Will You?
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It was already 10 am but the both of you were still asleep. You then woke up first.


As you opened your eyes, you saw that you were on a small room. You sat up and look around and saw Myungsoo sleeping beside you.


You then remembered the things that happened yesterday. Those sweet things he did for you that make you smile. *I guess he really carried me all the way here.* You blushed as you keep staring at him.


You sat closer to him. You then started to touch his nose and his lips. *So cute.* You were smiling and blushing. But then he moves.


You quickly lie down and pretend to sleep.


Myungsoo woke up and saw you beside him. Much closer to him than what he remembers last night.


But then, his phone started ringing. You then pretended that you just woke up because of the noise.


Myungsoo answered it. “Yes. We’ll come down now.” Then he hangs up. “Who was it?” You asked. “It’s mom. She said that a chauffeur is waiting for us downstairs to take us home. Let's go.” He stood out of the bed and wore his shoes.


You also stood up from the bed and started wearing your heels but he stopped you. “Let your feet rest first. Look! It got blisters already.” He then took your heels and offered his back again to you.


You hop on his back and he walks downstairs and pays. You both then hop off to the back seat of the limousine.


It was your first time riding a limousine and was astonished that it was really that wide inside.


Myungsoo gets the remote and slides down the window at the front so he can talk to the chauffeur. “Ahjussi. Just take us home.” The chauffeur nodded and he closes the window.


So it was like only you and Myungsoo were inside the car.


Myungsoo opened some compartment under him and gets a first aid kit. “What is that for?” You asked.


He remained silent and just

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Chapter 49: Done read it! Another story of yours that i love, such a sweet story ❤
MyungieM #2
Chapter 49: so sweet...
MyungieM #3
Chapter 26: it's so cute. hahahhaa why is sunhae so innocent? wandering around after run from home
Chapter 19: His mom doesn't like her too. Oh my.
Chapter 17: Myungsoo! You can't just leave a girl like that! Specially at night!
Chapter 15: Oh Myungsoo! ♥
Chapter 12: How could you tie her up like she's some kind of a....uggghhh!
Chapter 11: The almighty Piknik. Lol xD
Chapter 10: Omomomo.....pretentous biatch, huh?
Kyaaaaa~ Woohyun! ^^
Chapter 7: Okay.......sweet!