save me......please!

Had dinner with her family was such a blessing and fortune for Yongguk. There was no sorrow on their faces especially Ji In. He could see Ji In slowly gained her confident to be happy and trust people around her. Perhaps, Mrs Lee had convinced her to be brave and forget what she had been through before. The night he spent with Ji In’s family made him couldn’t turn back from not loving the beautiful and innocent girl like Ji In. Yongguk knew that Ji In will never know what is in his heart and thoughts. But, for him it was enough that Ji In still believing in him and made him as her protector. He didn’t know if Ji In feels the same way as him but maybe before she did. Mrs Lee stepped beside him after had finished all the housework. She put her veiny hand on his shoulder. “How you are feeling right now?” he quickly smiled at the middle aged lady. “Everything is under control. I’ve got some ways to regain her memory. Maybe, it helps a little.” She patted his shoulder and nodded. After a long thought, she spoke to him, “How about you spend a night with us. I mean you can look after her tonight, play with her, make her remember something from the past. Is it okay?” she asked spontaneously. He pursed his lips tightly as he was thinking something whether to stay or just leave and have a lonely night by himself. His brain processed everything if he had any important things to be done on the next day. “But if you don’t want it is alright. Don’t bother to think hard.” Mrs Lee interrupted from behind. He looked back and smiled widely. “I think I’ve made up my mind. I want to stay.” 



There were a few knocks on the bedroom’s door. Ji In quickly jump off from her bed and pushed all the things aside then opened the door when she saw her mother was standing outside her room with a comforter in her hands. “What is that for?” she pointed at the blankets. Without saying anything, her mother shoved the blankets onto her and asked her to make the bed in the guest room. But when she heard her mother mentioned the guest room, her face brightened and a wide smile was formed. “Yongguk will overnight in our house?” she followed her mother from behind and never took away her glance from her mother. Mrs Lee just smiled like she knew how happy Ji In was just by listening that yongguk would be there for a night. She took a deep breath and quickly turned around. She held her hand up to stop her daughter from getting too much excitement. Ji In halted then smiled. She looked so happy till she showed up her gummy smile. “Go bring these blankets to the guest room and do not barge in to the bathroom. He might take a shower.” Ji In nodded and quickly walked to the room with those blankets in her hands. As she reached the room, she couldn’t see anybody in there and she thought that her mother was right. Maybe yongguk was taking his shower to pamper his body. Ji In sneakily went inside the room to prevent any distraction so she would not disturb yongguk. She put all the blankets on the floor and picked up one of them then spread it onto the mattress. She climbed up the bed with her all fours then she tried to make the bed looks tidy. At the same, Yongguk came out from the bathroom with his still wet hair and only towel at the bottom part of his body. “Woah, I never thought a girl like you will be in my room.” He shocked her. Ji In quickly jumped off the bed with the awkward looks. “I’m…..I’m sorry but my mom asked me to….” She couldn’t make a word because she kept thinking that Yongguk would scold her. But, her thought was drifted away because all she could see and hear was his laughter. He pulled the chair under the desk and sat on it, “Do you know how cute you are?” he snorted. Ji In pouted. How could he laugh at her as she thought he would kill her because sneakily entered the room. That was embarrassing especially she had seen him in just only a piece of cloth which called towel that hanging around his waist. He looked totally y with his flexed muscles, his abs but she managed to get rid of those dirty thoughts and because of that she felt uncomfortable. “Ji In?” he tilted his head to the side. She looked up toward him. “Yeah?” she smiled awkwardly that she didn’t know her face looked ugly. Yongguk was still laughing. He stood up and walked to her. She started to feel nervous but she tried to act cool. “Didn’t you hear me?” she paused and pursed her lips then smiled. “Of course I heard you but I can’t recall it so can you say it again?” he snorted in disbelieved. “You are cute!” he called out with his gummy smile that nobody could resist. Ji In could feel her heart was beating faster but he tried to control her excitement from him. She just drew a smile and scoffed a little to throw away the awkwardness. “I guess I should leave now and let you put on clothes. Ok….. I’m going out now.” She nervously turned the knob and quickly opened the door but then she looked at him. Yongguk was still standing at the same place and was looking at her. She smiled awkwardly and almost got a pinkish red mark on her cheeks. “Erm….. bye!” she hesitated and quickly closed the door behind her to hide her blushed cheeks. Ji In stood outside the room for few minutes. Her hands kept touching her face. “He said I’m cute.” She grinned alone and giggled few times.


“Good morning!” Yongguk greeted from the stairs as he knew Ji In and her mother were in the kitchen. Both of them replied at the same time. Yongguk stood next to Ji In and leant closer to her. Somehow Ji In felt uncomfortable when he was leaning arm to arm with her. She kept pretending to stir the coffee in the pot to distract her feelings. She could tell Yongguk was smirking there but then she felt his breath onto her ear. “Hey cutie!” he stood straight again. He was still smirking and about to burst a laugh when he saw Ji In startled by his action. Without looking at her, he coos, “You are blushing”. Ji In quickly took the tea pot to the front before Yongguk could say any other word. She put the tea pot on the table and in a flash of light she went upstairs. Mrs Lee tried to ask her but she was a bit late. She eyed Yongguk who was looking at Ji In when she ran upstairs. “What had happened?” Yongguk shrugged. “I don’t know” he settled down on the chair. “I’ll see her in a bit.” He smiled. Mrs Lee nodded but her face seemed really curious and worried. After awhile they were having breakfast, Ji In was still not coming down. Mrs Lee became really worried and she was about to stand up to look up for her but then Yongguk stopped her. “It’s okay. Let me check on her. Maybe I’m offended her just now but I think I didn’t do anything but just a greeting.” He sighed deeply then quickly climbed the stairs. He inhaled deeply as he reached in front of Ji In’s room. He moved his hand to pull the knob and the door opened. He peeked out and saw Ji In was lying in her bed. Yongguk silently closed the door behind him and took a seat on her bed beside her. He smiled while his fingers brushed a lock off her hair from the forehead. For some reason she was awake and gasped when she was finally found Yongguk was in her room and freaking sat next to her. He giggled again. “I’m sorry, I fell asleep. I didn’t realized.” She whined. Yongguk brought his hand towards her head and gently tucked her hair at the back of her ear. She looked down from embarrassment. “It’s okay. I know you are tired. But why did you ran away just now?” she looked up but tried not to look in his eyes. “I….I….I was feeling shy.” She finally said. “For what?” he tilted his head to the side while his hand was still caressing her brownish hair. “You called me ‘cutie’.” She half whispered. Yongguk stopped caressing her hand and scooped to not let his laugh burst. Ji In pouted. She thought he must be lying to her. Deep inside her, she loves him calling her with such cute nicknames. She felt disappointed and just looked down. But all of sudden, Yongguk pulled her in his chest. Yongguk’s hands gripped her waist tightly and hugged her. She kept blinking her eyes for couples of times. “What are you trying to do?” she asked. “To make you feel my sincerity.” He kissed on top of her head.  She smiled and dug her face into his chest. “Am I cute to you?” Ji In muffled. “Ermmm. Very cute.” He replied at his best. She pulled up her face after yongguk had given the answer and stared at him with her cute face. Yongguk turned blush and tried not to meet her gazes. “Look at me.” She with her cute voice. Yongguk’s hands were still holding her waist but her eyes were at everywhere around the room but Ji In. Ji In smirked and she stood on her knees then cupped his face. She forced him to look at her. Yongguk surrendered and finally he looked at her. “I’m looking at you now. So, what do you want?” she chuckled. They looked at each other for a minute before she realized yongguk has brought his face closer to her. Her hands were still cupping his face. She stared at his lips that were getting nearer to hers and finally his lips touched her lips. She felt like in heaven when she could finally feel his lips onto hers. She felt secured with his appearance around her. She felt everything was awesome when he is being around her. Yongguk’s pulled her body closer and she let out a soft moan when he tried to deepen the kiss. He her lips to ask for a permission to devour her. She simply gave in and let him won the fight for dominance. His kiss was so passionate then what she could ever think. Every expression she could feel it through his soft and passionate kiss. They were making out for a few minutes before Ji In pulled back and both of them panted searching for oxygen. “Please remember me, Ji In.” he made a word before he hugged her for a second time. “Don’t leave me and go with another guy.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m here for you.” He kissed her forehead again. Her eyes started to well. “I will not let you go. I promised.” Her tears fell down and she hugged him tight.


Mrs Lee quickly ran after her when Yongguk brought her down to living room. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” she checked everything on her from head to toe. “Yes I’m alright. I was fallen asleep.” She laughed at herself. Yongguk was chuckled at her too. Then, her mother offered her something to eat since she didn’t get to eat her breakfast. Ji In looked so happy and that made her mother and Yongguk happy too.


squeals at last im updated this fic. sorry for the late updates hahahaha winks winks


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hyunnielover26 #1
so intresting! please update soon! ><
Chapter 2: Eh please continue