Chapter 6

Jacket Fortune

Jieun's P.O.V

Now I'm at the sports field with Suho, Kai, and Jiyeon. Now we're gonna play baseball. Me and Kai in a team, and Suho and Jiyeon in the other team. Don't you know my heart hurts so much, even I can't concentrate in playing.

Now it's Suho's turn to hit the ball. I only look at him, him, and him. He's my focus. And without me knowing, my tears flow, just flow like a river. He's so perfect, his eyes, his skin, his smile, his hair, and his everything. So happy if any girl can get him. But they're not including me. He hates me. Very much. I sighand I don't realize if the ball is flying towards my eye. So it hits my right eye, and it hurts so much. But not as hurt as my heart. Now the sports teacher and Suho is gathering around me. "Is it hurts?" Mr. Lee asks me. I nod. "A little." "Now Junmyeon, you bring her to the safety room." Then Suho holds my arm, and says "let me help you. I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you." I let my tears flow again. I don't know whether to sad or to be happy. "I-it's o-okay, I'm really okay. You don't need to help me." Then I walk by myself to the school building, but before I reach it, I feel like my legs aren't strong enough to carry my body, and my head is so dizzy, then my vision gets blurry, and I don't know what happened next.


Suho's P.O.V

When I was about to go back to the field, suddenly I hear the sound of someone's fainted. So I'm going to check, and I found that dork is lying on the field, fainted. Her left eye is swollen. But now both eyes are swollen. So I carry her to the safety room, and go get a cloth and put some ices on her eyes. After that, I stay for a while to take a look at her. She's pretty, cute too, but she's dork. She always makes problems. I hate it when she lost my money and she makes my lovely shirt torn. (But I think I will put the story in the next chapter.)

Now I'm leaning my head on her pillow, because I'm too tired to sit properly. It's so comfortable to sit in the position like this. My body feels the cold breeze from the air conditioner, and my head is now resting on the pillow. I can smell her hair, it smells so good, and calming, it makes me want to sleep. I close my eyes, and I don't know what happened next.


Kai's P.O.V

"Jongin-ah! Where's Junmyeon?" the teacher's getting mad at me, although I didn't do anything wrong. "I will search for him, Seonsaeng-nim (teacher)." He nods. "Make it fast, Jongin! I need him right now." I run to the corridor, but he isn't there, I search for his bags and belongings, and it's still there. Ah, I remember when Mr. Lee told him to bring Jieun to the safety room, maybe he's there. So I run there, and I see them. Suho is sleeping peacefully on Jieun's pillow (actually it's not hers lol). I want to wake him up, but he looks so tired after the game. I shake his body, and slowly he wakes up. "Hasn't Jieun wake yet?" he asks me. I shrug my shoulder. "I'm just coming here, seeing you sleep peacefully with her." Then I laugh silently not to wake Jieun. "Mr. Lee is searching for you, bro. You better meet him as soon as you can, before his anger explodes to all students there." at first he's hesitant to move, but he stands up, looks Jieun once again, and then he runs away. Maybe he's falling in love with her, but he hasn't realize it.

Suddenly I hear a voice, "Jongin? Why do you here? Who brings you here?" Jieun has awaken from her sleep. "Mr. Lee is searching for Suho, and I think he's here, so I tell him to meet Mr. Lee, and ta-dah, I'm here right now. By the way, how's your eyes now? Is it hurt? Or what?" she chuckles. "No, Jongin, I'm okay. It's just a little sore, but don't worry. At least I can open my eyes. Now I want to go back to the field." "No, Jieun. The bell will ring after a minute more. Just be patient."


A/N : I'm sorry, I think this is a short update. But I promise I will make more updates with longer stories! I'm really sorry *bow* I don't think this is a good story T___T but I promise to entertain you all! Now I have to go. Annyeong~

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beby95 #1
Chapter 41: Your story is great
I like it
Chapter 41: WAH DAEBAEK
Chapter 40: What the.......Taemin?! I should have known he was still bad.......
Pls update soon~~~
Chapter 39: TaeU<3<3<3
And does Chanyeol like Jieun?!?!
Chapter 39: Is taemin have a crush to jieun?
It's getting interseting... update soon... :)
xxw00uxx #7
Chapter 38: I love your story author . Update soon . I'll be waiting . :)
Chapter 38: who is she
Chapter 38: TaeU~~~~~~~
Pls update soon!!!
I can't wait to read the next chapter^^
Chapter 36: i didnt even know what is the reason of Taemin's plan..