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My secret
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Sulli ran downstair, she seriously doesn't care that she's 5 months pregnant or whatever. My was trying to get up, but he was too weak.

"Minho, are you okay?" she asked as she's trying to help him to get up. He just shook his head without saying a word, Minho was having a big huge headache, he felt like fainting, Sulli helped him walk to the sofa, and lay down on the sofa as soon as he's only 1-3 inches away from the sofa. 

"Stay here okay?" Sulli asked, she needs to clean the mess in the kitchen and cook some breakfast for him. Minho just nodded, he can't say anything because of thr stupid headache he's having. BIG HUGE HEADACHE. He can't fight for the pain he's having. Sulli cleaned up the mess that's on the floor, but then her thumbs started to bleed because of the broke glass, she sighed and washed her hand. She wondered, what is wrong with Minho. Does he have a deasies? Is he sick? If he does, why didn't he tell her? 

After an hour, the pouridge is still cooking. Sulli was cutting carrots into cute little cubes, she kept asking herself a lot of questions about minho, and didn't realized that she accidently cut her finger with the sharp knife. Meanwhile, Minho kept chaging the chanel, he wants to watch a good drama, but there weren't any good drama at that time. He was so bored that he wanted to do something fun, but he doesn't have much energy to do something that can make him happy. Suddenly, his phone rang. He looked at the screen and it was, Yuri. He rolled his eyes, he don't freaking care what she want now that he clicked 'decline' and put his phone back at the coffee table. But as soon as he put his phone on the coffee table, his phone rang again, it was Yuri AGAIN. He decision is not to ANSWER any calls from her, he just ignored the calls. The ringtone annoyed him, and Sulli too, but he covered his ears with the cushion. 

"Minho! Just answer the freaking phone" Sulli shouted all the way from the kitchen. It really bothers her and her mood.Minho turned off his phone, be seriously doesn't want to answer all her calls. Sulli went to the living room with a bowl of pouridge for Minho, she sat on the couch next to him."Here" she took the spoon and fed him, but Minho looked away. He doesn't want to eat, because he lost his appetite. "Choi Minho! eat!" 

"I don't want to eat. Why? Why? Why? Everytime we're sick we have to eat pouridge!" He said. He wants to eat something else. 

"Choi Minho. Eat this, and we'll go to the hospital after you're done eating. It'll help your digestive sy

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danielalmh #1
Chapter 17: unnie cuando actualizaras
xfa se quedo intrigante
Yulianayl #2
Chapter 11: Nice story
peach0603 #3
Chapter 17: Omg I read everything already!! It's so sad what's wrong with Minho?? I hope he can heal from his pain soon. Pls update soon authornim I really love this fanfic <3
peach0603 #4
I read the description and I can't wait to read right now !! Fighting authornim :))
CutiePie29 #5
Pls update more
jhanehojas #6
Chapter 17: pls do more updates i really love your story what happen to minho pls,pls,pls tnx authornim
minsul22 #7
Chapter 12: poor sulli!
miss_dolly22 #8
I did read youre foreword,and subscibed this story
!i hope this will be a good fanfiction,i did readw a lot
of them !!!:D
jesse_panda #9
Chapter 17: wow its like reading a drama script! it's really good. This would be so cool if it was a real drama! please update soon!