Will You?
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It was school again and not to mention, this is also your first day ever stepping into the school known by all as Myungsoo’s wife.


As you enter the school, all eyes were on you. Whenever you are passing by a crowd of people, they would always make way for you to pass by. It’s like they’re afraid of you or something.


You first went to the lockers to get your books. Eunji was there standing in front of your locker.


“Excuse me. I have to get my books.” You kindly said to her but she still just stood there. “I’m asking you kindly so please, just move.” You said again. “Until you gave me my Myungsoo back, I will keep bothering you.” She replied.


You look at her and she smirked. “Ya! I don’t care if you and Myungsoo kissed in front of us, the important thing here is, he’s not yours!” She exclaimed.


You just ignored her and pushed her away from your locker to get your books. “Nobody dares push me! Do you nkow that?!” She shouted at you.


“Now, I dared to!” You shouted back.


“Aish!” She then pulls your hair and made you step back. You look onto her and slap her hard on her face. “I’m just an ordinary girl unlike you. You're a and I'm not! Maybe that's why Myungsoo don't even like you!” You screamed.


You then walk away but she pulled you back and grabs your chin tightly. “What?! ?! Try to look in the mirror to know who's the real is!” She shouted back and slaps you on the face.


You fell on the ground. “I’ll seriously beat you up to death!” She hissed and started kicking you. You then got up and pushed her away. “I don’t want to fight. So please, just leave me alone!” You shouted.


You then turned your back and tears started to flow from your face. You walk away. “Ya! Come back here!” She shouted and runs after you.


When she caught up with you, she grabbed your wrist and turned you away to give you another hard slap on your face.


“What?! Now you're crying?! Ya! I'm the one who supposed to cry!” She hissed.


Just then, Myungsoo saw the both of you and quickly enters the scene. “O..pp…a” Eunji stuttered and began to cry and pointed at you.


“Oppa! She...She slapped me!” Eunji complains. You were just silently crying with your head down.


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Chapter 49: Done read it! Another story of yours that i love, such a sweet story ❤
MyungieM #2
Chapter 49: so sweet...
MyungieM #3
Chapter 26: it's so cute. hahahhaa why is sunhae so innocent? wandering around after run from home
Chapter 19: His mom doesn't like her too. Oh my.
Chapter 17: Myungsoo! You can't just leave a girl like that! Specially at night!
Chapter 15: Oh Myungsoo! ♥
Chapter 12: How could you tie her up like she's some kind of a....uggghhh!
Chapter 11: The almighty Piknik. Lol xD
Chapter 10: Omomomo.....pretentous biatch, huh?
Kyaaaaa~ Woohyun! ^^
Chapter 7: Okay.......sweet!