Chapter 8

The Collar


~Joon’s POV~

     “We can NOT allow harm to come to Angel!” I pound my fists on the table instead of my brothers. They are refusing all of my attempts to save her from what twisted plans that Asar has planned. “You didn’t see what just happened! He has her brainwashed or something!!” I punch a wall to release some anger. Why now of all times do they need to be difficult??

     “Joon! We can not, I repeat, can NOT interfere with Asar and his servant. We have no grounds to command him on how he treats his subjects, even her.” Seungho reiterates as he leans back in his chair. He rubs his temple like he’s already given up talking to me. Rude.

     “What if she-”

     “Hyung!” Thunder interrupts from his chair next to my vacated one. “Thats what if! We need solid proof that she is anything of a threat to the kingdom. She is a servant! Not The Sword, not even a fighter! If we were to intervene with Asar and how he treats her, he will take that as an insult and start the war he wants! ” 

     “You’re wrong.” I pace for a minute as I try to gather my thoughts and words of what I will say next. “She is... something important to Asar. If we separate them then he is crippled.”

     Everyone is silent for a moment before G.O hyung bursts out laughing. “You mean you want her with you!” I turn to glare at him only to see everyone else holding back their laughter. “You liiiiikke her~ You want to hoooold her~” the rest of his taunt is drowned out by everyone’s laughter.

     Its not that I haven’t liked someone before.... just that everyone thinks that I have a wall of ice around my heart because I’m harsh to everyone. My brothers laugh at me now because they find it funny to push people away when I really like them.

     “Stop it you jerks! I’m being serious!!” I sit with a puff as I wait for them to calm down. “I know that she is involved with every Asar does. If we can get to her, we can defeat Asar!”

     I stop before I repeat myself. Just let them think...

     Seungho breaks the silence with a sigh. “What do you have in mind?” Everyone looks to me, each one with a raised eyebrow.

     “I.... I don’t know. Thats why I want all of you to help me...” I look down at the table waiting for their reaction.

     Mir grins and stands up. “I do have a plan. Though I doubt any of you would like it.”


~Your POV~

     My Lord gave me a dress. It is white as my orginal clothes are, but this seems more lavish.There are actual sleeves and they’re really, really puffy. Its all the way to the floor and tight. How the hell do I move in this? I can’t do anything but stand. Forget about walking!!

     What am I to do? We are having dinner tonight and then My Lord is showcasing me. What am I even going to do? Lord Asar woke me from my black out to tell me to get dressed and then left me. Its weird for him to be separating himself from my watch so often. 

     Have I become obsolete after so many conquests?  Does he really plan to let me die at the hands of the five kings?

     As I have my silent mental breakdown, the Captain walk in and looks me over. I look more like a lady than I have in my whole life. He must be surprised at how I look... if only I could bring myself to look at myself.

     “Angel. Its time for dinner.” Captain holds his hand out to lead me to the door. I pause to look at him, feeling this will be my last time to see the person who someone could consider a..... an acquaintance.

     I walk out the door and follow the armed guards to meet with My Lord before we enter the dinning hall. My Lord just nods in my direction and walks ahead of me. His rage is still shown in his eyes and the deep frown that he wears. I’m scared to know that My Lord is still angered with me, afraid of what will come.

The walk is silent as the sullen mood is absorbed in everyone’s mind. Pausing only at the door to be announced, My Lord enters before me as the guards tighten their formation around us. I could barely see between them as we walked forward, not even the long table was visible between the black uniforms.

I heard the chairs scrape against the floor as the kings stood up to acknowledge My Lord entrance, and again when everyone sat down. The guards only spread out after My Lord was seated leaving myself at his shoulder.

     Someone gave an audible gasp to my right. I was tempted to look over and see who it was... but I feared that it was Joon and I would lose focus. And with how things have been, I needed to stay focused.

     There was something off about how everyone was acting and the silence in the room made me almost physically sick. No one was speaking, they just sat there looking at each other.

     After a moment or two I look around the room to assess the situation we were in. Guards standing at each door and window, the kings -skipping over Joon- hiding their weapons in their jackets. I see that the musicians aren’t really here to play music, but hiding weapons behind their instruments.

     My Lord sighs from his boredom, making everyone turn their attention to him. My Lord glances at me and then the five kings. “Well, I believe that you are aware that this shall be my last night staying within your fine palace.” He pauses as he gauges everyone’s reaction. We’re leaving? Since when? Why?

     “An rebellion has risen on my far boarders, and I believe they have outside help. So I must leave immediately.”

     Surprisingly, instead of Seungho speaking, G.O stood up and address My Lord. “We will do all that we can to help you. Please allow us to bring in some of our soldiers to assist you.” My Lord shakes his head before he was even finished.

     “That would be unwise, King Byunghee, though generous. I fear that the rebellion is a distraction for our enemy to attack you as you have your army spread out.”

     “Then, what should we do to help you?” G.O seems more and more suspicious as he eyed My Lord, though he didn’t speak on his suspicion.

     “Its more of what I can do to help you, but first a demonstration might be in order. Your guards will be able to help.” my Lord stands up and walks to the center of the open space before the long table, gesturing me to follow him. “I haven’t been completely honest with you kings, Angel here is my servant... but she’s also my personal guard.”

     My eyes remain still though they strain to widen in shock, much like every person in the room did. What the hell is this? THIS is the plan??

To be continued...

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Chapter 8: Ooh its so cool! Totally different from the stories i read so far! Please update soon ^_^
you have a new fan right here~~
Oooohh!! I recognize your story! :D
You're the one from the "writingat2am" tumblr! *.*
I've read the parts you updated on your tumblr and so far I'm loving it! ^^

Keep up the good work :)