Chapter 36

Jacket Fortune

The next day.....

Jieun's P.O.V


Now we're taking a trip onto the first destination. "Wow, the beach is so beautiful!" Kyungsoo squirms. "Yippie! Yoohoo!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun also Chen is screaming outside from the window. But that doesn't interrupt Yixing's sleep, because he's using earphones.

Tao and Luna keep talking about where will they travel (around the beach), meanwhile Kai and Jiyeon are looking outside calmly (as usual they're always calm), and.... us? What do you expect us to do? We're sharing earphones while sitting on the back, enjoying the breezes which blowing on our faces.

"Is it still long?" I pout. "No, it's just for awhile. We'll arrive at 5 minutes." Suho answers. I sigh while resting my back on the chair. Then, the car is full of silence.

At a sudden, I think of Lee Taemin. Why do I feel pity to him? His gaze is really fierce, but there's sadness and........ guilty. But why was he feel guilty? To whom he felt guilty? To Tae Un?

I know, missing a member of family is the saddest thing we've ever cried onto. But, that's not the right way -to make a revenge. I really can't stop thinking of him. Why does he being like this? Is he still sad? Is he depressed?

"Hey, baby." his voice brings me back to reality. "Yes, baby?" he puts his head on my shoulder. "I know you're thinking about him. Just relax, he won't be able to know if we're at Jeju. It's such an impossible thing to do." I smile, "who's thinking about him?" "Then?" I wait for a moment. "I'm thinking about how lucky you're being by my side." he pouts. "I'm bored, baby." "We'll arrive 5 minutes more, be patient baby." He grins.


After an hour, we go to a restaurant for lunch. This restaurant serves many foods from many other countries. We take a seat near to the window, so we can see how beautiful the blue sea of Jeju's beach. "Wow, look! Surfboards! I want to surf after lunch!" "Me too!" the BaekYeol is really excited about surfing.

Meanwhile we're waiting for the meal, I go to the restroom. But on my way there, I bump onto someone. "Ah, sor-" "It's oka-" we stare at each other.

I become really scared.

I need Suho right now, but how can it even be possible, if I call him, everybody will know what problem we're having right now.

How can it be...? How....?



Taemin's P.O.V


We're hungry, so we enter the popular restaurant at Jeju. The insides is so pretty, glamour, and neatly decorated. We take the seat at the middle, next to a group of 12 boys and 3 girls (I don't know to be exact). We have ordered our foods, but I need to go to the toilet. So I ask the waitress where the toilet is, and I go there.

On my way back, I accidentally bump onto someone. "Ah, sor-" but before I can speak, I'm so surprised to see who's in front of me. She looks really shocked. Then I smirk, "our business isn't over, Jieun-ah. Junmyeon may be safe, but you? Who knows..." she looks so pale. "See you at Myeongdong, Jieun-ah. I hate you the most." I walk away, leaving her in confusion and fear.

Fear of dying.....


(Back to Jieun's P.O.V)


I immediately sit and grab Suho's arm tightly. "Why? What's wrong, baby?" he whispers to me. "Tae-Taemin... i-is..." he caresses my back while hugging me. "What happened to him?" "He's h-here...." he looks at me in disbelief. "What?" I point on the seat which Taemin's sitting right now. Suho looks at me. "How can he be here?" I shake my head while trembling a lot. "I don't know....." then he rubs my back, and gulps. "Just keep calm, baby. Keep calm...."


A/N : Bello! Ah, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, my vacation is over! :( at those times I can't update more often but I SWEAR I will give you feedbacks of your comments. Okay? Don't mad at me T_T please give comments! ^_^ also subscribe pls!!! Thankyou a lot :D

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beby95 #1
Chapter 41: Your story is great
I like it
Chapter 41: WAH DAEBAEK
Chapter 40: What the.......Taemin?! I should have known he was still bad.......
Pls update soon~~~
Chapter 39: TaeU<3<3<3
And does Chanyeol like Jieun?!?!
Chapter 39: Is taemin have a crush to jieun?
It's getting interseting... update soon... :)
xxw00uxx #7
Chapter 38: I love your story author . Update soon . I'll be waiting . :)
Chapter 38: who is she
Chapter 38: TaeU~~~~~~~
Pls update soon!!!
I can't wait to read the next chapter^^
Chapter 36: i didnt even know what is the reason of Taemin's plan..