It Was Finally Revealed...

The Start of Something New


After sending Young home, I went to band practice. I saw only Kwang Jin there. I went up to him.

“If I ever see you talking to anyone like that again, I’ll make you pay.” Then I realised that it didn’t make sense why he would walk up to a random band playing street live and insult them. Yuri doesn’t know anyone of them, or I would have known...

“You?” Kwang Jin said with a smirk. “What can you do? Your girlfriend left you for me.”

“Yah! I don’t care. What she does is not my problem anymore. What is your relationship with the band?”

“Me? I am Soo Young’s ex.” I was shocked. Kwang Jin... Soo Young... I finally pieced the puzzle together. My ex is dating her ex. WTH?! But then, people of the same personality hang out with each other, don’t they? I got over my shock. It was good that she was out of my life, but looks like her relationship with Kwang Jin might complicate things. *Cross my fingers* I hope that it won’t affect the band. I want everything to work out.

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Interesting and unique! Great story!
i must say that this story is very good:) you are a very talented person! i hope i can read more of you story's ! im very upset that only few people read you story's! please continue writing because i know it will be marvelous ! Khamsahamida for sharing your talent with us<br />
jonggggup #3
so good;D the ending is so sweet!