Chapter 14

Jacket Fortune

Author's P.O.V


Weeks passed by so fast. After that kiss, Jieun and Suho's relation is getting closer each other.

On a Thursday, when they're eating their meal, Luna and Tao pass by, holding hands. Jieun notices their hands, and get choked by her own food.

"Ya, be careful when you're eating!" Suho rubs Jieun's back, which makes both of their faces turn into red. "Looks like there will be a newly couple," Luna walks towards us. "Babe, there's a romantic couple" Luna holds Tao's hands, then points them. Tao chuckles at his girlfriend and says, "yeah, they're so cute." Tao says something to Luna, then Luna nods, and takes a seat in front of them. "Wow, Luna! Since when you're dating with that Panda? And why didn't you tell us earlier?" Luna rolls her eyes, then she pokes Jieun's cheeks. "I've just dated with him, yesterday." Jieun widens her eyes, so does Suho. "Why didn't that panda tell me?" "Anyway, comgratulations, Luna! I hope you'll have a long lasting relationship!" Jieun shakes her bestie's hand. "Well thank you! And I hope you two also can have great love stories than us!" Jieun looks at Suho. Suho looks back at her. Tao comes back with a food tray with two meals on it. "Babe, here's your food." Luna takes her meal and kisses Tao's cheeks. Tao only smiles and caresses her hair. "You're very welcome, babe." "Panda, why didn't you tell us about your relationship?" Tao winks. "I just want to make this a surprise." Tao giggles. Aren't you surprised enough, leader?" Suho rolls his eyes, and just continue eating his lunch.


Suho looks at Jieun. How the way she eats, the way she acts, how the way she reacts. She reminds him about his little girlfriend. Now Jieun gossips with Luna. He wonders why, girls like gossips so much. Whenever he's back to eat his meal, he always looks at her afterwards. My brain doesn't control me, but my heart does.

The bell rings. It means our lunch time has over. Luna and Tao bid goodbye to us, because they have to go to their classes. And when Suho's about to stand up, he falls from his seat. Jieun lets out a big sigh. "Can't you just don't do things silly?" Jieun gives her hand. "Here, let me help you." Suho smirks, then he holds Jieun's hand. He pulls Jieun, so she falls on his warm body. "What are you-" Just then, Suho pulls her head, and theire faces are just an inch away! Suho gives a peck onto Jieun's lips (really, you naughty boy. Mommy have to punish you later). He smirks again, then takes his bag, and go away.


"Why do you really like to kiss my lips? Are you really a ert?" she holds her waist and hitting Suho's head. "Ya! Your lips are just..........." "what? Why don't you continue?" Suho blushes a little. "...sweet" Jieun pouts, and pulls Suho to the History room, because they're attending the same class.

When they arrive, the class is so noisy. Then Jieun asks where's the teacher, and a student answers that the teacher's sick, so she can't teach today. After that, Suho looks really happy. He pulls Jieun to the middle of the class. The tables and chairs are everywhere. Some students are dancing, drawing on the blackboard, etc. Jieun doesn't really care what's happening. She sits on a chair, The Suho brings two more chairs. "What are there chairs for?" He doesn't answer Jieun's question. He makes the chair into a bench. Then, he lies his body on them, and rests his head on Jieun's lap. Everyone is busy with their businesses. "Ya! Why do you lie here? Who allows you to do that?" "I don't care, even if the whole world forbid me to lie on your lap. May I?" Jieun sighs, and says, "do whatever you like, but just don't bother me." "Is this bothering you?" "No." She simply answers.

"Please let me sleep here." Jieun smiles towards the boy. "Okay, but just don't snore in the class." she laughs. In his thoughts, Suho is confused with his OWN feelings to Jieun.

Jieun's just so sweet, so caring, so loving, and herself, is so lovely. I regret my bad words to her, because she never hate me, although I've treated her bad. I feel so sorry to her, after the 'baseball-hits-her-eyes' incident. *sighs* Am I fallen for her?

In the matter of seconds, Suho has fallen asleep. Jieun who's reading her novel, can't concentrate. So she looks at Suho, who has slept peacefully. She rubs Suho's hair to fix it. Then she puts his bag on the floor. Sleeping Suho is just cute. She giggles.

After she finished reading her book, she takes a chance to caress Suho's face. His eyes, his nose, his naughty lips. They're all cute. He's really calm when he sleeps. He's just different from the other boys.

Then, Jieun lies her head on the table. She's exhausted, waiting for the bell to ring. Suho starts to groan. Looks like his habit is up again. I have to calm him. "Shhshh Suho, just keep calm, and dream." Jieun caresses his cheeks. Just then, he stops groaning. He's so cute! Oh my God, I can't help myself to fall in love with him. But, why must him, this awkward boy?


A/N : Our SuhoxJieun is sooooooooo adorable. Suho's really brave to do such things, even at school. By the way, I really really need your comments before updating the next chapter. I want you to give your impressions after you read my story this far. Please? *bbuing bbuing* Annyeong~. I really appreciate your comments! Thank you so much. Also for subscribers! I love you all, really! Kkkk, I have to go now, byeeee *ppyong*


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beby95 #1
Chapter 41: Your story is great
I like it
Chapter 41: WAH DAEBAEK
Chapter 40: What the.......Taemin?! I should have known he was still bad.......
Pls update soon~~~
Chapter 39: TaeU<3<3<3
And does Chanyeol like Jieun?!?!
Chapter 39: Is taemin have a crush to jieun?
It's getting interseting... update soon... :)
xxw00uxx #7
Chapter 38: I love your story author . Update soon . I'll be waiting . :)
Chapter 38: who is she
Chapter 38: TaeU~~~~~~~
Pls update soon!!!
I can't wait to read the next chapter^^
Chapter 36: i didnt even know what is the reason of Taemin's plan..