around so that he was now laying on his stomach instead of his back, so instead of seeing an upside down Tori, he was seeing her right side up.
"What's so funny?" Taekwoon asked, peering into Tori's eyes, the flickering fire cast beautifully dark shadows on her face, and Taekwoon could see the tiny flames dancing in her eyes, the sight taking his breath away.
" You are, Taekwoon...your face is really's cute..." Tori giggled, bringing a hand up to hind the fact that she was still giggling. Taekwoon shook his head and chuckled,
"You're weird Tori...did you know that?" Taekwoon said chuckling as Tori stopped giggling. Tori smiled into Taekwoon's face,
"Whatever, this coming from a guy who was just laying upside down...all the blood running to his cute little cheeks." Tori retorted, reaching forward to pinch Taekwoon's cheek. Before Tori could lay one finger on Taekwoon's cheek, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward,
"Oh no you don't..." Taekwoon laughed as Tori kicked and flailed about playfully, trying her absolute best to get out of his grasp. Tori started giggling again as Taekwoon pulled her across the floor, her strength nothing compared to Taekwoon's, who was probably not even putting forth any effort to yank her toward him.
"But your cheeks are so cute. You know they are kiddo." Taekwoon raised an eyebrow as he continued to pull Tori toward him,
"Kiddo? Last time I checked, I was twenty four and you were...oh yeah that's right technically you're the kiddo." Taekwoon said, pulling Tori into his lap and holding her hands against her sides to keep her from pinching his cheeks. Tori began to put when she could not free her hands from Taekwoon's grip,
"Pretty please, just let me pinch your cheeks this one time..." Taekwoon looked at Tori's lips and then into her eyes, his face burning with an unknown heat that originated from somewhere deep with in himself,
"hmmm...can I pinch you back?" Taekwoon asked bluntly, eyeing Tori's adorable cheeks, which had shadows of her eyelashes cast upon them. Taekwoon loved the way Tori's long eyelashes always seemed to sweep across her cheeks when she blinked, and he bet almost anything that, if she were to kiss him, hug him even, that her eyelashes would tickle his face.
"No! Why would I let you do that you babo!?" Tori exclaimed, the tone in her voice every bit of a playful one. Taekwoon smiled mischeviously and nodded his head,
"Okay, go can pinch my cheeks...but when I say stop you have to stop...okay? And I won't pinch you back...I promise." A big grin spread across Tori's lips and she batted her lashes a couple of times before before bringing her hands up to Taekwoon's face. First, Tori poked at Taekwoon's cheek, his flesh soft to touch. 
"I said you can pinch my cheeks not poke them!" Taekwoon spat, taking a hold of Tori's hands to pull them away from his face, but he never did so. Tori used her thumbs to Taekwoon's cheeks, suddenly the mood in the room shifted, the energy that sipped through the air, dying down. 
"You have really nice skin Taekwoon." Tori whispered as she traced random shapes along his left cheek. Taekwoon just looked at Tori as she became absorbed in drawing invisible shapes on his cheek, her now unoccupied hand falling down to his neck. The pads of Tori's fingers, so gentle and light, brushed his untouched skin, making his skin crawl with warmth. It was amazing to Taekwoon how one simple touch from Tori could cause so many different emotions to burst with in him, emotions that he had never before felt. Taekwoon gazed into Tori's face, eliciting from the gorgeous girl a small and hesitant smile, 
"Hmmm...I'm s-sorry..." Tori said smiling shyly, drawing her hand away from Taekwoon's face, but only briefly before swiftly pinching his cheeks and breaking out into a fit of giggles. Taekwoon frowned, those emotions still swimming around inside of him as he watched he very girl wo was the cause of them scramble away from him, before seizing her by the waist and tickling her sides,
"Yah!" Taekwoon exclaimed as Tori began to giggle and flail about in his grasp. 
"S-st-stop it T-Taekwoon!!" Tori shrieked, the shriek even louder because she was laughing, the tickling sensation spreading through out her body and her eyes squeezed shut  
"Taekwoon~!" Tori shouted, her high, sweet voice filling the air once more. 
"I said I wasn't going to pinch you remember? And I'm not..." Taekwoon grinned and laughed, after a few more minutes of tickling Tori to death, Taekwoon stopped, pushing the few strands of his hair out of his face. Taekwoon looked down at Tori, who was laying on he floor, her knees drawn up to her chest, her arms wrapped around her sides, her body still shaking with laughter. Taekwoon leaned forward, laying on his side, propping his head up with his hand as he waited for Tori to stop laughing,
"Are you done?" Taekwoon asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Tori's red tinted face. It was so amazing how extremely gorgeous Tori was, how, even when he was sure he hated her, that she was still beyond gorgeous. Tori sat up, turning around so that she was facing Taekwoon, brushing the fly away strands of hair that were now obstructing her view.
"That wasn't funny Taekwoon!" Tori exclaimed as she pushed at Taekwoon's hard chest, making the man fall onto his back, but not before he grabbed Tori's hand and pulled her along with him. Tori's cried out in surprise as she flew through the air and landed on top of Taekwoon's chest,

Taekwoon!" Tori growled, looking down into his eyes. For a while that's all Tori could do was look at Taekwoon, she couldn't move, she couldn't think, all she could do was hold Taekwoon's gaze, her body falling victim to Taekwoon's enchanting spell. Tori reached out toward Taekwoon's face and brushed his hair out of his eyes, watching as the flames now danced in his eyes. Tori could get lost in those dark orbs of Taekwoon's and not mind one bit, in fact, at that very moment, Tori didn't mind getting lost in Taekwoon, but she  knew that that would never happen, she would never allow it to happen. Aftr all, they were just friends.
Right. We're just friends... Tori thought as she peered down into Taekwoon's eyes, pushing herself off of him and on to the floor next to him. Tori laid on her stomach, her head resting on her arms, her eyes glued to Taekwoon as he lay on his back.
"Why does this always happen? How is it...that we always find ourselves at each other's place? Hm?" Tori inquired, blinking her eyes slowly as she fought the tiny drops of sleep. Taekwoon turned his head so that his eyes were on Tori,
"I don't's weird isn't it? But you know...honestly...I don't mind...being at your place or you being over my place...I always seem to have the most fun...when I am with you..." Taekwoon said,  rolling over onto his stomach and looking over at the cluster of candles before laying his eyes on Tori's face. He could tell that sleep had finally caught up to Tori by the way her eyes were glazed over, by the way her lips were turned up into a sleepy and lazy grin. Taekwoon leaned forward and blew out a candle,
"What are you doing, Taekwoon?" Tori asked, her voice no louder than a whisper. 
"What doe sit look like I am doing genius? You are obviously sleepy and you'll never be able to go to sleep with all this light..." Taekwoon retorted, his voice just as quiet as Tori's. Tori scoffed, 
"Whatever, Taekwoon, I'm not are...I can totally see it in your eyes...and I can hear it in your voice..." Taekwoon rolled his eyes and laughed.
"Sure, whatever you say, Tori..." Taekwoon blew out another candle, 
"Don't blow them all out yet...I'm not that tired's only..." Tori paused for a little while, crawling over to her phone, which was laying against a wall toward the far end of the fort. Tori pressed the side button of her phone to see that it was going on 4:37 in the morning. Tori gasped softly, giggling shortly after,
"'re delirious..." Tori jumped at the sound of Taekwoon's voice so close to her ear. Tori fell into the wall, placing a hand over her racing heart,
"Don't do that!" Tori exclaimed, resting her head against the wall, looking up at the dimly glowing sheets over head. Taekwoon grinned wide and began to chuckle,
"I'm sorry Tori, I didn't know I was going to...okay that's a lie...I was trying to scare you." Taekwoon said finally, taking a seat beside Tori, leaning his head against the wall as well, his eyes looking up at the sheets.
"You're a jerk, you know that right?" Tori said, using her her fist to push Taekwoon away from her, but he did not budge. Taekwoon looked down at Tori and frowned, 
"And you are terribly weak..." Taekwoon said pushing Tori over to her side on one effortless flick of his wrist. Tori sat back up and glared at Taekwoon, the playful grin on his lips setting the butterflies in her stomach a blaze with excitement. 
"...I'm not weak, you're just...stronger than me..." Tori said as she pushed Taekwoon over, using all her strength to do so. Taekwoon groaned as he pushed himself back up, 
"You really like getting beat up don't you?" Taekwoon asked Tori, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. Taekwoon seized Tori's wrists as she tried to push him again, and pinned her arms down, gently pushing her to the ground underneath him, careful not to crush her. Taekwoon leaned down, his hair tickling her cheeks, his breath warm on her neck, his lips just mere inches from Tori's. Taekwoon wanted more than anything to just close that gap and kiss Tori. Taekwoon peered down into Tori's face, her eyes sparkling with the dim candle light, making Taekwoon's heart leap in his chest, and for a second, Taekwoon could not draw a breath, 
"...I told were weak..." Taekwoon whispered, letting go of one of Tori's arms and brushing her hair out of her face. In actuality, both Taekwoon and Tori were weak, and they only had each other to blame for their mental, emotional, and physical weakness. Tori kept her eyes on Taekwoon as he leaned forward, his lips nearing hers, her heart thrashing around in her chest, threatening to burst out. Time seemed to slow down the closer Taekwoon got to reaching Tori's lips, and Tori's breathing ceased, but right before his lips had a chance to even brush against Tori's, right before all the crazy and jumbled emotions were out to rest, Taekwoon rolled over onto the floor next to her. Taekwoon's heart was racing from the fact that he was actually about to kiss her, his face hot from having been so very close to Tori. Sitting up, Taekwoon rested his back wall against the cool wall both he and Tori were just leaning against moments before the little wrestling thing occurred. Tori lay on her back, still a little dazed from the fact that Taekwoon nearly kissed her, her heart still beating violently against her rib cage. Tori didn't know if she could bring herself to even look at Taekwoon now that they had almost kissed, but then, there was this part inside of her that only wanted to look at Taekwoon, that wanted to stay right next to Taekwoon, that wanted to feel ever bit of Taekwoon at every single second of every single day. Tori sighed softly, her heart now swelling with the desire of wanting Taekwoon forever in her life. Tori sat up and scooted over to where Taekwoon was, leaning over to lay her head on Taekwoon's shoulder, her eyes heavy with sleep and her heart dripping with raw emotions, the urge to be close to Taekwoon taking over her. All Tori wanted to do was stay in the little sheet fort with Taekwoon by her side forever, no one bothering, them neither one of them having to worry about classes, or anything else for that matter. Just Tori and Taekwoon. But Tori knew that that was too much to ask for, that it was too selfish of a wish. Taekwoon looked down at Tori, wondering how, even after something so amazing, something so incredibly beautiful and frightening, almost happened, that Tori wanted to be close to him. Taekwoon gazed down into Tori's face and smiled at her, his heart fluttering. Taekwoon rested his head on the wall and shut his eyes, humming a soft, quiet, and mellow tune that would send anyone into a deep and pleasant sleep.
"Hmmm? You know...only people who can not sing hum?" Tori fabricated this lie, her ears burning from having just heard such beauty come from deep within Taekwoon's throat, wanting only to hear if he had vocals to match the mesmerizing humming, knowing that maybe if she provoked him a bit, that he'd sing. Taekwoon raised an eyebrow questioningly, gazing down at Tori with a skeptic expression on his face. Tori looked up at Taekwoon and smiled sleepily.
Taekwoon brought an arm around Tori, pressing her into his body, her head resting on his leg as he her hair and softly but surely began to sing, his lovely voice catching Tori off guard, causing a small gasp to escape her lips. It wasn't that Tori did not think Taekwoon could sing, no, Tori just wasn't expecting him to actually start singing, and honestly, she was not expecting Taekwoon's voice to be so alluring, entrancing, she wasn't expecting Taekwoon to be so irresistible. Tori couldn't do anything except listen to Taekwoon as he sang, as his tranquil, sweet, and relaxing voice, every word, every contrast in pitch and volume, captured her heart. Tori shut her eyes, her heart fluttering away in her chest as Taekwoon her hair and sang his song, a song about a love that he had never found until he met this one girl, this one special girl who seemed to throw his entire world in for spin. This girl who brought out all the bad in him, and made all that bad disappear, the good that he was not sure he was capable of displaying, taking over his heart, burning the pit of his stomach. Tori couldn't help but dear to think that maybe Taekwoon was singing about her. But then again, after everything she has put him through, even though it was far behind them, Tori figured that she was the last person Taekwoon would be singing about. Tori thought that, there was no way she was this girl who took out the bad and brought in the good, because up until a few weeks ago, all Tori was capable of doing was hurting Taekwoon. She could hear every bit of emotion, every bit of sadness, and pain, every moment of joy and bliss through Taekwoon's ballad, and soon Tori found it hard for her to hold back tears that she didn't even know where burning at the back of her eyes. Tori didn't know what her problem was, why it was that Taekwoon's song of love was making her cry, why it was Taekwoon was making her feel so twisted up and lost. But no matter how frustrated she got from not being able to figure out her emotions, all Tori wanted to do was be near Taekwoon, as if by her staying near him, that she's soon figure out that jumble of emotions within her. 
Tori...what's going on with you? Tori thought as the tears ceased to roll from her eyes, her eyelids too heavy to open again. Tori was finally falling asleep. Tori could no longer hear Taekwoon's song as loudly as she could seconds ago and knew that it was either because she was surrendering to sleep or he was falling asleep. Either way it goes, nothing could ever ruin the moment that Taekwoon and Tori was sharing, not even time, because just knowing that they would wake up the next morning and see each other's bright faces made their submission to sleep a gentle and effortless one. Taekwoon the last note of Taekwoon's song lingered in the air for a while, the sound washing over Tori like a gentle wave, carrying away all her restlessness, all her momentary insomnia.
" know Tori...maybe people who hum just...don't want to sing...unless they are singing to someone they care for deeply..." Tori was barely awake, her eyelids so heavily shut that there was no telling if she'd even be able to open them again, but there was no mistaking what Taekwoon said. Though his voice voice saturated with exhaustion, there was no way she misheard what it was Taekwoon declared. There was no describing how hard her heart was beating against her chest, how, that one little comment, made Tori feel. At that moment, that doubt that was in Tori's heart, all went away, and the idea that maybe Taekwoon's song was about her after all, began to creep its way in its place. 
Taekwoon knew that Tori was probably asleep, and that there was a slim chance that she even heard him. But one thing he did know was that, the song that came to him in the matter of seconds, was the same song that had been playing in his heart since he met Tori, and that one song, held all the answers to his misery. All this time that he fought with himself, all this time he fought against his feelings, here they were, presenting themselves in the form of love song that had forever hid itself in his heart. Taekwoon sighed heavily as he shut his eyes and recalled the lyrics that poured out of his heart, trying to decipher each and every one of their possible meanings. But that attempt to decipher the message that was burried deep in his heart was short lived because, just like Tori, Taekwoon soon fell victim to the exhaustion that was tugging at his body all day.
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Hi guys~^^ I am back w/ an update. I hope you all enjoy. Sorry for keeping y'all waiting so long. I'll try to be more consistent with updates. I promise.


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lexiki #1
Chapter 13: Omg I'm so in love with this story
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 13: This is like my favorite favorite favorite story and I am going crazy because I get so involved reading it.... I cant wait for an update... im already about to fall off my bed with feels! !!!
SF5_ParkHyuRa #3
Chapter 13: the amount of feels i felt man author-nim i flipped at every chapter haha

update soon :)
Chapter 13: welcome back >3<
Jungkoyoung #5
Mianeyo #6
Chapter 12: Oh that was so beautiful a bit sad but beautiful
Mianeyo #7
Chapter 11: Here comes the hurt...
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 10: What we have here mina is a classic case of a misunderstanding
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 9: Every chapter they inch a bit closer