No Reason

Multi shots Yulsic




No one wants to leave anything behind; luxury; promises; loved ones. 


Especially, loved ones. 


But who are we to choose when to leave; how we leave? 


No one. 


Except for Kwon Yuri; she was forced by circumstances. 


Yuri didn’t want to leave, but she had to, because there was so much pain that she could no longer endure. 


Taeyeon had ask, “What was it like to be loved?”


“It was like you had the world to yourself, and you never needed anything more. You had the air that you breathe; the heart that sustains your life.”


That was how it felt, at least, for Yuri. 


But that wasn’t how she expected the story to write itself out. 


Yuri wasn’t prepared for the betrayal that was to come. 


Yuri didn’t know that someone else had warmer arms than hers. 


Yuri couldn’t understand why things had to turn out the way it did. 


Yuri kept all her tears within her and she went on life as usual; she didn’t want anyone to suspect that everything was going wrong with her life. 


So what if they knew? 


As long as she pretends that everything is fine, no one would notice that she wasn’t fine. 


Yuri conceded that he was probably much better than she could ever be. 


He was the acceptance that society is looking for. 


But Yuri doubts that he would ever love as much as she did. 


Yuri knows that it’s a lost cause, so she let her go. 


There was no way Yuri would keep her by her side if all she ever wanted to do is gain acceptance. 


Sooyoung questioned, “How was it like to love?”


“It was like being engulfed in a bed of clouds, to want to give everything to her, without needing to receive anything in return.”


So Yuri didn’t hesitate when she let go of Jessica’s hand; she wanted Jessica to be free of guilt that was charging towards her. 


Yuri left a letter, and she left; she took off to an unknown destination. 




Nth years later, nothing had changed. 


Yuri took a detour around where Jessica used to stay, a small hope within her that Jessica was still residing in the same place; but she knew it was impossible. 


Both of them had grown up, and had resided differently, and Yuri was the one who had let go of Jessica. 


Taking a small walk, Yuri had reached the park and sat on a bench, looking at the children play catch with the most innocent smile on their faces.


“Nice weather isn’t it.”


“Yeah. How are you?”


“Never been the same, since you left.”


“Still the same Jessica I know. Straight to the point, as usual.”


“Why did you leave?”


“Why did you cheat?”


“I was looking for something else, but expected you to stay there waiting for me.”


“I love you, but I’m not a harbor. I cannot take the storm that you command me to weather in.”


“I know.”


“How are you?”


“Waiting for you to come back.”


“I’m back.”


“But are you back for me?”


“You know I’ll always be here.”


“But you left.”


“You needed acceptance and I cannot give you that.”


“I know.”




“Yuri, do you still love me?”


Smiling, Yuri stood up and offered her hand. 


“I wouldn’t be here if I stopped loving you. 


“I needed you to know what you really wanted.


“I’ll always be here, ready to catch you if you fall.


“But don’t break my heart again, 


“Because this time, I might not be here anymore.”


Taking Yuri’s hand, Jessica walked with Yuri into the sunset, with a smile threatening the existence of the sun. 



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Everglowww #1
Chapter 4: Omg... your writing is so amazingg! I've just finished chapter 4 & woww.. i love your story so far!
Chapter 18: This chapter made me cried T.T
Chapter 28: I'm glad you comeback again, authornim. Ah.. I really miss your YulSic story too... This one shoot really makes me cry... I don't know, maybe I just miss them so much and it's so hard to find fanfic style like yours nowadays. Kinda reminds me with typical Soshified YulSic fanfics. Btw thank you for the story, it's bittesweet but happy ending in the end. Please keep writing and stay healthy, gonna waiting for your next story. Fighting!
jasonds #4
Chapter 28: a little bit weird because usually jess is always the older one and who is pregnant hahahaha but its new....a little bit confuse about the ending...
Chapter 28: Confuse...... they r together in the end or not ....
Btw thank u for ur notes.... :)
Chapter 27: author.... sequel,please... ^^
Chapter 27: Wow i like this story
It is little sad but sweet hehe
Sequel please!!! Hehe
Kaka_Borneo #8
Chapter 27: Awesome!!!
And the blessing keep on pouring eyyy~~
Chapter 27: This is so freaking good! I'm crying af rn. Damn
Greencol #10
Chapter 26: Don't be sad.....let think about some thing that make you happy.