Just a dream

Multi shots Yulsic

Disclaimer: I have yet to proofread this chapter since I'm on a biz trip now. enjoy. :)


The music was blasting, people were dancing and Jessica was drinking at the bar counter. The girl was just starting on her second bottle of Martell Cordon Bleu when Tiffany, her best friend, snatched the bottle away from her grip.


“Give it back Tiff!”


“Stop it Jessie! It’s your second bottle!”






“Quit shouting at me and give it back!”


Jessica attempted to snatch the bottle from Tiffany but failed when she lost her balance and fell into Nicole, who rushed in between the two girls, when she saw Jessica’s drunken state.


“Tiff, you don't understand.”


“Tell me, what do I not understand.”


“We had a quarrel before… before he left the house this morning.”


Struggling to keep her emotions, in control, Jessica failed miserably when she remembered the root of their quarrel, and tears started to fall freely.


“It was just a stupid quarrel on who was supposed to pick Yoong up from the babysitter’s.”


Leaving the bottle at the other end of the counter, Tiffany took Jessica into her embrace and gently the latter’s head.


“Shhh…” Tiffany gently cooed. “Everything will be alright.”


“How can it be alright when the plane’s missing?”


“How can you forget that Yul’s a strong man?”




“Yo Bro!”


“Kahi! My dearest Co-Pilot. I missed you bro!”


“Shut it Yul! Let’s get this rolling cus I still have a wife to go back to.”




“Ok. Spill it. What’s wrong?”


“Sica and I quarreled because of who’s-going-to-pick-Yoong.”






“How long have you two been married for. 4 years and counting, bro, and you’re still quarrelling over this?”


“Kahi, don’t start. I mean, how can I pick Yoong up when we’re only going to land at 1900 hours?”


“Well, this is new. I thought you guys have an agreement.”


“Yeah… and, I know Sica’s busy, but she can’t expect me to pick Yoong up when my work only ends one hour after landing.”


“Yul, maybe, Jessica’s busy too?”


“Jungah’s busy too.”




“Let’s not talk about it. Take off checklist, please.”




Back at her mansion, Tiffany tucked Jessica into bed after cleaning the latter with a warm towel. Sighing, she turned her attention to the petite body tucked comfortably under the thick comforter.


Although Jessica was tucked warmly under the thick comforter, the girl was far from being at peace. Jessica was weeping silently, her mind in a whirlpool of uneasiness and her body was exhausted from the worries that clouded her mind. Her husband had left the house for work as usual, and he was supposed to walk through the same door five hours ago, at around 9pm. But now, Yul’s flight had gone missing, and no one knew where the plane had crashed landed.


Jessica knew she was being selfish and had been acting like a child before Yul had left the house the day before. Yul had always spoiled Jessica, giving in to her whims and wants no matter when. But this, time, had she have known that this time, would be her last time talking to Yul, she would have rained kisses on him, tell him all the ‘I love you’ that can keep saying, instead of quarrelling with him, ending their last conversation on an angry note.


But she didn’t know. She never wanted to quarrel with him. She didn’t know why she was bent on starting a quarrel with him when she was supposed to be the one responsible for Yoong whenever Yul had a flight. Jessica would always take Yoong with her to pick Yul up from the airport and the little family of three would head to Hurricane’s for a nice feast.


“Yul, I miss you…” 




Midway through the flight, Yul and Kahi were chatting in the cockpit as usual, since they had left the plane on autopilot and only had to check on the altitude and speed every 10 to 15 minutes.


“So, when’re you expecting your second kiddo?”


“Mid April, I think?”


“You think?!”


“Hey hey hey! Don't use that look. You of all people should know how erratic our schedules can get since it’s winter now, and flights are either delayed or cancelled.”




“Seoul Tower, JSY005, request for landing.”




“Kahi, you heard that?”




All of a sudden, after the loud blasts, all the warning signs in the cockpit started to sound and the plane started to do a nosedive while vibrating violently.


“Seoul Tower roger. Plea-”


“Mayday Mayday Mayday”


“JSY005, captain Yul here. We have two engine failures. Emergency landing now.”


“Ok. JSY005, turn 060 south.”


“We are dropping in altitude!”


In the midst of trying to control the plane, Yul and Kahi received a devastating news from Hyuna, the cabin crew leader.


“Guys! Engine 2 is on fire!”


“Kahi, put 2 out.”


“Hyuna, brace for emergency.”


“Sica, I love you.”


“Jungah, I love you.”


“Don't think we’ll make it to Seoul.”


“Yul, let’s roll!”


“Seoul Tower. Emergency crew on standby.”


“JSY005 are you there?”




“JSY005! COPY!!!”


“JSY005!!!! DO YOU COPY?!!!”




“Breaking news. The fuselage of JSY005 has been found near the beach at a remote area in Busan.”


“It appears that the pilots of JSY005 have performed an emergency crash landing after a seemingly failed engine failure.”


“Experts have advised that having both engines fail on a brand new plane at the same time, is almost impossible, with chances at a hundred million in one.”


“This is the first time in JSY flight history that a plane has crashed and authorities have mentioned that the primary cause may be due to engine failure.”


“Reporter Kwon Boa will give a live report now.”


“Hello, I’m currently at the crash site of JSY005. Authorities have found the fuselage of JSY005.”


“Everyone on board is safe, but most suffer from cuts and bruises due to the crash landing.”


“However, authorities have yet to locate the cockpit, which had broken off from the fuselage on impact.”








“Wake up… Sica!”


Tossing and turning, Jessica finally opened her eyes in shock, with beads of sweat rolling down her forehead.


Looking around, Jessica attempted to calm herself down, but once she saw the face in front of her, Jessica immediately lunged her entire body into the figure in front of her.




Jessica spoke breathlessly, like she just ran a marathon.


Chuckling, Yul brushed away a few stray locks from Jessica’s face and looked at his wife with tender loving eyes.


“Baby, what’s wrong? You seem to be having a nightmare so I woke you up.”


“I… I…”


“Hmm?” Yul gently cooed while holding Jessica in his arms.



“I dreamt that you were missing in air crash and- and we had a fight before you left, and- and they couldn’t find you and Kahi oppa.”


Yul couldn't help but burst out laughing. He felt bad laughing, but currently, in his arms, was the cutest woman in his eyes.


“Baby… you barred me from becoming a pilot when we were 15. Remember? You were watching Seconds from Disaster.”


Instead of answering Yul, Jessica buried her head deeper into the crook of Yul’s neck.


“Besides… why would I want to become a pilot when I can work at home all day and see my pretty wife.”


“Stop it… Idiot…”


While Yul was cuddling Jessica in his arms, their room door suddenly swung open, revealing two boys and a girl, who ran in and jumped onto the bed, and hugged their parents.


“Mommy! Yoong took my sweets!”


“Appa! I didn't! Young took my cookies!”


“Umma, can we continue sleeping here?”


Laughing, Yul grabbed his two boys under each arms and made his way out of the room, leaving the girls to drift off to dreamland again.


Before he left, Yul gave Jessica a chaste kiss on her lips, reassuring Jessica that he would never leave her, and in her forever, Yul would always be there, like his vow, and his promises.


“Sica baby, it’s just a dream.”


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Everglowww #1
Chapter 4: Omg... your writing is so amazingg! I've just finished chapter 4 & woww.. i love your story so far!
Chapter 18: This chapter made me cried T.T
Chapter 28: I'm glad you comeback again, authornim. Ah.. I really miss your YulSic story too... This one shoot really makes me cry... I don't know, maybe I just miss them so much and it's so hard to find fanfic style like yours nowadays. Kinda reminds me with typical Soshified YulSic fanfics. Btw thank you for the story, it's bittesweet but happy ending in the end. Please keep writing and stay healthy, gonna waiting for your next story. Fighting!
jasonds #4
Chapter 28: a little bit weird because usually jess is always the older one and who is pregnant hahahaha but its new....a little bit confuse about the ending...
Chapter 28: Confuse...... they r together in the end or not ....
Btw thank u for ur notes.... :)
Chapter 27: author.... sequel,please... ^^
Chapter 27: Wow i like this story
It is little sad but sweet hehe
Sequel please!!! Hehe
Kaka_Borneo #8
Chapter 27: Awesome!!!
And the blessing keep on pouring eyyy~~
Chapter 27: This is so freaking good! I'm crying af rn. Damn
Greencol #10
Chapter 26: Don't be sad.....let think about some thing that make you happy.